Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Where You Belong ❯ Act 06 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Zoisite's eyes slowly fluttered open as he finally awoke. He felt unusually cool after breaking such a high fever and was still a little light-headed. The sound of soft breathing caught his attention and when he looked to the side, there was Kunzite, kneeling down beside the bed, his head resting in folded arms on the mattress top. He was fast asleep, long ivory hair curtaining him from the light that was starting to peer in through the windows.

The sight of Kunzite kneeling there brought a soft gasp from Zoisite's lips. His master had stayed by his side through his sickness, even though it was far beneath him to do so. Zoisite's heart hurt at the thought of Kunzite kneeling beside him and would have begged his master to arise if he hadn't looked so beautiful in his sleep. Zoisite could only stare at Kunzite's face, wanting so badly to kiss him that he ached inside.

As Zoisite shifted on the bed to try and lean closer, the movement of the mattress brought Kunzite out of his slumber. He lifted his head and smiled at Zoisite before rising to sit on the edge of the bed.

"You're finally awake," he said softly. "How do you feel?"

"I feel better now, thank you. It was foolish of me to fall ill. There was no need to trouble yourself with watching over me." Zoisite looked down at the blanket, an embarrassed blush rising to his cheeks.

"Nonsense! It wasn't your fault," Kunzite insisted. "There should have better accommodations for you--food, sleep, a healer to look you over. I blame myself."

"No!" Zoisite exclaimed, turning to Kunzite with a sorrowful expression. "You cannot blame yourself! Everything provided was more than enough. That wasn't why I fell ill..." The young man couldn't continue to tell just why he thought he had fallen sick. If Kunzite knew he had fallen sick because he had wanted only to be with his master! The kind lord would blame himself even more, but Zoisite knew it was his own fault, for wanting what he should not have, for not being good enough to please his master...

Kunzite took Zoisite's hands into his. "There's no point in arguing about this now. All that matters is that you are well and I intend for you to stay that way."

"Thank you," Zoisite whispered, his mind more focused on how wonderful Kunzite's hands felt wrapped around his own.

"When you are fully well, the Prince asked that I train you to become one of his generals. That is, if you would like such a position."

Surprise filled Zoisite's expression. "The Prince would really want me to be a general?"

Kunzite laughed softly at Zoisite's child-like awe. "Of course. I can see you have a good mind and you are in excellent physical condition, not counting this sudden sickness. You are a perfect candidate for such a position and you will be provided with housing and a wage."

"That sounds wonderful," Zoisite replied hesitantly, "but aren't there other duties I need to take care of for you?" Don't you want me to serve you as I have been wanting to do?

"No, there's nothing else for you to do," Kunzite said, slightly puzzled at the question. "In a few days, I can start your training."

"You will train me?" Zoisite's hopes rose at this news.

"Yes, I will instruct you until you are ready to complete the trials that will allow you to earn the title of General."

"And then?"

"After you pass the trials, you will be assigned different duties. Usually you will work with the other generals, but some tasks you will complete by yourself."

"Will I be able to work alongside you?" Zoisite asked hopefully.

"Sometimes," Kunzite replied, "but I have to oversee all of the armed forces here, from the generals to the knights right down to the foot soldiers."

"Oh..." Disappointment was evident in Zoisite's voice. Even if he were to become someone of worth, there wouldn't be much time that he could be near Kunzite. Perhaps while he is instructing me there is a chance to show him I can be worthy to be by his side.

"Don't worry, it sounds harder than it really is. The life of a general has its advantages, too." Kunzite grinned, thinking of some of the advantages he'd like to arrange, preferably a long mission to some beautiful country village with a certain blonde general at his side...

"I'll let you get some more sleep now," Kunzite said and tried to stand, but Zoisite held onto his hands.

"Zoisite?" Kunzite asked, slightly worried, as the young man didn't seem to be as pleased as he had expected, nor was he loosening his grip any, as though he were holding on for dear life.

"Lord Kunzite, please forgive me," Zoisite whispered.

"For wha--"

Zoisite surged forward and wrapped his arms around Kunzite, holding him tightly as his pressed a desperate kiss onto his lips. Hot tears fell from his eyes onto their cheeks, sorrow and love and fear and need all manifesting in Zoisite's needful embrace, his forceful kiss.

Kunzite was stunned for a moment as Zoisite suddenly kissed him, his mind and body disjointed. Somewhere a voice screamed at him to resist this, that this wasn't yet the right time, but his body did not obey. Instead he found his arms returning the embrace, found his lips returning the kiss with equal passion. When he could breathe again, Kunzite somehow found himself leaning over Zoisite, who was laying back against the bed, looking more beautiful than could even be described. Their arms were still intertwined round one another, their lips a a mere breath apart. Zoisite looked up at him with needful eyes, his breathing ragged, body pushing up against the man atop him.

Finally the nagging voice in Kunzite's head snapped him back into unwelcome rational thinking and he slowly began to pull away.

"No..." Zoisite moaned sadly. Why? What happened? "Lord Kunzite...please..."

Kunzite shook his head. "I can't Zoisite. It isn't fair to you. You owe me nothing."

"Please, I want this, I want you. I know I'm not worthy, but I am yours. I don't ask for anything from you but this. I will do anything for you, by my own choice, but I do belong to you, no one else."

"Zoisite, you don't belong to--"

"I do! Because I want to!" Zoisite shouted, the tears falling hard now. Kunzite took him back into his arms, holding him until the sobbing stopped shaking his body. He ran his hand through the soft gold waves of hair, murmuring comforting sounds.

Kunzite did want Zoisite more than anything; even now, his body betrayed him by being aroused, despite all he had promised he would not do, would not feel, not now...Forgive me...I don't know what to do...I want him more than anything...I want his heart, I want his body, I want him...

"Zoisite," he whispered into the young man's ear. "If that is what you want, more than anything I want the same, but please wait until tonight...if you are well, then perhaps...we may..."

"Yes, Lord Kunzite, tonight, please," Zoisite begged softly. It would be torture to put it off any longer.

The two finally broke their embrace and Kunzite stood to leave. "Rest until then," he said as he walked to the door. One last glance at Zoisite sprawled across the bed sealed the decision in his heart and he left the room to prepare for the night.

Zoisite just lay there, staring at the door, his mind replaying what had happened, his skin still feeling Kunzite's touches lingering there. Tonight...I will show him that I love him...and perhaps he will love me back...
