Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Where You Belong ❯ Act 05 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kunzite's eyes kept darting to the doorway as he half listened to the young lady seated to his right. He was anxiously waiting for Zoisite to arrive for dinner, as Kunzite had so much to discuss with the young man.

Prince Endymion had suggested earlier that Zoisite might have the potential to become one of his generals, if Kunzite were to mentor him. Kunzite thought it was an excellent idea--Zoisite could have a position and a place to call home.

And I'll be able to see him everyday... Kunzite thought wistfully. Perhaps it would be enough just to have Zoisite near him, until some day in the future, just maybe, there could be something between them, borne out of love and respect, not out of duty or obligation.

As he looked to the doorway for the tenth time, a flustered maid ran in, heading straight over to Kunzite.

"Lord Kunzite, your friend has taken ill," she informed him.

"Who? Zoisite?" Kunzite asked in surprise. The maid nodded.

"He has a fever and chills and when I tried to rouse him to prepare for dinner, he wouldn't wake up," she explained.

Kunzite quickly got up from his seat, made a quick bow to dismiss himself and followed the maid back to Zoisite's room.

Upon entering, Kunzite's heart clenched at the sight of Zoisite lying ill in bed, face flushed with fever while chills shook his body. He seemed to be caught in the midst of a fever dream, as he tossed his head and occasionally cried out.

Kunzite kneeled by the side of the bed and pressed his head to Zoisite's forehead. His skin was much too hot to the touch.

"Please fetch me a basin of cool water and a rag, along with extra blankets," he said to the maid, who hurried off to gather the requested items.

Kunzite silently cursed himself as he brushed back the blonde hair that clung to Zoisite's forehead. How could I have been so careless! After such a long journey, and all he's been through, I should have had him eat and rest hours ago. The stress of all that has happened undoubtedly weakened his body. I am such a fool...

Zoisite murmured a few unintelligible words as Kunzite took his hand and gently placed a kiss into his palm. You must get better...Now that you are finally free...

The maid returned and placed the basin next to the bed, handing the rag to Kunzite. She then placed an extra blanket over the shivering blonde.

"Shall I help, Lord Kunzite?" she asked.

"No, I will handle things. Thank you," he replied. The maid curtsied and then left the room, shutting the door quietly behind her.

Kunzite dipped the rag into the cool water and wrung it out before placing it on Zoisite's forehead. Zoisite stirred slightly at the sudden wetness on his skin, but did not awaken from his dreams.


He dreamt. Some part of him knew it was all a dream, yet even that knowledge did not make things seem less real, nor make him feel less afraid.

He knew this room. It was where he was kept when he was Beryl's slave, a small bedroom with no windows, just a door. The door scared him. It could be opened by anyone, anytime, for anything. He never knew if it would be a servant come to bring his meal, or yet another of Beryl's acquaintances that she wanted to impress by allowing them the use of her prized slave.

He could now hear footsteps coming towards the door, the only warning before the door was flung open. In stepped the duke of some land or another, a greedy smile on his face. Rough hands tore the clothes from his body and pushed him to the bed. The hands were always rough, always taking what they wanted and never giving anything back.

He was in pain as the duke took his pleasure from the body beneath him. Zoisite could feel this pain, fresh as the days when it really happened, when he would come close to screaming from the pain and humiliation.

Suddenly the pain was gone, as was its perpetrator, and Zoisite turned around cautiously. He gasped at the sight of the figure that now stood in his room. A warm smile greeted him as Lord Kunzite held out his arms.

"Zoisite," the dream Kunzite said, "come to me. Be with me. You are mine, now and always. I want you."

Those words were all Zoisite wanted to hear. He surged forward into Kunzite's arms, safe and happy and loved.

"I love you," Zoisite sighed.


"I love you..."

Kunzite nearly dropped the wet rag as Zoisite clearly uttered the three words. He looked intently at Zoisite's face, which now seemed somehow more serene, an almost smile playing on his lips. His breathing had evened out and the chills were starting to subside. Kunzite sighed in relief and pulled the blankets up higher over Zoisite's body.

Relief filled him as he knew in his heart that Zoisite would recover. He would stay by his side until he awoke. There was only one thing that bothered Kunzite, a thought that he tried to push to the back of his mind: Who was he dreaming of? It was a petty thought, especially at a time like this, but he just couldn't help himself from wanting it to have been him that Zoisite spoke these words to, even if it was just a dream...
