Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ Mob Boss ❯ the plan ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey everyone. Its been over two years since I updated this!! What the hell right! ^-^

Well...I kinda have had writers block on this story...Not sure where to go with it. I still do not know, so you will all have to put up with me for the time being. Here is chapter 6! Hope everyone likes it. ^-^

Pairing Will Be: (I hope!)
Ikki/ Esmeralda (who died)
Ikki/ Shaka (present.)
Shiryu/ Seiya
Hyoga/ Shun
“Boss” - talking
‘Boss’ - thought
Boss - dreams
/Boss/- seen change or time lapse

Summary: Ikki is a Mob boss, that doesn’t have a weakness… or does he? Seiya, Shiryu, and Hyoga are men that lost their family because of him, and now they want revenge. That’s when they find a file on a child that lives with him, his younger brother Shun. Will they be able to use him to get what they want, or will every thing go up in flames?

Chapter 6: Calm before the Call


Ikki rolled over, smiling when his eyes landed on the blond that was sharing his bed. He reach out, running his fingers down the pale side from shoulder to boxers. Shaka moaned, opening one eye to look at his boss. “Morning.”
“Morning.” Shaka mumbled, closing his eye again. He snuggled back into his pillow, planing on going back to sleep. Ikki chuckled, kissing his nose. Shaka scrunched his nose, turning his head so he could bury it into his pillow.
Ikki smiled, sighing. “Shaka.” Shaka mumbled something back, rolling over to face away from his boyfriend. Ikki shook his head. “Shaka.”
“Sleep.” Shaka told him. Ikki moved closer, wrapping his arms around Shaka. He kissed the shoulder closest to him, then laid his head against Shaka's.
“Don't want to.” Ikki told him. “We need to get up. Neither of us have ever been late to work. Wasn't you that said that we needed to act normal.”
“I hate you.” Shaka told him crossly, rolling back over to face the blue haired man. Ikki chuckled again, kissing him.
“I love you.” Ikki told him. Shaka, now looking into blue eyes, realized that he truly meant it. Shaka sat up, staring down at the other man.
“You love me?” Shaka asked, not sure what to think.
“So much.” Ikki told him, reaching up, brushing a hand down his arm. “And you? Do you really hate me?”
“No.” Shaka shook his head. “I don't hate you. But I don't know if I love you.”
“I don't expect you to know.” Ikki told him. “After the way you old man treated you, I don't expect you to ever know. I never thought that I'd be able to touch you like this. To kiss you like I have.”
Shaka smiled, leaning down and kissing him. “Really now?”
“Yes.” Ikki told him, sighing, eyes closing.
“Come on. Let's get up.” Shaka told him.
“Shun.” Ikki whispered, eyes opening. Shaka gave his a half smile, seeing that lost look in those blue eyes.
“He'll be home soon.”
“I lost him once.” Ikki told him. “Am I going to lose him again. This time with no chance of getting him back.”
“He'll be home soon.” Shaka repeated, getting up. “Come on, we need to get ready for work.”
Ikki nodded, climbing out of bed as well.


Hyoga sighed, stretching. The blizzard had finally past. A week cooped up the house was making him look forward to going to pick Seiya and Shiryu up from the air port. As much as he loved the two, they could still drive him up the wall. He was just hoping that luck was on their side and there was no more storms. He could not stand being cooped up in a house with those two.
Shun was still sound asleep on the mattress that they had sitting on the living room floor. Hyoga walked over, taking the blankets and pulling them up to Shun's chin. He sighed, wondering what would happen when it was time for them to return Shun to his brother. He had become close to the gentle boy. He wasn't sure what he would do when that happened. His world would fall apart when that happened, it was a world that was quickly becoming wound around Shun.
He stood up, moving away from the boy. He headed out, taking the snow shovel with him. Seiya and Shiryu wouldn't be there till almost dark, so he might as well clean the walkway.

/Airplane to Siberia/

Shiryu sat staring out of the window, wondering what they were going to do. Ikki would be calling tomorrow. That would be interesting, for he didn't even know if he could keep up the act. He guessed that it would depend on how Shun was doing. If Shun insisted on talking to his brother, would he have the heart to not let him.
“Shiryu?” Seiya called, looking over at his boyfriend. Shiryu turned to him, smiling.
“Yea Seiya?” Shiryu asked, raising his hand to brush Seiya's hair out of his eyes.
“Your worried.” Seiya told him, reaching up to smooth the wrinkles that had formed the Chinese boys brow.
“I don't know how to keep this up. We could permanently scare Shun. Do you have the ice heart needed to do that?” Shiryu asked him.
“Shiryu. We aren't actually going to do anything to him. We are going to scare Ikki. Nothing more. Shun will be fine.” Seiya assured his boyfriend.
“But is Shun going to be mentally alright when he realizes what we are doing. What is he going to feel when he knows that its his fault that his brother felt the way his is? What then?” Shiryu asked him. He looked out of the window again, at the clouds that was going past as the plane continued on its way.
Shun was a 15 year old boy that was wrapped up in a world that his 20 year old brother thrived in. Now his life would be messed up like theirs had been by this man, this Phoenix. Could he live with himself when that happened? Could he live with the guilt when he destroyed what this boy must think the world was? What would happen then?
He couldn't live with that. He knew that he couldn't. He sighed, looking back over at Seiya. His eyes met the worried brown eyes.
“You're having second thoughts aren't you.” Seiya whispered.
“You're not?” Shiryu asked him. “It was you that said that Shun knows nothing.”
“You believe me now?” Seiya asked, shocked.
“I can't not. You didn't hear the fear in his voice Seiya. He truly believes that we will hurt Shun. And if Shun knew about what Ikki did, then do you think it would have been that easy to get Shun to go with us?” Shiryu sighed, closing his eyes.
“I know.” Seiya sighed.


“Hyoga?” Shun called, standing in the door with a blanket wrapped around himself.
“Yeah Shun?” He asked, turning around to look back at him. He smiled at him, leaning his shovel up against himself so that he could rub his freezing hands together, gloves soaked.
“I made lunch.” The younger boy told him, shivering. Hyoga nodded.
“I'm almost done, I'll be in soon.”
“Kay.” Shun nodded, heading back in, closing the door. He grabbed a few pieces of wood off the dwindling stack by the door, trowing them on the fire. He put the blanket back on the bed, heading over to the small kitchen/dinning area. He pulled a kettle out, filling it with the last of the milk. Turning the stove on, he left it to warm. Shun then went through the cabinet to get the hot chocolate mix. He mixed it in, then filled two coffee cups taking them to the table.
The front door banged open and Hyoga came in, stomping his feet on the edge to knock the snow off. He leaned the snow shovel up against the wall, pulling his coat and boats off. Shun smiled, moving over to him. He reach up, laying his warm hands on Hyoga wind chapped cheeks. Hyoga smiled at him, turning his head, kissing one of the warm palms. Shun giggled, reaching up and brushing the snow out of Hyoga's hair. “Come on, you must be hungry.”
“Famished.” Hyoga assured him, removing Shun's hands with his gloved ones.
“Get you wet gloves off, and come sit down.” Shun told him, extracting his hands and moving over to the table. Hyoga laughed good naturally, pulling his gloves off, tossing them on the wood pile to join his jacket, boats carelessly laying next to it. He grabbed his hoody off the arm of the couch, pulling it on as he made his way to the table. He sat down, grabbing the cut of hot chocolate, sighing in relieve as it warmed his frozen hands.
“You are a life saver.” Hyoga told him, taking a sip.
“Or at least a saver from frost bite.” Shun informed him, giggling.
“Shiryu and Seiya are coming in today. So we need to move their bed back into their room.” Hyoga told him, looking over at the mattress that was a mess of blankets.
Shun nodded. “I know.” He whispered.
“It'll be alright Shun.” Hyoga assured him. He reluctantly sat his cup down, picking up his fort to start eating. “You can join me in my bed if you feel like you need to.”
Shun smiled a very sad smile. “Will I have to go home soon?”
“Don't you want to go home?” Hyoga asked him, wondering why he was sad about that.
“No.” Shun shook his head. “I'm always alone there. At least here I'm not. Plus, I'm with you.” Shun giggled, a blush covering his cheeks.
“I'm glad you here too.” Hyoga told him, sitting his fork down. He reach over, rubbing Shun's arm. Shun took his hand in his, holding it.
“I don't want to be alone.” He whispered.
Hyoga nodded. “I know.”
Shun smiled at him.

Well...That's Chapter 6 of Mob Boss! I hope that you liked it!

I know that its a little short, but that's all that I have right now. Hope that's okay with everyone.

Also, Sorry about this, but the chapter was not betaed. I wrote it and posted it! Hope thats okay!


Next Chapter:

Shiryu and Seiya arrive and Ikki calls again.