Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ Mob Boss ❯ A look into the Past ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
HEY PEOPLE! I don’t know how many people are reading this, but I hope you all like it, if not, well I don’t care if you tell me, I’m don’t think its very good anyway, then again I don’t think any of my stories are…
thz for the review!
Kai from -Arina and Kai-: I’m glad that you like this story, and as for what is going to happen, I cant tell you that, then I’ll lose you as a reader.
Daisuki-na-hito: Shun is a little childish true, but there’s a reason, and I plan to say why, but it may be a few chapters, right now I’m going to tell you a little about some of the others past. And thz for not trying to control this story, its never happened but I’m sure it can happen, right?
Warning and pairing are in the first chapter, or I think they are. If not, well go with it and figure it out on your own since by now you should know what they are.

Shiryu sighed, watching the phone. Ikki would be calling his cell any moment now, and it was going to be trouble. He was supposed to be in Russia yesterday so that they could have Shun talk to Ikki, but now he had to change the plans since there was no way to contact Hyoga.
The phone rang, and Shiryu picked it up on the fourth one, looking at the number. “Hello Ikki.”
“Shiryu?” Ikki asked, sounding confused.
“Very good.” Shiryu told him, glancing at the clock. “You called a five minutes late.”
“You’re the one behind this!” Ikki yelled over the phone, sounding furious.
“Why’s that so hard to believe?” Shiryu asked. “Oh, that’s right, you don’t care who’s lives you destroy.”
“Destroy? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Ikki told him, sighing slightly. “Look, just tell me what I have to do to get my brother back ok? What ever I did to you should be settled between us, not by hurting him.”
“That’s not what you believed when my dad said it.” Shiryu committed. “Maybe I should do the same thing to him that you did to my little sister.”
“Your sister?” Ikki asked. “Shiryu I don’t know who you are talking about, put you better not lay a hand on him.”
“Why shouldn’t I?” Shiryu asked him. “My dad told you that and you still killed her, she was only 7 years old and you still had her killed to pay for his debts.”
“Shiryu, if I did then I’m sorry, but don’t you hurt my brother.” Ikki told him, sounding like he was scared to death. “Just leave him alone.”
“We’ll see Ikki, we will see.” Shiryu told him, glancing over at Seiya. “We’ll take about demands when you call in five day at exactly 2:45 pm and for every minute you are late he may just lose one of those pretty little fingers.”
“WHAT! don’t hurt him!” Ikki screamed at him.
“Then you better be on time.” Shiryu told him. “Goodbye.”
“Wait! Let me talk to Shun.” Ikki said.
“Maybe next time. And remember, 2:45 or all you’ll hear are his screams.” Shiryu told him then hung up, looking over at Seiya, letting out a sigh. “Well, that went well.”
“I think you did good, all bad boy.” Seiya told him, chuckling. “Liked the cutting off finger part. Where did you come up with that?”
“Hyoga’s mom was torched like that for every day that he didn’t bring the money she lost another finger.” Shiryu told him, and Seiya’s smile fell.
“Oh.” he muttered.
“I figured that he has a right to be afraid like we were when our family was taken away, but at least Shun isn’t going to die.” Shiryu committed.
“How long are we going to keep him?” Seiya asked.
“As long as it take for him to pay for what he did.” Shiryu answered, looking out the door. “and more.”
Seiya nodded, moving it sit with Shiryu, leaning against him for convert-for both of them. Shiryu wrapped an arm around Seiya, holding him close. “You don’t seem so sure.” Seiya told him.
“I’m not, I don’t think I can do this.” Shiryu told him with a sigh. “I want revenge, that’s true. But I cant destroy Shun’s life to get it, I mean we cant keep him for to long, its not right to him. Seiya, we are doing exactly what he did to us, and I can help but feel like it’s the worst this I’ve ever done.”
“It isn’t the same, all we did was take him. Its not like we are hurting him or torturing him. We’re just putting fear into Ikki.” Seiya pointed out.
“Yeah, but how long till Shun becomes afraid too. How long do we have before we become like him?” Shiryu asked, looking over at his lover.
“I…” Seiya bit his lip in thought. “I don’t think we have to worry. Hyoga will look after him and make sure that he’s not scared or hurt, and that’s that.”
“I guess you’re right.” Shiryu agreed, nodding his head once.

/Japan-right after Shiryu hung up-/
Ikki stared at the phone in shock, anger welling up in him. He threw the phone across the room, and it smashed against the wall. Shaka watched him, wondering what exactly made him so mad. “Ikki?”
“He threatened to more or less chop Shun to pieces if I’m so much as a minute late on the next phone call. Shiryu wouldn’t even let me talk to him, damn-it! Why the fuck are they doing this!” Ikki yelled, hitting the table with his fist again and again. Shaka got up from the chair he was sitting in and sat next to him on the couch, grapping his arm.
“Ikki, hurting yourself wont help. Stop it.” Shaka ordered, relieved when he relaxed into the back of the couch. “What does he want?”
“I don’t know, he didn’t tell me.” Ikki told him, grapping a hold of Shaka and pulled him close, placing his face against his hair. Shaka let him, knowing it was a need for convert and human contact.
“What else did Shiryu say?” Shaka asked.
“That it’s Shun should be the one to pay for my debt to him.” Ikki muttered. “He said that I killed his sister. I’ve had a lot of people killed, but I don’t ever remember him or his family, and if it had been me I would.”
“Ikki, you’ve been in this line of work for going on 6 years, you cant remember everyone you’ve killed or had killed.” Shaka told him, pulling away.
“I don’t like this, I don’t like what they are doing.” Ikki told him, pulling Shaka back to him.
“You don’t like your own method of dealing with things used on you?” Shaka slightly teased, but more on the lines of asking.
“No, I don’t.” He muttered. “Besides I don’t kill everyone, you’re still alive aren’t you?”
“That’s true, and I love it.” He muttered, smiling slightly. “You saved me rather then kidnapping me though. You got me away form the bastard of a father that I had.”
“I’m glad I did.” Ikki told him, playing with Shaka’s hair. “When I found out what he was doing to you, I hated it. I just wanted to kill him, but I never did, I just took you and left.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.” Shaka told him, sitting back to look at his boss. “It let me go back and do it.”
“Exactly why I didn’t. I figured that if anyone had a right to kill that fucker it was you.” Ikki told him, then pulled him into a kiss. Shaka gasped, which let Ikki move his tongue into the blondes mouth. He pulled back to look at Shaka, who was blushing badly.
“W-what was that for?” he asked, looking into Ikki’s eyes. Ikki smirked and placed his forehead against the other boys.
“Because I’ve wanted to for so long, and this made me realize that I could lose you at anytime, either forever or to someone else and if I am then I might as well do it with a bang, right?” he asked, kissing him once again. Shaka kissed him back this time, letting Ikki’s tongue play with his.
Shaka pulled away with a smile. “I don’t know how long I wanted to do that, but damn it felt good.”
Ikki chuckled, nodding his head. Shaka smiled again, glad to see him a little more like the Ikki he was used to instead of the one he’s been for the last three days. Shaka knew that he’d have to savor this moment because it might be a while before Ikki acted like this again. He wouldn’t be ok till Shun was back here at their house.

Hyoga sighed, closing the blinds so that you couldn’t see the snow that was halfway up the window. He turned back to Shun, who was lighting another candle on the table, other candles in various stages of melting. He walked over to sit on the bed in front of the fire, calling for Shun to join him. Shun did so, and smiled as Hyoga wrapped a thick blanket around Shun’s shoulder then another around both their shoulders, pulling Shun close to him.
The power was out so none of the house had lights but the candles and the only heat was the fire, blankets, each other. The two of them now were sleeping on the bed next to each other and in front of the fire. At first Shun was so scared and shy when it Hyoga had suggested that they move one of the mattresses out to sleep one, and a lot of the blankets to keep warm. When he realized how cold it was he had climbed into the bed with Hyoga the first night, laying against his back.
“When will it stop?” Shun asked, looking up at Hyoga.
“I don’t know. Today, tomorrow, next week. Its hard to tell.” he told him, removing the blanket and started to arrange the blankets. Shun moved the blanket from around him and laid down and covered himself up. Hyoga pulled the other blankets up over them as he laid down next to Shun, facing him.
“I hope its soon.” Shun muttered, moving closer. “Ikki must be worried since he cant get a hold of us till Shiryu and Seiya come, and they cant till this stupid storm goes away.”
“Shiryu most likely told him what’s going on.” Hyoga assured him, kissing Shun’s forehead. Shun smiled up at him, then moved closer so that he could have some of Hyoga’s body heat. Hyoga laughed as he pulled Shun closer to his body, letting his arms stay around Shun’s waist, placing his head against Shun’s.
“Hyoga?” Shun called quietly.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“Once Ikki wants me to come home, you’ll come back with me right?” Shun asked.
“I don’t think I can.” Hyoga admitted.
“Then can I come visit you here?” Shun asked, holding Hyoga’s sweater in his hands.
“I don’t plan to stay here.” Hyoga told him.
“Will I ever see you after I go home?” Shun asked him. “Do you not want me to see me again?”
“I don’t think so, I don’t think Ikki will want that.” Hyoga told him. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to see you. On the contrary, I’d love to see you everyday.”
“Me too.” Shun muttered. “so why cant we?”
“Because of other things and people.”
“You mean Ikki?” Shun asked with a slight chuckle.
“Yeah, I mean your brother.” Hyoga agreed, letting out a sigh.
“But if I ask him he will let us.” Shun told him.
“Maybe.” Hyoga told him, deciding to give Shun some hope. “You and Ikki are close aren’t you?”
“We used to be.” Shun told him.
“Used?” Hyoga asked, pulling back to look at Shun.
“Yeah, we used to be so close. Ikki was always there, he used to try so hard to keep an eye on me. He used to laugh a lot around me, eat dinner with me. Ikki used to love me.” Shun told him. “But then he started to get wrapped up in work and he stopped spending time with me. I hate that business, I hate it. It took him away from me, it took my big brother away, and its not fare. Its not fare that he cares more about it then me.”
“I don’t believe that’s Shun, I believe that he loves you a lot.” Hyoga told him, placing his head back against Shun’s head.
“Then why doesn’t he ever spend time with me?” Shun asked, fighting the tears.
“Because he’s trying to make you happy.” Hyoga told him. “I believe that he’s working so hard so that you can have anything you want.”
“Well, right now all I want is Ikki to spend time with me and for you to still be there even after I have to go home.” Shun muttered, smiling softly.
“You never know, you could get that.” Hyoga told him, kissing Shun’s head. “Go to sleep Shun.”
“alright.” he muttered. “But you better too.”
“I will.” Hyoga promised. “Sweet dream.”
“you too.”
that’s all for now, so how about a few reviews! and people, i kinda dont have a beta, so if one of you could help me i would be very happy!