Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To The Night ❯ We Meet ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gojyo twisted across the dance floor, the loud music invading his senses and the smoky atmosphere seeming more natural to him than the fresh air outside. Nobody was biting tonight, even though there were plenty of appreciative faces in the crowd.
Slipping between the gyrating bodies, the redhead made sure that he was as visible as possible; an easy task when his very presence seemed to draw people's attention like moths to a light. A pair of muscled, undeniably male arms slipped around his waist and Gojyo made his usual move, raising his left hand to run it through his hair. He waited for one of the hands to move to his wrist, to touch the gold and emerald bracelet clasped there as a silent signal; but the familiar contact never came. Gojyo sighed softly and disentangled the anonymous hands from his body, sliding away to continue his rounds.
That was how it worked; if a person didn't know the code, they weren't worth Gojyo's time. The bracelet on his arm was the only thing that distinguished him from all the people packed into the club who were there for pleasure; Gojyo was in the club for work, the same as he was every Friday and Saturday night.
He blended in well with the flashy club crowd, dressed in a silver vest that ended long before the start of his pants; black leather trousers that moulded to his ass without clinging too much to his calves. They were both colours that offset his tanned skin and vibrant hair, and the sleeveless shirt had the added effect of making the gold accessory blindingly obvious to anyone who knew its true meaning.
Moving to stand by the bar, hoping that his luck would pick up over there, Gojyo scanned the darkened room. Here and there he could spot others like him, the women and a few men who worked for the owner of the club, giving those in the know a little more bang for their buck.
Each and every one of them was for sale, their barcodes hanging from their wrists like Gojyo, or their ears, or their necks. On the surface, L'Amour was an innocuous club, all above board; but its appearance was deceitful because in the end, it was just a well-disguised brothel. That was why the jewellery code was necessary, allowing the club owner-slash-pimp to hide his illegal trade in plain sight.
Gojyo desperately wanted a drink, but the boss had a strict ban on drunken whores and so the bartenders knew not to serve the workers. It'd been a long time since he'd worked a night in the club without picking up a john, but the redhead knew that he needed every cent he could get. He had to find someone tonight, even if it meant venturing into the street. It was the last resort, and exponentially more risky than staying in the club, but there wasn't much time before the men out cruising for sex would throw it in for the night.
Straightening his shirt, Gojyo began to pick his way through the crowd again, aiming for the exit. He stopped short, though, when he felt someone loosely grab hold of his wrist, fingers coming to rest over the emerald-studded bracelet. Gojyo set his face in a seductive smile, turning towards his latest buyer while hoping like Hell that it wasn't some sort of creep. There were too many people who just didn't know the difference between a higher-class hooker and a sex slave.
But when the redhead came face-to-face with his client, he found himself vaguely wondering whether he should be the one paying the money; the man before him was the single most gorgeous human that Gojyo had ever laid his distinctive red eyes on.
Sanzo lurked in a dark corner of the club, sitting at a table by himself with his arm resting over the back of his chair and a cigarette dangling from his lips. His vantage point allowed him to survey almost all of the room at once, without drawing too much attention to himself. It was annoying, having to constantly fend off overly forward, incredibly drunk women and men who seemed determined to get into the irritable man's pants.
He wouldn't even be in this stupid place if his employer wasn't such a pedantic son of a bitch. Why he had to report on the inner workings of the business, Sanzo had no idea. The blonde didn't want to be some sort of clichéd private investigator; that wasn't in his job description, dammit...not that one found advertisements for a job like his in the local newspaper.
A man dressed in a disgustingly tacky pair of gold pants pulled away from the crowd on the dance floor, taking a few steps in Sanzo's direction. A venomous glare made the unlucky guy look like he might have pissed himself, and Sanzo drew on his cigarette, letting the smoke out into the room with a sigh of irritation. Just because his features were a little too feminine, his bone structure a little too fragile-looking, didn't mean that he was willing to be anyone's bitch.
The blonde had no interest in being approached, and certainly no interest in waking up next to someone in the morning. The thought of letting anyone get that close was…sickening.
And yet…every few minutes, as his eyes wandered around the club, taking in the atmosphere, the people and the mechanics of the business, he found himself repeatedly watching one person who kept ducking in and out of view.
From his sources, Sanzo knew about the club's secondary function; he was almost amazed at the sheer number of prostitutes inside the place, none of them looking at all like the tired, used-up hookers that one usually saw. They were all young, vibrant and exceptionally good-looking…especially one of them, who by comparison made almost everyone else in the room look like gaudy trash.
It was this man that Sanzo kept finding his attention drawn to, watching the flashes of red and silver as that lean body moved fluidly through the crowd as if he was water flowing down a stream. He'd noticed fairly quickly that the object of his interest had a tell-tale piece of green and gold jewellery on; it was clear that the redhead was trying to show his bracelet off as much as possible, without being obnoxious or suspicious about it.
Sanzo kept reminding himself that he was at the club for business, nothing else; and he kept telling himself, `five more minutes, then I'm going home. That pedantic bastard can go fuck himself if he thinks I'm going to give him anything more in-depth than what I've seen already.' But again and again, a couple of minutes would pass, Sanzo would be about to go, the redheaded prostitute would come into view again, and the blonde would forget every intention he had to leave.
Tonight, his mind wasn't even bothering to come up with a half-baked excuse for its odd behaviour. All his brain was telling him was that he had to go over there and drag the man off to a secluded area, which was quite different to its usual approach of `deny the fact that Sanzo, the great emotionless prick, actually has human desires'.
He had no issue with the fact that the man was a professional; that was actually preferable, because whores didn't expect a call back the next day and didn't get lippy if they wanted to be paid.
All thoughts of the fact that he was working were lost when he saw the prostitute push off from where he was leaning against the bar, presumably heading for the door. Sanzo hurriedly crushed out his fourth cigarette for the night into the ashtray, picking up a quick pace while stepping around reaching hands and wobbling drunks.
Falling into line behind the departing man, Sanzo vaguely wondered just what the Hell he was doing even as his hand reached out to grab the other's wrist. He wasn't supposed to give into his cravings; he'd gotten the name `Sanzo', like a Buddhist priest, from his ability to ignore the needs of his body and shun human connections, after all.
So why was he about to proposition a whore?
It was too late to back out, as the arm in his grip twisted and the redhead turned to face him.
Seeing the man close up, Sanzo noticed that he wasn't quite perfect; his white teeth weren't totally aligned, his startling red eyes must've been contacts, and there were two parallel scars running across his cheek. But for some unknown reason, these slight flaws only served to make his seductive expression more attractive.
The arm not in his grip came to rest over Sanzo's shoulder, long fingers beginning to lightly play with the ends of his blonde hair. The whore didn't say anything, and Sanzo realised that he hadn't quite sealed the deal.
He raised his hand between their bodies, bringing the redhead's up with it. His thumb played over an emerald in the bracelet, and the fingers in his hair made heat begin to pool in the lower section of his stomach. Usually, his hair was off-limits to everybody, but there was something about the way the taller man teased the light strands that felt…natural.
Noticing uncertainty flash into the redhead's eyes, Sanzo was quick to lean in and speak up. He didn't want the strikingly good-looking prostitute to walk away, as he'd seen the man do just minutes earlier to some over-muscled dickhead.
“Nice bracelet. Where…?” He intentionally let the question trail off, knowing that the darkly-tanned man would know what he meant. Sanzo wasn't sure if he detected a purring sound in his voice, and it was a little disconcerting to feel his body react so strongly to someone who sucked and fucked for a living.
Sanzo was somewhat glad that he was pretty much entirely unable to form emotional attachments. Otherwise, this could have gotten very tricky.
Internally, Gojyo was intensely relieved when the blonde god of a man who grabbed his wrist was an actual buyer. He'd been a little worried when the man hadn't spoken up, and it wouldn't be the first time that someone had grabbed his wrist without actually realising what that meant. But then again…Hell, Gojyo would probably have slept with this particular guy for free.
He didn't think that he'd have any trouble performing tonight whatsoever.
Externally, Gojyo simply kept smiling and tilted his head to the side, indicating to a well-hidden door towards the back of the club. He turned and started to walk over to it, the hand still around his wrist indicating that the blonde was following.
The pair got to the back wall and Gojyo made eye contact with a suited-up man standing off to the side, silently telling the guard to put in the code to unlock the door. A slight nod from the man in the suit had Gojyo pressing the door open and gently pulling his john through it. Out of the corner of his eye, the redhead saw the guard giving the shorter man a good once-over, taking in any distinctive details just in case something happened.
After working the streets for years, it was almost nice to know that someone was willing to put in the time to ensure that Gojyo got paid properly and didn't die. Before he'd come to work at the club, only one person had shown even the slightest interest in keeping Gojyo alive; that person was long gone. To where, Gojyo didn't have the faintest idea. He could have been anywhere in the world, if he wasn't already dead.
The sound of the music almost completely disappearing brought Gojyo back to the present. The second half of the building, comprised almost exclusively of rooms with little else other than a moderately clean bed in them, was fairly well soundproofed. It worked both ways; the music was only faint, and it was a complete turn-off for some people to hear others having sex, so the occupants of each room were free to be as loud as they wanted, without disturbing anyone else.
It was a fairly tight little setup that the boss ran.
The first three rooms along the dimly lit hallway had their doors closed, indicating that not too many of the others had managed to pick up today; usually at least six of the doors were closed at any one time.
The second door on the left side was open, so Gojyo turned back towards the blonde man, beckoning towards him and moving backwards through the open door.
A single lightbulb swung from the ceiling, allowing Gojyo to take a proper look at his buyer. His first instinct was correct; the man in front of him truly was beyond anyone else the redhead had ever seen in real life. Dressed in fitted, low-slung black jeans and a button-down shirt undone to reveal the top of a well-toned chest, Gojyo had to wonder if he was awake or still dreaming.
He'd serviced ugly men, violent men, absolutely fucking repulsive men; but it had been a long time since he'd been taken by someone who was better looking than himself.
It had also been a long time since he'd actually been looking forward to his work.
The blonde walked into the room, using his foot to push the door shut. There was no lock; safety issues, apparently. It made sense to Gojyo.
The redhead pulled down the zipper on his vest, pushing it off his shoulders as his skin broke out in goosebumps from the slightly chilly air. Without the press of bodies, it was getting cold. He could feel the blonde's eyes on him, tracing the bare skin down to the top of the leather pants, sitting so low on his hips that the slightest jolt might just expose the taller man's pubic hair.
So naturally, in a dance he'd performed many times before, he added a swing to his hips as he walked to the corner of the room, encouraging his pants to fall ever so slightly down. Gojyo grabbed a couple of condoms, tissues and small foil packages of lube from the small table in the corner, slipping them into his pockets. When he turned back to face the man now leaning against the closed door he heard the slightest hitch of breath, which in turn caused his own cock to wake up as he saw the open look of lust directed straight at his very nearly exposed groin.
Gojyo dropped one hand to his hip, letting his thumb slide under his waistband just to the left of the catch and zipper. He ran the end of his tongue across his top lip, dropping the tone of his voice to a soft, sexy drawl. “How do you want me, gorgeous?”
Yeah, it was all part of the job, but Gojyo couldn't stop himself from thinking, `Maybe…is this as good as what a true seduction would feel like?'
He'd been on the streets most of his life; he'd never had sex for anything other than money, or food, or a place to stay. Well…not consensual sex…
Don't call me anything like that.” There was heat in the smaller man's voice, but Gojyo wasn't worried. He'd heard much worse, and there was nothing in the other man's demeanour to suggest that he was about to get violent. Then again, it was often the unassuming ones who were the meanest, the kinkiest, the most depraved.
The blonde man straightened up, giving the bed a disparaging look. Gojyo caught the vaguely disgusted expression and was quick to reassure the man. “Don't worry, it's all clean. But if you'd rather not, then there are plenty of other options…”
He watched the fully-dressed man give the room a measured look, weighing up his options. When he turned his face back to Gojyo, the redhead noticed for the first time that the other man's eyes were a striking shade of purple. Coloured contacts, probably. A bored voice sounded out, but its effect was negated by the desire in those strange eyes. “Lube me up, and then…up against the wall.”
Gojyo winked, unclasping his own pants and shimmying his hips to make the tight material ease over his ass and erect cock. Underwear was generally unnecessary in his profession; it just got in the way. He'd also learnt pretty quickly that it was easier to get his own pants out of the way before getting his hands covered in lube.
Stepping out of the pants as gracefully as he could manage, he squatted down to retrieve the small packages from his pocket, bent legs spreading wide to expose himself fully to the standing man. Gojyo wasn't entirely sure whether he actually heard a faint groan, or if he was just imagining things. He hoped it was the former; the idea of turning this beautiful man on was making Gojyo harder.
He was slightly surprised when he heard footsteps and the other man's legs moved into his line of sight; Gojyo was used to doing everything while the other person simply waited to be pleasured. Staying in his squatting position, the redhead put the edge of a condom wrapper between his teeth, ripping it open with practiced ease. With his free hand he reached for the black jeans in front of him, feeling the bulge there with his palm while his fingers slipped open the button and the zipper. A pair of blue briefs kept the erection covered, and Gojyo could have sworn that his fingers were almost shaking as they reached to pull the blue material as far down as possible while the jeans were still mostly on.
That was a reaction he hadn't had in a lot of years.
Pushing the material out of the way, Gojyo's dick jumped when the other man's was exposed to the light. It wasn't as long as his own but it was thicker, curving ever so slightly and elegant in a way that Gojyo didn't know a cock could be. The redhead swallowed hard, feeling himself becoming almost painfully hard and damn near needing the other man inside of him.
There was something about this, this single time with this anonymous, mysterious man, that was…different to every other time.
Pulling the condom out of the open packet, Gojyo rolled it over the blonde's cock, seeing a slight shudder run through the man's entire body at the action. He had to see more of that; tearing open the lubricant, the crouching man quickly squeezed the slippery stuff out onto his palm, not wasting any time in taking the other man between his fingers.
“…Fuck…Hurry it up, Red…” The words may have been harsh, but the tone was fucking close to begging. Gojyo complied, squeezing the rest of the lube directly onto the man's cock and quickly spreading it around as best he could. Satisfied, he rose to his feet, moving across to the wall and laying his slick palms flat against it. The redhead arched his back, compensating for the height difference between him and his slightly shorter partner. He shook his head back, letting long hair spill across the top of his bare back, tickling the skin.
Hands clenched around his hips, and Gojyo found it easier than usual to make his body relax before being penetrated. He couldn't help but moan when the slick, condom-covered cock first began to enter his unprepared hole; he'd been ready for the man to be rough and fast, but for whatever reason he was taking his time, minimizing Gojyo's pain to a dull stinging.
Knowing that he could handle more, Gojyo pressed back, sheathing the blonde all the way to the hilt. The feel of soft cotton against his back and denim against his thighs was strangely erotic, making his dick throb, but Gojyo didn't dare move his hands away from the wall unless the blonde initiated.
The other man began to move, quickly building up a fast pace that had Gojyo moaning with true pleasure. Whether it was intended or not, the cock inside him was sliding against his prostate every few thrusts, making the redhead lean against the wall more and more for support. It was getting harder for him to keep his hands off himself, but it wasn't worth the risk of angering the man; Gojyo had no idea if the blonde would actually object, but his instincts were telling him not to do anything without permission.
When one of the hands still on his waist moved away and re-settled over one of the tanned hands against the exposed brick, Gojyo took it as the long-awaited signal to take himself in hand. When the other hand stayed over his, even as it moved, the redhead was surprised; but that was nothing compared to how he felt when the delicate, pale fingers wrapped around his neglected cock alongside his own hand.
Not that Gojyo was objecting; the sensation of that other hand was almost enough to make him spill all over the wall, and he had to focus on breathing properly to ensure that he didn't come to quickly. Very few people wanted a whore that spurted quickly, and besides, Gojyo didn't want this to end.
He felt like his legs were going to give out, the feeling of the other man inside him almost too much. And, if the panting from behind him was any indication, the blonde was definitely getting his money's worth.
The hand around his dick sped up, encouraging his own hand to quicken its pace. All too soon, he felt the man's thrusts become erratic in a sure sign that he was coming, and so Gojyo focused all his attention on bringing about his own orgasm so that his muscle spasms would heighten his buyer's pleasure.
With a loud curse, Gojyo felt his entire body tighten as he came, spilling his seed against the wall and the hands still rubbing his cock. Teeth bit down on his shoulder as his passage clamped tightly, forcing an orgasm from the blonde man inside him. That was gonna leave a mark, but Gojyo felt like…like it was a reminder of one of the only times he'd ever truly enjoyed sex.
Using the hand still pressed into the wall, Gojyo leant his forearm against the bricks, resting his face against it to catch his breath. The man behind him slowly began to pull out, making Gojyo hiss from the feeling. Knowing that his duty wasn't quite done, the redhead turned and forced his legs to stay straight, reaching one hand down to slip the condom off the shorter man.
Gojyo tied the end of the used latex, tossing it in the general direction of the small rubbish bin. Carefully handling still-sensitive flesh, he bent to grab a tissue and cleaned the other man off before tucking him in and refastening his jeans. The movements seemed to rouse the blonde from a vague orgasmic afterglow, clearing the haze out of his eyes and making his features harden slightly.
In a gruff voice, the blonde questioned somewhat brusquely, “How much?” He reached for the wallet in the back pocket of his jeans, knowing that he had enough cash in there to cover several expensive hookers.
Gojyo had no idea exactly what possessed him to say what he did next.
He knew the boss would be furious, and probably expect a blowjob or three to make up for it, but Gojyo grabbed the other man's arm before he could retrieve his wallet. Smirking attractively, the tall man shook his head. “Don't worry about it…this one's on the house, Blondie.”
And as the other man stood there staring uncomprehendingly, Gojyo steered him towards the door and back out into the corridor, leaving one very confused man in the hallway and one blissed-out guy dropping down onto the bed to wonder exactly why he'd just given up what would have been a very high pay.
The next afternoon, Sanzo was being sent all over town by his employer to run any number of completely ridiculous jobs. He was grumpier than usual; something that one of the braver men he'd spoken with that morning had mentioned. That person was now sporting an attractive black eye.
Sanzo knew why he was grumpy, even though he refused to admit it. It was because as he walked up and down the city streets, he kept laying his eyes on any number of redheaded men; but that one's hair was too orange, that one's too short, and that one's nowhere near as shiny as the hair of the whore he'd picked up last night. But then again; if you didn't have to pay, did it still count as prostitution? Sanzo didn't think so, and as such he had no idea why the man hadn't requested payment.
It had been bothering him all day, and with every passing minute he was getting more and more homicidal. He couldn't free his mind from the trap that the redhead had lured him into.
When his head perked up at the sight of yet another crimson-haired person, only to find his anger rising when the figure was clearly female, Sanzo gave in. Stepping into the nearest alley, he pulled out his cell phone and dialled a number he knew off by heart. As soon as a familiar voice sounded out in a decidedly unenthusiastic greeting, Sanzo launched in. “Get me a list of all the hookers working at L'Amour, the club owned by that Banri prick. With physical descriptions, and fast. E-mail it to me.”
He didn't bother waiting for a reply, knowing that the guy on the other end of the phone would ask questions that Sanzo didn't want to answer. Hanging up, the blonde leaned back against the filthy wall of the alley.
Once he had a name to put to the face, he could get the man off his mind. He was Sanzo, the man without feelings, for fuck's sake! His mind had no right to be fixating on some nameless whore who wasn't even smart enough to get paid.
Once he knew who he'd fucked, he would move on.
***A few quick things: This story was written around a character, that character being Gojyo the prostitute. Where did this Whore Gojyo come from? Well, he was inspired by the Turbonegro song, “Sell Your Body (To the Night)”, which was also where the name of this fic came from. Abridged lyrics here:
“Working out in the weight room; you're trying to make it pay.
Sweating for the future, but it's such a long night anyway.
Out on the dance floor, working up a sweat;
Your body's their amusement park, now enter the night and see what you can get so
Everybody, sell your body; everybody, sell your body to the night
Hey boy, you wanna get ahead, you gotta give some head, might end up dead instead.
Hey boy, but you can make it right, so fix your hair alright, and welcome to the night.
Down on the corner, you show `em what you got;
Your body's their little candy store.
They got their eyes on you, so you gotta keep it hot so
Everybody, sell your body…”
Also, after much umm-ing and ahh-ing, this AU fic is set (*Bandit Keith voice*) in America. That fact will have little or no bearing on the story at all; it just seemed like a logical place to stick these particular versions of the Saiyuki boys. China and India seemed wrong, and although I could've thrown them into the middle of King's Cross in Sydney or something, it just would've been weird.
So after all that, I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter of this fic! More will be coming when I feel like it, I guess. And remember, I don't own Saiyuki or “Sell Your Body (To The Night)” and am not trying to get anything from writing this apart from my own sick sense of satisfaction. Please don't sue me.***