Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Be By My Side, Forever? ❯ Library, Dreams, Classes and Black mailed! Love Triangle?? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Me- Hiya peepz thanxz for Reviewing me! Thank you SOOO much!

Eliza Ratz- So watz this chapter all about? ~

Me- Well u just has to read and find out! Serena's is about 5'12" so sue me, it's mah story!

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Chapter 2: Library, Dreams, Classes and Black mailed! Love Triangle??

It was a Monday morning, well; it was 2 in the morning. Serena was lying on her bed: she doesn't seem to be sleeping. She was staring at the ceiling, she blew a low sigh and turned to her side, watching her friend, Illusion sleeps, and she slowly closed her eyes and fall into a dreamland.


"Anastasia, where are you?" A charming voice called out.

"Right here!" Serenity called, while Serena stand to the side watching herself and a certain person lip lock as their hands wonder where they was pleased the most.

When they parted from the kiss, Serenity softly lied her head on his board shoulders to her right as she watched the heavenly planet Earth.

"Oh, how I wish I could go with you, -" Serenity said but the name was muted, so Serena could not hear who was with her.

"I wish I could take you with me too, Ana, but I could not. I have to settle a disagreement between my planet and my cousin`s, -" said the stranger, but the name too was muted.

Serena studied him head to toe. He was tall, well built, muscular, and there was a bright signet of the planet Sun, he also has on a golden-white armor. Serena could tell his hair is silky, but could not tell its color.

"Aishitereu" Serenity told him, leaning up, tipping on her toes.

"I love you too; Ana" as he told her that he leaned down pressed his lips against hers.

Serena stood there watching them, racking her brains out on who could she has fallen for in the Silver Alliance?

Could it be Malfoy, himself? Or could it be her god-brother, Harry Potter?

Then all of a sudden fogs stared to surrounds her; she looks around and saw the spirits of Sailor Pluto.

"Pluto, who did I fall in love with in the Silver Millennium?" She asked her as Pluto stares at her.

"Gomen Hime, but I can not tell you. Only your heart will tell you whom it is" Pluto said mysteriously.

Serena pout and asked "who is he?"

"He is either Prince Endymion's cousin or brother" Pluto said.

"Brother? Cousin? You mean to tell me I've fallen for two guys at the same time?" Serena asked stumped at the relationship.

"Er- well, yes, you did but eventually you fallen for one, while the other is fallen for another" Pluto said.

Serena groaned loudly, she blinked.

"Tell Mama and the others I love them and you too, Trista" Serena said smiling warmly.

She bowed, while Serena rolled her eyes and sigh again.

"With pleasure, Hime" with that Pluto evaporated.


Serena woke with the song of Illusion's singing she smiled at the bird and stumped out of bed, stifling a yawn.

Illusion was watching Serena on her perched.

"C'mon, Illusion, let's go to the Forbidden Forest!" Serena said holding out her arm and Illusion flew to her, perching herself unto her shoulders.

With that they disappeared to the forbidden forest.

They roamed the forest a bit and ran into pack centaurs.

They stare at Serena with confused look.

"What are you doing here? No human would have made it this far alive" said the one with silver hair.

"Yes, I know, but I am someone, every living creature's respect" Serena said as royalty.

They snickered.

"The only person, we creatures have respect for is Princess Serenity of the white moon" one with black/blue hair told.

"Yes, I know, because I am she" Serena said making their eyes widen.

"Is that you, Princess Serenity?" One asked.

"Yes? Neodymium?" Serena retorted.

They bowed their heads in respect for the princess.

"Forgive me, your highness. It's an honor for you to visit us creatures" Neodymium said.

"Yes, well, I came to see about the problem was that happening around here" Serena said seriously.

"The accident of the unicorn? Of course, Milady" said Grand as his pack let her follow the way.

Serena stopped at the sight, there was Silver Unicorn, laying on the ground as their blood is taken.

"I see, so Voldy has taken some of the precious blood of the Silver Unicorn?" Serena commented taking out her wand, muttered a long spell and the sparked flew to the unicorns, out lining them with the bright color and they was up in their feet in no time.

The Silver Unicorn looks and saw the princess and bowed down.

Serena softly place her wand in her inside pocket and petted the unicorns.

"Yes, Milady. You-know-who is back, for the Harry Potter" said Frieze.

"I see. You all stay together, you hear? You must protect this forest and let no human enter for a reason, but if Hagrid is to enter, please let him. Remember the rules, do not help human if they are no wanted help" Serena said with that she and Illusion left and back to the castle.

She was walking to her room, but Draco Malfoy stopped her, with a grim look on his face.

He has silver golden-blond silky sleek back hair, crystal cold blue eyes, tall, muscular, deep very husky tone voice, 6'2", six pack, biceps, etc. (Oh sum1 help me! It's hot `round here!)

"Yes, may I help you, Malfoy?" Serena asked sarcastically.

"Yes, you can. Where were you this morning?" He asked coldly.

"What is it to you?" Serena asked as a brow lift upward.

"Er-well, damn you bitch!" With that he left her laughing coldly.


Harry, Hermione and Ron were all in the library searching for Serena's Mother.

Hermione picked out a book and give a soft `ah'

"What is it?" Ron asked.

"It's Serena's mother. Selenity Zeus Selene Diana Artemis Moon Silvers" Hermione said scanning the pages.

"Damn, why is it? That they both have long names?" Ron asked irritated at the names.

Harry shrugged and looked at Hermione who had no idea.

"Why are you asking me? I may read a lots but I don't why they have long names. It said here that she was the granddaughter of Salazar Slytherin, but apparently Prof. Dumbledore was her father, he married to Salazar Slytherin's daughter and got Selenity. It seems she's more then people seems and more popular. She was more powerful then her parents combined, but it seems that Serena is more powerful then the pervious generation" Hermione said scanning the article.

"Wow" said the two teen.

Harry had chance, along with Ron.

Harry was taller, more boarder, muscular and a deep husky tone voice. He is 16 now, and he was 5'12"

Ron was taller by an inch, so he is 6'0" tall, muscular, deep toned voice, board shoulders.

Hermione has developed more over the years and summer.

She is now 5'9, her hair has become less curly as they were in first years; it is to her mid-back. All the curves in the right places, sculpted figure, sculpted enough to make any guys crazy about her.

Hermione turned to the next page but it was blank, her face was written with confusedness.

"What's the matter, `Mione?" Ron asked.

"All the rest of the information on Selenity was complete blank!" Hermione said flipping through the pages but only 2 pages was not blank and the rest is. There were about 5-7 pages about her. (Wow, damn dat is a lot!)

"Well, Serena did say she only let you know, what is appropriate to know about her" Harry reminded.

"Oh yes, that reminds me! Thanks Harry!" Hermione said kissing him on the cheeks, causing him to blush and made Ron a wee jealous.

"Well, then lets get back before we lose any more points, besides we got classes!" Ron reminded and made them scattered out of the library and into their Common room.

~~~~~~~~Over in Slytherin~~~~~~~~~~

Serena walked out of her room and saw Pansy Parkinson, in her face; glaring at her, to them they didn't notices Malfoy was right there, to their right. (Only Serena did!)

"Yes?" She snapped.

"Yeah, bitch. I only have to tell you once, that Draco is M-i-n-e! Get it? Mine!" Pansy screeched loudly.

Serena smirked and looked at him, "Oh really? Then you don't mind me doing this would you?" Pulled Draco forwards locking her lips with his, kissing him.

Letting Pansy watched the action right in front of her eyes. She screeched again and pulled them apart, when she saw him kissing her back.

Serena opened her eyes and smirked at her and lightly kissed Draco in the lips then walked away, leaving a very mad Pansy and a shocked Malfoy.

`Wow' Draco only thought as he licked his lips and walked the opposite way.

Serena walked to her first class, which is DADA, Defense against the Dark Arts with Prof. Lupin, with Hufflepuff. (I like LUPIN!)

~~~~~~~~~~~~Class Over~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Serena walked to her other class Potion with Gryffindor.

She walked in and sat in front of Draco.

"All right now, first off, we're going to make a potion where it can change yourself into the most" Prof. Snape said coldly and instructed them the potion and the direction, before going to do themselves.

Then Prof. Snape started calling them up one by one.

Pansy was first; she battered her eyelashes at Draco who gagged silently.

She drank her potion and turned into a hamster, making everyone, besides Prof. Snape, snickered at her.

When her potion faded, she ran to her seat hiding her face in her hands.

Then he called Hermione, who changed into a Mercurial Tiger. Everyone was surprised at her change.

`Hmm. a Mercurial Tiger, eh? Not Bad' Serena thought in mused.

A Mercurial Tiger is now extinct because the people from Earth keep on going to Mercury and captures the tigers. The tiger is usually blue all over, so it can disappear in water to capture prey to their environment, but some people see this as millions. Sad, really, that a such powerful and smart animal has to be caged and captured.

Then her potion began to fade away.

"Well done, Granger. 79 points" Prof. Snape said icy and coldly as ever, as he called Harry up.

He changed into a Earthen Phoenix. This Phoenix can control any weather, climax and temperature. This Phoenix is green, exception of its eyes, it was blue as the sky.

"Well, Mr. Potter, well, done. 79 points"

Then he called Draco Malfoy.

Who changed into a Suntans Dragon, a Suntans Dragon is golden color, it's can change into any type of breasts and creatures.

"Well, now, that's what a true Slytherin is all about. 80 points" Prof. Snape said with pride that pride expand as Serena was called.

"Prof. Severus, are you so sure this potion has an effect on me?" Serena questioned to him.

"Yes, Athena, I'm sure" Prof. Snape said coldly.

"Liar, you know its not gonna have any effect on me what so ever" Serena said eyeing him.

"Yes, just drink, Athena!" Prof. Snape snapped with rudeness.

"Fine!" Serena said drinking it, the room was bright, and I mean bright!

But there she was dressed in a long gown, which would made anyone a nosebleed. The top was a golden silver bodice, which pushed up her breast and the rest flow down, but it splits from her inner thigh and downward.

Serena walked over to her desk and sat down, crossed her legs, giving a long good view of her long endless legs.

"I told you it wouldn't!" Serena said crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Athena, you should've changed into a animal, not into your present state!" Prof. Snape told her.

"I know that, but this potion isn't that strong enough for me, oh wait, you want an animal? Here's an animal for you" said Serena as she twirled around and `poof' there she was a Silver Pegasus, with a golden silver horn, silver-blue hair, dark blue eyes, sparkly golden wings and on her forehead was eight pointed stars (is dat right?). So, that would make her a Cosmic Unicorn.

Everyone was stunned at her transformation, but Prof. Snape was puffed with pride and honor.

Then the Unicorn sat down and with another `Poof', Serena was there on the floor in her robe, she looked up and walked back to her seat.

"My, my, wonderful, Sere-chan just wonderful" said a voice at the door with a light clapping.

"Thank you, Granddaddy!" She beamed.

"100 points for Slytherin" said Prof. Dumbledore and left.

"All right, I think we wasted enough time, all ready! Class is dismissing! Athena, you're staying after!" Said Prof. Snape as Serena just sat as the other rushed to their other classes.

"You wanted to see me, Uncle?" Serena asked looking at him.

"Yes, I did, Athena. You're stilling the same, as you were back then" Prof. Snape said with pride.

"I guess I am" Serena said shrugging.

"Serenity, be careful, when your battling against Voldemort" Prof. Snape said out of concern.

"Serenity? You never called me that. It's always Athena, never Serenity. Yes, I will be, but it's awkward coming for someone supported him, don't you think? Uncle?" Serena asked him raising a brow and placing her hand on her hip.

They didn't notices that in the back corner, Malfoy was there, listening to everything.

`So, the infamous Queen Selenity's daughter is Serenity aka Serena! Well, now that's a prize I must get for myself' he thought smirking.

"I know it sounds awkward, but I'm concern. You're the only one in the family, I was really proud about!" Prof. Snape said still maintaining his coldness.

"I guess. Yes, I'll promise, I'll be careful!" With that Serena walked away, while Prof. Snape sigh out of frustration.

Draco left to, following close behind her.

Serena narrowed her eyes behind her as if someone was follow; she turned around and saw Draco smirking eyes.

"Yes, Malfoy?" Serena asked breathing.

"Black, or should I say Princess Serenity?" He asked whispered in her ears.

Serena shivers as tiny electrics sparks went down her spine and through her nerves system.

"You, bastard. You were listening to the conversation that Prof. Severus and I had, didn't you?" Serena hissed.

"So, what if I was? What are you going to do about it?" Draco asked again, pressing her body against hers.

"If you dare, even breathe about my information, I'll going to get your head!" Serena hissed darkly.

"What do I get out of it?" Draco asked raising a brow.

"Are you trying to black mail me?" Serena asked disbelievingly.

"Yes, I am. You're gonna be my girlfriend and if you say no, I'll tell everyone about your little secrets!" Draco said smirking.

"I- *sigh* Yes, Malfoy. I'll be your girlfriend" Serena said giving up since a Malfoy was always hard headed and stubborn, so there's no point on convincing him out of it.

"That's what I like to hear" Draco said pressing his lips against hers for the second time today.

Serena was caught in emotion that she wraps her arms around his neck and pressed harder against him.

He licks her bottom lip for an entrance to her sweet honey pot (So sue me, I can't think da moment), she respond by parted her lips open.

His tongue ran inside her mouth and explored everyone, no one spot was not touched, and then her tongue began to battle his tongue.

Serena softly moaned, while he groan.

They parted as Malfoy carefully ran his finger over her red swollen lips, "and you can call me Draco"

With that he dragged her to their next class. (Wow, first day of class and she's in a relationship already?)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Care of Magical Creatures ~~~~~~~~~~~~ (is dat right? I`m 2 lazy to look in da book.)

There was Hagrid in the middle of the group telling them about this wonderful creatures.

Then suddenly it rained and everyone scattered to the castle.

Serena somehow stumped onto Harry's group, but it was only Harry.

Serena bumped into Harry as she try to walked pasted him.

She looked up and saw lust in his eyes.

He leaned down and firmly pressed his lips to hers.

Serena was lost in her emotion and kissed back, he asked her to open up, when she felt his tongue poking her lips apart.

She parted and he slides his tongue in and kissed every place.

Draco, who was searching for Serena, saw them together and raged fired up inside of him, he stumped over and pushed them apart.

"Who in the seven hell think you are, kissing my girlfriend?!" Draco asked out of anger.

"Your girlfriend?" he questioned lightly to himself, but Draco heard it.

"Yes, my girlfriend" Draco said hissing.

"Well, sorry Malfoy, but I didn't notices you were dating her!" he retorted hotly.

"Well, apparently I am! Let's go, Serena-koi" with that he pulled Serena away and left Harry there with a smirked pasted on his handsome figures.

"We'll see who she's going to be with, Malfoy. We'll see" He muttered to himself, then he spun around and walked to his friends who was puzzled of where he was.

"Harry, are you all right?" Hermione asked out of concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Harry said with a smiled.

"What just happen over there?" Ron asked.

"Oh, nothing" Harry said shrugging it aside.

"Well, Hagrid's class would be cancel for today, lets get clean up, or other wise, we're gonna be sick!" Hermione said dragging them to their house.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Draco & Serena ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"What the fuck were you doing, kissing Potter?!" Draco boomed at her.

"I don't know, he was the one kissing me!" Serena yelled back.

"I see that, you're mine! Okay, no else, but mine!" Draco said with possessively.

"Oh really now?" She questioned as she raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow up.

"Yes! You're mine, since the first time I laid my eyes on you" Draco said as he raised his hands at the back of her head and grabbed a handful of hair and pushed her toward him.

Their lips were locked once again.

They appeared to be kissing for 10 minutes! (wow!)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Serena's Room ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Serena, it's time for dinner!" Draco said knocking on the door, growling he opened the door and saw Serena's eyes locked.

There she was in a towel, dripping wet.

"Yes, Draco. I know. Do you mind? I have to change!" Serena said rolling her eyes as his eyes roamed all over her body as if he's undressing her with his eyes.

"Take a picture it'll last longer!" She snapped making him smirked.

Draco walked forward and kissed her softly on the lips and tightly squeezed her ass, making her squealed.

"I'll don't mind! Change in front of me!" He suggested.

If only looks can kill, she'll roasted him in hell by now.

"Okay, I'll wait outside" with that he left her to change.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dinner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They went to the Great Halls and sat next to each other. (So sue me! I like Dr/Ser)

They finished eating and went to their house and slept, for another adventure for tomorrow.


Hi! soo???????? REVIEWS!~ PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, I'll set a Poll:


Harry/ Hermione:

Harry/ Cho:

Harry/ Ginny:

Harry/ Original:

Draco/ Serena:

Draco/ Pansy:

Draco/ Original:

Draco/ scout:

(U picks!)

Or a Harry/Serena/Draco >? >? >? >? >? >? >? >? >? >? >? >? >? >?

I'll stop the poll when it kits 500 or sumthang!

So Peace, Until next time!!!!!!!!