Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Why Live? ❯ I love you ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well, I think this is going to be the last chapter. Unless I get a lot of requests to continue.

I don't own any Sailor moon characters.

Darien's POV

I picked Serena up and moved he back into my bedroom. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I carried her. I ignored Reni's wide eyes and her questions. All that matters right now is Serena. I laid her down carefully and gazed into her eyes. She looked up at me with loved sparkling in her eyes. My eyes changed to a look of sadness. Will she try again? Will I lose her?

As if she read my mind she whispered, her voice a little hoarse, "I'm sorry Darien. I didn't realize until it was to late that I don't want to die, but I want to be with you,"

"Don't be sorry. Just as long as you are with me," I gathered her up in my arms, holding her close, afraid to let her go for the fear of her taking back what she just said.

I felt a new pressure on the bed, and remembered Reni. I turned my head towards her, and Serena followed my gaze. I felt her stiffen in my arms at the sight of the pink haired girl. Reni was the unknowing cause of all of Serena's suffering. How was I going to deal with this new problem?

Reni spoke first, "Serena, why did you do that? You always think of yourself. What do you think Darien would have done if you had died?"

Serena sat up away from me, and I missed her warmth, "You don't have the right to talk to me about selfishness. Whenever you are around Darien you hang all over him. Don't you think he has better things to do than hang around with a little brat like you," Serena's brow tugged together in anger.

"Darien likes my company!"

"Not all the time. Sometimes he would rather you go away so he can be with me!"

"No he likes being around me more because I don't always cry and trip and fall!"

Serena lifted her head at a higher angle. Reni's words stung I could tell by the gleam in her eyes.

"Stop both of you!" I had to stop this. We were taking one step forward and five steps back.

They looked at me, "I care for you both and I like being with both of you,"

Serena's POV

He likes being with me, but he also likes being with Reni. I don't want him to hate Reni, but I want him to tell her that he likes being around me more. That she is just a little girl and that he wants me. That I'm a reason for him to live. That I should live.

"Yeah, but Darien you like being with me more, right?" Reni asked the question I was thinking.

"No, Reni," He paused for a moment, "I like spending time with both of you equally,"

My heart sank slightly.

He continued, "I like being with both of you for different reasons though. Reni I like being with you because you are so innocent and you remind me so much of Serena, and Serena, I like being with you because I love you, and you give me reasons to live. I don't know what I would do with out you," Darien looked me in the eye. I felt tears well up. He really does love me.

Darien's POV

The doorbell rang in the distance, and the fact that it did didn't register until Reni said something.

"Darien are you going to answer that?"

"Huh… um… oh yeah," I rose off the bed still watching Serena wanting to hold her, "Hello?"

"Darien it's Serena's mom," I opened the door, "I wanted to know if you knew where Reni was. I woke up this morning and she was gone. I'm a little worried, but I know she likes to come here in the mornings so I was wondering if she was here,"

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry I thought you knew. She's here," I called for Reni and Serena's mom looked ecstatic. She ran in and gave her a hug and promised to take her out for pancakes. Reni smiled and left with her.

I shut the door behind them and made my way back to my room. Serena was sitting on my bed with her knees curled into her chest. Tears shinning in her eyes.

I stopped, frozen by the look in her eyes. I quickly regained my motion control and swiftly engulfed her in my embrace.

"She didn't ask for me. She doesn't worry about me; only Reni,"

"That's not true. She was just worried more about Reni because she's young,"

"Yeah, but I'm her daughter,"

"Serena, don't worry about it. All that matters is that I love you, and I care about you, and I never want to be without you," I held her closer to my chest.

"Darien, I love you," Slowly she unfolded herself and pressed closer to me.

"Promise me you will never leave me," I need her reassurance.

"I promise that I will always be by your side," she spoke into my chest.

I lowered my head and lifted her chin up to look me in the eyes. I sealed our love with a kiss. It was long and filled with all the love I have for her.

"I love you," I whispered across her lips.

Serena's POV

"I love you too," I said into his mouth. This is how I always want us to be.

The End

Well, what do ya think? I hope you all enjoyed this. Now go read my other fic and I'll be happy.