Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Give in to Me part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Immortal
Ch. 1 Give in to Me Part 1
“Let's see here, so…you don't have any experience at all?”
“Oh trust me…I have a whole lot of experience,'' said the guy with long blood red hair. He got up and stood behind the woman sitting in the armchair. He gently places his hands on her shoulders and lowered his head as he whispered something in her ear. Her eyes widened and jaw dropped. She then quickly turned around and slapped his face. “You think that just because you have “experience” means I'm going to sleep with you?! Guess again!” she yelled as she left him alone. The man with blood red hair sat in the armchair, crossed his legs, and whispered to himself “Three, two, one.” The woman rushed into the room and sat on his lap. She looked into his scarlet red eyes and lowered her head towards his.
*Gojyo?* Gojyo!* Wake up Gojyo!* Gojyo was lying on the bed covered in blankets. (Hint! It was a dream!) Goku jumped on the bed and bounced up and down. Gojyo groaned and pulled a pillow over his head. “Dammit monkey! Go away! I'm trying to get some sleep!” yelled Gojyo. Goku stopped jumping on the bed and sat next to Gojyo. He then lifted the pillow and found Gojyo looking up at him with his scarlet red eyes. Goku smiles and says “Oh yea sure trying to get some sleep huh?” By Goku's surprise, Gojyo grabbed his collar and slowly pulled him down to his lips. Sanzo leaned against the doorway and smirked. He knocked on the door and said “Am I interrupting?” in his husky tone. Goku broke the kiss and stared at Sanzo. He's wearing a black long sleeve t-shirt along with black knuckle gloves and black cargo pants of course and converse.
Goku jumped off Gojyo's bed and ran to Sanzo, giving him a hug.
Gojyo stretched on his back showing off his toned chest and sat up scratching his head. “I'm sorry Sanzo I didn't mean to. Please don't hurt me with the fan again!” whispered Goku, whining. Sanzo chuckled and said “Don't worry about it. Besides, I've got a surprise for you”. Goku looked up at Sanzo with a smile. Gojyo laughed and said “Get a room guys, not in mine ok?”. Sanzo looked over at Gojyo and smirked. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. “Guys? Are you in there? C'mon I know ya'll are in there I heard you…open up” demanded a voice on the other side. Goku and Sanzo quickly separated from each other and Gojyo sat back down on the bed. Sanzo then shook his head as he opened the door and found Hakkai making out with his girlfriend Yaone.
Hakkai was wearing a blue silk long sleeve dress shirt and a pair of black slacks and black shoes. Yaone was wearing a red tube top and a pair of jean hip-huggers and red sandals. Her hair up in a messy ponytail. Gojyo stared at Yaone and Yaone stared back. Sanzo let the two in and of course, Gojyo's and Yaone's eye contact didn't break. He then left the room followed by Goku, leaving Gojyo, Yaone, and Hakkai by themselves. Gojyo is still sitting on his bed, observing ever curve on Yaone's body. He then got up and walked up to Yaone and Hakkai. “Hey Gojyo….I thought you were in the shower?” asked Hakkai. Gojyo passed at glance at Hakkai and laughed. “You know as well as I do that I like to take my showers hot..very hot and long” Gojyo said looking back at Yaone, noticing that her gaze is upon his hot bod. Hakkai wrapped an arm around Yaone's waist and whispered “I'm gonna go to the gas station to get some drinks….I'll be right back ok?” just hearing that being whispered by Hakkai in that tone sent shivers down her spine. She smiled and kissed him lightly on his lips. “Hurry back ok?” she whispered. Hakkai sighed and smiled. He looked over at Gojyo and said “Behave yourself Gojyo”. Gojyo shrugged and smirked. “I'll try my best” he said. Hakkai nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. Once he was out of sight, Gojyo pulled Yaone into his arms and captured her lips with his. He licked her lips and bit her bottom lip begging for entrance. Yaone parted her lips with a sigh. Gojyo's hands rested his hands on her hips as her arms locked around his neck. Gojyo broke the kiss and looked deeply into Yaone's brown eyes. She smiled as she slowly pushed Gojyo back to his bed. Once he was lying on his back, Yaone started to slowly unbutton her jeans. As she did this, she bent forward and placed her lips against his. His hands slid up to her waist and then slowly pulled her jeans down, revealing her matching underwear.
*Gojyo? Gojyo! Snap out of it you Kappa!*
Gojyo was sitting on his bed as Sanzo, Goku, Hakkai and Yaone were staring at him with confused looks on their faces. “Gojyo…are you ok?” asked Goku looking at Gojyo with his chibi face. Gojyo got up from the bed and said “I'm gonna take a shower…a cold shower…to cool myself down”. Yaone noticed that he was staring at her while he said it with a grin on his face. Yaone wrapped her arm around Hakkai and whispered “I wanna go Hakkai…please?” she pleaded. Sanzo walks up to Hakkai and says “Ok….so why are you here?” Hakkai sighs and says “Because Goku invited us to your party”. Sanzo glanced at Goku then at Hakkai. “What the hell is going on around here!” he yelled. Flipping his hair, Sanzo ran like a girl to the bed and hid under the covers, whimpering. Yaone smiled, also trying to hold back her laughter. She turned around and headed for the bathroom, forgetting that Gojyo's in there as well. They all heard her laughing her heart out.
Moments later and Goku left to get the drinks for the so called party. Hakkai and Sanzo are sitting across from each other until Sanzo looked at Hakkai's beautiful emerald green eyes. “Sanzo…are you ok?” asked Hakkai curiously. Sanzo shook his head and said “What the hell is the matter with you? Asking a fucking question like that?” Hakkai backed away and said “Ok sorry! You don't have to get so fucking pissed-“ Hakkai's sentence was cut off by Sanzo's lips pressed against his. He quickly broke the kiss and just stared at Sanzo with complete and utter shock, eyes wide open.
Gojyo and Yaone~~
Yaone stops laughing when she hears the shower stops. She slowly rises from the floor and quietly opens the door leading to the shower room, leaving it a small crack so she can only see Gojyo wearing nothing but his towel wrapped around his waist. He noticed the door was slightly opened, so he smiled. “Enjoying the view my dear?” Yaone gasped and backed away from the door inches away. She then pulled herself together and walked into the shower room, closing the door behind her and leaning her back against it. Gojyo's smile turned into a smirk as he walked up to her, cornering her in the process. Both of his hands are on either side of her face. Yaone looks up into his scarlet red eyes, then down to his lips. Gojyo lowered his head to her ear and whispered “You know, I always knew you wanted me back” Yaone chuckled and whispered “Don't flatter yourself Gojyo”. He shook his head and smiled. “Yea? Then why didn't you go out the other way?” Before Yaone could say anything, Gojyo placed his lips against hers in a heated kiss.
Hakkai and Sanzo~~
Hakkai stared at Sanzo blankly with shock. “What the hell just happened Sanzo?” asked Hakkai softly. Sanzo stood up and leaned against the wall behind him. “It's a long story lets just leave it at that alright?” muttered Sanzo. Silence fell between them. “As you already know…I'm fucking bi…” he kept saying while pulling out a cig and bringing it to his lips lighting it in the process then letting out a drag. Hakkai looked away and started laughing. Sanzo frowned and asked “What the hell is so goddam funny?!” Hakkai's laughs went down to a chuckle and he said “The great Sanzo bi? Wow…your reputation is not what I thought it is. Wait until the other guys hear about this…''
“They already know…beside, who said I was the only one?” snapped Sanzo, taking another drag from his cig.
Gojyo and Yaone~~
Gojyo and Yaone are back in the shower up against the wall. Gojyo's lips are smacked against Yaone's as her hands are entangled in his long red hair. His hands are on her hips. He breaks the kiss and says “Back to memory lane huh? Didn't think it would be so soon”. Yaone smirks and says “Yea well we wont be in it for long” One of her hands left his hair and trailed down passed his chest then lower down to gently grasp his hard sex and stroked him once. Gojyo inhaled a short sharp breath. “I hate it…when you do that,” groaned Gojyo with a smirk. Yaone smiled and stroked him again. She noticed his eyelids close and his head tilt back. “Really? Seems to me that you love it”, she whispered.
Hakkai and Sanzo~~
Hakkai stood far away from Sanzo as possible. “Shit…you guys are all bi…what the hell man? When did you find out that you were gay?!” yelled Hakkai.
“I'm not gay! I'm bi!” Sanzo yelled back.
“Same thing!”
“No its not!”
There was another moment of silence between them. “Look. I know what you're thinking ok,” said Sanzo as he took out his smokes, “but its not all that bad.” Hakkai laughed sarcastically and said “Not that bad!? What the hell are you thinking?! Fucking guys and girls is ok with you?! You're just sick!” he yelled. Sanzo lit his cig and took a small drag. He shrugged and said “Frankly I don't have a problem with it….and neither do the other guys as well.” Hakkai shuddered in disgust.
Gojyo and Yaone~~
Gojyo and Yaone are completely naked in the shower when Gojyo asks “You ready?” Yaone smiles and says “Haven't I've always been?” Gojyo smirks as he places his lips against hers. He slowly entered her in one thrust, gaining a moan from her in return. He buried himself fully and shuddered. “Shit…I forgot to put a…” his sentence was cut off when he felt Yaone's hips lift against his. He grinned and said “Impatient are we?” Yaone smiles as she lifts her hips against him once more and says “I don't have time to go nice and steady.” Gojyo groans and says “So you like it fast and rough huh?” He starts a slow pace when Yaone moans and whispers “Damn it Gojyo! Fuck me already!”
Sanzo and Hakkai~~
Hakkai and Sanzo are in complete utter silence…smoking and drinking when they hear knocks at the door. Hakkai looks at Sanzo then at the door. Sanzo sighs as he gets up to get the door. When he finally opened it, Nii was leaning against the doorway with a smirk. He is wearing his usual outfit, the dress shirt with the red tie and white jacket over it all along with black slacks and shoes. He's also has his ear pierced. Sanzo stared at him and asks “What the hell are you doing here Nii?” Nii ignores him and walks in and says “I came to talk to Yaone…where is she Hakkai?” Hakkai gets up and walks up to Nii with an angry look in his eyes. “Why the hell do you want to know?” he asks. Nii walks up to him until they are only inches apart. He grabs his shoulders and whispers “Cheeseburgers”. Hakkai couldn't help but laugh, tears streaming down his face cause it was so funny. Nii as well was laughing with him. Sanzo on the other hand was at the door staring at them as if they were complete idiots.
Gojyo and Yaone~~
Oh my god…Gojyo…faster and harder!!” moaned Yaone loudly. Gojyo thrusted into her as fast and hard as he can. Yaone's nails dug into his shoulders as her legs were wrapped around his waist. “Jesus…Gojyo…go..f-faster…” she moaned. Gojyo grunted and said “Damn it…Yaone…I cant go any faster!” Suddenly there was knocks at the door. “Shit…not…now” groaned Gojyo between his thrusts. Before Gojyo and Yaone knew it, Nii entered the bathroom. “Oh shit Gojyo its hot in here!” exclaimed Nii as he turned on the fan that stops the mist fog up the mirror. He then walked closer to the shower's sliding door. When the fog cleared up, Nii couldn't believe his eyes. *Holy mother of God! He's fucking a blow up doll?!* thought Nii. Or so he thought when he opened the sliding door and found Gojyo and Yaone screwing each other. “Nii? What the hell are you doing here!?” screamed Yaone. She got away from Gojyo as quickly as she could. Nii is against the wall laughing his butt off and yelled “Hakkai! Sanzo! Get your asses in here right now!”. Gojyo closed his eyes and whispered “You're gonna get yours Nii.” Nii turned around and gave Gojyo a wink and smiled. Hakkai and Sanzo rushed into the bathroom but stopped dead in their steps. Hakkai couldn't believe his eyes. Sanzo was laughing because of what Nii said to him about the blow up doll. Hakkai starts to laugh with them as well and said “Gojyo was fucking Yaone he he yea right.” Yaone slowly showed up wearing only a towel. There was complete silence. Hakkai's anger rose. “Shit! Gojyo just fucked my girlfriend!” Yaone quickly walked up to him and said “I'm sorry please! Let me explain!” Hakkai stepped away from her and yelled “You just fucked a gay ass fagot!” Sanzo leaned over to Hakkai and whispered “Bi…Hakkai.”
“Whatever!” exclaimed Hakkai. Yaone looked over at Gojyo, him looking back at her. “You….You're bi?” Gojyo looked away and nodded. Nii stopped laughing and asked “Gojyo's gay?!”
“Bi damn it!” screamed Sanzo. The only thing that everyone could hear was Nii…giggling in the corner.