Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Who Would've Guessed ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Usagi is not going to be exactly the same as she was in the anime. This takes place after Stars. The starlights decided to stay on Earth instead of returning to their home planet with Princess Fireball.
Ages: Usagi and Inners-16, Starlights-17, Outers-19, Mamoru-21
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon
Chapter 2:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Last Time:
Someone yells, “I'm coming!” from the inside. The door opens and the person says, “What do you want?”
Present Time:
“Oh Yaten! Is Seiya home?” cries a devastated Usagi.
“No, he's at a photo shoot. What's wrong Usagi?” says an uncharacteristically concerned Yaten Kou.
“Nothing's wrong. I'll see you later,” replies Usagi trying to stop crying.
As she was turning to leave, Yaten takes a hold of her arm.
“Wait Usagi. Seiya would kill me if I let you leave while you're so upset. So, just come in and tell me what's the matter with you,” says Yaten.
“Okay. I always knew you couldn't be as mean as you appear to people,” giggled Usagi while she walked into the apartment.
“Don't tell in anyone. It would ruin my reputation,” chuckled Yaten as he closed the door.
They walked over to the couch and sat in silence for a couple of minutes.
“Is Taiki here?” asked a curious Usagi.
“No he's probably at the library studying,” replied Yaten.
At this comment, they both shuddered at the thought of themselves studying.
“Do you want to eat before you tell me why you're upset?” asked a slightly hungry Yaten.
“Yes. I haven't eaten since lunch,” replied a very hungry bunny.
Yaten got up and headed to the kitchen. He came back with a couple of sandwiches and some juice. After they finished, their enjoyable meal Usagi was ready to tell her story.
“Well my problems pretty much started when I was 13 years old,” started Usagi.
13-year-old Usagi walked home with her report card.
“Mommy! Daddy! I got my report card!” yelled an excited Usagi.
“Hey sweetie. What did you get?” asked Ikuko.
“I got all A's again!” cried out the happy bunny.
“We're so proud of you. You're the best daughter in the world,” said Kenji.
“I'm tired. I think I'll go take a nap,” said Usagi.
“Alright I'll wake you up when dinner is ready,” said Ikuko.
“Okay,” was all her parents heard when Usagi went to her room to go to sleep.
*In Usagi's Dream*
Usagi was standing in a garden behind a beautiful palace. She was wearing a silk gown that made her look even more angelic. Suddenly a fairy like woman appeared in front of her.
“Hime. Do you remember me?” asked the fairy like women.
“Are you talking to me? And if so, I don't remember you. Should I?” asked the curious bunny.
“I am talking to you and it doesn't surprise me that you don't remember me. I am your mother, Queen Serenity, from a long time ago and I'm going to restore your memory,” replied Queen Serenity.
Just as Usagi was about to respond when the crescent moon on the late queen's forehead began to glow and a glowing crescent moon appeared on Usagi's forehead. About 5 minutes later, the glowing ended. Usagi's memories of the past were returned to her.
“Mother!” cried Usagi as she ran to hug her mother.
“Hime the reason that I have given your memories so soon is because the negaverse will attach your world in a year or so. I need you to act differently than you do now,” said Queen Serenity.
“What do you mean?” asked a confused Usagi.
“You need to act like a klutzy ditz for lack of better words. You must not tell anyone unless you fell it necessary. Before you leave remember looks aren't always what they appear to be,” replied Serenity.
Usagi: “Okay mother.”
Queen Serenity: “Now it's time for you to wake up.”
Usagi ran and gave her mother a hug before she awoke.
*End Flashback*
After Usagi told him this, she explained all of the important things that happen up until this moment. (AN: I am too lazy to go into detail.)
“Usagi, I had no idea. I knew those inners and that Mamoru were absolutely no good,” said an enraged Yaten.
“Yaten-kun it's okay. I'm still upset but talking to you made me feel so much better,” replied Usagi, “I still have to go home and deal with my parents.”
“I think I have a solution to that. You should tell your parents that you're spending the night at a friend's house and stay here,” said Yaten.
“I don't know. Do you have room for me?” asked Usagi.
“Look you can stay with me in my room. Taiki would bore you and I don't trust Seiya being in a bedroom alone with you,” reasoned Yaten.
“Okay, I'll be back later,” said Usagi as she left the apartment.
Once she got home she was once again forced to deal with her family.
“Usagi where have you been we were so worried about you,” asked her mother.
“I was with a friend. Can I stay the night at their place?” asked Usagi.
“Of course you can,” replied Ikuko.
“Usagi, we didn't mean to say any of those things to you,” said Kenji.
“You might not have wanted to say them, but you meant it. Forget it though. I'm going to get my stuff,” said Usagi as she went to her room.
Will Usagi forgive her parents? What about the inners and Mamoru? Please review and I'll update soon.