Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To The Night ❯ We Clash ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Gojyo sighed as he crawled into his bed, glad that it was the ridiculously early hours of Sunday morning, which meant that he had a whole day ahead of him to just sleep and laze around. His working clothes were thrown messily onto the carpeted floor of his bedroom, looking completely in place with the other assorted junk also residing there.
For him it had been a relatively early night, because he hadn't stuck around to finish his shift after the blonde man had left the back rooms of the club. `Well, I was already gonna be royally fucked for handing out freebies, why bother staying? Besides, it's not like anyone else could possibly measure up to…'
Gojyo spread out on his back, hands folded beneath his head. Physically, he was exhausted; worn-out and vaguely sated, just as he usually was after work. Mentally, though, he couldn't get his brain to shut up.
Earlier, he'd had consensual sex without getting anything material in return, for the very first time. The immediate thought struck Gojyo that, in a manner of speaking, he may have just truly lost his virginity. He gave a fairly humourless laugh at the concept.
The idea was unnerving, to say the least. He'd been a `professional' for eight years, even though he was only twenty-two years old. Before that there'd been a few people, but…none of those encounters particularly deserved to be remembered.
Sometimes, Gojyo couldn't help but wonder how much he'd repressed over his life, and whether it was all going to come flooding back one day. He really, really hoped that it never did.
He couldn't get the image of the gorgeous stranger out of his head, along with the sensations of hands on his skin, of breath heating the back of his neck and of being thrust against the wall…
Gojyo felt himself getting hard, but was too tired to be bothered doing something about it. He couldn't stop himself from having a mental argument about whether he was an idiot, a fool or both at once. He also kept going back over why he hadn't demanded payment…it was all too much.
Reaching over to his bed stand, Gojyo opened the draw and fossicked around for a moment, feeling for a familiar cylinder. Fingers clasping around the bottle, he drew it out and tossed the sleeping pills beside him as his hand went to the floor to grab a half-empty bottle of water that he knew would be down there somewhere.
Retrieving the water, he shook out a couple of pills, quickly washing them down and making a face at the taste of the slightly stale liquid. Rolling onto his side, Gojyo idly traced patterns on his sheets with his fingers and tried not to think until the pills began to kick in.
He would deal with the fallout tomorrow…if he felt like it.
It was well after two in the afternoon when Gojyo surfaced once again in the outside world. It would have been later if not for the fact that he'd completely run out of cigarettes; he cursed himself for the habit sometimes, but usually he was just glad that he'd so far avoided becoming one of the many whores he'd known who had died of overdoses, most often meth or heroin.
The only reason for that was because when Gojyo was eight, his brother Jien had told him never to go near drugs. If he'd gotten the lecture from anyone else, the redhead would probably have tried every drug he could get his hands on out of spite; but because it had been his older brother, whom Gojyo worshipped like a god, the young man had stayed clean from the illegal shit for his entire life.
It was a warm day, and Gojyo let the sun do its work to darken his skin, glad that it was summer and he could save on tanning salons. What could he say, pale just wasn't a good look for him!
He could already feel the sun killing his skin, arms bare with the dark singlet he wore. A long time ago, someone had warned him that he was going to end up with skin cancer; Gojyo didn't care, realising that his chances of living to middle age were already pretty slim. Between the possibility of skin cancer, lung cancer, a nasty disease or Hell, even just random violence, a long life wasn't really a probable outcome in his life.
Right now, though, he simply didn't care about all of that. Gojyo was just walking down the street, ignoring all thoughts of the night before and instead concentrating on the vague ache for nicotine running through his body; he wasn't even focused on his surroundings.
There weren't many people walking the street down in this particular area of town, with most residents of the city's `bad' area still passed out from a big Saturday night. As such, no one noticed when the tall redhead was suddenly pulled into an alley with an undignified yelp.
As his back was slammed into the filthy wall, Gojyo cursed himself for being caught off-guard. That was the sort of thing that got people killed; especially people like him. Then his vision refocused and it occurred to him that he was looking slightly down into a narrowed, furious, but most of all familiar pair of violet eyes.
Struck to the core, the only thing that Gojyo could think to do was make a joke out of the situation and try to disguise his sudden shock.
“Well hey there, Blondie! I know that you seem to like having me pushed up against walls and all, but Sunday's my day off. You're gonna have to find yourself someone else to-…”
“Shut the fuck up, idiot!” The pure anger in the blonde's voice made Gojyo slightly nervous; still, that was nothing compared to the sheer dread he felt when something hard and metal pressed into his side.

Flicking his eyes downwards, Gojyo saw the glint of sunlight off a silver gun; it was only a small one, but a gun was a gun. He made a conscious effort to keep his mouth shut, like the fuming man had ordered.
The blonde man still held the front of Gojyo's shirt with his free hand, using his grip to hold the redhead against the wall. The man might have been short and thin-looking, but damn, he was strong. Even though he was being attacked in an alley at gunpoint by a customer, Gojyo couldn't help but admire the other man's strength. The aura of danger produced by that strength and the gun just added to the attractiveness of the blonde, and a vague thought flittered through Gojyo's mind, telling him, `If he wants to go there, then I don't think that I'd say it would be rape, per se…'
He mentally shook himself, berating his mind for thinking about sex when he had a gun being pushed into his side by a stranger. Just because the man had a pretty face didn't mean that everything else was working quite right upstairs.
“What the fuck gave you the right to…to…to do what you did last night?” The blonde was hissing his words so violently that it was a miracle that Gojyo wasn't being soaked in saliva; not that a little spit was the greatest of his worries right now.
Gojyo didn't know if the question was rhetorical or not, but he hoped that it was. He had no idea what the insane blonde was on about, and he felt no real urge to be shot on such a nice day. What he'd done last night...was that meant to be the sex, the freebie, or some other thing that Gojyo didn't even know he'd done? Luckily, the blonde spoke again.
“Did you think that I couldn't afford you? Is your opinion of yourself really that high?”
In a normal situation, Gojyo would have started laughing at this point; the blonde had taken his free roll as some sort of insult, when it was actually…Well, Gojyo wasn't exactly sure what it had meant. But because he currently had a gun pressed against his stomach, the redhead chose not to crack up laughing or even fight back, just in case the shorter man had an itchy trigger finger.

”Woah, woah, it was nothing like that, man. Look, I don't know why I did it, but it definitely wasn't supposed to offend you. Just take the compliment, okay?” Gojyo held his hands up, palms flat, trying to tell the other man that he didn't want any trouble. `Merciful fuckin' Goddess, try to be nice to someone and what d'they do? Assault you on the street and try to shoot you…fucking Hell…'
Gojyo flinched slightly when the purple eyes glared even more dangerously, wondering if he'd somehow just screwed up again. He didn't realise that he was holding his breath until the pain in his side lifted away, and he exhaled deeply. Red eyes watched the hand with the gun move back towards the blonde, the other hand still twisted in his singlet.
Relaxing fractionally when the gun was tucked back inside the waist of the blonde's jeans, Gojyo was still wary as he watched the other man digging around inside his pocket. Judging by how the confrontation had gone so far, Gojyo wouldn't have been surprised if the man had pulled out a bloody grenade or something equally as ridiculous.
He didn't expect the man to come out with a wad of money, held together by a clip. He stiffened instinctively when said cash was stuffed directly into the pocket of his own pants, accompanied by another hard shove into the wall. It hurt like a bitch, but Gojyo wasn't in the habit of letting other people know when he was weakened. That never helped anyone stay alive on the streets.
“Take your money, you goddamned whore. It was business, nothing else.” With that, the hand holding Gojyo's shirt uncomfortably tight let go, and the blonde man stalked off into the street. All Gojyo could do was watch as the man left, soon turning onto a different road and disappearing from sight.
Finally waking up to the fact that he was now alone and free to leave, Gojyo quickly pulled the bundle of money out of his pocket, flicking through the notes in a quick count. His breath caught when he saw that the blonde man had given him something between two thousand and twenty-five hundred dollars; an amount far higher than his usual rate of payment, especially for an encounter as quick as his time with the other man had been.
`Did that psycho hunt me down just to…pay me? Oh well, I guess that I can't say that I got nothing in return for last night…guess I'm a `virgin' all over again!'
Shaking his head, Gojyo brushed off his shirt and moved back into the street, wondering whether he would ever see the blonde man again.
Sanzo felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders as he went back to his day of being an errand boy, not bothered by the fact that he'd just given away a substantial amount of money. He'd just hung up from his phone call to his contact, and had been just about to go on his way when yet another redheaded man had come into view; this time, though, it had been the right redhead.
Before he'd even realised what he was doing, Sanzo had reached out and dragged the man into the alley, drawing his gun and bitching the guy out. An overreaction? Maybe…No. Certainly not. That hooker had to be taught his place. There needed to be money involved…otherwise, it went from a business transaction to…something else.
And if there was one thing that Sanzo had spent the second half of his life avoiding, it was that `something else'.
Deciding that he'd thought quite enough on that particular issue, Sanzo worked on blanking his mind as he walked down the street away from the alley. He had work to do, and no streetwalking bitch was going to distract him from that. Not even one that good-looking…
Sanzo's teeth began to grind as he became completely furious with his mind. He nearly missed the feel of his phone buzzing in his pocket, and he answered it with a snapped “What?”
“Get your ass back here, Sanzo. I wanna hear what you found out last night.” The sound of his boss' voice over the phone didn't improve Sanzo's mood, and for one brief, irrational moment he didn't know what the man on the other end of the line meant; was the older man contemplating scheduling a round with the redheaded whore for himself? Then, though, Sanzo remembered why he'd been sent to the club in the first place. His boss just wanted to hear his intel.
“Ch', whatever.” Sanzo didn't waste words, immediately hanging up. Running a hand through his hair, he groped inside his pocket and pulled out a cigarette and lighter. Setting the end of the tobacco alight, he took a deep puff and then turned around, heading for the boss' office.
Upon entering the building, Sanzo didn't bother acknowledging the secretary seated behind the desk, a young woman with long hair that was dyed a deep shade of purpleish-blue. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her press a button and quietly speak a few words into her intercom, no doubt announcing his arrival to the boss. Job done, she turned back to a man standing before the desk, continuing the conversation that Sanzo's arrival had interrupted.
Sanzo recognised the man, and had to repress a slight shudder. He'd worked with that guy before, and there was something about him that was vaguely scary. He was a little too…polite for someone in their line of work, and that was unsettling to most people, especially because it was rumoured that he could snap violently if pushed, almost as if he was bipolar. Still, Sanzo had to admit that the man, who went by the name of Hakkai, was exceptionally good at what he did.
Reaching the elevator, Sanzo was glad that it was already sitting at the ground floor. He had better things to do than stand here in the foyer all day.
It didn't take long for him to reach the fourth floor, where his boss had his office. Everything in the building screamed professionalism, which was necessary to maintain the illusion that this was simply an ordinary workplace. While walking the fourth floor hallways, Sanzo passed several people who were clearly there to operate the legal side of the business contained in the building; he didn't know exactly what it was that they did, and he really didn't care.
Pushing open the door to the main office, Sanzo nearly walked straight into some minor-level lackey, who jumped to the side in fright and began apologising profusely. Sanzo didn't even look in the man's direction, instead moving straight to sit across the desk from his boss.
There weren't many people who could get away with being as impudent towards the company's head as Sanzo was, a dubious honour that he'd only earned because of the high standing Sanzo's adoptive father had held with the previous boss. Other people were shot for bursting into the office without warning; the blonde was merely sighed at.
“Oh, pardon my intrusion, Mr Boss Man, sir. Well that's okay, Sanzo dear boy, I did ask you here, after all. One day you're going to knock, and I might just have to shoot you on suspicion of being a fake.” Sanzo glared at the other man's words, not impressed with being ridiculed.
“Lighten up, grumpy. Now, on a more serious note, how did last night go?” It always amazed Sanzo how quickly his employer could change from joking to deadly serious. He just wished that he would ditch the joking side; it would make Sanzo's life easier.
“It was…uneventful. The club seems to work just like any other, and the prostitution ring is well-hidden. It's a very good set-up.” Sanzo didn't think that his boss needed to hear the other details of the night. The blonde would rather not broadcast his homosexuality; it would just lead to problems.
The other man smirked, absentmindedly twisting his fingers into his short, black hair. “So you didn't feel the need to, ah, sample any of their merchandise? C'mon, kid, you can tell me.”
Sanzo glared, both at the inference and being called `kid'. He wasn't about to inform his employer about his sex life, no matter how many times the older man had tried to ask over the years. “No, I didn't,” he replied, in a tone that sounded as if it could poison a person's ears.
“Oh, well then, you're no fun. I would've been perfectly okay with you doing that, in the name of research, of course. None of their women up to your high standards, Sanzo?”
The blonde sighed and stood up. He'd had more than enough of his employer's mockery. “Is there anything else you want, Dokugakuji? I've had more than enough of you for one day. I'm out.”
As Sanzo walked out the door, he heard the older man's parting comment. “You're lucky that I like you, Sanzo! People have died for being that rude to me!”
The blonde simply raised his hand above his shoulder, extending his middle finger to flip off the other man as he walked away. He wasn't entirely sure, but he may have heard Dokugakuji start laughing at his action.
`I'm surrounded by idiots,' Sanzo thought as he set off down the hallway again. The rest of the jobs he had been given could wait until tomorrow; right now, the blonde man needed a drink. Sure, it was mid-afternoon on a Sunday; but it was five o'clock somewhere, and that's all that mattered.
***This chapter is a lot shorter than the first one, but this was more the length I envisioned when I started this fic. The first chapter simply got away from me, as it does. Damned sex scenes…
I watched a documentary on prostitution the other day, so now I have lots of inspiration! (And a bit more of an idea about the mechanics of prostitution, too, haha!)***