Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ Warior's rest (prologue) ❯ Part 1 The Gold Saints arrive ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warrior's Rest (Part 1)

By Sonya

Shiryu stretched and warmed his muscles. The nurse told him not to over do it on the first day of clean health but Shiryu couldn't wait to move. All that time doing nothing was almost too much for him.

He smiled and waved at Seiya who was running around the course. The young man had visited Shiryu everyday, the Dragon was really glad that he came. Shunrei was very nice with him, but sometimes she could be a little too overbearing. Her heart was in the right place and he knew that she did that only because she was worried about him. But to fuss and dot on him so much....

Seiya on the other hand was encouraging him to get up, to move... They laughed and played games to pass the time.

"Seiya..." Shiryu breathed blissfully.

"Why don't you go and join him then?" Smiled Shunrei. "We both know you're itching to do it."

Shiryu nodded and ran off to join his friend.

Shunrei looked at him go. Saori came next to her. She smiled gently to Shunrei. "I know this must be hard for you... But, you know..."

"I know..." Whispered Shunrei. " But I'll love him... no matter what and if he ever chooses to come back to me... I'll be there waiting for him..." She had no bitterness in her voice, she seemed even happy for him. " After day, he will come to me..." She said with certitude.

Saori smiled at her. "Shunrei... Could I possibly bother you for just a few moments more?... I need your help to make some stubborn men understand that they need a break..."

Shunrei laughed. " They still won't listen to a direct order?... Come let's go scold them..."


"Good,good... " Panted Hyoga. " You almost nailed me at that last attack..."

"I didn't hurt you did I?" Asked a worried Shun.

Hyoga laughed. "Hardly... It just grazed me..."

"Are you sure?..." Shun hesitated in attacking him again.

"Shun... You are too lenient with your adversaries... You never want to hurt them..." started

Saori walked to them. " Sometimes, Hyoga...It takes more skills to take care of an opponent without hurting him..."

Hyoga inclined himself. "There is wisdom in your words, Saori-san... Truly, you are the true
Avatar of Athena..."

"You flatter me too much Hyoga..." She started. "Especially when you obstinate yourselves when I told you to stop training an hour ago... You've had enough for today... You can train another day... "

"H..Hai, Saori-san..." Started Shun as he retracted his chains. Hyoga also nodded.

"Good... I don't want to see you covered with bruises... especially for the Cherry Blossom viewing...."

"Cherry blossoms..." Sighed Shun. "Me and Ni-san used to love to see the sakura when we were little..."

Saori smiled. "Just look over there, Shun..."

Shun turned and gasped as he saw walking calmly towards them...

"NI-SAN!!!!" Andromeda ran to Ikki and hugged him fiercely.

"Ooof! I'm happy to see you too Shun..." Ikki smiled and ruffled the green hair. "You are getting stronger... You nearly crushed me.."

"Ni-san!..." protested Shun. "Don't tease me so."

Ikki laughed. "I am not... I mean it..."

Shun smiled and hugged him again. He was so happy to see his big brother again. Ikki seemed more serene than last he saw him, he looked more relaxed too. A change that was a balm to Shun's heart.

"Glad that you are back Ikki..." The blond half-Siberian walked to them to shake his hand.

"Thanks... It... It feels good to be back." He answered.

Saori came next to them. "We are happy for your safe return Ikki... You were missed... By all.."

Ikki nodded. "Thank you Saori-san... I needed that time by myself..." He smiled still, Saori nodded, she understood.

"Are you back for good, Ni-san?" Asked Shun.

"Well until the wanderlust takes me again..." the black haired Phoenix kidded. "No Shun... I have found the answers I was looking for... I'm here for good..."

"Ni-san!" Shun was so happy he could cry.

"Why don't we let Ikki go to his room and freshen up... You two..." Saori pointed Hyoga and Shun. " Should do the same... You're all sweaty..."

"Hai!" Both Saints nodded and they ran back to the Mansion.



The Pegasus Saint turned around as he ran to see his good friend Shiryu, gaining on him. He flashed a smile. "Yo! Shiryu!... Tired of being pampered by Shunrei?"

"I'll show you pampered, you!.." Shiryu quickened his pace to catch up with him.

Seiya laughed and ran faster, he took a right to the forest that was around the mansion. " you can't catch me slowpoke!"

"I'll make you swallow those words" Shiryu laughed too. He felt alive again, his stride becoming more solid with each length, his hair streaming behind him. To feel the sun's warming rays on him once more.

"Promises, promises!!!" dared Seiya, flashing a mocking smile.

"YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!!" With a groan that was half effort and half laughter, Shiryu leaped in the air and knocked Seiya down to the ground.

"OOOF! NO FAIR!!!" He growled but his growl turned to laughter as Shiryu started to tickle him. " AHAHAAAA! STOP STOOOOP!!!"

" Mmm?... You were sayiiiiiiip!" The young dragon fell on his side as Seiya rolled until he was the one on top.

"So?... Still feeling high and mighty?" growled Seiya.

"Just you wait!" Shiryu made them tumble again and they rolled around for a few minutes. Neither wanting to give the other the upper hand, they rolled around in the grass, messing their hair and clothes, like a couple of children, not like the hardened warriors they were.

When they finally stopped, Shiryu was straddled on Seiya's hips and holding his arms up. Both were panting.

"So you got me... what are you going it?..." Seiya started, panting looking up into Shiryu's eyes.

They both looked at each other, panting, cheeks red with an unnatural blush. Their gaze were locked and intent. Both of them wondering what was going on with them, wondering why they couldn't break eye contact.

Shiryu was the first to move closer to Seiya, as he inched closer, the heart of the man lying underneath him skipped a beat. In a moment of passion their lips joined and Shiryu hungrily devoured Seiya's mouth. The youth responded in kind trying to free his hands to hold on to...

Seiya's eyes flew open, what the hell was he doing?... He was kissing Shiryu?... He stopped responding as his mind was trying to figure out what he felt.

Shiryu finally felt Seiya's lack of response suddenly. He pulled back in haste and saw that Seiya was looking back up at him, a strange expression of puzzlement on his features.

"S..Shiryu?" he asked breathlessly.

Shiryu felt like he was waking from a dream. What had gotten into him? Seiya was his friend, no? He also realized just how he was sitting on him and how he held him captive. He was off Seiya in one swift move.

"Seiya...I... I'm sorry..." He turned around and ran off, fleeing was the only solution his brain could come up with. Seiya sat back up bewildered.

"Shiryu?...M... Matte!"

But the Dragon was already far from him when the plea was uttered.


Shun was taking a shower, his strained muscles welcomed the hot water that was trickling on his body. He sighed, loving every seconds of it.

His mind wandered to Hyoga and how much time they have been training together. It had been a week now. Hyoga had helped him a lot, he thought and he felt like this was the only opportunity for them to be together.

Shun closed his eyes, in his mind's eye, he pictured Hyoga. Blushing he was remembering about their swim the day before. The blond was so sexy in that swimming trunks, the way it hung to his body.

The green haired youth let out a shuddered moan as he remembered and his hands started to caress his body. "Hyoga..." He whispered. One of his hands went to his hardening member, he bit his lip to prevent himself from moaning. His hand closed on his shaft and he started to stroke himself, fantasies of Hyoga dancing in his head.

His hand went faster now, Shun rested against the tiles, panting. He was so close now, oh how he wished he could do this to Hyoga.

"Shun!..." Hyoga had come into the shower room. "Do you mind if I..." The Blond stopped in mid-sentence, his breath stuck in his throat, his eyes locked on Shun and especially on his erection. He had come in to take a shower also, not thinking that Shun would mind if he took one at the same time as he.

"HY... HYOGA!" Shun cried out, his hand still on his swollen member. He quickly turned around, ashamed trying to hide the passion but only getting harder from the sight of Hyoga's naked body.

" I... I'm sorry... I... I should have... knocked... I... You need to be alone..." Hyoga stammered, blushing red as a beet. He quickly got out of the room.

"No... Hyoga..don't..." Shun managed to breathe out. He sank to the floor, now Hyoga would ever let him get close to him... Not after seeing him touch himself like that!


"Are you sure it's the right address?"

"How should I know?... I never went to Japan before."

"mmm I think this is right... If Kiki told me correctly... This is the Kido mansion..."

"well Mu..." Started a mountain of a man. " We'd better ring and find out."

"My... Aldebaran... What a grasp of the obvious.."

"Shaka!... You should talk" Replied Aldebaran. "We're in civilian clothing and you still wear your cloth!"

"Yeah..." Snided Milo. "It's a wonder the Custom officer let us pass with you wearing your Gold Armor... Everyone was looking at us... You stuck out like a sore thumb..."

"Aldebaran's Hawaiian shirts aren't helping either..." Puffed Aiola.

Mu chuckled as Aldebaran rang at the gate. A voice informed them that Saori Kido was waiting for them in the library of the main building. When they reached it, tea was being served.

"Welcome..." Smiled Saori. "I'm glad you all came and... Shaka-san?... Why are you wearing your cloth?"

"Because we are here to protect you... " Replied Shaka. "Although I wonder why none of my Fellow Saint are wearing theirs..."

Milo snickered, that was just too rich. He shook his mane as he laughed. Saori blinked.

"You mean you haven't told him why I asked all of the Saints to come?" Asked Saori.

"Do you truly think, Athena-sama, that Shaka would have come to a Cherry blossom viewing?"

"Are you telling me that we did NOT come here to protect Athena?... " Shaka almost opened his eyes in Surprise.

Saori almost sweatdropped. " I... See your point... Shaka I asked you all to come here because I thought you all could use a small vacation...."

"VACATION??? We're Saint... We don't need vacations!!!" Shaka was outraged, to be brought here on such trivial reasons.

Saori frowned. "Yes a vacation... So you can relax and enjoy yourselves...After that respite you can be better Saints, protect me better..."

"I fail to see how looking at Cherry blossom will help..."

" Ah but think of it as another way to meditate, Shaka..." replied Mu. "Who knows you might enjoy yourself..."

"In any case... you will have to protect me while we are watching the cherry blossom in a few days,
so it's true.." Added Saori.

"You're here now, Shaka... Might as well go with it..." added Milo, as the Virgo Saint nodded he added. " But you'll have to wear something else than your cloth..."


Saori nodded. "I agree and I think I have just the thing he needs..."

Shaka wondered briefly if Buddha ever felt this impeding doom he felt right now.


Hyoga has barely the time to wrap a towel around himself as he rushed out of the bathroom. His cheeks were flushed, he ran so quickly to his room, he didn't see Ikki who was wondering why he was going to his room in such a hurry. Hyoga stormed into his room and slammed the door behind him. He fell on his bed.

Oh my god he thought... I should have knocked... Shun was... was...

He sat up as he heard the knock on his door, he heard Ikki's voice. "Ne...Hyoga... Is everything all right?"

Oh shit... Ikki...If he finds out what happened, for a second Hyoga panicked, then he thought about it logically. It was an honest mistake, he didn't mean to barge in on Shun like that.

Er... It's nothing Ikki... I... I forgot my soap and shampoo... and...Shun was using the showers already..."

"Oh..." Came the reply. "Okay, then..."

Hyoga let out a sigh of relief as he heard Ikki's footsteps grow fainter as he walked away. He closed his eyes and willed himself to relax. His heart was beating fast, but he could feel it wasn't from running away.

He cursed himself when he saw Shun again, in his mind's eye, naked under the shower, touching himself, eyes closed, mouth slightly opened...

Oh god... How beautiful he was...

Hyoga could see it again, this engorged member that truly made Shun male. He shuddered again, seeing Shun like this filled him with strange sensations. The split second his breath got caught in his throat, Hyoga wished he could have moved to touch Shun's perfect body.

Oh my god... he thought. Am I attracted to Shun?... He looked down to see his own hardness was giving him his answer. Was that why he could never have a relationship with a woman?... Because deep inside he wanted Shun?

The question was.. Would Shun want him also?

"What am I thinking?" He said out loud. "Shun can't possibly...."

Hyoga sighed what should I do?... Is it love or just lust?... He looked down his body again. No one ever did gave him such a reaction before. He closed his eyes again and he saw Shun's beautiful body again, the expression of passion on his face, those lips... How he wanted to kiss them.

Hyoga's hand snaked under the towel and he groaned as he squeezed his hardened member. His hand echoed what Shun was doing matching the speed. He started to have fantasy that he had come closer to Shun, that he took Shun's hand away from his member and he was the one stroking him. shun, of course, started to stroke him. Hyoga's mouth devoured Shun's lips as he also tweaked his nipples.

Hyoga panted on his bed, a thin sheen of sweat covering his body as he now lay naked on his bed. His hand stroked faster still, squeezing himself hard. He gasped as he felt his body, shake in the throws of his passion.

"SHUN!" he cried out as he came.

He panted, lying on his bed, still wondering if it was lust or love he felt for Shun...


Ikki knocked on the bathroom door. "Shun?... Is everything all right?"

"Ni-san?... Ano... I... I'll be out in a few minutes... I..."

"Shun..." Ikki started again. "I'll be waiting in your room... I don't know why call it a hunch... but I think you need to talk..."

Shun hesitated before answering. "I.... I think you're right, Ni-san..."

Ikki told him to take his time and walked to Shun's room. When he entered it, he could see the tidiness of it, Shun always was more of a busybee than he was for cleaning. Ikki sat at Shun's desk and picked one of the books that was lying around. It had a nice colorful cover, but as he flipped through it he realized it was Shun's journal. He closed it quickly after all Shun should have his privacy, but on the page he had opened he couldn't help but notice that Hyoga's name was written a lot.

He had just put the book back down when Shun got in. His brother's face was flushed, was it embarrassment?... He would let Shun tell him.

"Ah... Komban wa... Ni-san... I... I..." Shun's lower lip was trembling. Something was really bothering him. Ikki stood and opened his arms, that was Shun's cue to rush to him.

"Ni-san..." Feeling Ikki's strong arms helped him a little. But it also made Shun wonder what it would feel like to have Hyoga embrace him.

Ikki stayed silent, bringing his brother comfort, but he wouldn't pry him to know what was going on. He wanted Shun to take the decision if he wanted to talk about what was troubling him.

There was a long awkward silence before Shun decided to break it.

"Ni-san... I... I think I'm in love..."

Ikki smiled. "That's wonderful, Shun... I'm sure you're make her very happy... It's June, isn't it?"

Shun choked a sob. "N... No, Ni-san... June means a great deal to me... but I have another who is even more dear to my heart..."

Ikki waited yet again, but it seemed Shun was afraid to continue, like he was wondering if he should tell him some big secret.

Shun took a deep breath, if he could not tell this to Ikki, his own brother, then how could he ever tell Hyoga how he felt.

"Ni-san... I... I'm not in love with a girl..."

Ikki blinked as his brain was processing the information. But that would mean that Shun would be... gay?...

"Ni-san?..." Shun was fearful of his brother's silence. He almost cringed when he met his older brother's questioning gaze.

Why is this a surprise? wondered Ikki. I guess deep inside, I knew it would one day come to this. It doesn't make him something less than a man. If he has the courage to go through with it, then his brother might have even more courage than he could ever possess.

"It's Hyoga... Isn't it?" asked Ikki.

Shun's look of wondering astonishment and reddened cheeks was enough of an answer, Ikki smiled.

"IS it that obvious?" asked Shun.

"Not really, but call it a strong hunch..." Lied Ikki. He hoped Shun would forgive him this little white lie. He didn't want to explain that he added two and two together after he had peeked into his journal.

"Ni-san..." started again Shun. "I... I don't know what to do..."

"Maybe you should talk to him..." Suggested Ikki.

"But... What if he doesn't feel this way with me?... I don't want to loose our friendship if he feels threatened by me..."

"How can anyone feel threatened by you, Shun? What makes you say that?..." asked Ikki as they both sat down on the bed.

Shun blushed deep red. "When I was in the shower... I started to think about him ... and... and I touched myself..."

Ikki laughed. "There's nothing to be ashamed about..."

"Only..." Interrupted Shun. "Hyoga walked in on me..."

"Oh!..." That made Ikki stop laughing instantly. He weighted his next question carefully as in the back of his head, he was hoping he didn't have to rearrange Hyoga's face if the half-Siberian had done something wrong to his brother. "What happened?..." he asked gently.

"I was so ashamed I... I turned away... and he..looked at me... and he left... Oh Ni-san... I must have disgusted him!" Sobbed Shun.

That wasn't a look of disgust I saw on Hyoga's face, thought Ikki, but rather one of confusion.
"It's too early to say you disgusted him, Shun. He was probably as embarrassed as you were..."

"You think so?" Asked Shun. Ikki nodded.

"Why don't you talk to him tomorrow... I think you both need to rest tonight and after a good night's rest, you'll see things might not be as bleak as you think."

"H..Hai... Ikki... Do you think Hyoga..." Shun's question was cut short as Ikki put a finger on his lips to silence him.

"Hush... No need to trouble yourself now... You rest for now... Okay?..."

Shun nodded. "Hai, Ni-san... You must be right..."

Ikki smiled and tucked his younger brother in. He carefully closed the door and as he turned he ran right smack in the hardness of a Gold cloth. He fell backward on the ground, wondering what truck had just hit him.

"IKKI!" The phoenix heard a voice, he thought he wouldn't hear for a while and he saw a familiar face hover over his prone body.

"SHAKA????" Sputtered Ikki. "What are you doing here???"

"It seems...." Shaka helped Ikki up. "That all the Gold Saints still living and able to travel have been drafted into getting their vacation here... I... I Was heading to my room to lie down... I'm glad you are well Ikki..."

"S...Same here..." Ikki replied as the Gold Saint walked away. And as he walked back to his own room, Ikki wondered why his heart was hammering in his chest. He shrugged, maybe it was the hit that made him feel that way... But... he did feel weird around the Virgo Saint.

He dismissed the thoughts of Shaka as he tried to fall asleep.

End of part 1