Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To The Night ❯ You Brawl ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
***This chapter is shortish, but that’s because it’s a bit of a bridge. Sorry, but it’s necessary. We’ll return to your regularly scheduled programming next chapter, I promise.***


The following morning, Sanzo stormed down the hallway to Dokugakuji’s office, his face contorted in an angry snarl and his head hurting like a bitch. He really shouldn’t have been drinking with that whore; he’d had nothing in the way of food since Tuesday night, and the alcohol had hit him like a ton of bricks.

Then again, Gojyo had been damn near bearable after a few beers; of course, he’d ruined it by going and doing that

Sanzo’s eyes narrowed further at the memory of falling into the redhead; he firmly maintained the belief that he’d been purposely tripped up, because he certainly wasn’t uncoordinated enough to fall on his own.

Yes, that was it. The asshole had planned it all, and had probably expected Sanzo to bend over, too.

Not a chance in Hell.

Ever since he’d left Gojyo’s apartment the previous day, the blonde had been stewing, his mood worsening with every thought he had about the whore and any of the time they’d spent together- especially when he remembered how the stupid slut had been so obviously, shamelessly, and most-definitely-not-in-the-least-little-bit-erotically hard.  

Now, it was looking like someone was probably going to die, very soon, if Sanzo couldn’t get his mind onto something else.

Slamming through Doku’s office door, as per usual, Sanzo wasn’t surprised when his boss simply glanced up and then looked back down, returning to the cleaning of his favoured pistol.

“You’d better have some good news for me, kid.” Doku extended the arm holding the gun, looking it over with a critical eye. Sanzo didn’t think it was an accident that the pistol was pointing directly at him, whether it was loaded or not.

“Yeah. I know it all.” Doku stopped inspecting the gun, raising his head to look properly at Sanzo. A small smile spread over his lips and he gestured with the gun for Sanzo to sit, before placing the weapon into his jacket holster.

“Shit, Sanzo, you really got one of his girls to talk? I must say, I’m impressed. I knew there was a reason I kept a disrespectful, pissy, completely rude bastard like you around.” Doku winked, and for some unknown reason, Sanzo’s rage increased exponentially. He’d never been affected by his employer’s idiocy this much before; why did the expression anger him so much now? There was something oddly familiar about the action, but not because he’d seen it before from Dokugakuji…

Shaking his head and trying to clear his mind, Sanzo sat in an empty chair, lighting a Marlboro. He looked up just in time to see Doku roll his eyes, pushing an ashtray across the desk. “Yeah, I got a decent source on this one.”

“Is she trustworthy?” Sanzo had to focus on keeping the slight flush from his cheeks; he didn’t want Doku knowing that his rat was a male prostitute, not a female; there were too many questions that could be raised by that bit of information. He’d play along with the feminine pronouns, because life was just easier that way.

“I shouldn’t have any problems.” Sanzo believed that- the redhead might have been a lecherous, filthy perve, but it hadn’t seemed likely that Gojyo would go running to his pimp and tell him about what Doku was planning.

The older man leant back in his chair, linking his fingers together behind his head. A lewd grin appeared on his face, and his eyes lit up; the expression was a long way from the cold, deadly stare Sanzo knew his boss could muster. “So, kid…how’d you find her, and what’d you have to do for her? I know for a fact that whores don’t do anything for free, and if you’ve got as much info as you think you do, then it must’ve been pretty expensive.”

Sanzo nearly growled at that, his expression showing nothing but anger. He’d rather not think about the ‘favour’ that Gojyo had mentioned, and he sure as Hell wasn’t going to explain how he managed to come across one of Banri’s whores- a male whore, at that. It was just lucky for Doku that the blonde knew how fast the older man’s reflexes were; if Sanzo thought he could shoot the man before he got shot himself, it would be happening as soon as humanly possible, just to avoid answering those potentially dangerous questions.

“Either you want to hear what I know, or you don’t. Cut the shit, or I’ll walk away. Right now.” Even though he was fully aware that his choices were talk or die, Sanzo just couldn’t give up his fight. It wasn’t in his nature to submit that easily.

Luckily for the blonde’s health, Doku laughed. “You really are a prick, aren’t you? Okay, we’ll play this your way. Talk, and I’ll shut up.”

Satisfied with the answer, Sanzo sat back in his chair, tilting his head to stare at the ceiling. Running a hand through his soft hair, he started to repeat everything Gojyo had told him the day before.


Gojyo groaned, tightening his legs around a cloth-covered waist as he came into his own hand, years of practice allowing him to keep the mess from getting onto the client.

The other man yelled right in his ear as he found his own release, making Gojyo wince as a slight pain shot through his head. He’d forgotten how loud this particular customer could be, but he used the twinge to anchor him to the present, stopping himself from letting his guard down and falling into post-orgasmic bliss.

Unwinding his legs from behind the man’s back, Gojyo waited as the cock left his body, sitting up to remove and bin the condom for his client. He wiped his hand on a tissue, binning that as well, before finding his clothes and redressing.

He always made sure to get his payment up front, and Gojyo didn’t look back as he left the other man half-asleep in the bed, promptly leaving the love hotel.

He needed a fucking shower.

It wasn’t very often that Gojyo felt…dirty after working; he was generally so used to fucking whoever was willing to pay, that he had no emotional reaction to it whatsoever.

This client, however, always left him feeling like he was tainted or something. It wasn’t that the man was horrendously ugly, or anything; sure, his hair was greasy, his skin was pockmarked, and his body needed a good workout, but Gojyo had serviced worse.

Something about the man just repulsed him, and he always found himself needing to fantasise in order to get off whenever he paid this particular client a visit. Today, he’d come harder than usual, thanks to a wonderfully vivid imagination that let him look at the other man and see perfectly pale skin, purple eyes, and lips that looked like they’d be perfect for cocksucking.

If only the real owner of those lips didn’t have teeth that seemed always ready to bite…but then again, the sense of danger was half the fun.

Goosebumps popped up over tanned skin, and Gojyo found himself smiling as he walked home, taking shortcuts through back alleys and carparks, dodging around strung-out junkies who were slowly dying in the late afternoon heat.

Oh, yeah. He could use visions of the blonde man every time he had a customer, and he didn’t think he’d ever tire of it. Hell, he’d done it twice today alone.

But sooner or later- most probably sooner, most preferably now- Gojyo was going to want to make some new memories. He just had to figure out how best to get Sanzo ‘on board’, in a manner of speaking. From what he’d seen so far, a full-on assault had about Buckley’s chance of working, and so Gojyo was gonna have to get subtle.

The redhead sighed out loud, catching the attention of a man and a woman who were walking past, wringing a lust-struck expression from the female and a filthy scowl from her jealous partner. Gojyo didn’t notice any of this- he was too busy lamenting about how much he hated subtlety.

Why did the first person to ever truly catch his attention have to be such a frigid, repressed bitch? The redhead made sure to add that question to his mental list from the previous afternoon, a list that was probably never going to be completely finished, if at all.

Sex for money was so much easier than sex for lust…no wonder he’d never really tried it before.

Walking through yet another alley, Gojyo was so distracted by thoughts of Sanzo that he wasn’t paying enough attention to his surroundings. His guard was down, a rare occurrence, and so he didn’t see the fist that came flying towards his face until it was a millisecond from connection.

Head snapping back painfully, Gojyo found himself on his ass as the world tilted violently, a well-muscled man standing over him as a boot rammed directly into his ribs. Judging by the way it felt like his chest had shattered, a small area of Gojyo’s mind decided that the boots were steel-capped.


Readying himself- as much as possible- for another attack, the redhead tensed further when no new pain appeared. Instead, the foot came to rest on his stomach while the man glowered down at him; a tactically stupid move that left him wide open.

Gojyo, mind repressing the pain as he planned on how to get away, feigned agony as his attacker- who didn’t look to be armed- laughed in triumph. “Not so fuckin’ high-and-mighty now, are we? No one touches my woman and gets away with it, y’hear?”

Making an appropriate mask of fear, Gojyo’s brain split into two trains of thought, the main section focusing on finding the appropriate opening to retaliate, and the other wondering just what the fuck the man was on about.

Oh. Right. Gojyo’s Monday night house call: the woman who’d clearly been taking off a wedding ring as he’d entered her house. He assumed that was the issue in question; in any case, he wasn’t about to ask. He didn’t have all that many female clients, anyway- it was usually the husbands who seemed more interested in his services.

He’d been in this situation before, only this time, the man was cocky. Too cocky. He underestimated the strength of a guy who’d been on the streets since nine years of age. Gojyo’s attacker may have had seventy pounds of muscle over the redhead, but Gojyo had plenty of experience in taking down older, stronger men.

The foot that had been pressing into his stomach lifted, then drove down onto Gojyo’s sharp hipbone. The pain lanced through before well-honed survival instincts forced it away, and Gojyo used the opportunity to roll onto his side, curling his legs up as if submitting to the beating.

The movement made the redhead’s loose jeans rise up above his ankles, giving him easy access to the knife he always made sure to tuck inside his own boots.

As the standing man’s foot lifted again, Gojyo rolled out of the way with a wince of pain, grabbing his blade as the steel-capped boot connected with solid ground. The knife was small, but it was sharp; a scream of pain sounded as the steel was plunged into a vulnerable calf, Gojyo ripping the knife upwards as he stood into a proper fighting stance, mostly steady on his feet.

The man began to crumple from the unexpected injury, and Gojyo stepped forward to sink the knife into his assailant’s stomach, quickly pulling it out and slamming his elbow into the back of the goon’s neck as he fell forward. He could easily have slit the man’s throat, but the cops were a lot more likely to get involved in a murder case than in a simple, garden-variety assault.

A bizarre gurgling sound came from the man’s throat, and his eyes rolled back into his head as he passed out from his injuries.

Huh. Didn’t even manage to fight back. Gojyo shook his head, wondering just how weak the guy had thought he was. For good measure, Gojyo stomped hard on the man’s limp wrist, hearing a satisfying crack as the bones snapped.

The redhead didn’t really relish violence, but sometimes you just had to make a point. His point here?

Don’t fuck with Gojyo Sha.

Wiping the blade and his hand off on the man’s shirt, Gojyo made sure to check himself for tell-tale splashes of blood before calmly stepping back into the street, mind now on full alert and body limping only slightly. He was careful to avoid showing any observers the fact that he probably had a broken rib, and was therefore weakened; luckily, the punch to the face hadn’t split anything open.

No matter how much he wanted to figure out how to get back into Sanzo’s pants, all his planning would be worthless if he was killed. Gojyo had made a few too many enemies, a few too many debts, to wander through alleys with his head in the clouds.

He berated himself for his stupidity, and wondered whether it was worth it; why he’d let one man, who hadn’t shown any interest since that first night, get to him so fully that he damn near forgot thirteen years of survival instincts.

Gojyo was just lucky that today’s opponent had been a complete idiot, and a useless fighter to boot. He wouldn’t have even gotten that lucky punch in if the redhead had actually been paying attention.

Questioning, not for the first time, just what the fuck had gotten into him lately, Gojyo was suddenly struck by the memory of a pale hand wrapping around his own, jerking his cock as he was pressed into the wall and…

Right. That was what had gotten into him; a ridiculously sexy blonde man with an attitude of ice and a touch like fire.

Gojyo reached back and swept his long hair from his neck, suddenly feeling overheated; he assumed it was from the extra, unintended exercise that he’d just been forced into.

At least, he hoped it was; he really didn’t need a fever at this point. He had a client to visit tomorrow, two nights of club work to get through, and the resistance of a stubborn, blonde gangster to break.

That list being from lowest to highest priority, of course.

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