Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Be By My Side, Forever? ❯ Leaving the Past Behind and into the new ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title-Will You Be By My Side, Forever?

Author- Azn_Hiryuu

Summary- Serena's heart is still slowly healing; she go to England and takes magic lessons, what happens if she learned that she did not fall in love with Endymion but his cousin? Who is his cousin?

Me- Hiya peepz~ Oh yeah, P-T wanted me to say: *clearing my throat*

~ I noe ya'll been reading shit, I don't care! This is FANFICTION, it means it's fake! Okay? F-A-K-E! NOT real, no one owns shit, only they're fucking stories. I saw everyone fucking show, I fucking know that don't, but I can't help but Hate Darien, Rae and Rini. Darien is an asshole, the way he been treating Serena in the beginning, and breaks up her over a silly nightmare, love always overcomes all, now how can you get the person you destined to protect to kill you? Rae is a slut, I'm sorry, but she is. She always wanted to be a leader Darien, always pick on Serena! Now, Rini, is just a spoil brat! ~ She think of Darien as her fucking boyfriend; he's what? 16 years older then her? EWE! ~ How can a blond and a black haired dude get a bubblegum pink child? If you want Darien and Serena stupid fic's then u should see mah other damn story! And I did used da fucking spell check; whoeva said dat stupid bullshit! ~

Woo, damn, dat shit is long. She's mah friend! She only continues her account is because of her other story! `Sweet Temptation'

This story is like P-T but different so don't yell at me, I'm fragile. Hehe! Just the idea of Serena is Black's kid and Dumbledore's grandchild the usual Snape's niece.

Well, I guess I shud be saying, I DO NOT OWN SM AND HP!


Chapter 1- Leaving the Past Behind and into the new.

Serena or now, she is called Sailor Cosmos, is standing looking at the stars, feeling lonely and sad that all her love ones is dead.

"I miss you guys so much, you know?" Cosmos said sadly as tears tickled down her cheeks, she didn't bother wiping them away.

"We know, Serena, but we're always by you and with you, every step of the way. Please be happy and go on. We'll send you a signal if there is any danger around" said a voice of Ami, her first Sailor.

"But I miss you soo much; I just cant live without you" Cosmos said semi-sobbing.

"Yeah, Meatball-head. We know that you're sad but you must go on, there is still another evil around, and he's in England" said the hot tempered priestess Rae Hino, her best friend and sister, Sailor Mars.

"But I cant. I know I sense him long ago" Cosmos said holding tighter to her staff.

"Serena, be happy, you made us all happy, now it's your turn. I'm right there always, don't worry, we'll come for you when your time is up" said a strong voice of Lita, Sailor Jupiter.

Cosmos giggled a bit and sigh, wiping tears away, but another always roll down.

"Serena, go on, you need to experience what the world is in storage for you, go to it, save the world, like you did before" a sweet voice of Mina, Sailor V or Sailor Venus.

"What is there to experience?" Cosmos asked softly.

"Kitten, don't worry, please be happy, you brought happiness to us, many time, now is your turn. If anyone messes with you I would personally kick his or her asses for you" said a muscular voice of Amara, Sailor Uranus.

Cosmos laughed, "Amara, you're dead in case you forgotten?"

"So? I'll personally come back and kick his or her asses!" Amara said and Cosmos can picture Amara punching her fist into her other hand.

"Serena, We're always in your heart as you are in ours, you brought us all together. Now, it's our turn to give you what you gave us" a musical voice of Michelle, Sailor Neptune.

Cosmos remain quite and listen to the rest of the advice to go on.

"Serena, please, we died protecting you and I'll always protect you, like you did when I turned into Mistress Nine. I'll always will and honored to protect you. Serena, you became my friends when no one would and with that you gave me more. Please Serena, I watch you gave your friend what they want and you hardly think about yourself. Please, listen to us, go on don't let the grief take you down" a childlike, yet mature voice of Hotaru, Sailor Saturn.

"Serena, you were and still are my first friend, when I took this job of becoming Sailor Pluto. You came and talk to me. I am grateful that you gave me. Please, do us all the favor, please, go on! We don't want to see you sad because we died. There is still a love out there for you; you did not love Darien, as a love did you, Hime?" A mysterious mature voice of Trista, Sailor Pluto.

Cosmos smiled, Pluto was always the one to realize things first then the rest.

"No, I did not love him as a love; we both are in love, yes, but not in that way. They way we loved each other was a brotherly/sister thing; we're not angry at that" Cosmos said shocking the inner.

"Hey Meatball head, please, we all said the same thing, basically, right?" Asked her ex-fiance Darien, Tuxedo Mask.

"Yes, Darien, we all said please, goes on living!" Said all of them.

"Hehe, oh, sorry, they're right, Meatball heads. You once said that you're gonna chance the world, now is your time to chance it" Darien said.

"I will, eventually" Cosmos said stiffly.

"PLEASE, SERENA?" All of them asked, pouting, exception of Darien, who thought it, was childish.

"Okay, I'll go, please tell me; will you be by my side, forever?" Cosmos asked.

"Yes, Serena, we're always be" Darien said smiling, as the rest smiled and nodded, she could see them placing their hands on her shoulders, telling her that they are always there for her, like she was for them.

Cosmos blow a kiss into the sky and left them with their smile on their face.


Everyone waited for Prof. Dumbledore to speak, but he just sat there like he was waiting for someone to burst to the Great Halls. But he was right, a silver haired girl burst in, her hair was in the heart shape buns on top of her head and the rest came down like river of pure silver silk and the clearest icy silver crystal blue eyes. She was dress in a silver blue like cloak, but it stopped at her mid-thigh, making any the single guys to stare, drool and cat calls. (They do know cat calling right?)

They watch her glide her way to the teachers' table and smiled at Prof. Dumbledore and shockingly to Prof. Snape.

"I've been expecting you, my dear" Prof. Dumbledore said smiling but everyone can see his eyes twinkle with excitements.

"I'm sure you have, Grandfather" the girl said, shocking them all.

`Grandfather?' everyone questioned in their head.

"Granddaughter, what brings you here?" He asked softly.

"That's is something, I must speak to you alone, Grandfather" the girl said sophisticated.

"Of course, My granddaughter" Prof. Dumbledore said, as his mood became serious.

"Grandfather, shouldn't you proceeds with the sorting ceremony all ready?" His granddaughter asked, causing him to smile at her.

"Of course. Welcome all to another year of Hogwarts, for first years, you must take note that the forbidden forest is strictly forbidden to anyone who dares to enter in there" Prof. Dumbledore said placing some ground rules.

As then Prof. McGongall took her cue and fetched the sorting hat and places it on the three-legged stool.

"Jones, Susie" Prof. McGongall called out.

A redhead with two braided piglets walked up and sat nervously on the stool.

"Gryffindor!" Cried out the old hat, Prof. McGongall took off the hat and let her follow the table that was clapping the loudest.

"Maximillion, Jason"

A silvered-blond boy with baby sky blue eyes, walked up and sat on the stool, he looks cold, with his attitude.

"Slytherin!" The hat cried once again.

He went to that table.

"Roy, Stephen"

A black kid with red/green eyes walked up and sat down.

"Ravenclaw" the old hat said.

"Roden, Victoria"

A tall bushy mid-black brown hair and brown eyes walked up.

The Slytherin table snickered at the name.

"Roden? Like a rat rodent?" A smart remarked from the infamous Malfoy.

"You better watch where that tongues roll, Malfoy. I hear it that you are my uncle's favorite pupils. I wonder if you'll still his favorite when I'm around" Dumbledore's Granddaughter snapped, making Prof. Snape glare at Malfoy.

Then Malfoy's eyes widen when he realized that Prof. Severus Snape was this girl's Uncle, he narrows his eyes and silently calm himself, by telling himself that Prof. Snape's can't be that girl's uncle; besides she wont take his spot of Prof. Snape's most pride student.

"50 points from Slytherin for that smart remark, Malfoy" Prof. Dumbledore said amusedly.

"Oh dear, please, excuse me, please resume" his granddaughter said with manners.

Prof. McGongall nodded and places the hat on the girl's hat.

"Hufflepuff!" The hat cried.

She walked to her house.

"Stanley, Jasmine"

A dark haired girl walked up and sat on the stool. (Like usual)


After that many was sorted into different house.

"I have one more to announce. I would like you to welcome, my beloved granddaughter: Serenity Athena Diana Artemis Apollo Moon Cosmos Black, to this school; please welcome her in whatever house she chooses. She maybe a black but you do not know her mother's history, so please don't judge her and talk her off. She'll basically bit your head off if you do" Prof. Dumbledore said looking at Slytherin's table, like she's going to be sorted in their house.

Everyone was excited and wonders which house she would choose.

She walked around the stool; sat facing them as she closed her eyes and waited.

"My, my, my, my, what power? Good lord, you could be in any house, my, my, my, this is going to be difficult. Hmm...." the hat said.

After 10 minutes, everyone began to wonder what is wrong with this girl, why is she soo long to settle?

"Please, the sorting hat. I will do the honors of being in my mother's house. I will go to that one instead of my father's house. I choose Slytherin as my house" Serena said out loud, making everyone gasped in shock.

"Are you sure? You will do wonderful in Gryffindor" the hat asked making sure for the final time.

"Yes, I am sure. It's been long, but I want to be in my mother. She would want me there, while my father would me in his house. But I can not. There is something I must find out in my mother's room" Serena said in her head.

"I see. Well, then, Slytherin!" The hat said and no one was clapping except of Prof. Snape, she turned and smirked at her uncle.

"Prof. Snape, tsk, tsk, tsk. Shame on you for letting my mother's house is in vain!" Serena said placing her hands on her hips, making him smirk and Prof. Dumbledore smile.

"What are you talking, Athena? I only brought honors to your mother's house" he retorted.

"Oh really now? I heard that Tom Riddles was in that house, wasn't that true now? Why did great-grandfather make him his heir anyway?" Serena said rolling her eyes and stares at him.

"Well, that was his choice now, wasn't it?" Prof. Snape snapped, glaring at his niece, favorite to be exact.

"I guess, but him?" Serena asked drawling his name.

They were talking as if no one was around him.

"I don't know, why don't you ask him, wait isn't he dead?" Prof. Snape said sarcastically.

"Well, now, wouldn't that be one of my specialties, hehehe" Serena said making a scary laugh.

"I wouldn't know, now, would I?" He asked coldly.

"Whatever, Prof. Severus. I'm going to bed!" Serena said waving her hand and walking away.

"Sere-chan?" Prof. Dumbledore called out.

"Yes, Granddaddy?" Serena asked turning around meeting his eye.

"Wouldn't you like to have some to eat?" Prof. Snape asked rolling his eyes.

"No, Prof. Severus, I don't. I'll have dinner upstairs with Illusion" with that she left them.

"All right, dinner is in order" Prof. Dumbledore said giving them the last note and letting them talk after such a long summer.

"Didn't you see his granddaughter talking to Malfoy and Professor Snape like that?" Ron said with a mouthful.

"Ron...Ron...RON!" Hermione said getting attention.

"Yes, `Mione?" Ron asked looking at her.

"Please, swallow your food before you talk" Hermione snapped at his rude manners.

He swallow and talked. "Are you happy now?"

She looked at him and with a sarcastic remark, "Yes, Ron. Deliriously"

"Wow, who knew, Professor Dumbledore has a granddaughter? And a Black, too" Neville said.

"I know I wonder if she was his sister or something" Seamus said wondering.

"I don't know. We'll ask her in the morning. It's Saturday, anyway" Harry said biting into his chicken leg.


"Hi Illusion" Serena said greeting her Eagle. This Eagle is from Pluto, mysterious as she can be, like Pluto.

The Eagle cried out.

Illusion is silver-blue feather on her back, silver in the middle, silver-golden beak, feet, dark silver-blue eyes but far enough it turned to back; black saws.

"How are you, girl?" Serena said petting her head.

The bird called out again.

"Here you go, Illusion, here's a treat" Serena said giving her large meat.

The eagle bit into it hungrily.

Serena giggles and pet her; "you're hungry to? I am to" with a wave of her hands her food was all over the table, in a matter of seconds she began to carve in.

Serena sigh and flopped down on her bed, petting Illusion, she smiled as Illusion used her powers to let her be with her friends like they once were, before Chaos had entered.

"It's okay, Illusion. I know you want me to be happy to, I better go down and talk to Granddaddy" Serena said holding out her arm, where Illusion perched herself on to and moved to her shoulders, nuzzling her head to Serena's soft warm cheeks.

Serena softly pushed the Great Halls door opens and walked in, ignoring the people's faces when they saw her friend, Illusion.

She walked up to her Grandfather and sat on his lap, resting her head on his chest, like she did as a child, oh, the memories.

Serena wave her hands and got the silver perched for Illusion to perched herself on.

Illusion moved down to her forearm, then flocked her wings and unto the perched.

Serena kissed her head, making the bird cried out, causing her to smile.

She returned to her grandfather and talked in a hush voice, alone with the other teachers, while the students talking about the bird.

"Wow, an eagle, the letter said that only a rat, toad, and an owl, what`s make her so special to keep an eagle?" Whined a jealous girl in Slytherin.

"Quit, your whining, Pansy! It`s is getting on my nerve!" Snapped Draco Malfoy.

"Yes, Draco" she said all lovey-dovey on him, making him roll his eyes.

"Harry, did you see that bird? It's huge!" Ron said envy Serena's pet.

"I know, it's an eagle" Harry said admiring the bird.

"It's an Plutonian Illusion Eagle, to be exact" Hermione said as her eyes widen, sure she read about them, but they were suppose to be extinct, since then she always wonder what they would look like.

"What's an Illusion Eagle?" Ron asked interest.

"An Illusion Eagle can make you see things that isn't really there, they are usually from Pluto, they are really rare to find and extinct" Hermione informed them about the bird.

Then the conversation around the teachers' table has ended.

She took her bird and walked away.

"I see you all have seen my friend, Illusion. As for those who wonder why am I allow to keep this bird, when the letter strictly asked for an owl, toad or a rat. It is because she is the only living one of her kind, my grandfather was nice enough to let me bring her to school, now if you have a problem with it come and see me" Serena said looking directly at Pansy Parkinson, who shot a glare at her.

Then Serena walked down, where Hermione is sitting.

"I see you've read the book about the Illusion Eagle from Pluto" Serena said as if she heard what she said.

"H-how did you know?" Hermione asked shocking from the news.

"Easy, I can hear you from where I was, well lets just say that, shall we? Yes, Harry, I am Sirius Black daughter and your god-sister. You are wondering why I choose my mother's house? Then I suggest you look up my mother, everyone knows her history here, but I only let you know what your suppose to" with that she left, shocking them.

"Wow. I have a god-sister" Harry muttered.

"Hmm... She can't be...She is" Hermione muttered to herself.

"She can't be what?" Harry asked.

"She is the daughter of a certain someone I read in the Hogwarts History, in the first year, but now, I can't remember whom. I have to check the book out and see whom" Hermione said.

"But, you heard her, she only let you read what you have to know and everything else is secret" Ron said.

"Yes, but is she that powerful?" Hermione asked.

"I guess, if she heard what I was thinking" Harry muttered.

"She what?" Hermione asked.

"She heard the thought in my head asking if Sirius is her father and if he is then that means; she's my god-sister" Harry confessed shocking them once again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dinner is over! ~~~~~~~~~~~

All the students went to their house and slept in their dorms.

For another day tomorrow~~~~~~~~~~~


A-H- wow! datz is da shortest chapter I eva wrote! Please tell me

Well, please Review!