Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Will love conquer all? ❯ Feelings Untold ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1

Feelings untold

` God! This is a typical day' thought Serena, ` first I wake up late, then I trip down the stairs, fail a math's exam and now to top it off there's Darien!' Annoyance built inside her at the sight of her archenemy. She strolled up to him and slapped him on the back.

"Whats up Darien?" she half yelled in his ear.

Darien winced from the pain in his arm and the new pain he found ringing in his ears, he looked over, he never even herd her coming, he was to busy worrying about sailor moon, she had been hurt pretty badly in their last battle with Zoisite. It was then he looked over and found Serena had her arm in a sling and cuts and bruises all over her.

"Oh my god Serena what happened, you tripped in front of a bus or something?" he asked with a cocky grin on his face ` Why did I say that? Why am I always so mean to her? There's something about her and I don't know what, but it drives me crazy.' He thought to himself.

" As a matter of fact no! I got these when I was fighting the nega…omega sale at the shopping mall, yeah that's it; the crowd was so big," she said desperately, giggling to trying to cover what she almost just said.

Did he hear her right or was his hearing going as well, ` did she just say nega? No she couldn't have, how could SHE be sailor moon!' he thought to himself.

Serena stared at him intently; he looked lost in thought and worried. His usual piercing deep blue eyes where now dull and almost lifeless.

"Darien?" she lifted his head up so that he could see her, " tell me what's wrong, I know something's bothering you and it scares me to see you like this, you may get on my nerves some-times and I may get on yours, but were still friends and friends are there to help each other when they need it."

He looked deep into her eyes searching for something, but he didn't know what, he just stared into her crystal blue eyes and felt something he had never felt before.

Serena saw him studying her and she saw his eyes regain life and she met his piercing gaze again like she had so many other times, she was lost in his eyes, she felt afraid and safe at the same time, what was this that she was feeling.

She didn't know how long they were standing there for but the moment was shattered by a piercing scream.

" I have to go," Serena said

" so do I," Darien ran off but looked back at the girl once more. He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw ribbons and light everywhere, where Serena had been now stood sailor moon.

Serena looked over to where Darien had run off to, only to find him standing there staring at her, she felt an overwhelming feeling of terror wash over her. She was about to call out to him to tell him to get out of here while he still could, when he too changed. His clothes changed to the deepest of black suits and a small mask covered his face, he pulled out a single red rose.

Was she really seeing this, was Darien really tuxedo mask?

"ARGHHHHHHHH…" another scream from the park sent them both running in its direction. The scouts were already trying to fend off the creature; they had just found another crystal.

It was a long and hard battle but they finally subdued the creature that returned to their human form. The scouts left their separate ways and it was only tuxedo mask and Sailor Moon who remained.

They just stood there each not knowing what to say to the other, the silence was getting too much for Serena

"Darien?" she asked.

"What is it Serena?" The acid in his voice burnt deeply into her heart, all she was trying to ask was why he was holding his shoulder.

Darien couldn't believe what he had just done, this girl sitting across from him who considers him a friend, his only friend, had just said his name and he practically spat the venom at her when he had spoken to her, what was wrong with him. He doubled over in pain once more as the pain in his shoulder flared up again.

Serena saw that he was hurt, she didn't care about how much he hated her all she cared about was that he was a friend to her and he was hurt, and bad. She ran over to his seat and kneeled down to see if he was ok.

"Darien, your hurt why didn't you tell me?" she reached out to touch the damaged arm, and he pulled it back and cradled it protectively.

"Get away from me I don't need your help!" he practically spat the words at her, Serena felt another ping in her heart ` why am I taking these things so personally, he's hurt, he'd say those things to anyone, wouldn't he?'

Darien saw the hurt in her eyes at his last words " I'm sorry Serena, it's just that when I'm around you I feel different, you're the only one I call names, the only one I tease and I don't know why." One word sprang into his mind but he quickly dismissed it, he couldn't be in love with Serena, could he?

The rain started to fall, just as the weather man had predicted this morning, The rain trickled down Serena's face and made her bangs stick to her forehead. Due to the rain Darien couldn't tell weather she was crying or not, but he could tell that there was hurt inside, caused by him. This made him feel bad, to see Serena upset and know that he caused it, he usually loved making her miserable, but things had changed.

" Serena, I'm sorry for what I just said, I'm just not used to having people around me who care is all." Darien looked into her eyes and saw happiness once more, this made him smile.

"Darien?" Serena asked looking into his eyes

"Yes Serena what is it?" He asked with concern, she seemed different somehow and it scared him

" Darien, there was something I've wanted to tell you for a long time."

Darien's heart stopped dead for what seemed like and eternity ` is she going to say what I think she's going to say' he thought to himself.

" What is it Serena?" He asked, his heart pounding faster and faster by the minute.

Serena lent in and placed her lips on his in the softest and most romantic kiss he had ever had. " I love you Darien," she said as she lent in and kissed him again. Her lips felt so warm to his; he pulled her closer as she let out a little squeak of surprise, which made him smile. He could feel her heart beat against his chest. Pain forgotten his arm slid around her waist till if found the small of her back which caused her to jump, it was obvious she has never been this close to a guy before and it slightly amused him. His other hand reached up to cradle her face " I love you too." He reached in and kissed her, as the passion grew so did the intensity of the kiss until the were an engagement of arms wandering everywhere.

As Serena pulled away to look into his eyes she saw Rei standing behind him and went a bright shade of crimson. Darien laughed thinking she was blushing at the moment that they had just shared, but he saw her line of gaze and turned around to see rei, and the others were not far behind.

"Ah…. Hi.. Rei." Serena said still in Darien's powerful arms.

You could see the rage building up in Rei, she may not be going out with him anymore, but Serena was her friend, how could she do that to her. She Stalked around Serena waiting for the time to pounce and rip her to shreds.

" Guys, I want you to meet some body" she said looking at Darien.

" We already know who Darien is" said Amy

" Yes I know you know he's Darien, but what you don't know is that he's Tuxedo Mask as well," She said

Darien's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets, how could she just come out and blurt it out the her friends, what is she thinking'

The Scouts (not in uniform) just stood there, mouths hung open in amazement.

" Darien, I would like you to meet Sailor Mercury, Amy, Sailor Venus, Mina, Sailor Mars, Rei and Sailor Jupiter, lita" Serena said clearing up the tension in the air she was felling ever since she told the girls that Darien was tuxedo mask.

" Well that explains a few things," Lita said

" Well lets go home, I'm hungry" Serena said

" Your always hungry, and we always have to pay for it" the scouts screamed in unison

" Why are you all so mean" tears swelling in her eyes, she suddenly burst out into tears.

" Its ok Serena, you can come back to my place and I'll fix you something to eat myself, ok?" Darien asked

She looked up at him and agreed, the scouts went their separate was again and Serena and Darien went to his apartment, she had something to eat and the rest it up to you imagination ;)

Hi people, this is my first attempt at a fanfic so go easy on me ok, but I would love you have some feed-back.

I'll try and write some more if you think it's ok. I love the romance relationship between Serena and Darien, and I just thought of an interesting way the could have gotten together. I'm what you would call a hopeless romantic; I'm in love with love so to

Speak. ^_^

Hope to be writing again soon, till next time readers, Remember to stand for love and justice and you'll always come through.