Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Who Would've Guessed ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Usagi is not going to be exactly the same as she was in the anime. This takes place after Stars. The starlights decided to stay on Earth instead of returning to their home planet with Princess Fireball.
Ages: Usagi and Inners-16, Starlights-17, Outers-19, Mamoru-21
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon.
Chapter 3:
Last Time:
“Usagi we didn't mean to say those things to you,” said Kenji.
“You might not have wanted to say them, but you meant it. Forget though. I'm going to get my stuff,” said Usagi as she went to her room.
Present Time:
As soon as she entered her room a certain little furball, that we love to hate, began to nag her (as usual).
“Usagi where have you been?!” yelled Luna, “We've been worried sick about you. You need to start acting more like a princess and a leader. I can't believe that I'm your guardian.”
“You know what Luna I never asked for this but I never quit. So just, shut up! And if I'm too much trouble for you, why don't you go and stay with some one else,” said a heated Usagi.
“I don't know what has gotten into you but you better get you attitude together,” with this being said Luna left out of the room.
`The nerve of that cat! If I didn't have to keep up this stupid façade I would have told her off write then and there.' With this thought, Usagi continued to pack some of her clothes.
About a half an hour later, she was standing in front of Yaten's apartment. (AN: It's Thursday about 6:30 p.m. They don't have school the next day) Usagi knocked on the door and waited about 5 minutes, then knocked again. Suddenly the door was swung open by Yaten, looking oh so very fine, with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. (Usagi is so lucky)
“Oh my gosh! Did I come at a bad time?” said a blushing Usagi.
“Oh no I just thought that you wouldn't be here until a little later. Come in while I go put some decent clothes on,” replied Yaten as he let Usagi in.
As Usagi sat down in the Living Room, Yaten rushed off to his room to put his clothes on. About ten minutes later Yaten came out, with white t-shirt and some pajama pants on.
“So what do you want to do?” asked Yaten.
“I just want to stay inside, eat, watch some movies, and sleep. If that's okay with you,” replied Usagi.
“It's fine. Why don't you put on your night clothes so that when you get sleepy we can just go to bed,” reasoned Yaten.
“Okay I'll be back in a bit,” said Usagi as she walked into the bathroom.
When she came out of the bathroom, Yaten was sitting on the couch watching TV.
“When are Taiki and Seiya going to be home?” Usagi asked as she sat down next to him.
“Probably around 9 or 10. Alvin and the Chipmunks are coming on in a few minutes do you want to watch that?” asked Yaten.
“Sure I love that movie,” said Usagi. (AN: I'm watching that right now.)
When the movie went off, they watched a few cartoons. Around a quarter to 9, Usagi was fast asleep. Yaten picked her up and placed her on his bed, climbing in next to her. After he pulled the blanket over them he soon fell asleep. The next morning Yaten's bedroom door was thrown open.
“Yaten, time to… What the Hell are you doing!?”
Who do you think that was. I need some ideas for this and my other story. Review and I'll update. I'll try and get another chapter out later this week with some help from you of course. Also sorry it took a while to get this chapter out. I've had so much school work.