Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ When We Remembered ❯ The Echo ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 7: The Echo
Gojyo awoke in the dark with no concept of time or how long he'd been asleep. The damp, chilly room had no windows, making it impossible to tell if morning had cracked yet. He felt rested though, so he sat up and stretched, rubbing his arms to get some warmth back into them. When his eyes began to adjust to the darkness, he finally noticed the lump in the covers beside him.
His lips twitched into a smile. He would have bet money that Sanzo would have snuck back to his own room after what they'd done last night, but apparently that's a bet he would have lost. The monk still lay on his side, curled up in the sheets with just his hair peeking out, dead to the world. Gojyo's smile curled into a smirk. Guess I wore him out.
Gojyo shifted and propped his back up against the headboard. His hand reached out of its own volition and curled a strand of Sanzo's hair around his finger. The monk had really fine hair, especially at the base of his neck, soft and smooth under his touch. He found himself rubbing his thumb along the back of Sanzo's neck, the feel of his skin oddly soothing.
Well if we didn't cross the line before, we're pretty much over the edge now. He hoped he hadn't just made a huge mistake. Sleeping with the guy who's pretty much your boss usually ain't the best idea. But it was the damn monk's fault for coming into his room and practically demanding sex. Thank god he'd gotten rid of the girl first, or he might have got a bullet in his skull instead.
He didn't really know why he hadn't just jumped at that girl's proposal. It's not like he hadn't dealt with chicks with outside motivations before. Usually it just made the whole seduction process a little more interesting; he got to peel back some of their layers with a little of Gojyo's one-on-one sex therapy. But this time the game just didn't hold the same appeal. Maybe it was because Shihong was obviously behind it and in spite of her righteous act, that woman reminded him of his mother.
Gojyo's fingers drifted back up into Sanzo's hair again. In spite of his enthusiasm the night before, he really did hope the others hadn't heard them. Explaining something like that to Goku would be a bad scene and Hakkai… shit. As fun as it was to use him to tease Sanzo, he'd better make sure he set his friend right about all this before things got weirder. Crap, that's gonna be an awkward conversation. Yeah, Hakkai, apparently I do guys now too. And I kinda slept with Sanzo. We still cool?
He glanced over at the door, wondering if Hakkai was awake yet. He was usually up and puttering around before the rest of them. This could be a good time to catch him alone.
On the other hand… he looked back down at Sanzo. It was probably in his best interest to escape before the monk woke up with a sore ass and possibly a load of regrets. But he kinda wanted to stay anyway, if only to prove he wasn't wussing out about the whole thing. And dammit, it was his room. He bit his lip, suddenly impatient. How much longer was the guy gonna sleep? He couldn't just wake him up though. Unless….
Hakkai watched Shihong unravel a long scroll down one side of the pool room.
“It's activated simply by reading this?” He made sure she heard the doubt in his voice.
She flipped a switch on the wall, causing a low hum to break out in the room. A row on lights in a panel blinked on. “The machines do the work. The incantations simply activate the effect.”
“Then why does it matter who reads them?”
“The power of the incantation is drawn from the speaker. You could say that it even bonds with them to the extent of reflecting their genetic profile. It is an unstable process to begin with. It takes a high degree of skill and vision to produce any effect at all. But certain unusual genetic profiles seem to naturally spark a reaction.”
“If it's only the genetics, you have plenty of halfbloods already.”
“The more who are linked by the incantation, the greater the wave we can produce. But yes, that is not the only factor. We are still missing something. The wave collapses almost immediately. My son thinks the overabundance of female participants is part of the problem, but it may be simply that my girls, while dedicated, lack the experience and training to properly access their youkai attributes. If that is the case, then surely a wave generated by a member of the famed Sanzo party would be more powerful.”
“But you have no actual evidence to support this supposition.”
Shihong smiled. “The beauty of a proper experiment, my dear man, is that even a failure gives the astute observer a clue as to how to improve the next trial. All I ask is your help to confirm or deny my suspicions.”
“Then you'll leave Gojyo out of it?”
“If that is your condition, then I must accept.”
“Very well then. Show me what to do.”
They lay naked under a sakura tree, using Kenren's coat as a blanket. The sun hung low on the horizon, suffusing the area in a warm, orange glow that made Kenren's muscular torso seemed edged by fire. Konzen tried not to stare, his brow furrowing at the unsettling emotions fluttering in his gut. His head rested on Kenren's outstretched arm and he could feel the fingers of that hand playing idly with his hair. It disturbed him that he liked such petting; he reached up and twined his fingers with Kenren's to restrict the movement. The general countered by twisting onto his side and wrapping his other arm around his waist, nuzzling his face into the spill of golden hair.
Konzen sighed. “Why do you always have to touch me?”
Kenren chuckled. “Still grumpy? Musta not done my job right.” He took a deep breath. “Mmm, your hair smells good.”
“Stop drooling in it. It's already all tangled.”
“Oh? If you come back to my place, I'll brush it out for you.”
“Ch. I told you, I'm sleeping in my own bed tonight. Goku keeps asking awkward questions.”
“Heh, one of these days you're gonna have to give him `the talk', y'know. I want front row seats to that one.”
“Maybe I'll make you do it. You keep telling people he's your secret son.”
“Does that mean I get promoted to the role of Daddy? Cause Tenpou's already got weird uncle.”
“Watch it, or I'll demote you down to family dog.”
Kenren opened his mouth but Konzen slapped a hand over it before he could speak. “And don't you dare turn that into a dirty joke.”
A wet tongue tickled his palm. Affronted, he jerked his hand away and grabbed Kenren by the hair instead, dragging him into a kiss where he could battle that slippery muscle properly. Kenren hummed an approval and rolled on top of him, using his elbows to hold up the bulk of his weight. He broke the kiss and grinned.
“This mean you're ready for another go?”
“It means shut up and get to work.”
Sanzo awoke with a gasp, tearing his consciousness forcefully out of its haze. Shit, the dream was back. Why was it back? Holy fuck, why did it feel like his dick was on fire?
He glanced down and immediately froze at the sight of Gojyo's head bobbing up and down over his groin. The idiot kappa pulled back and smirked at him.
“Mornin', sunshine.”
“You…” He struggled for words but his body had more pressing concerns as Gojyo went back to his task. But his eyes stayed on Sanzo and the heat from them threw him over the edge far too quickly, catching Gojyo unprepared. For a long moment the kappa just blinked, staring up at him with Sanzo's release dribbling down his chin. Then he swallowed and his hand moved up to wipe it away.
“Don't,” whispered Sanzo, and his body moved on its own, catching Gojyo's wrist and twisting him back until Sanzo straddled him, their noses hovering an inch apart. He closed the distance and swiped his tongue along the kappa's jaw. Then his eyes flickered up to meet Gojyo's and the look of shock there made him flush with embarrassment.
“Kinky,” breathed Gojyo.
“Shut up.” His fading arousal brought to light a certain nasty discomfort and he wiggled a bit to take more of his weight on his knees. He hesitated, then decided he might as well ask. “Did you dream last night?”
“Huh? Don't think so. At least, I don't remember. Why, did you?”
Sanzo frowned. That didn't make any sense.
“Sanzo? You dreamt again? About our past life?”
Sanzo grumbled and tried to maneuver away, but Gojyo clamped his hands around his hips and held him in place.
“I don't want to talk about it.”
Gojyo rolled his eyes. “Fine.” He fingers trailed irritatingly down Sanzo's thighs. “Look, I'm gonna go talk to Hakkai, okay?”
Sanzo eyed him suspiciously. “What are you going to tell him?”
“What do you want me to tell him?”
“I want him to stay out of it.”
“Look, he's just being Hakkai. I'll just—”
Suddenly a tremor shook the room. The bed rattled and the furniture scraped loudly against the floor as it shifted. As it passed, Sanzo found himself gripping Gojyo's forearms tightly. He quickly let go. “What the hell was that?”
“Shit,” said Gojyo. He pushed at Sanzo's hip and Sanzo moved off him to let him up. He watched the kappa's back as he dressed quickly, then began to do the same. Gojyo finished first and bolted out the door, leaving Sanzo to swear a blue streak as standing up sent a jolt of pain up his spine.
Gojyo pushed past a group of dumbfounded girls and burst into the poolroom, skidding to a stop at the edge of the water. “Hakkai!”
Hakkai looked up from where he sat at the edge of the pool with his bare feet dangling in the water. His hands trembled and the length of paper he held crumpled between them. He looked much too pale, and Gojyo saw something that might be fear brimming in his eyes.
Shihong moved to stand behind Hakkai, bending slightly to touch his shoulders. “You did well,” she told him. She ran a finger up to his ear. “Now, perhaps if you removed one of your limiters…”
“Like hell,” said Gojyo. “You don't know what you're asking, woman. Leave him alone.”
Hakkai pulled his feet from the water and stood, a little shakily. “That is… asking a little much.”
Shihong pursed her lips. “If you keep your youkai self in a chokehold, you won't be able to fully access its power.”
“That is my choice,” said Hakkai. The tense undercurrent in his friend's voice made Gojyo grit his teeth. He marched across the room and grabbed Hakkai by the arm.
“Can I talk to you?”
Hakkai stiffened, then relaxed a little and nodded. He glanced at Shihong. “Excuse us.”
Gojyo dragged him into the office and shut the door.
“What the hell were you thinking, man? I thought we agreed to stay out of her experiments.”
“Her ideas are interesting, Gojyo. I was simply curious.”
“You could have triggered another collapse.”
“This journey is wearing on all of us, Gojyo. If there is a quicker way, we should explore it.”
“Even if we could cancel the Minus Wave like she claims, that wouldn't put an end to anything. The whole point is to cut things off at the source.”
“Gojyo, you may be content spending the rest of your days like this, but I've been given a second chance at life. I want to regain what I lost. I…”
Gojyp put a hand on his friend's shoulder. “I know, man, I know. Look, is this about the thing between me and Sanzo?”
Hakkai's face slipped into a tight mask. “That tape…”
Gojyo jabbed him lightly in the ribs. “Did it freak you out? It kinda freaked me out. Mister uptight monk going all porn-star on me. Look, it's a long story. We didn't make that thing. Shihong's weirdo son did. Just don't fucking tell her that.”
Hakkai touched his arm. “Gojyo, you don't need to pretend this is normal for my sake. You won't quell the pain of your past like this. Sanzo doesn't understand. He'll hurt you without even realizing…”
Gojyo stepped back. “Woah, woah. Hakkai, buddy, just chill, okay? I know it's weird, but… shit, you're really twisted up about this, aren't you?” A wave of guilt washed over him immediately. The last thing he wanted was to cause Hakkai grief.
Hakkai gave him a small smile. “Gojyo, don't take this the wrong way, but you have a tendency to let your good nature leave you open to manipulation.”
“Aw, c'mon, I'm not that pathetic.”
Hakkai's lips tightened. “I expected more from Sanzo. He may have his vices, but his principles are usually sound. And I expected more from you, Gojyo. I thought you were past this.”
“Look, I don't know what Sanzo told you, Hakkai, but it isn't what you think. If someone's manipulating us, it's one of those troublemakers up in heaven with a sick sense of humour. Sanzo didn't start this. Heck, I kissed him first, so if anyone's to blame… dammit, I don't know how it happened but it's up to me and him to work it out.”
“You want me to stay out of it.”
“I… just give me some time to figure it out for myself.”
“So you and that girl last night… that was you trying to figure things out?”
“Huh?” Gojyo blinked at him dumbly before a light finally went on in his head. “Ooooh, you thought…. No man, she left before anything happened.”
Hakkai sighed. “I have ears, Gojyo.”
“And apparently Sanzo screams like a girl.”
In the midst of another sigh, Hakkai froze and started coughing. Gojyo patted him on the back till he regained his breath.
“You don't think less of me cause I did it with another guy, do ya?”
Hakkai was silent for a long moment. At last he said softly, “No, Gojyo. That would be presumptuous of me.”
Gojyo slapped him once more on the back. “Thanks, man. I really needed to hear that. Don't worry about me, okay? We just need to get back on the road.”
“I suppose you're right,” said Hakkai. His eyes stayed fixed to the floor as though memorizing its harsh surface.
Goku sprinted into the parlour and ran smack into Sanzo.
“Sanzo! I felt another earthquake!”
Sanzo winced and picked himself off the floor. “Obviously.”
“Uh, sorry. Are you okay?”
“Ch. Figures your head would be as hard as a damn rock.”
“Have you seen Hakkai and Gojyo? They're not in their rooms.”
Sanzo got a weird look on his face. Maybe it was just the strange light from all the lamps in the room, but his cheeks looked kinda red and he was standing funny. Goku was afraid for a moment that he really had hurt him, but the mood passed quickly and Sanzo seemed to come back to himself. He straightened and shoved his hands into his sleeves, which Goku watched warily for any sign of the fan.
A loud pounding noise made them both jump. It happened again, and Goku realized someone was outside thumping on the door. He and Sanzo exchanged looks, then Sanzo put a hand on his shoulder to tell him to stay still.
A moment later, one of the red-haired girls hurried into the room. She flipped a hidden latch and the door cracked open. He could see a man on the other side, dressed in the uniform of a guardsman. Goku tugged on Sanzo's sleeve , but Sanzo kept staring straight ahead, the only sign of his interest a slight narrowing of his eyes.
The girl called for her mistress, and soon Shihong glided into the room. She spoke quietly with the guard at the door for a few minutes, then he whispered something in her ear. Whatever he said must have been bad news, because she shrieked, “What?!” and went outside with him, slamming the door shut behind her.
Sanzo muttered something under his breath that sounded like a bunch of bad words. He turned and headed for the doorway at the other end of the parlour but stopped when a couple girls came walking through it, followed by Hakkai and Gojyo. Goku bounced on his heels, happy to see them, but he felt Sanzo's hand on his shoulder again so he didn't run to meet them. A moment later he was glad he hadn't, cause he got a bad feeling in his stomach like something smelled wrong. And he started noticing things, like how Sanzo kept glancing at Hakkai but Hakkai kept acting like he didn't notice. And how Gojyo had his head tilted so that his hair hid his eyes, but had been staring at Sanzo since he walked through the door.
They better not be keeping secrets from him again. He really, really hated secrets.
Suddenly, Sanzo stepped away from him. “We're leaving,” he declared.
“Eh, really?” said Gojyo.
Sanzo turned back to Goku. “You remember the way you came in?”
Goku nodded quickly.
“You can't leave!” said the red-haired girl who had answered the door.
Sanzo ignored her.
The girl looked real upset. Goku wanted to tell her that it was no use; once Sanzo decided that he wanted to get going you couldn't argue with him.
Gojyo walked over and sidled up to the girl. “Sorry Dandan, it's been a blast but we gotta split. You gals let me know if y'ever host a redhead convention, `kay?”
The girl grabbed Gojyo by the arm and pulled him down so she could whisper in his ear. Ugh, who knows why she'd want to get that close to the pervy kappa. Goku expected Gojyo to use the chance to grope her, but instead he just kinda froze still and listened. That made Goku really curious to know what she was saying. He started to sneak over, but Sanzo caught him by his cape and started dragging him in the other direction.
“Aw, Sanzo, leggo!”
“I said, we're leaving. Anyone who doesn't come now is getting left behind.”
Something whizzed by Goku's ear and he twisted his head in time to see a metal bolt bury itself in the far wall. Sanzo let go of him, spun, and drew his gun.
Shihong had reemerged into the room and beside her stood a soldier holding a crossbow aimed and ready. Behind them, dozens more soldiers began to spill through the front door. They were armed with a motley assortment of weaponry, but at least two that wormed their way to the front line brandished shotguns.
Instinctively, Goku summoned his nyoibo and held it ready, waiting for a cue from Sanzo. They didn't usually pick fights with humans; he could probably beat them all himself but Sanzo might not want to hurt them.
Shihong took a step forward and he suddenly realized that her eyes were all teary. “What have you done to my son?!” she demanded. Her fingers crept up to clutch at the choker around her neck.
Hakkai moved and he moved fast. In what seemed like two second flat he braved the weapons that all swiveled after him and grabbed Shihong's arm by the wrist. He smiled faintly. “Don't,” he said .
She laughed at him in a kinda crazy-sounding way, wrenched free, and ripped off her choker.
The bad feeling that had been growing in Goku's stomach hit him suddenly like a wave of nausea. He found himself staring at her, entranced by her shaking body as it changed and especially her eyes as they shifted from green to deep black…so black, like little pits he could drown in.
It all seemed like a bad dream of the real nightmare kind that put all that past life bullshit to shame. He'd wanted to put a bullet into that bitch as soon as she'd started transforming but Hakkai had decided oh-so-conveniently to stand in his way. He should have at least taken care of her himself then, but a second later Sanzo guessed what he should have known all along - she was no ordinary youkai. She never touched Hakkai but a moment later he started to slump, then toppled over.
Sanzo heard the kappa's startled cry and then Goku collapsed right beside him. The gun in his hand shook and he took a second to steady it, aiming carefully so he could nail her right between her freaky-ass eyes. He couldn't focus though; his head spun with sudden dizziness. Gojyo screamed “Don't look at her!” and he managed to tear his gaze away before the blackness overwhelmed him.
He stumbled but caught himself, dug into the deep reserves of his pride to stay on his feet. The bitch laughed again. He focused on the floor by her feet, then the soldier next to her who as he watched slung his crossbow over his shoulder and bent to lift up Hakkai by his armpits.
“Don't even think about it!” The telltale clink of chain accompanied Gojyo's shout and the soldier had to duck quickly to avoid losing his head. But he didn't drop Hakkai, just dragged him back into the suddenly chaotic disorder of booted feet. Gojyo growled with frustration; their enclosed surroundings made it impossible to for him to wield his shakujou properly. He switched to his fists and got in a few good hits but by then most of the soldiers had retreated out the door.
Sanzo raised his gun again but a group of red-haired girls ran forward and surrounded Shihong.
“My son is dead,” said the youkai woman. “Did you think I wouldn't find out? And to think I was considering letting you go on your way. Looks like I'll have to consult the Doctor after all. I'll be borrowing the well-spoken one for now. If you want him back, you'll stay here until I have returned. Come girls, it's a long hike.”
At her beckoning, the girls followed the retreating soldiers out the door. Only the one who had been hanging off Gojyo hesitated.
“Dandan, come,” Shihong said sharply.
Dandan shook her head. “This is wrong and you know it. You put too much trust in that man.”
“Fine, stay with them if you care so much. But remember who you're doing this for.” She spun on her heels and walked out. The soldiers with the shotguns covered her exit. The door grinded closed behind them.
“Ch.” Sanzo bent down to check Goku. He seemed to be breathing fine, just unconscious. He dragged him as best he could over to the couch. The girl came over and helped him lift him up. He glared at her. For all he knew her speech a moment ago had been a ploy, but the eyes that met his seemed open and honest. Damn it. It would be easier if he could just hate all of them.
Sanzo turned his head and saw Gojyo trying to force the front door open with his shoulder.
“Why won't…this fucking thing…fucking open!”
Sanzo closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Great, he was down to one idiot and would somehow have to come up with a brilliant plan by himself. Peachy.
Gojyo gave up on the door and started pacing around. “Alright, where's this back way out? It's this way, right?” He headed for the door by the kitchen.
“Where do you think you're going?”
“Gee, I don't know. Hakkai's been kidnapped. I think I'll go get him back.”
Sasnzo stood up, brushed off his robes, then grabbed the kappa by the arm of his jacket and dragged him into the kitchen.
“Sanzo, what the hell, man?”
He shoved him right up against the fridge and stood there glaring at him, hating that he had to look up to do it. “Listen you moron, just because we fucked, don't think that means I'm gonna chase you all over this damn mountain. If you pull another Kami-sama stunt on me again, I fucking swear…”
Gojyo grinned. “Okay okay, your holiness, we'll do it your way. Just tell me we're not gonna just sit around here and wait it out.”
“Hn. As if.”
Gojyo's hands snaked around him and slipped up his back. He tried to pull away but the hold only tightened and he found himself pressed up against the kappa's chest in a bizarre approximation of a hug.
“Gojyo,” he warned, but the word came out less stern than he wanted. He breathed in the heady smell of the kappa's shirt while Gojyo brushed his fingers down his spine. A part of him wanted to just close his eyes and relax into that touch. This was just the kappa though, and he felt ridiculously awkward just standing there and dammit he was Sanzo and didn't do that touchy-feely crap. He finally pushed back hard enough to make Gojyo drop his arms and they stood there for a while a few inches apart, looking everywhere but at each other.
“That bitch is gonna pay,” say Gojyo at last.
Sanzo grunted an agreement. Indeed, better to focus on the shitstorm ahead. It made a heck of a lot more sense that the rest of it.