Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Again ❯ A pretty good fighter after all ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm being kind and updating all the chapters at one time since… I sort of forgot to update here sorry ^__^;;;
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It had been hours since they left the village and the sun was beginning to set. Sasami watched the sun set across the horizon, transfixed by the colors across the sky. Sanzo tried not to make it obvious as he watched her, smiling inwardly as she leaned forward in her seat. “So you guys get to see this kind of sunset everyday?” Sasami finally asked, “it's so beautiful.”
“Hmm? Oh I guess,” Gojyo began leaning forward to talk to her, “they kind of lose the whole beauty thing after you've seen them so many times.”
“Oh…that's kind of sad,” Sasami said softly.
“Don't listen to him,” Hakkai said warmly, “I still think they're very beautiful.”
“I think they're pretty too,” Goku instantly protested.
Sasami smiled and patted his head, “I'm sure you do Goku-chan.” Goku stuck his tongue out at Gojyo as Sasami pulled her hand back. “What about you Sanzo?” she asked turning to him. He flicked the cigarette butt out the window before turning to her.
“A sunset is a sunset, they all look the same,” he shrugged.
“Oh all right,” she said softly. Sanzo felt a pang at the disappointment in her voice but he couldn't take his comment back now. He looked away and bit his lip in frustration. Sasami was the one person in his life he hated to see upset yet he always managed to be the reason for it.
Hakkai broke the silence that had set in, “we should probably set up camp while there's still some light.”
Gojyo yawned, “works for me. Hey monkey, go look for some firewood.”
“Why me!” Goku whined, “you go look for it.”
“I'm going to be busy,” he grinned putting the younger male in a headlock. Hakkai sighed as he parked the jeep, letting them continue their argument in the back seat.
Sasami tugged on Sanzo's arm, “come on we should get the firewood.”
He raised an eyebrow, “I don't do manual labor.”
She tilted her head to the side, tendrils of her hair falling in her face, “please Sanzo-kun.”
He sighed and stood up, “fine.” She smiled and walked with him to look for firewood in the nearby forest. He watched her as they picked up loose pieces of wood.
She turned and looked at him, “what is it Sanzo?”
“You were gone a long time,” he repeated what he had said earlier.
She sighed looking down, “I'm sorry I really did mean to tell you.”
He walked up to her and tilted her face up to look at him, “in four years you couldn't send a single letter?”
“I just didn't think you'd miss me,” she said weakly.
“The monkey missed you, he kept whining for almost an entire year after you left,” he said avoiding the subject.
She put her hands over his, “I know Goku missed me but what about you?” He tilted forward slightly, his face inches from hers as he started to say something.
“Hey you guys got the firewood yet?” Gojyo shouted interrupting.
Sanzo instantly pulled away, “urusai kappa we're almost finished.” Sasami gulped before quickly grabbing an armful of firewood and hurrying back. She could still feel her heart thumping and desperately wished Gojyo hadn't interrupted at just that moment.
“Are you all right?” Hakkai asked as she sat down.
Sasami nodded, “yes I'm fine.” She smiled at him to convince him she was fine as she tried to get her heart beat back under control.
Gojyo sat next to her, “you know it gets pretty cold out here during the night, a blanket might not be enough.”
“There's a fire,” Sasami pointed out.
“But that won't last all night,” he smiled, “here just curl up with me and I promise to keep you warm all night.” He started to lean towards her and had to again dodge the bullet aimed at him.
“What did I say about hitting on her,” Sanzo growled.
Gojyo scowled, “goddamn prick of a monk, just because you're sexually frustrated doesn't mean the rest of us have to be.” He barely managed to dodge the five gunshots, cursing the monk as he scooted his stuff away from the miko who was trying not to laugh.
“I'll sleep between you and the stupid cockroach,” Goku told Sasami as he stuck his tongue out at Gojyo.
“That sounds fine,” she smiled. She was about to lay down when she noticed Sanzo sit next to her. He settled his things down to sleep there, not saying a word. He slid his arms out of his robes so that the upper part of the robes were bunched around his waist, leaving his upper body in a tight black sleeveless turtleneck and gloves that only had a loop around the middle finger and went up to just above his elbow. Sasami couldn't help but stare at the muscled chest and arms as he sat down. She was only snapped out of it by Goku shoving a meat bun in her hand.
“Here you go,” he said happily.
“Oh thank you Goku,” she said, feeling her cheeks turn a bright pink.
Hakkai smiled, “I apologize if this isn't what you're used to but-“
“Oh no,” Sasami cut him off, “this is fine. I've had my share of camping out, don't worry about it.”
“Are you sure?” Hakkai asked unconvinced.
“Leave her alone,” Sanzo snorted, “if she's fine with this then stop giving her a reason to be.” Hakkai sighed and lay back in his sleeping bag.
Sasami turned to Sanzo, “I hope I didn't give you guys too much trouble by tagging along.”
He raised an eyebrow, “you think I would have let you come if you had?” He simply motioned for her to go to sleep as he lay down. She curled up next to him, close enough to almost touch if she wanted before drifting off to sleep next to the fire.
In the middle of the night Sasami's eyes snapped open before she flipped out of the way of a bunch of arrows. She raised an eyebrow at her arrow-pierced blankets. “That's a brand new version of an alarm clock,” she said dryly.
“It seems the assassins sent after us don't like us sleeping,” Hakkai explained as he put a barrier up.
Gojyo grinned, “isn't it just lovely?”
“Can we hurry up and get back to bed?” Sanzo practically growled as he snapped back the safety of his gun. Hakkai and Gojyo were both extremely surprised when Sasami landed a hard kick on a nearby demon's stomach. They couldn't help but shoot glances at her as they fought, her usual demeanor a striking contrast to her fighting ability. Her fist connected with a demon's jaw sending him reeling back. She dropped slightly to swing her leg around and trip another demon, moving quickly to bring her knee up hard into his back. Another demon growled before grabbing her from behind. She reached back and grabbed him by the hair before throwing him forward into a tree. She kicked a demon behind her hard before the other demon even landed. Her elbow came down hard on the back of his neck as he doubled over in pain. She was about to hit another demon before Gojyo grabbed her.
“How about we leave the rest to Sanzo,” he smiled down at her. She turned to Sanzo, feeling stupid that she hadn't noticed him chanting sooner.
“Makai Tenjou!” his voice boomed as he finished chanting. The sutra around his shoulders came to life and finished off the last of the demons.
“That was very impressive,” Hakkai smiled at Sasami.
She blushed slightly, “it's no big deal, Goku's punches have more of an impact.”
“Naw he's right,” Gojyo reassured her, “who would've thought the uptight priest could know someone cool besides us.” Sanzo only snorted at the comment, as long as they were complimenting Sasami then he really didn't care. “Too bad you didn't rub off on the guy,” Gojyo smirked.
Sanzo scowled, “can we go back to sleep now? And Gojyo leave her alone already.”
Gojyo put his hands up in defense, “yeah, yeah whatever you say.” He walked away from her but not before shooting her a quick wink.
Sanzo pulled her back slightly, “none of the demons hurt you did they?”
She shook her head, “I'm fine, you know I'm tougher than that.”
“I just wanted to make sure,” he began before quickly adding, “injuries only slow us down and we're in a hurry.”
She gave him a weak smile, “I know that, don't worry I won't be a hindrance to you if I can avoid it.” He looked down into her eyes, battling with himself on whether to actually say something comforting to her.
“Let's just… get some sleep,” he said turning away from her. She sighed and followed him back to camp. He watched her crawl back under her blankets and wished he could curl up with her. He turned his back to her, unsure of whether he could watch her sleep and not do something stupid.