Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ Warior's rest (prologue) ❯ Part 3: Moonlight desires ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warrior's rest part 3

by Sonya

Mu puffed as he got back into Shaka's room to check on him. Shaka was still resting, he wasn't surprised, even though his friend was a Gold Saint, he was still human and subjected to injury. Mu thought back upon the dinner tonight. Things went a little weird.Seiya and Shiryu weren't touching their plates, Hyoga and Shun had a healthy appetite and Ikki hadn't touched his plate at all and had been jumpy.

Mu put the blanket back on Shaka, he was still asleep, he did wake momentarily but went back under again when Mu motioned to him that all was all right.

The lavender Saint sighed, are you ready for the change my friend?... I do hope so, we might be warriors of Athena, but that doesn't mean our hearts are forbidden to love. I hope all will go well for you but only you can make the decision to remember what you asked me.

He retired from the room and headed for his own.


"....Ni-san... ni-san..." Whispered Shun. When he didn't get any answer from Ikki, he grinned. His brother was sleeping soundly. Finally! he had had trouble falling asleep. Shun frowned a little, his brother had been thoughtful all evening, he wondered why and of course his older brother hadn't confided in him.

Shun got up carefully, making sure he wasn't making any sound. When he did make some, he stopped and cringed. But Ikki didn't show any signs of waking up so Shun was up and shuffled to the door, opened it and got out in the corridor.

He tiptoed to Hyoga's room, his heart was hammering into his ears, he had been waiting for this all evening long. The furtive looks they have been giving to each other had strengthen his resolve. He arrived at Hyoga's door and softly knocked on it.

Hyoga sprang on his feet when he heard the soft knock. He quickly opened the door and hushered Shun in his room. He gently but firmly pushed Shun against the wall and started to kiss him.

"Oh... Shun..."

"Gomen... I had to wait for Ni-san to fall to sleep..." Gasped Shun when Hyoga kissed his neck. He turned his face so that they would kiss again.

They pressed their bodies together, their heads were swimming with the sensation that was fueled by their contact. Hands started to caress, tongues started to explore.

"Oooh... Hyoga... Hyoga..." Shun felt himself being lifted by his lover and was deposited on the bed.


Shaka stired and woke, he was a little disoriented, he blinked a few times and remembered the events of the day. He looked down his body and saw the nicks and gashes that were now bandaged. Tomorrow, there won't be any signs of them other than a few bruises. He knew all too well how good a healer Mu was.

He got up and hugged himself, but Mu hadn't been the one to save him. No... He remembered the strong arms around him, the black curly hair...

"Ikki..." He whispered, he felt his body get all tingly as he uttered the name. What's wrong with me? He wondered, was it the accident?

He closed his eyes and remembered the first thing he felt. This warmth around his mouth, it was like nothing he ever felt before. He understood what it was but he wondered. He wondered if it would feel the same again if Ikki would press his lips to his mouth once more.

He felt his cheek burn up, what am I thinking?... I..I Should meditate to rid myself of such thoughts. He sat down cross legged on the bed and closed his eyes.
Yes, meditation would get rid of those kind of thoughts.


Hyoga looked down on Shun, he was on his bed, he could barely believe it. He looked at the green haired youth, blushing on his bed. "You're beautiful." he whispered, pacing over him on the bed.

Shun cheeks burned brightly. "You are more beautiful than me..." started Shun, lifting his hand to Hyoga's face to caress it. His hand was trembling.

Hyoga took the hand and kissed it. "Are you scared?"

Shun nodded shyly. "Yes, I... I know. I... I know what's involved but..."

"But you've never done it before... I haven't either... We don't have to go too fast..." He blushed. "... you know..."

"Aha... Hai, you're right..." Shun blushed too, feeling a bit stupid. They stood there a little while, both a little uneasy on how to continue.

Hyoga was the first to make a move. He placed his hand on Shun's cheek and looked him deep in the eye again. He leaned over and before kissing him he whispered. "Shun... I love you..."

Shun felt overjoyed and kissed him back passionatly. He broke the kiss to confess the love he bore to his half-Siberian friend.

Hyoga smiled before kissing him again, lacing his fingers with Shun's own. When he did that his body reclined over Shun. "I'm not too heavy?"

"No... not at all..." Shun felt his head swim as he felt their body so close. Even though they were separated by layers of clothes, Shun could feel his body heat up at the contact.

The kiss deepened until Hyoga brushed his tongue against Shun's lips. The green haired boy moaned at the contact, opening his mouth to let him in. Without any shame their tongue started to dance in Shun's mouth. Both of them felt fevered, Hyoga's hands left Shun's and both hands started to roam on the other's body.

Shun gasped as he felt Hyoga's hands on him. They burned through the cloth, the green haired boy wanted more... more direct touch. He got his wish when Hyoga's mouth started to kiss his neck, his fingers teasing his nipples.

"Aaaah... Hy... Hyoga..." He said breathlessly. "M...More... oh please..."

Hyoga's mouth sought to please him even more, Kissing along the neck then he tried to kiss his shoulder; being halted by the shirt Shun was wearing. He went back to kissing Shun's neck as his hands went down and tugged at the shirt. He lifted the garment up and broke the kiss long enough for Shun to lift his arm to ease off the fabric.

His mouth was now free to explore this new uncharted path. Kisses trailed along Shun's chest as his lover was letting out some excited gasps. When Hyoga's lips brushed a nipple, Shun's reaction was instantaneous. He grasped Hyoga head and held it there, lacing his fingers in his hair.

"OH!... Hyoga! There!..."

Hyoga started to nurse Shun's pink nipple, teasing it slowly with a lap, then a kiss after that a quick suck. Shun moaned at each treatment but when he took the nipple between his lips, that's when he got the biggest response. He looked at the nub and saw that it now stood moistened and erect. His mouth went back at it as Shun arched, as if wanting to push more of him into Hyoga's mouth.

Shun couldn't believe what he felt. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before. He wanted more, always more, like he couldn't live without being touched by Hyoga. A warmth seeped into his body, pooling into his lower area, he felt his member starting to fill, slowly getting hard.

"HYOGA!" He gasped as Hyoga teased the nipple with his teeth.

"Gomen... Did I hurt you?" Asked Hyoga.

"I..Iya... Just startled... It feels good Hyoga..." replied softly Shun, playing with the blonde's hair.

"Then this will also feel good..." replied Hyoga before he captured the other nipple, sucking on it as Shun threw his head back, moaning softly.


Shaka blinked. Did he just imagined that sound? It had been keening, supplicant. He frowned and tried to return to his meditation. His attempts earlier had not met with success.

I usually can meditate anywhere, why not here? He took a deep breath and found his center again, he let go of the breath slowly as he imagined his breath was like the tide. As he took breath, the tide would rise on the beach, when he let it go, the tide was receding. That always helped him when he was troubled.

So he concentrated on the tide coming and going on the beach. His mind started to wander on the beach, the sand became black and it followed up a volcano. In the heart of the volcano was Ikki as he had been the first time he saw him, battered and bruised. Shaka had come there to deal with Janko, his murderous ways were sanctioned by the Great Pope.

Ikki turned slowly around and he saw the deep blue eyes, in them was anger and as he got closer he saw the emotion in them change, they softened. He drifted so very close...

Shaka opened his eyes. No... He couldn't meditate, something was on his mind. Ikki?... He recalled sending a telepathic message as he felt himself drown. Even with all his training he did like any other men would have done, he had panicked and reached out for solace.

Ikki's mind he reached easily, he held on to him, his anchor in the chaotic world that went crazy around him. He felt the youthful yet strong arms grab a hold of him. It was like he was so deep into meditation that he could feel himself floating out of his body. He was barely aware of his surrounding. Until he felt the warmth on his body... the warmth that flowed into his mouth, into his lung, yanking his consciousness back into his body.

Was... Ikki alright? Maybe that was what worried him. Maybe he should take a peek into his room, check on him without waking him or his younger brother. Yes, that was probably what was troubling him.

He rose from the lotus position he had taken on the bed and put a robe on. He glided without a sound to Ikki and Shun's room. He blinked as he found the door ajar. He peered inside.

The first bed he saw was empty, he turned his head on the other side and saw Ikki. The dark haired young man was tossing on his bed, mumbling.

A dream?... Wondered Shaka. Against his better judgement, the blonde got into the room and went to the bed.

Ikki started to trash at that moment. His brow was knitted and he sweated, his head tossing this way and that. "No... don't come nearer... he'll get you!..."

A nightmare? Shaka frowned and watched as Ikki's bare chest rose up and down rapidly, his body trashing more. "Iya..." He said. "Watch out... Esmeralda..."

Esmeralda? Shaka wondered who she was and seeking to comfort him, he put his hands on his bare arms.

Ikki's eyes snapped opened, wild. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He yelled.

Shaka gasped as he felt Ikki's strong grip and before he could gather what was going on, Ikki had pushed him on the bed and he towered over him, fist poised to strike.

"IKKI! IKKI! WAKE UP!" Shaka cried, he cringed when he saw the fist fall down. After a few seconds, not feeling the strike, he opened an eye.

Ikki was poised in mid-movement as if he just woke up. "N..Nani?" He looked down in the form underneath him. "Shaka?"

Shaka tried to calm his beating heart, the way Ikki was holding his arms over his head, the way he was towering over him, made the Gold Saint tremble. "Y... Yes... Ikki..." He fought to level his voice that quivered with a certain excitement.

The young man frowned. "What are you doing here, Shaka?"

"I... I..." Shaka licked his lips, why was he so hesitant? He looked up to Ikki, to his deep blue eyes. "I wanted to know if you were all right..."

"Feh..." puffed Ikki. "Baka... You're the one that fell into the water, why should I be injured?"

Shaka felt silly, he had a point there. "I wasn't conscious...but I knew it was you who rescued me..."

Ikki cocked his head to the side. "You called... I came..." He replied matter a factly.

"And... I wanted to thank you... for saving me..."

Ikki closed his eyes. "Anyone would have done the same..."

"Ah... Ikki... Would you mind...moving?" asked Shaka.

The youth blinked and realized he was straddling Shaka, holding his hands over his head. As his eyes roamed down to Shaka's prone form, the moonlight peered from out the clouds. The moon rays glowed on Shaka's pale skin, his eyes luminescent, his moistened lips beckoned to him. He averted his eyes a few seconds to see that his robe was opened enough to show the erect nipples. He saw how Shaka's breath was rapid, his chest rising and falling fast.

"Ikki?..." Shaka's voice made Ikki blink.

"Ah... Yes... Sorry about that..." He got off him and sat on his bed. Shaka gracefully sat up, his hand went into his hair to put it back into place. Ikki couldn't resist to push back a stray stand from his face.

"Ah...Gomen... I just..." He coughed and turned on the bed lamp.

"No... You shouldn't. I didn't want to wake you up..." Started Shaka.

"Too late for that now..." replied Ikki, when Shaka bit his lip, he added. "I would have woken up anyway... It's not your fault..."

Shaka nodded. "Ikki... Who's Esmeralda?...."

Ikki sighed and scratched his head. He opened the drawer of his night table and took out a pack of cigarette.

"You shouldn't smoke..." Started Shaka.

Ikki shrugged. "Why not?... it's not like it can kill me... In either case, you and I both know Saints don't die of old age... One day... Sooner or later... I'll meet an enemy that will best me..." He lighted it and took a dreg. "I like the feel of it burning down my throat... It feels the same when I use my powers."

Shaka nodded, it was Ikki's health, he shouldn't pry.

"She was a girl on Death Queen Island..." said Ikki after another dreg.

The blond blinked. "I beg your pardon?..."

"You asked me who is Esmeralda.... or rather was..." Ikki made a face and pulled out an ashtray and crushed the cigarette. He had only taken a few puffs of it. "She was killed by Guilty..." He looked away.

"I'm... sorry I didn't know..." replied Shaka. " She must have meant a lot to you..."

"She was the only person that treated me with kindness on that accursed island. I should have protected her... instead, she was killed... Feh... The ironic part is that if she wasn't killed... I might have never begotten the Phoenix. If God exists he's got a twisted sense of humor."

Shaka frowned. "You don't believe in God?..."

"Why should I? If God gave a damn... You think we would have suffered this much in our childhood?" spat Ikki.

"It's not our place to question...." Started Shaka.

"Bullshit... You think I wanted to be like this?... You think I wanted my brother to each day feel anguish because he might cause someone's death?..."
He took another cigarette angrily. "I promised my mother on her dying bed that I would look after my brother... I never had the chance to do that!"


Ikki threw his cigarettes against a wall. He calmed down, Shaka had stayed where he was, normally he would have left, but something told him that Ikki needed to talk.

"I'm sorry..." Ikki broke the silence. "It's not like it's your fault... it's just... if I had been the Phoenix earlier...She might still be alive today.."

"It's not your fault... You couldn't have known..." started Shaka emphatically.

"I was the only one there who gave a damn about her... Even Guilty, her father... treated her like..." Ikki closed his eyes, bad memory rose and he didn't want to deal with them now... not now.

Shaka could feel something wasn't right with Ikki, he had started to fidget, drawing a leg up to his body as if to protect himself. His suspicions were confirmed when he placed a reassuring hand on his knee and Ikki jumped at the touch.

"Ikki... Is there something you'd like to talk about?' Asked gently Shaka.

"NO!..." Ikki spat, then his face softened once more. "No.. There's nothing to talk about... I'm just... shaken from my nightmare..."

Shaka nodded but in fact, he wasn't all convinced that there was nothing. But it was also evident that Ikki wouldn't tell him, not tonight. Shaka wanted to help the youth, hidden in those blue eyes of his, there was this sadness and an emotion Shaka couldn't place.

Shaka rose. "Since we both can't sleep... How about we take a little walk? The fresh air might help us go back to sleep."

Ikki shrugged. "Sure... why not?..." He looked up and saw that Shaka only had a robe, he himself had only his pajama pants. He got up and went to one of his drawers. After rummaging through it, he took out a sweatshirt for himself and a pair of jogging pants and a wool shirt for Shaka. "You better wear those... It might be cold out and... well since you took a plunge... I don't want you to catch a cold.

Shaka took the clothes gratefully. "Thank you Ikki..." As he took the clothes, their hands brushed, Ikki turned around quickly.

"Er.. I won't look... just wear this... and there's a drawstring so even if it's a little big for you... You can tighten it easily."

Shaka quickly got dressed and they both headed out.


Shun moaned softly, he didn't want to wake the entire house. "Hyoga... Hyoga..."
He no longer had his top and his lover had just pushed down his boxers. Shivering, he watched, panting as Hyoga admired his body.

Hyoga first wanted to pull the boxers all the way down but they were down enough to uncover Shun's manhood, he stopped. Shun had a beautiful body and all those who first thought he was a girl... Hyoga had the confirmation before him that he wasn't. He watched Shun's erection and he touched the head with the tip of his fingers. It moved as Shun took a sharp breath.

The blond smiled and touched it once more, running his fingers along the length. He looked up to Shun's angelic face, eyes closed, mouth opened to let out a sexy moan. Everything about his lover was exciting to Hyoga. He took the hardness in his hand and started to slowly pump it.

Shun arched. "oooh god..." He moaned. "Hyoga... No.. stop... Please..."

Hyoga frowned. "Why?... You don't like it?..." He stopped, after all if Shun didn't enjoy himself.

"Iya... it's wonderful..But..." He sat up and tugged at Hyoga's clothes. " I want to touch you too..."

Hyoga chuckled and let himself be divested. He liked the way his lover was moving, taking his clothes off hurriedly. It reminded him of the few times he and Isaak had been... experimenting while Camus was away on Sanctuary business. But it was nothing like this, in those cold night, they had been too shy yet to get fully undress like this. They had just masturbated the other. That was before Isaak disappeared, by his fault...

"Ano... Hyoga?... Is something wrong?..." Shun had looked up to him when his clothes were all off.

The blonde shook his head. "Iya... It's nothing Shun... Nothing else matters now, but you..." He spoke truthfully, these emotions, he never had them so strongly in Isaak. He pulled Shun to him.

"Hyoga whaaaa... aaah" Shun moaned when his body got in contact with Hyoga's. He felt like their hardness was molten lava so hot and hard. He looked deep into Hyoga's blue eyes and he could only guess that his facial expression echoed that of his lover. He wanted more, so much more and if an enemy would come into their room right now, he wouldn't care, as long as the touch continued.

Hyoga gasped when he felt Shun's hips move against him."Aaaah... Shun..." He kissed his lover hard, sliding his hands to his bottom and pressing on it, putting more friction between them. His own hips moved against Shun. His tongue slid into his lover's mouth who responded in kind.

They both started to make grunting and deep moaning sounds, their hips creating more frictions as they were both undulating on the bed, on each other.

Hyoga broke the kiss. "Shun... Do you want more?..."

"Yes, Hyoga... Yes!"

Hyoga made Shun sit up, as they sat their legs went loosely around the other's waist, their erections brushing. Shun looked down at their hardness, he thought Hyoga's hardness was beautiful, smooth, he wanted to touch it.

Hyoga saw the hint of lust in his eyes. "If you want to touch me Shun... Please do..." He closed his eyes when he felt Shun's hand form a tight tunnel, then the movement started. "Yes... oooh yes...Shun..." he moaned as his own hand went to mimic Shun.

Both youth were now reaching new heights, they never felt such pleasure before. Touching themselves was good but this was heavenly, each stroke was more fiery than the last. Their hands also went faster, enhancing the pleasure even more.

"Aaah... aaah... Hyoga... I'm... oh god..." Moaned Shun, stroking Hyoga as fast as he could, his pleasure ordering him to please his lover, Hyoga's pleasure was also his own.

"Aaah.. me..too...I can't... AAAAH!" Hyoga closed his eyes and threw his head back. His hand was as fast as Shun, he was loosing all coherent thoughts, pleasure being all. It was all encompassing, engulfing him in a torrent of passion. Suddenly his eyes opened as he felt his pleasure shoot straight from his head to his groin.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Shun's hips humped with the movement as he too felt the sweet release of his orgasm. He felt his body tense like a bowstring then release.

They both felt backwards on the bed, with the lingering feeling of their orgasm floating in their heads. The first thing Shun felt was Hyoga's seed on his chest. He sat up almost at the same time as Hyoga and blushed when he saw his own pleasure splattered on his lover's chest.

"oups..." Said Hyoga. " It was so incredible though, Shun..." He got up to wet a towel in his little bathroom. As he walked away, Shun couldn't help but admire his body. He was too tired to do something else but at another time...

Hyoga came back with the warm wet towel and washed Shun's stomach. The green haired youth closed his eyes, that felt very good. When he didn't feel the towel anymore he opened his eyes to see that Hyoga was cleaning himself up too.

After the clean up Hyoga lied back down with him, taking him in his arms. "mmmm... I wish you could stay here all night..."

Shun sighed. "I know... Ni-san..." He nuzzled Hyoga. "But soon..." He sighed again. "I'm worried about Ni-san..."

"Ikki?... Why Shun?" asked Hyoga, combing his fingers through his hair.

"He's... Lonely... He's been supporting of me but... I feel bad to be happy when he's so lonely..."

"Ah...yes.. I understand..." Started Hyoga.

Both lovers stayed like that in a kind of unsolved dilemma.

"I messed up the mood, didn't I?" asked Shun.

"No... It's only natural that you're worried about Ikki." replied Hyoga. "He seemed out of it all evening... But I'm sure one day... Someone will find out just how special your brother can be..."

"I hope so..." sighed Shun. "Can I stay a bit longer?"

Hyoga smiled.


"...then I ended up in the Ganges Valley, where I finished my training..." said quietly Shaka. "I was lucky, my Master had a huge library... Most of the books I have, he gave me..."

"Ah... So you are fond of your Master?..." asked Ikki, his voice was strangely dim.

"Of course... and now he is back with the Gods... He reached illumination and died content...Although I did mourn his passing..."

"I killed my own Master... all he ever gave me was hatred and shame.." Ikki bit his lip, he said too much and it got out all wrong.

Shaka was silent for a while, Ikki couldn't help but feel his heart sink. The blond would think he would be some kind of monster, since he loved his Master.

"You said your Master's name was Guilty?" When Ikki nodded, Shaka continued. "My Master knew him... I heard, he was... a harsh man... I remember his face when I left for Sanctuary. He told me, Guilty was about to get another trainee... My Master told me the last one Guilty trained... killed himself... But he never told me why... But I think he knew... He was... " Shaka looked softly at Ikki. "His training must have been.... horrible..."

Ikki closed his eyes and looked away from him. "It's best if you never know..."

Shaka's head fell, he felt he should reach out to Ikki, but the youth had been so badly handled during training, if his Master didn't want to tell him about it... He could not even begin to guess what hardships Ikki must have endured.

"But... You are the Phoenix... No one is like you... You are unique... Maybe even the only Phoenix that ever lived..." Started Shaka.

"But... Was it worth it?..." asked Ikki. Shaka was shocked to see the emotion that flashed in Ikki's eyes briefly, shame and fear.

"You protected Athena... Bested me in battle because your motives were pure... You made me doubt... You made me realize that maybe I was wrong..."

Ikki took a few steps away from him as he looked at the stars. "Shaka... Why did you bring me back?..."

Shaka put a hand on his shoulder. "Because I wanted to know you better.. Because the world was a better place because you were in it... I could see the nobility of your heart... Even though you deny it... You are as selfless as your brother... You have beautiful soul, Ikki... I felt it was a shame if I was the only one to come back... I had to bring you back..." I needed to he added to himself much to his own surprise.

"Shaka... I don't know if I was worth..." Ikki turned slowly and gazed into Shaka's eyes. Both held their breath as they were transfixed by the other.


"Mmmm... Shun... As much as I hate to say this..." softly said Hyoga.

Shun sighed. "I know... I better get back into my room." He got up to get his clothes. "Before Ikkiiick..." He quickly ducked.

The blond on the bed blinked. " Huh?...What's wrong?"

"It's Ikki..." Shun went to the window and motioned Hyoga to come. "Come see this, he's with Shaka... Lie low, don't let them see you..."

Hyoga did as he was told. He peered and watched the aforementioned couple. "mmm Shun... I don't think they are going to notice us... Do you see how they are looking at each other?..."

"Yeah..." Shun couldn't believe it. "Ni-san and Shaka...."

"Normally I'd say we shouldn't jump to conclusions but... Shaka is wearing your brother's favorite sweat pants and favorite wool sweater.... And they look close enough to be on the verge of kissing.."

But when Hyoga uttered this, the couple on the ground seemed to have snapped out of the trance they had been in. Ikki turned his gaze back to the stars with his hand rubbing the back of his head and Shaka had just become very interested in the grass at his feet.

"Aaaaw... they didn't kiss..." Pouted Shun, then he beamed. " Are you thinking what I'm thinking?..."

"Ah... if you're thinking about playing Cupid..." Started Hyoga.

"Pleeeeease, Hyoga.... For Ni-san's sake!" Shun threw himself into his arms.

"I feel like I'm going to regret this... whoaaa..."

Shun chuckled as he tackled Hyoga in a bear hug.

"Okay, okay you win... Now you better use this opportunity to sneak back into your room." They kissed, got dressed and before leaving Shun kissed him one last time before he headed for his room.

He got into his bed and closed his eyes just in time. Ikki had come back, he smiled as he heared the hushed voices saying good night. He hoped for a kiss but none was heard. He acted as if he was sound asleep and when he door closed he peaked and saw his brother lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling. He looked... pensive.

Don't fear, Ikki... I swear I'll help you and Shaka... It's so wonderful to be in love Ni-san...Just you wait... Promised himself Shun as he closed back his eyes and fell asleep.

The end of part 3