Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ Warior's rest (prologue) ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warrior's rest

This fanfic takes place after a battle with into which The saints have been injured (yeah
so what else is new ^___^)



"Shun-kun..." One of the nurse who was helping the saint get well started. " You shouldn't
be up! You injuries..."

" Arigato... For your concern, but..." He took a deep breath and stood up straight slowly.
"But I am feeling much better... See?"

Shun gasped when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder. He didn't need to turn around to know
that is was Hyoga, since the other's cosmos spoke volume to his own. A slight blush tinted his
cheek as he felt the contact. Even though his power had supremacy on the cold and Ice...
Hyoga's skin was always so warm.

"Miya-san is right, Shun... you should rest more... You were very hit pretty hard." Hyoga
then turned to the nurse who was blushing as the tall blond half-Russian looked at her. " We're
still on for a date tonight... Right?"

She nodded quickly and blushing she ushered Shun back to bed.

Shun heart sank for two reason. The first one was even though he pulled his weight in a battle,
he always ended up hurt and has his brother Ikki Save him inextremis. The second reason almost
made him want to cry, to see Hyoga with women always stirred jealousy in his heart.

It's stupid... he thought, After all he is of my blood... We both have the same father. Would
that be a sin?... Maybe that is why I get myself hurt in battle...Maybe the Chains of Andromeda
don't like to help a sinner. If Ikki would be here he'd help me figure this out I'm sure. But
yet again his brother Ikki was nowhere to be found. Maybe he's fed up with me, he thought with
a sad sigh.

But yet again, Shun felt Hyoga's hand on his shoulder.

"Hey... Are you okay? You look down..." Asked the blond with a look of worry.

"Ah... Daijobu..." Shun forced himself to smile. " I was just... wondering where Aniki might
be..." He lied, he didn't want Hyoga to worry about him.

"Oh..." Breathed the Saint of Cygnus. " Aah... okay then well I have to run some errand before
my date... so I'll see you later!"With a squeeze he released his hold on Shun's shoulder.

The green haired youth watched him go with longing in his eyes. He gathered his knees to
himself. I'll never have a chance with him, he thought bitterly. I'm the weakest of the Bronze
Saints, if Ikki hadn't come to rescue me so many times I'd probably be dead by now. I almost
wonder if it isn't a miracle if I survived my training on Andromeda Island.

Shun sat there a long time and stared outside, after a while he came to a decision. He would
train, starting tonight, to reinforce himself. He wouldn't tell the others for fear that they
would stop his plans. He'd become stronger, or he's die trying.


Shunrei was taking care of Shiryu, changing his bandages. Like all of the Saints he had been
injured in battle, after a near brush in with death.

"Shiryu... I am afraid for you each time you go into battle..."

Shiryu looked up to Shunrei. " It is expected of me... I am a warrior and a protector of

Shunrei frowned a little. "Only of Athena?"

It was the turn of the young dark haired man to frown. "What do you mean?...."

"If you must ask... then it's unimportant...." replied the Chinese girl. She got up and went
to put back the rest of the bandages to the infirmary.

Shiryu was left alone to ponder. Why had Shunrei said that? She usually had a hidden meaning
when she left him cryptic words. Whatever had she meant by that? Shiryu knew it must have been

Only Athena?... That question was asked to make him wonder about its meaning. He knew Shunrei
too well, she took that odd behavior by way of their teacher. Shiryu continued to ponder and
was so entranced in his thinking that he only felt the cosmos if the person entering the
room until he was sitting next to him.

"Ne... Shiryu... That kind of distraction will be your undoing in battle.."

Shiryu turned and smiled to his friend. "Seiya! I see you're up and about."

His friend gave him a wide grin. " Ah of course... it will take more than a pompous Saint to
bring me down!" With that he gave his friend a thumb up.

Shiryu laughed and shook his head. Seiya made a face.

"Hey it's true..." He puffed.

"If you say so Seiya.. I..." Shiryu blinked when he realized that Seiya was two inches in
front of his face, looking at Shiryu's face as if looking for some injuries.

"How are your wounds?" Seiya asked, all of a sudden he was all serious.

This took Shiryu aback a little. "I... They are healing..."

"Good..." Seiya let go a breath. "Now... IF YOU EVER DO A STUNT LIKE THAT AGAIN I'LL DECK YA!"

Shiryu eyes grew larger than Shun as he looked at his friend totally baffled. "Wh..What?" He

"You heard me!" Seiya continued, still mere inches from the Dragon's face. " Must you always
sacrifice yourself like that?"

Shiryu blushed at Seiya's proximity. "It's my duty..."

"Duty... DUTY???!!! You're duty is to protect Athena... just like me and the others. It doesn't
mean you must serve as a Human shield!" Seiya was so angry his fists shook and the young
dragon wondered for a minute if the Warrior of Pegasus wouldn't start pulling punches on him.

"It... seemed like a... good idea at the time..." he started.

"Well don't do it again!..." And in a blink Seiya was gone.

Shiryu was bewildered about what has transpired here. What was that all about?... Seiya never
had done something like this before. The young dragon didn't really know what to make of it
but strangely enough he could feel Seiya's cosmos trying to comfort him.


It was late when Hyoga came back, he kicked yet again the abused can of soda that had been
his companion ever since his date has finished.

What date? He thought bitterly. Everything went wrong on it, the Saint of Cygnus kept saying
the wrong things at the wrong time. He even called Miya, Shun, so many times the girl got
fed up and left.

Yes, this evening had been the worse one yet. He had tried to go out with girls before and
each time, it had met with disaster. If it wasn't that he was thinking about shun then he had
that picture of his mother in his mind each time he tried to kiss a girl.

Another kick sent the can of soda flying. "What is WRONG with me?? Chort!"

Hyoga fumed, he didn't understand his conduct at all, he was ruining up the stairs of the
mansion when he heard the sound of battle, it was the unmistaken sound of steel clashing
and exhaustion. Hyoga gasped when he thought he recognized Shun's voice.

He became enraged who would be low enough to attack Shun while he was still injured. He leap
over the fence ready to do battle with any idiot that would come in on him.

But what he saw froze him.

Shun shrieked and called off his attack when Hyoga had landed in front of him.

"What the hell are you DOING?" yelled Hyoga.

"I...I was... " mumbled Shun. " Training..."

"TRAINING??? ARE YOU CRAZY??? With your injuries?"

"I got those injuries because I'm weak... I have to get stronger... so my brother won't have
to feel obligated to protect me!..." spat Shun, upset.

"You?... Weak... but Shun..." Started Hyoga.

" No BUTS!... I know you all think I'm useless!... heck I think I'm useless..." tears of
frustration fell unbidden, but Shun wiped them off with the back of his hand.

Hyoga frowned. "At least wait until you're better and I'll train with you... Now go back to
bed or else you'll make your wounds worse..."

Shun didn't have anything to reply. When he felt Hyoga's hand on his shoulder, his heart nearly
jumped out of his chest.

"see?... You're nervous... Go get some rest..." And with that Hyoga led him to his room.

Shun followed him and thanked the gods they were in darkness because he could feel his cheek
burning. When he was at his door he thanked Hyoga and went to bed.

Hyoga shook his head and headed for his own bed too. he wondered if Shun was sleeping or not.
He was answered as he heard the shower being used. He tried not to think too much as he fell
asleep but his last conscious thought was a glorious image of Shun taking his shower.

End of Prologue.