Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction ❯ Trifecta. ❯ Meat-Bun Dreams. ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Document Opened: 07/23/2007, 04:17am.
Authors Note:
No.2. For the Solitaire3 community over at LiveJournal.

Claim: Son Goku.

Theme/Prompt: No.11. Infinitude.

Disclaimer: Kazuya Minekura owns Saiyuki. Not I said the writer.;p.

Warning for possible out of character-ness.

Extra Note: Also a little bit of a parody of that scene in Dexter's Laboratory where he's dreaming and there's an endless amount of burgers and when he wakes up he says something like "Ooh da lolly, I better become a vegetarian."


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He wasn't quite sure where he was or why, but there were allot of meat-buns to his right and he was hungry.

Deciding he simply couldn't let good food go to waste, he sat down cross-legged and picked up a meat-bun and ate it.
This went on for a few minutes and it seemed like the pile never got smaller.
He was enjoying the variety of meat-buns up until he felt something poking his shoulder.
He turned around but there was nothing there.

He opened his eyes slowly and saw Hakkai smiling.
"It's time to get up, Goku. We'll be leaving after breakfast."
He left Goku to get ready, The boy in question was still half way awake and remembered the dream.
And one thought stood out to him at the moment.
'I wanna go back to sleep.'

Authors Note:
I kind of like how this came out.==^-^==.
Later! 07/23/2007, 04:39am.