Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ When We Remembered ❯ The Scream ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 6: The Scream
Sanzo muttered darkly to himself as he leapt up. Never trust a kappa to do anything right. He nearly slammed right into Shihong as he attempted to exit the room. She tried to strike up a conversation, but he quickly angled past her and told her take it up with Gojyo. He dodged a few red-haired women who luckily still seemed to be afraid of him and raced down through the pool room. Okay, get it together. No one went in that room after you left. Just destroy that infernal tape like that idiot kappa should have done in the first place and forget it ever existed. Simple. Go in, smash tape, go out. Go in, smash tape, go out.
He wrenched open the door of the office. Go in, sma—what the hell is Hakkai doing by the television?
The door swung shut behind Sanzo with a loud click. Hakkai jumped a little at the noise. His eyes locked on Sanzo and the colour completely drained from his face.
“Sanzo, ah…”
Oh shit, did he see it? Shit!
Stepping forward quickly, Sanzo pushed his way in front of the TV and jabbed the eject button on the VCR. The stupid machine whirred and took forever to spit out its prize. Sanzo grabbed the tape when it finally presented itself and jammed it down the sleeve of his robe. He clenched his jaw, straining the muscles of his neck to keep his head upright and unashamed. With as much pride as he could muster, he made a break for the door.
His fingers had just touched the door handle when Hakkai found his voice.
“What do you think you're doing, Sanzo?”
Fuck, that's Hakkai's no-messing-around, won't-leave-it-alone-till-you-give-in voice.
“I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that,” said Sanzo. He reached for the door handle again, but before he could turn it, a hand clamped down on his shoulder.
“Sanzo, why…”
“It's none of your business!”
Hakkai's face remained calm and beatific, but his voice tightened. “Sanzo, I know sometimes you prefer to see us as servants, but that doesn't give you the right to treat us with indignity.”
Sanzo spun around and fixed Hakkai with his best glare. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“We all have… urges, but even Gojyo knows better than to inflict his frustrations on his friends.”
Sanzo's jaw dropped. “Are you my fucking mother? What part of `it's none of your business' do you not understand?”
“And yet you would leave something like that around in stranger's house for anyone to find.”
Sanzo could feel the heat in his face. “Blame the idiot kappa,” he muttered.
“Blame him?! From what I saw, Gojyo was asleep while you were putting your hands all over him.”
Sanzo took a deep breath, resisting the urge to just punch Hakkai and run away. “How much did you see?”
“Enough. Sanzo, just tell me why…”
“I don't fucking know why! He started it, so don't treat him like some innocent.”
Hakkai's lips thinned into a line. “Gojyo's not like that.”
Sanzo snorted. “Not like what? A walking dick-on-legs?”
“You know what I mean. He may joke around, but he's not the type to suddenly start batting for the other team.”
“Hn. How would you know?”
“I lived with him for three years. I can assure you that he only ever brought home women.”
He was really telling the truth then? “Maybe he didn't want you to know.”
Hakkai clenched his hands at his sides. “Sanzo! I'm being serious. No matter what you think of him, Gojyo's not someone you can just play around with.”
“He's a big boy, Hakkai. Get on his case about it then and leave me out of it.”
“You talk like there's more. H-how long? How long have you been doing this to him?!”
Okay, this is officially the most mortifying discussion I have ever been forced to engage in. Sanzo edged back towards the door again. “Just leave it alone, Hakkai.”
“I knew there was something wrong with him. The way he was tiptoeing around you… were you trying to keep it secret or did you plan all along to just throw it in my face? How can you do this? Gojyo's more fragile than he looks. I told you about his past.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Sanzo hissed. “You're blowing this all out of proportion. We just fooled around a bit. It's nothing. I'm going to destroy this tape and forget it ever happened.”
“Is that how he feels about it too? Gojyo doesn't have your rational mind, Sanzo. He holds you to a certain ideal. If you toy with him then toss him aside, it will be like his mother's rejection all over again.”
“For fuck's sake, you make it sound like we're dating or something. Get over yourself. What, are you jealous or something?”
Hakkai's controlled façade cracked completely. His eyes flared and he grabbed Sanzo roughly by the front of his robes. “I'm his friend, which is more than you've ever been for him. You know, when you ran off with Hazel that time, I stuck up for you. I convinced him to forgive you. Don't make me regret that.” Slowly, Hakkai's body relaxed and the arm holding Sanzo dropped back. He smiled - that terrible smile he always put on when he was pissed. “I won't betray you, Sanzo. I won't break our pact. But you should know that I don't have the best control when it comes to the people I care about.”
With a little tilt of his head, Hakkai brushed past him and opened the door.
“You bastard, did you just threaten me?” Sanzo yelled after him.
“Of course not,” said Hakkai, and kept walking.
Hakkai managed to avoid talking to Sanzo for the rest of the day. Shihong graciously reshuffled the sleeping arrangements in order to give them all separate rooms for the night. A surprisingly ample array of apartments had been cut into the mountainside, and not recently, making him wonder what the space had been previously used for. The moment the rooms had been assigned, Sanzo had shut himself within his and hadn't emerged since. A childish reaction, but Hakkai wasn't sure what to think about Sanzo's judgment anymore.
It had been a long time since he'd felt so irrationally angry. Such feelings belonged his old self, the one he kept carefully locked away, who was supposed to be dead. Perhaps, as Sanzo claimed, he was overreacting. No, overreacting would have meant giving in to his youkai side and slashing Sanzo's smug face with his claws.
Those first few moments after he'd realized what he was watching on that tape, he'd just felt horribly embarrassed. If he'd shut it off then and walked away, perhaps he could have passed it off as a bad joke. Where and when such a thing had been recorded, he really didn't want to imagine. But like a fool he'd kept watching, drawn by some morbid curiosity. And as he'd watched, it became more and more painful to see Gojyo's sleeping form twitching and jerking while Sanzo… did those things to him. He knew he should be the last person to judge where taboo acts of love were concerned, but no matter what anyone said, what he'd had with Kanan had been pure. Yet as he watched that awful tape he kept seeing her in Gojyo's place, and worse… trapped, taken advantage of, held captive by that monster…
Of course he was being irrational. But that didn't make the warning he'd given Sanzo any less true. Despite Gojyo's flippant playboy image, his friend had a very deep sense of moral justice. He held authority figures to a high standard, and somewhere along the way Sanzo had become someone he wanted to trust. But Sanzo had almost driven him away once before, and Hakkai feared any further betrayal of that trust would completely shatter the fragile equilibrium between those two. He didn't want to lose Gojyo, and he especially didn't want to have to choose between him and Sanzo. He owed them both large debts, but he wasn't sure he could walk away from Sanzo, not when they'd come so far.
He sat in the parlour drinking tea with Shihong. They'd ended up together again since Sanzo had gone into seclusion and Gojyo had only terse words for her. His friend lounged on the couch with two red-haired women on either side of him, smiling and flirting like usual but a little too tense and forceful in his laughter. Beside him at a table, Goku shoveled down food like he hadn't eaten in days but Gojyo didn't even bother to tease him.
Hakkai frowned. Yes, something was definitely wrong.
“Your companions are irritatingly stubborn.”
He looked up with surprise, having almost forgotten the woman who sat across from him. He blinked at her, then smiled and rubbed the back of his head. “Ehehe, yes I suppose they are.”
Her disconcerting green eyes examined him thoughtfully. “You are no ordinary youkai yourself, are you? I wonder whether an incantation delivered by you would have an unusual effect.”
He returned her piercing gaze, feeling dangerous. “Perhaps tomorrow we could find out.”
“Oh? And what if your monk refuses?”
Hakkai glanced pointedly in the direction of Sanzo's room. “He doesn't own us. And he can't refuse what he doesn't know.”
“You're a clever one,” said Shihong. “I like the way your mind works.”
“Glad someone appreciates it,” Hakkai muttered.
Goku patted his full belly with contentment. This wonderful feeling never lasted for long, so he had to enjoy it while he could. The girls here were way nicer than those guards had been back at the barracks so he didn't know why everyone had to act so grumpy. Gojyo and Hakkai were trying to act normal but he didn't buy it. They were hiding things from him again and he really hated that.
He hadn't seen Sanzo for a few hours and he wondered if he was hungry. Sanzo had lots of smarts but he could be really bad about taking care of himself, especially when he was moody. Shutting himself off in the room the old lady had given him probably meant he was really moody and possibly dangerous, but Goku figured everyone felt at least a little better when they had a full stomach.
He went and found the nice girl who had been teaching him some cooking tips. She looked a lot like Gojyo and he really didn't know what to think about that - it was like they met a bunch of Gojyo's long lost sisters or something. That was kinda funny, cause Gojyo's real brother didn't look like him at all.
The nice girl helped him pile some leftovers onto a plate and he carried it carefully through the parlour.
On his way through, the annoying kappa stuck out a foot to block his path. “Oi, monkey, where are you going with that? Didn't you stuff your face already?”
Goku stuck out his tongue at him. “I'm bringing it to Sanzo, stupid.”
“Well tell the pissy monk to stop moping and come play a game of cards or something.”
Goku gave him an odd look. It almost sounded like the kappa was worried about Sanzo. Weird. He'd have to corner Hakkai later and make him explain what was up. But right now, Sanzo was more important.
He knocked on Sanzo's door and heard some muttering inside but no yelling or gunshots, so he figured it could be safe. The door was unlocked and he edged it open, careful not to spill the contents of the plate.
“Sanzo? I brought you some food.”
“Leave it and go.” Sanzo sat on the bed in the corner of the room with his back against the wall, staring blankly up at the ceiling.
“Don't you like it here, Sanzo? I mean, it's kinda strange that all these girls are like Gojyo, but they've been really nice to me so far. Oh, and Gojyo wants you to play cards with him, but I think that's a bit weird too cause Gojyo doesn't usually wanna play cards with us when there's girls around. Especially not Hakkai cause Hakkai always wins and makes him look bad. But you win sometimes, right? I don't think Gojyo would win at all if he didn't cheat. He always cheats when he plays with me. He doesn't think I know, but I totally do. He does this thing where—”
The edge of Sanzo's fan blindsided him across the side of his head. “Ow!”
“You talk too much.”
Goku rubbed his head but couldn't resist a little smile. He hated that fan but at least it meant Sanzo was paying attention to him. He set down the plate on the bedside table and stepped carefully out of range of the paper weapon.
“Eh? Do you want something else Sanzo?”
Sanzo's eyes stayed fixed on the ceiling, the fingers of his left hand twirling an unlit cigarette. “Do you ever regret being… bound to me? Would you rather be free to do your own thing?”
“Huh? What would I do if I wasn't with you? It'd probably be really boring. And I wouldn't get to fight bad guys and get stronger, and eat all sorts of nice things. Besides, without you I'd still be in that cave. I… didn't like it there.” Suddenly uncomfortable, Goku fiddled with the sleeves of his shirt.
“Hn, guess I couldn't get rid of you if I tried.”
“That's right!” said Goku brightly. He skipped over to the door. “I'll tell Hakkai and Gojyo that you have a headache, okay? You should eat something though. It's really good, I promise.”
“Whatever,” said Sanzo, but Goku lingered just long enough to see him pick up the plate.
Sanzo cracked open the door of his room and peered out into the hall. It sounded like everyone had retired for the night, but it was hard to be sure. He wished he could just collapse into sleep himself, but the last hour had proved that to be a fool's hope. He fingered the tape in the pocket of his robe. An irrational fear kept gripping him that if he slept, the figures of his past life would somehow haunt him through this infernal device.
He snuck carefully down the hall then suddenly realized he had no idea which room Gojyo had ended up in. He froze, thoroughly annoyed at himself. What am I doing? Hakkai decides to run his mouth, accuse me of ridiculous things, and now I'm a total wreck because of it? He was way off base. It's not like I'm worried about the stupid kappas's feelings. I just better warn him that Hakkai saw the tape before this gets even more embarrassing.
Suddenly he heard the unmistakable soft rumble of Gojyo's laughter. He peeked his head around a corner of the corridor and saw light spilling out of an open doorway. One of the red-haired girls stood leaning against the doorframe, speaking to the person inside. He heard Gojyo's laughter again and had to bite his lip to keep from calling out something that would give him away. Of course the kappa was fine. He had landed in a den of women who were probably all willing to sleep with him for the sake of dragging him into their plot. Sanzo dug his nails into his hands, willing himself to turn and go back to his room, but instead he kept staring at the door like an idiot as the girl's lips twisted into a seductive smile and she stepped inside.
He felt something bite into him deeply then and for a moment the shock of it dumbfounded him. No way was he jealous of that lecherous creature. But he wanted to walk into that room, drag that bitch out, and… and what? Gojyo liked women. Gojyo would always like women. No manner of past lives or brief flings driven by curiosity could change that. Maybe Hakkai was right. Maybe he'd managed to trap Gojyo into something he didn't really want, or worse, couldn't say no to because he was fucking Genjo Sanzo Houshi-sama.
What a laugh. Gojyo didn't fear him. Didn't really trust him either, but he could at least respect him for that. He'd always relished those times when he could scare the kappa, when he could point his gun at him and see the uncertainty flicker across his eyes and know he'd ripped that cockiness right out from under him.
Fuck. Why the hell do I even care?
He finally managed to uproot his feet and stepped back with one foot, then the other. It would be better for all of them if things just ended here.
A sudden commotion in the room ahead halted his progress. The girl stormed out, turned once to shout, “You're the worst!” then whirled away again. Sanzo held his breath, but luckily she stamped off in the other direction. Gojyo's door remained open and silent; the kappa didn't come running after her like Sanzo half expected.
A small smile curled his lips. Apparently the kappa had managed to screw things up. No way he could resist rubbing this in. He sidled over to the open door and leaned casually against the frame like the girl had done. He retrieved his pack of smokes from the robes stripped down to hang from his waist and lit one. Inside the room, the kappa sat on the edge of the bed, rifling through the pack propped up on the floor in front of him.
“Looking for something?”
“Yeah, my damn smokes. I know they're in—” Gojyo trailed off as he looked up and saw Sanzo.
“Your entertainment for the night ran away.”
Gojyo groaned and buried his head in his hands. “You messed me up real good, you know that? I shouldn't have run her off, it's just that I get the feelin' Shinhong told her to be nice to me…” He grabbed up his jacket from the floor and jammed a hand in one of the pockets. “Aha! There it is.” He tapped out a cigarette and wrapped his lips around it, then searched the other pocket. “Dammit, where's my lighter?”
Sanzo held up the lighter in his hand. Gojyo sent the girl away deliberately? Or is he just covering?
“Hey! That's mine. When did you…?”
Sanzo stepped into the room, drawing the door closed behind him and locking it with a quick twist of his wrist. Gojyo started to stand up, but Sanzo pushed a hand down on his shoulder to keep him in place, then leaned down slowly to align the tips of their cigarettes. He heard Gojyo's sharp intake of breath, then a small cough as the smoke lit.
“Er, thanks,” said Gojyo as Sanzo pulled back and sat down on the bed beside him.
“Whatever,” Sanzo mumbled, and secreted Gojyo's lighter back into the folds of his robes.
They smoked in silence for a while. When the nicotine had sufficiently calmed his blood, Sanzo finally said, “Hakkai knows.”
Gojyo choked in the middle of an inhale and started coughing. “What?!” He croaked.
“He saw that damn tape that you just had to go and leave in the VCR.”
“He watched it? No way!”
“Yes way. And he went off on me about it, so you better tell him that I didn't… that it was all your fault.”
“Hey, you're the one who distracted me! Shit. Did he see the whole thing? Even… the part at the end?”
“I don't know.”
“Oh man, I would have paid to see his face when he figured out what he was looking at. And I thought I was shocked.”
Sanzo gritted his teeth. “Shut up.”
“But he actually confronted you about it? I would have thought he'd be way too polite to ever admit he saw something like that.” Gojyo reached over and stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray on the nightstand.
“He seemed to be under the mistaken impression that I… took advantage of you somehow.”
Gojyo blinked at him. Then his mouth twitched. He hid his face behind a hand and a sound suspiciously like a snicker escaped.
“Kappa…” Sanzo warned.
But it was too late. Gojyo started giggling, then outright laughing, then clutched his chest so hard that he rolled right off the bed and lay twitching on the floor by Sanzo's feet, tears leaking from his eyes, pressing his faced into Sanzo's ankle to try to muffle the loud snorts that erupted from him.
Sanzo glared down at him and waited till the spasms passed and Gojyo regained control of his breathing. “Are you done?”
Gojyo suppressed one last giggle, then nodded, still gasping a little. A mischievous smile formed on his lips. “Sanzo? Let's mess with him.”
Sanzo raised an eyebrow. “You've obviously bruised something in your brain.” He dug his fists into the sheets of the bed, trying hard to keep his mind of the fingers that teased their way up his ankle. Leaving his boots in his room had been a bad idea.
“Come on, it'll be fun.” Gojyo attempted to put on a look of wide-eyed innocence. “You didn't know, did you Hakkai?” he said in a weepy, higher-than-normal voice, “That damn monk's been making me do sexual favours for him for years.” He sniffed and bit down on one of his thumbs. “I…I tried to stop him, Hakkai, but he points that gun at me and makes me call him `Master' and when he wants to have his way with me, he ties a ribbon round my d—”
Sanzo kicked Gojyo hard in the ribs. Gojyo grunted, then dissolved back into fits of laughter.
“Idiot,” Sanzo hissed, more disturbed than he wanted to admit. “Don't even joke about that.”
The seriousness in his voice seemed to reach Gojyo, who calmed and propped himself up on an elbow to look up at him. The kappa's eyes narrowed in a way that suddenly made Sanzo feel exposed.
“How old were you the first time a guy came on to you?” Gojyo asked in a low voice.
Sanzo's bit his lip.
“It was fourteen for me. I bet it was younger for you.” Gojyo sat up and leaned back on his hands. “Where do you think I honed my fighting skills? When you're a kid on the street you run into a lot of toughs, but the sickos are the worst.”
Sanzo stared at the kappa with surprise. Hakkai had told him what he knew about Gojyo's past, but it had never occurred to him to ask what happened during the years after the kappa had left his mother's house. Gojyo always seemed to shrug off his hardships with a smile, making it easy to forget he was as fucked up as the rest of them.
“Hey,” said Gojyo. “Wanna hear something not even Hakkai knows? I started smoking to deal with the nights when I had to listen to my brother and my mom going at it in the other room. Pretty messed up, huh? I bet any weirdos you might have had at your monastery don't even come close to matching my little fucked up family.”
“Gojyo…” Fuck, it was killing him to ask this question, but he had to know. “Did I cross a line when I… did what I did on that tape? And before… if you want to just forget it…”
Gojyo's gaze slipped off to the side and he scratched his head. Sanzo realized that a rare blush had crept up the kappa's neck. “Crossed a line… yeah I guess you could put it that way. But we both did that, and I kinda did it first, remember? It's really fucked up, but… right now I want you more than that chick who was just in here.”
He spoke that last part so softly and quickly that Sanzo almost didn't catch it, and when he didn't he wondered if he heard it right. But it was enough.
He stood up and flicked his cigarette into the ashtray. Gojyo looked at him questioningly. “You just gave us a better way to mess with Hakkai,” Sanzo told him. He pulled off his shirt. “Which side is Hakkai's room on?”
Gojyo's jaw dropped. “Uh… next door on the left.”
Sanzo walked over to the wall and tapped it experimentally. “These walls are pretty solid. You'll have to be quite loud.”
“Uh, Sanzo…?”
Sanzo untied the sash around his waist and peeled the rest of his robes off. He folded them carefully, making sure the Sutra and the tape were still tucked safely inside, and placed them on the dresser. He glanced back at Gojyo, who still sat on the floor at the end of the bed, looking perplexed. “Get undressed,” he told him.
“Excuse me?!”
“If we're going to do this properly, we should be naked, right? Hop to it.”
Gojyo scrambled backwards until his back hit the far wall. Using it for support, he slowly pushed himself upright. “You wanna have sex?”
“That's the idea. You don't want to?” Sanzo smirked.
“It's kind of sudden!” Gojyo almost shouted, then looked over his shoulder self-consciously. “Goku's on this side, y'know.”
“Like I said, the walls are thick. And the monkey could sleep through a hurricane. You chickening out?”
Gojyo hesitated, licking his lips. “That depends. Am I the one whose gonna get fucked?”
Sanzo was highly tempted to say yes, just to see what the kappa would do. But he was already stretching his bravado pretty thin. Past this point he really had no fucking clue what to do. Besides, this was about proving that Gojyo wanted this as much as he did.
“Tell you what,” he said. “Drop the clothes right now and get over here and maybe you get to be on top.”
He'd never seen someone shuck off his clothes quite so fast before. It really seemed like he blinked and suddenly Gojyo stood in front of him, very naked, and very close.
“Let me help you with those,” said Gojyo, and dipped his fingers into the waist of Sanzo's jeans.
Sanzo pressed against him, willing himself to stay strong and see this through. He wanted this. God, did he want it.
Gojyo nuzzled into his neck, sucking at the skin there as he popped the button on Sanzo's jeans and eased the zipper down.
“Quickly,” Sanzo demanded, and tugged the kappa's hair for emphasis.
In reply, Gojyo pushed him up against the wall and hooked his fingers into his jeans and underwear, peeling them down his thighs in one smooth stroke. As he bent down to extract his legs, he dragged his tongue along his belly and down his hip. When the last of the offending denim had been kicked free, Gojyo slithered his way back up and caught Sanzo's lips in a rough kiss that left them both gasping.
“You want Hakkai to hear, is that it?” Gojyo murmured, his hard, muscled body pressed tight against Sanzo's. “Why don't you scream a little then?”
“Ch. Make me.”
“Is that a challenge?”
Any reply Sanzo might have given was cut off by the sensation of Gojyo's hand wrapping around his erection. He jerked against that grip, a groan escaping his lips that he muffled by biting into Gojyo's shoulder.
“Hey, none of that now. Let it out. Let him hear you. Scream my name.”
“You wish.” Sanzo pushed off the wall, forcing the kappa against the side of the bed until the back of his knees hit the side and he toppled over, dragging Sanzo down with him. The kappa had some moves of his own, however, and instead of landing on top, Sanzo found himself rolled onto his back, face to face with that infuriating smirk hovering over him.
“What? You said I could be on top.”
“I said maybe. If you're good.”
“And what do I have to do to get on your good side, Sanzo-chan? Maybe a little of this?” He bent down and teased a line of kisses along Sanzo's jaw. “Or more of this?” His hand tightened around Sanzo's cock and gave it a few quick jerks.
“That,” gasped Sanzo, “definitely that.”
Gojyo's lips trailed across his collarbone and down his chest, latching onto a nipple. Fuck, that felt so weirdly good, but he tugged on the kappa's hair anyway, trying to urge him lower.
“Your turn, kappa.” He could still vividly remember their encounter in the tunnel, that wonderfully intense sensation…
Gojyo chuckled and nipped at the skin just below his hip bone. “Here?”
Sanzo groaned with frustration. He tried to sneak his own hand down, but Gojyo caught it and held it in captivity against his side.
“Oh, this?” The kappa asked playfully, and planted a kiss right on the tip of Sanzo's erection. Sanzo gasped and bucked up.
“It does seem a bit lonely.”
“Goddamn it, kappa, just—” Then Gojyo's hot mouth descended on him and reduced his vocabulary to a string of embarrassing noises. He could feel that glorious heat building from within, surging up, threatening to overwhelm him.
Then a finger began to prod him in a very odd place. He squirmed and let out a little whine when Gojyo pulled back.
“Hey, don't tense up man.”
“Shut up. Put your mouth back where it was doing some good.”
“Hey, ah… did you bring something?”
“You know, something we could use to uh, make it easier?”
Sanzo blinked down at him.
“You do know about lube, right? Cause even I know that much. Unless Sanzo monks have magic, self-lubricating assholes, you're probably gonna want to use some. Jeez, and you still wanted to do this?”
“I grew up in a monastery, you perverted freak.”
“Okay, okay, hang on, let me see if I can find something.” Gojyo slipped off the bed and started rummaging around in his pack. “Aha!”
“Hand cream? Why do you carry around hand cream?”
“I don't like it when my skin gets all dry, okay?”
“Wait, you're not gonna put that ther—ah!” Gojyo's mouth slipped around him again; an obvious distraction technique but he appreciated it. The finger suddenly wiggling around inside of him felt decidedly strange. Not exactly good or bad, just really odd. He tried to concentrate on the wonderful feel of Gojyo's tongue instead, but even that wasn't quite enough once the second finger went in.
“Is that… really necessary? Can't you just…?”
“Man, you're impatient. Hang on, a chick did this to me once. It feels really good once you find the—”
“Holy fuck!” A white light burst across Sanzo's eyes and he arched off the mattress.
Gojyo grinned widely. “Told ya.”
“Just fucking do it already!” He regretted those words moments later when it felt like he was being split from within. He could deal with pain, but his body seemed determined to reject the thing invading his nether regions. Gojyo murmured soothing words in his ear and stroked his skin and kissed him, but it was all he could do to just grit his teeth and bear it. Then a last push and the pressure faded a bit, giving way to a bizarre fullness. He opened his eyes that he'd unconsciously squeezed shut and found Gojyo's face inches away from his, watching him with a concerned look that grated against Sanzo's pride.
“Move” he managed to say and Gojyo backed off, then slammed right back into him. Sanzo grappled for purchase, arms and legs wrapping around the hard body above him, nails biting into skin, fingers tangling in hair. Between them they found a rhythm punctuated by the loud creaking of the bed beneath them. With each thrust they inched backward until Gojyo hauled him up into his lap, pressing Sanzo's naked back against the cold wall, the new angle making his toes curl. He pulled Gojyo's head down into a bruising kiss, sharing air until their lungs seemed to pump in sync and he broke off gasping and shouting words that might have been harder, faster, oh fuck, and finally, Gojyo!
And the next thing he knew, his eyes broke into stars and he might have touched nirvana for a split second of blissful nothingness before crashing back down through a tunnel of hot white pleasure searing like fire. Gojyo's arms wrapped tight around him and they twisted away from the wall. He collapsed onto sweat-sticky sheets with every nerve in his body singing at once.
His next thought said heavy and he pushed with his hands until Gojyo rolled off and he could breathe again.
A hand reached out and brushed the hair from his eyes so he could see Gojyo's red ones burning into him. “You screamed my name,” said Gojyo.
“Did not.”
“Did too.”
“That fucking hurt, you ass.”
“I told you, you have to relax.”
“Hn. Well next time it'll be you.”
“Next time?”
“Maybe. If you don't annoy me.”
“Think he heard us?”
At that point, Sanzo really didn't give a flying fuck. He wiggled around until he found a semi-comfortable spot then tucked the sheets around his body so the kappa couldn't steal them in the middle of the night.
He shut his eyes, and when Gojyo's fingers started stroking through his hair, he kept still and pretended he was already asleep.