Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction ❯ Trifecta. ❯ For a second. ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Document Opened: 07/23/2007, 04:45am.
Authors Note:
The final one. These have been fun.:).
For the Solitaire3 community over at LiveJournal.

Theme/Prompt: No.9. False Reflection.
I was wondering which one to do as the last one and I did have this one and another in mind, But I thought ending it with 9 would be appropriate.;).

Claim: Son Goku.

Disclaimer: Kazuya Minekura owns Saiyuki. Not I said the writer.;p.

Warning for possible out of character-ness.

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Today just him and Gojyo were getting the supplies. Hakkai was tending to Sanzo's bandage's and after that he had to feed Hakuryu.

He knew he was being oddly silent, but he couldn't help but to have some lingering thoughts of what he'd done yesterday
He had only wanted help Sanzo, Not injure everyone. Hakkai and Gojyo didn't act angry at him but he still couldn't help but feel Guilty.

One of the first things that they were to get was more bandages and the two turned into a general store that was near where they were staying. Gojyo was walking in front and Goku wasn't far behind.

They walked past the candle section and were passing by some mirrors of all variety when Goku thought he saw himself as Seitan Taisei and stopped for a second to look again. It was nothing.

"What's the matter monkey, never seen yourself before?"
Gojyo had seen the monkey stop and looked at one mirror almost puzzled.

"Forget it, and don't call me monkey. Water sprite."
Goku started to walk off past Gojyo.

Gojyo stopped the boy by gripping his shoulder lightly.
"This is about yesterday, isn't it?"

Goku looked at the ground. "I could have killed all of you. I don't really remember what happened but I know I wanted blood."

Gojyo put his arm half way around him and ruffled his hair.
"Like you could kill me. Not in this life or any other. Come on, we still have stuff to do."

He started on ahead. Goku shook his lightly. He still felt bad about what had happened, Maybe it would go away after Sanzo woke up. He went to catch up with Gojyo.

Authors Note:
I had a little bit of a rush on this one. So not to sure about it.
Later!==^-^==. 07/23/2007, 06:29am.