Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ Warior's rest (prologue) ❯ Liasons Dangereuses ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warrior's rest part 2

by Sonya

Shaka turned on the bed and frowned, some one was blaring some heavy metal music. What is this? he wondered out loud. Who would dare play this kind of music in Sanctuary?

Then recollection hit him, they were at the Kido Mansion, where Kido Saori, also known as Athena, lived most of her life. Shaka sighed and slowly and carefully opened his eyes, if he controlled his cosmo right, he wouldn't blow up the room he was in. Why did I agree to this? he wondered and recalled that he had been tricked here.

"Who is playing this ungodly music at..." He turned on his side and saw the time. "ELEVEN???" There was a release of energy due to his shock and the alarm clock exploded. "Ah I hate when that happens... I'll have to replace this alarm clock..."

Shaka sat on the side of his bed and stretched, the day was getting warmer and the sun on his naked skin felt very good. "I can't believe I slept so long..." He complained quietly. He rose and went in the small bathroom for a shower. He still felt sleepy, he had a lot of problems falling asleep the night before. He found that rather odd as he checked if the water was the correct temperature. I never have troubles sleeping anywhere I go. He was about to step into the shower when he head a soft knock on the door. He rapidly put on a robe and answered it, on the other side was Shun.

"err... Hello, I hope I didn't wake you up... But since you missed breakfast, Ni-san thought you might want to know we'll be serving lunch early..."

"Why hasn't your brother come tell me himself?" Asked Shaka.

Shun blinked. "I don't know... Well he is preparing lunch for all of us... Maybe his preparations are taking more time then he thought..."

"Ikki's cooking?..." wondered out loud Shaka. He didn't think Ikki was into making food for others, well how much he didn't know about the young phoenix.... He did had to admit to himself he wanted to talk with the youth, of all the Bronze Saints, he was the one he found most intriging.

"Hai!" Beamed Shun. "Ni-san is a very good cook! Shall I tell him to expect you downstairs?"

"Mm?..." Blinked Shaka. "Aha... Of course, I'll be taking my shower then I'll meet you all downstairs..."

"Good!..." said Shun. " Well I better go back to the kitchen."

Shaka nodded and went to take his shower.



Ikki frowned ready to wack Seiya's finger again with his wooden spoon. " I told you once... I told you a thousand time... NO SNACKING... I'm not done yet! Can't you wait 30 minutes?"

"But I'm hungry..." replied Seiya still holding his hand.

"Ikki is defending his well made lunch, Seiya... told you not to try..." teased Hyoga.

Seiya shot his friend a dark look. Shun arrived in the room.

"Ni-san I woke Shaka-s..." Shun stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Hyoga. Both boys looked hurriedly away from one another blushing. Seiya blinked at both of them.

"Nani?" he asked.

Hyoga felt very uncomfortable with Ikki in the room and he turned around. "Come Seiya... Ikki still needs to finish lunch..."

Seiya followed his Siberian friend, still puzzled. Shun went to sit on a stool next to the dining table.

"Still haven't spoken to him, ne?" Asked Ikki.

"Iya..." replied Shun, still fighting the blush on his cheeks. "I... we haven't had the chance to be alone together yet... And Saori-san asked me to clean the Library room this afternoon..."

"Darn... ever since the mansion's been attacked, servants have been hard to come by..." Spat Ikki. "Well, can't blame the normal people for being afraid... Doing some chores isn't demeaning to us. Hey wait didn't she asked Seiya?..."

"I thought so too but she asked me this morning..." replied Shun, looking into the pot Ikki was stirring.

"He probably found a way to get out of his chores..." grumbled Ikki, he brought a small spoon to Shun's mouth. " Could you please tell me if it tastes good enough?"

"Hai!" Shun tasted the food. "Mmmm!... Your curry is just great, Ni-san!"

"Arigato" replied Ikki with a proud smile. " Now would you mind putting the rice in the cooker while I finish off the dessert?"

"Sure thing Ni-san!"


Mu stretched after lunch, the food had just been divine. He chuckled as he remember as Aldebaran had volunteered into doing the dinner for tonight. Actually everyone looked quite grateful, since it was
Seiya's turn to cook. Mu let out a loud laugh, even though the Bronze Saints had tried to prevent Aldebaran from cooking since he was a guest. Mu could see they were all relieved that Seiya wasn't cooking.

"My... You look in good spirits..." a calm voice said behind him.

"Ah...Shaka... Are you all right my friend?" inquired Mu.

"I overate..." he confessed. "I could have only ate a sole bowl of rice..."

Mu chuckled. "Well you usually fast that is true... why didn't you just take the rice and let the rest?"

"It would have been impolite." replied Shaka. "Ikki seemed to have given himself a lot of trouble... I didn't want him to think I was ungracious in refusing his food... Although it would have been also polite for Milo not to ask for seconds and Aldebaran for thirds..."

Mu burst into laughter. "They do have a hearthy appetite..." He admitted. "Well where are you off to now Shaka?..."

"I'm going to find a place to meditate in peace... Please tell Aldebaran I won't be partaking his feast tonight..."

"Well..." Mu waved. "Hope you find a good place... I'll be taking a little walk around the forest..."

Shaka nodded and went in a different direction from Mu. The lavender haired Saint watched his friend disappear and as he walked he thought about what had transpired at lunchtime.

Seiya and Shiryu had avoided each other gaze all during lunch. At one point when they took the dishes away they almost bumped into each others. When they looked up in surprise, they looked away blushing. Hyoga and Shun were almost the same, except that they would give the other a longing look when they other wasn't aware of it. As for Shaka...

He smiled, even Shaka didn't realize what he had been doing at lunchtime. Mu knew it wasn't politeness that had made him clean his plate. Well, well it was Spring after all.. He was quite curious to see how all this would turn out.


Shaka had walked for about 15 minutes when he came upon a small waterfall. He witnessed Tatsumi who was under the waterfall, in a meditative pose. What a wonderful idea, thought Shaka, I never meditated this
way, it might prove quite enlightening.

Just as he was entering the water, Tatsumi got out from under the waterfall. "Ano... Shaka-sama?"

"I just wished to meditate..." replied Shaka.

"Ah... Well I'll let you have the place then..." Tatsumi bowed and let him take his place. He towelled himself and excused himself, but Shaka was already deep in trance under the waterfall.

Tatsumi was walking down the path back to the mansion when he crossed path with Shiryu. He almost told the young man that Shaka was in the waterfall, but thought against it when he saw the Dragon take the higher road. He can't possibly do something to disturb Shaka-sama... I'll just let him go on his way.


"Hyoga!" The blond turned around when he heard Saori call him. "Hyoga, I need to talk to Aiolia and Milo... Would you please return this book to the library room for me, please?"

What am I an errand boy? wondered Hyoga, but seeing that all of them were expecting him to take the book back, he just took the book. Why does she need it in the library now? he wondered.

"Could you please bring me book two of that series when you come back, Hyoga?" smiled Saori.

"Aha... Yes Saori-san...I will" He turned around and headed to the library room. Why did I say yes?... Well now's not the time to be snotty at Athena when Gold Saints were around.

He pushed the door and blinked.

Shun was on all four, washing the floor in front of him. The green haired youth hadn't heard him come in
because he was listening to j-pop on his diskman. Hyoga closed the door and tiptoed to the book shelf. Shun sang to himself as he washed the floor, his bum moving to the music.

Hyoga seemed hypnotized for a few minutes, looking at Shun's bottom, moving to the beat of the music. The blond remembered the way it looked yesterday, firm and bare. He saw again Shun naked in the shower and just how sexy he had looked.

Hyoga moved without realizing it. His mind was remembering something he had seen some years ago....


"oooh... Mi...Milo..." Hyoga was in bed when he heard that moan coming from his Master's lips. Who was Milo? he wondered as he tiptoed to his Master's bedroom. He sucked in a gasped breath when he peered into the room. A tall blond haired man was caressing his Master's bare bottom, he even bent to kiss it.

Hyoga's cheeks burned when he saw that his Master was looking like he was enjoying that. His still youthful mind didn't know what was going on and when that Milo guy did something to his Master that made him cry out.

"OOOH...Oh yesssss Milo..." Hyoga ran back to his room and burried himself in the blankets, he tried to go back to sleep as if nothing had happened.

%%%%%%%(end of Flashback)%%%%%%%%

Hyoga blinked as he got out of his reverie, he had kneeled behind Shun, who was still unaware of his presence. The Blond licked his lips, he just knew he wanted to touch Shun's bottom, just the thought of it send delicious shivers all through his body and a warmness in his loins.

But he hesitated a little more. Would Shun hate him for doing this?... Well he remembered him moaning out his name, yesterday while he was.. rubbing himself. Hyoga was getting so warm inside, he just had to touch him.

"Green, black and blue, making colo..OH!" Shun's song was cut short when he felt the warm hands kneading his bottom. He gasped and turned his head, ready to kick the one who was touching him like that. He gasped when he realized who it was.

"H..Hyoga..." He breathed, short of a moan. He saw Hyoga's gaze was fixed on his bottom, his hands touching him. Oh it felt... his hands, they felt so hot, like the heat was burning through his clothes. Shun felt his blood run both cold and hot into him, he closed his eyes to savor the sensations.

"Oooooh...Oooh..." Hyoga heard Shun's small moans, he was almost feeling like he was in a dream. Was he really touching Shun like that?

Hyoga reached to get rid of the headphones that was still on Shun's ears. "D... Do you like this?..." He breathed bending over the green haired youth, whispering briefly in his ear.

"Ooooh...." The hot breath intensified the pleasing sensations for Shun. "Ooooh.... Yes... Hyoga..."

Hyoga's hands became bolder and started to move all over Shun's back and bottom. When one hand went up it brushed away Shun's locks away from his neck, which Hyoga kissed.

"Aaah... H..Hyoga..." Shun said breathlessly. "Don't stop..." He urged, wanting more of the touch, each pass of the Siberian born hands passing on his body made him desire more.

"Oooh Shun... I wanted so much to touch you..." Confessed Hyoga. His hands kneading the bottom that was lifting itself for more of his caresses. Shun was so eager to be touched, he let out small excited moans.

Hyoga bent and placed his lips on one of Shun's cheeks. The other moaned when he felt the searing breath of Hyoga going through his pants. Hyoga felt like he was getting drunk from Shun, he caressed the boy more and more. When one of his hands cupped between Shun's legs, the green eyed youth mouth let out a loud moan.

"AAAH! Hyoga..." The heat was a pit in between his legs, blossoming to the tip of his member. Hyoga's hand was rubbing his growing hardness. Shun felt like he was going to burst of pleasure. Never in his wildest dreams, nothing ever prepared him for the pleasure he felt.

And yet it never felt enough, he hungered for more. "Aaah... yes..." He breathed when he felt both of Hyoga's hand going to his zipper. " Yes... please..." He pleaded, his bottom rubbing against Hyoga's crotch while the Blonde was kissing and nibbling his neck fervently.

They both gasped when they heard the doorknob turning. "HYOGA?? SHUUUN?" Seiya asked before entering the room.

He blinked as he saw Hyoga looking out the window and Shun rapidly dusting the bookshelves. But of them were flushed and panting. Seiya tilted his head to the side, did they just trained he wondered.

"What do you want Seiya?" Hyoga's voice was strained and cold.

"Ahh...Actually I wanted to ask you if you've seen Shiryu..." Asked Seiya.

"I... I haven't seen him..." Shun replied in a small voice.

"He went to train at the top of the waterfall..." Hyoga added dryly.

"Ah... Arigato" Beamed Seiya and he ran out.

Shun stopped dusting letting out a long sigh. He then felt strong warm arms around him. Ooommmm... it was so tempting to continue as he felt Hyoga turn him for a kiss.

The kiss was beautiful as they both eagerly devoured each other's mouth. Hands roamed on each other's back,

bodies pressed tightly. Hyoga broke off the kiss.

"Shun..I..." He was hushed with a finger.

"Not now..." Whispered Shun. "... Tonight... I'll steal away from my room and... I'll go join you in


They kissed again and promised that tonight they would continue what was interrupted.


Shiryu was knee deep in the water practicing the skill that Roshi, his Master and Saint of Balance, had shown him. He was just practicing and hadn't yet used his cosmo to turn the water just like Roshi did.

He felt a presence though... Someone was trying to sneak up on him. That person was trying to disguise his cosmo so Shiryu couldn't pinpoint exactly who it was. Maybe it was Milo, he was the kind of Saint to try and pull a stunt like that. Well you won't sneak in on me. If it was a Gold Saint he could take the blunt of his attack any day.

"ROZAN KOU RYUU HA!" He had been collecting his cosmo for this attack, now the river itself seemed to form a dragon that descended on his "enemy"


Shaka blinked. The Waterfall was no longer there. How did that happen he wondered as he turned his head to look up the cliff.


"GAH SHIRYU... It's me!"

"Shiryu gasped. "SEIYA!" The young dragon burned up his cosmo to prevent Seiya from being hurt. By sheer force of will he prevented the water from hitting Seiya. He concentrated until the water was back in the river. The problem was he was still there and the river hadn't stopped flowing.

"PEGASUS RYUU SEI KEN!" Seiya was using his punches to hold back the water. "SHIRYU... JUMP!"

Shiryu jumped away just in time, Seiya had just finished to launch all his punches. The water rushed passed them with a loud roar.

"Are you okay?" Asked Seiya.

"SEIYA!" Shiryu wasn't pleased. "Why were you sneaking up on me like that?"

Seiya was about to answer when they heard someone cry out.


Shaka was still studying the situation when a loud roar surprised him. Along with the roar came an incredible amount of water. Shaka was taken totally by surprised by it and barely had time to let out a scream.

"AAAAIII<HUH>!" Shaka tried to jump out of the way but he got caught in the gushing waterfall. His world went topsy turvy for a split second and he hit the bottom of the river bed, hard. Disoriented he was battered by rocks and when he thought he would break the surface he could hit on the head. He fought to stay conscious but he hit another rock, knocking off the last breath he had. But before succumbing to darkness, he had time to send a telepathic plea for help.


Ikki was raking old forgotten leaves when he felt something, a psychic cry.

"Shaka..." Ikki left the rake there and ran. He didn't know where he was running to, all he could see in his mind was a jumble of images, gushing water, as if he was underwater, jolted around, being hit by sharp rocks. He was sure it was Shaka that had called him, he wasn't sure how he knew, but he was certain it was the Virgo Saint.

Ikki arrived at the river, he gasped it was overflowing and it looked like a small rapid. And he could see a half-naked man being jolted around like a broken doll, lifeless. Ikki couldn't feel Shaka's usually strong cosmo about, but the blond hair was unmistakable.

Ikki heard Shiryu and Seiya cry out his name as he jumped into the water, the current was strong but no longer as hard as Shaka had experienced it. Swimming into the tumult, he finally reached Shaka. He grabbed the lifeless man, secured him against himself and swam back to shore.

Mu had arrived next to where Ikki was trying to get out of the river and the Ares Saint helped him to get Shaka out of the water.

Ikki pushed back Shiryu who was trying to check if his friend was okay. Ikki sat on his knee and bent over to Shaka's chest. His heart was still beating but the Gold Saint wasn't breathing anymore. He turned Shaka on his side and got the water out of his lungs. He then settled the Hindu back on his back and started mouth to mouth.

Shun and Hyoga arrived at the same time as Saori, Aiola and Milo. But they couldn't do anything more than Seiya and Shiryu. Mu on the other hand, could have easily touched a point on Shaka's chest to make him breath again, but he choose to wait and see if Ikki could manage on his own.

Ikki had breathed in Shaka's mouth a couple of time when he stopped. "Come on, damn it! You're going to die like thins, Shaka?... COME ON BREATH!" He took another deep breath and blew into Shaka's mouth again.


Shaka's mind was like it was in gauze, everything was muffled and blurry. He thought he heard his name. The floating sensation was familiar, when was the last time he had felt like this?

Then his vision seem to get sharper and he felt something. Something soft and hot at his mouth. It wasn't unpleasant, it felt quite nice actually. suddenly he had the urge to cough.

As he coughed Shaka, felt the hot pressure get away from his mouth. He fluttered his eyes open and saw a face hovering over him, his dark curls wet and dripping. He was looking at him intently.

"I...Ikki?..." Shaka didn't like the sound of his voice. It sounded so weak and his body was aching and the small cuts that covered him has started to sting.

"Thank goodness he's okay.." Breathed Athena. Mu was relieved too, if Ikki hadn't succeeded he would have helped his friend. But he hadn't needed to and he was glad he hadn't, he smiled, maybe this would help them.

Shaka wasn't feeling good enough to stand, and he hadn't the strength to tell them as they asked. Ikki's voice boomed. "Leave him alone...He needs to recover." Shaka felt strong wet arms hold him securely, his head lolled against Ikki's chest, just below his neck. It felt nice... so very nice and warm, he was cold anyway. Maybe I should sleep a little, he closed his eyes.

Ikki walked back to the Mansion, followed by the others. As he reached Shaka's room he turned his head. "

You don't need to all get in with me... I'm just putting him on his bed!" He said gruffly.

Most of them blinked. "What's eating him?" Seiya asked Shiryu. The young dragon lifted his shoulder, he had no idea. Mu passed through he said before Ikki would rebuke him.

"I'll help you get him to bed and tend to his small wounds. I also want to make sure he's all right..."

Ikki nodded and they both entered Shaka's room, Mu smiled at the crowd and closed the door behind them.

"I guess they have everything under control" Said Saori. " We'll check back on them later..."

Everyone nodded and went their separate way.

But just as Seiya was turning a corner, a firm hand pushed him into the study. It was Shiryu.

"Why did you do that, Seiya?... We nearly killed Shaka!"

"I didn't know he was there..." Started Seiya, he looked away from his friend.

"Why did you sneak up on me?" Shiryu was angry and he stepped close to Seiya, not wanting him to look away while he was talking to him.

Seiya felt his cheek turn red. He couldn't tell Shiryu that he had sneaked up on him because he wanted to
tackle him and see if Shiryu would kiss him
again. "I...I just wanted to... pull a prank on you..."

"It nearly cost Shaka his life! Seiya..." Shiryu was exasperated, but he knew also that Seiya hadn't done
that to cause anyone harm.

"I'm sorry... Shiryu..."

The young dragon shook his head and sighed. " I know... I know you didn't mean to... hurt anyone." Darn it, Shiryu thought, I can't stay mad at him.

They both stayed silent a while then Seiya asked. " Shiryu... I... Would you kiss me again?..."

Shiryu blinked. "Nani?..."

"Oh forget it... Sorry I..." Seiya started but then Shiryu's hands went to rest on his shoulders.

"Do.. Do you really want me to?..." inquired Shiryu.

Seiya nodded and closed his eyes.

Shiryu was kind of struck dumb for a few instant, the request was actually just reaching his brain... It had been stopped by the shock. But then he leaned closer and their lips met.

The kiss was tentative at first, but it developed as they both started to feel more relaxed. They kissed for a while when they both backed up.

"I..." they both said, blushing.

"I'm...still not sure what I feel about this..." Started Seiya, blushing taking a step back> "I... I need to do something I... I'll talk to you later...okay?" Seiya rushed out of the room and sought refuge in the room he occupied when he was sleeping at the Kido Mansion.

He sat on the side of his window and started to think. Of course, the first thing that popped into mind was Shiryu.... and the kiss... His cheeks burned. Why why had he asked Shiryu to kiss him? What is wrong with me, he thought, Boys don't kiss each other on the mouth.

It started to scare him that he wanted to be kissed again. Then it hit him, the other day... That was his first kiss, the kiss you're supposed to remember all your life and Shiryu had KISSED HIM.

He got up and started to pace, was it why he couldn't erase that kiss from his mind.

But... it had felt good when...

No... I can't be in love with a guy can I?... I mean... It's not that it was shameful.. Just... he didn't think HE would fall in love with Shiryu...

But... I have... haven't I? I'm always thinking about him, I'm afraid for him when he takes stupid chance, when he's acting as a human shield. But...Does he do it because.... he loves me too?

Well Duh Seiya if he kissed you, he must care for you cause I'm sure if I had asked Ikki, I'd be trying to
dig myself out of the hole he would have thrashed me into.

He hugged himself, he looked outside as if it could give him and answer. He stood a long time like that,
staring into nothing, thinking, when the dinner bell rang. He didn't feel like going, but...

He'll have to talk to Shiryu again, but tomorrow, not today... His thoughts were still in a jumble and he
had the feeling Shiryu was in the same trouble as he was.

He hurried downstairs to eat with the others, trying to forget his questionings for now.

End of part 2