Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Again ❯ Fighting Hurts ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Weird cut, deal with it.
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Sanzo eyed Sasami, taking note of the cuts on her neck, “if you wish we can leave today.”
She shook her head, “no it's all right, I could use some rest too.” He frowned slightly but didn't say anymore. He pulled her chair next to his while the other three were distracted. She looked at him confused, “Sanzo?”
“If there's a reason you would want to leave tell me now,” he said.
She blinked then smiled, “I'm ready when you are.” He eyed her for another moment before sighing and sitting back in his seat. She leaned forward and smiled, “you're not worried about me are you Sanzo?”
He raised an eyebrow, “I don't need to worry about you, you can take care of yourself better than most people.”
She smiled, “well you have a lot of faith in me.” He gently slid his hand under hers and gave it a squeeze. She blinked in slight surprise at the gesture.
“Just because I don't need to worry about you doesn't mean you can't tell me if something's wrong,” he said not looking her in the eye.
She paused then sighed, “Sanzo I…”
“Hey monk,” Gojyo interrupted, “I'm out of cigarettes, let me bum one.”
Sanzo glared, “I thought you said my smokes tasted like crap.” Sasami sighed and sat back, letting them argue. She sipped her tea slowly, trying to calm herself and relax. Her hands were clasped gently around the cup as she let out a soft sigh. She doubted telling Sanzo would do much good anyway, he wasn't the type to do much of anything.
Goku tugged on her arm, “Sasami? Are you ok?”
She looked at him and smiled, “yeah I'm fine.” He just looked at her, obviously not convinced. She sighed, “really Goku I'm fine but you want I could at least take a walk with you.”
His eyes lit up and he practically dragged her outside, “you'll buy me some meat buns please pretty please?”
She laughed ruffling his hair, “of course Goku.”
He continued to grin, but his face turned slightly seriously when her hand dropped back to her side, “why'd you leave for so long?”
She sighed, “I already said why.”
“Sanzo got really cranky,” he continued, “I think… I think he really missed you. I missed you a lot…”
She gave him a gentle hug, “I'm sorry Goku-chan.”
He hugged back, “we did a bunch of stuff since you left.”
She smiled, “I noticed. How long ago did you meet Hakkai and Gojyo?”
“About three years ago,” he smiled back before letting go, “did you meet anybody in Japan?”
An image of Mitari flashed through her mind and she tried not to shudder, “yeah… I met someone.”
There was a pause, “is that person the reason you stayed behind?”
“You could say that,” she began hesitantly, “but it's a bit more complicated than that.”
“So then you didn't fall in love with some guy in Japan?” he asked.
Sasami blinked, “where did that come from?”
“Gojyo said that's probably why you didn't come back for so long,” he quickly explained, “that's not it is it?”
She sighed, “no that's not it. Besides you know I couldn't stay away from you and Sanzo for too long.”
He smiled, “I know, I think Gojyo's just mad you're not paying attention to him.”
She blinked, “was I supposed to?”
Goku put his hands behind his head, “nah Gojyo's just full of himself.”
Sasami smiled, “he does seem to get into arguments with you and Sanzo very often.”
He grinned walking backwards, “Sanzo's shot him at least 12 times these last two weeks.” She was about to comment when he walked right into someone.
“Watch it,” the person snapped turning around. Sasami's eyes widened as his face came into view. Of all the people Goku could have bumped into, it just had to be Mitari.
Goku grinned, “oops sorry about that.”
Mitari smirked when he saw Sasami, “it's all right, just be careful. You wouldn't want to bump into the wrong person.” He walked smoothly past her, stroking a finger down her arm.
“Let's go,” she managed to choke out before practically shoving Goku forward. He stumbled then looked back at her in concern.
“What happened Sasami?” he asked, “you seem all tense.”
She took a deep breath before smiling, “I'm fine really I just thought I sensed a demon around here.”
“I could check it out,” he quickly volunteered.
She shook her head, “no I'm sure it's not important, besides I did promise you some meat buns.” His eyes lit up as he dragged her to a food stand. She followed him, grateful he had dropped the subject. She spent most of the day with him, wanting to know what had happened since she had left. It helped that Goku was the kind of person who didn't keep secrets. She managed to find out a lot about Gojyo and Hakkai which made her feel better about traveling with them.
Gojyo put an arm around her shoulder as soon as they walked into the inn, “you've been spending the whole day with the monkey? That sucks.”
She gently removed his arm, “yes I did, it was nice.”
Hakkai smiled from the table, “well as long as you enjoyed yourselves.”
Goku sat down, “of course she enjoyed herself, she was with me.”
Sasami looked around, “where's Sanzo?”
“He's up in his room,” Hakkai explained, “I believe he said he was tired of looking at us and didn't plan on waiting all night for you to come back.”
“Oh well then I'll go up and say hi,” she headed up the stairs before they had a chance to protest. She knocked on his door and entered, ignoring the gun he was trying to maneuver so it didn't look like he was pointing it at her.
“I'm guessing you had fun with the monkey,” he said from his place on the bed. She walked over and sat next to him.
“Actually I did,” she smiled, “but I would have rather spent the day with you.” He gently cupped her cheek before sliding his fingers down her neck softly.
“These are new,” he said running a thumb over the cuts on her neck.
She grabbed his wrist out of reflex, “I-uh I'm a klutz sometimes you know that.” He didn't look convinced but didn't say anymore about it.
“How many times has the kappa tried to hit on you today?” he asked before pulling her into his lap.
She gulped at the feel of his arms around her waist, “I think Gojyo doesn't want you murdering him. He hasn't hit on me at all.”
He kissed her softly, “or you could just be too dense to notice it.”
“I resent that,” she started to protest. All arguments died, however, when Sanzo's lips pressed against her neck. He kissed up and down the side of her neck softly. Sasami's fingers tightened on his arm, finding it hard to breathe correctly. “I didn't peg you as the gentle type,” she managed to gasp out.
“I'm not a complete asshole,” he said simply, squeezing her hips gently. His other hand massaged her lower back, sliding up the back of her shirt.
“I'm not sure we should be doing this,” she whispered.
He immediately stopped, “you don't want to do this.”
“I do!” she instantly protested, “trust me I really want to but…”
He sighed, “I understand.” He inwardly cursed at himself. He had forgotten that she was more devoted to Buddhist teachings than he was. By those same teachings they couldn't sleep together being who they were. He lay down with her and just rubbed her side.
“Sanzo?” she gave him a worried look.
“I forgot you chose this life of chastity and meditation,” he said not looking at her face, “I'll take this.”
She bit her lip, “Sanzo its not just that. There is a reason I-“
He put his hand over her mouth, “your reasons are yours alone. I don't need an explanation.” She smiled slightly under his hand and nodded. He took her hand gently in his and fell asleep.
Sasami shot up in bed in the middle of the night, dropping Sanzo's hand as pain shot through her entire body. She stumbled out of the room and outside, trying not to cry out in pain. She leaned against a wall and panted for air, “you fucking bastard.”
Mitari chuckled, “I believe this was the best way to get your attention, am I right?”
“Go screw yourself,” she snapped.
The back of his fist came down hard across her face, “I will kill you if you annoy me enough miko.”
She spit out the blood in her mouth, “I'm not afraid of death.”
He slammed her into the wall by the neck, “ah that's right you fancy yourself a brave miko.”
Her fist swung up to punch him, “damn straight.”
He caught her fist and yanked forward, his knee coming up to hit her in the stomach, “too slow my dear.” She coughed up blood as she fell to her knees. He kicked her side hard before yanking her up hard by her hair. “You and the monk are truly starting to piss me off,” he growled in her face as she winced in pain.
“Don't you dare touch Sanzo,” she winced, trying to pull away.
He punched her in the stomach, “don't you dare give me orders.”
She coughed up more blood before yanking away, “I'll do what I want.” Her foot came down hard on his before kicking him in the stomach. He stumbled backward before punching her hard in the jaw. He grabbed the back of her head and yanked her forward.
His face was inches from hers as he wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, “do you still wish to continue fighting me?”
She flinched away, “stop touching me.”
He chuckled, “I'll do what I wish, you are mine. You would do well to remember that in the future.” He dropped her and walked away. She winced in pain as she sat up and leaned against the wall. She could still taste the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. She tried to stand but was in too much pain. She wanted to cry out for Sanzo but knew it wouldn't do much good. She forced herself to stand before weakly making her way inside and to Hakkai's room.
“Hakkai?” she said weakly knocking at his door.
“What is it?” he yawned answering the door. His eyes widened and he caught her when he saw her state, “what happened?”
“Please,” she gripped his arm, “just help me get bandaged.”
He frowned, “all right but what happened?” He led her to the bed and tended to her wounds as he waited for her to talk. She looked down, tears brimming in her eyes. She swallowed the huge lump in her throat before turning to him.
“When I was in Japan I did find the sutra,” she began slowly, “only I couldn't get it away from the demon who had it. He was too strong and without the sutra I couldn't do him much harm. Every time I fought him he beat me and badly.”
He frowned slightly, “but then why did he run to China if he was beating you?”
She shook her head, “no I ran, I was a bit freaked. He insisted that as long as he held the sutra he owned me and I had to do what he asked.”
His eyes softened slightly, “he followed you didn't he?”
She nodded, “yeah, that's why I'm like this.”
He stood up, “come on we need to tell Sanzo.”
She grabbed his arm, “don't please don't tell him.”
He frowned slightly, why not?”
She sighed, “because there are two reactions he could take. The first one is him trying to help me kill the demon and getting hurt in the process. I don't want him to get hurt, I couldn't live with myself if he did.”
He gently put an arm around her as he sat back down, “and the other reaction?”
Her voice was barely above a whisper, “that he won't care at all.”
“I'm sure he'd care,” he insisted, not too convinced himself, “besides he's going to notice these bruises.”
She pressed her lips together, “I know but…”
He sighed, “I'll try and help you keep this from Sanzo but only if you're sure about this.”
“I am,” she assured him, “I've made my decision.”
He smiled slightly, “you can be a bit like him with your stubbornness. You should go back to bed now.”
She nodded, “thank you Hakkai.” She stood up and headed towards the door.
“And Sasami?” he said as she opened the door, “I'm not letting you go out by yourself anymore.”
She smiled, “deal.” She made her way back to Sanzo's room, crawling back into bed with him. He put his arm around her waist as he slept and pulled her close. She winced slightly before settling in his arms again. She watched him sleep for another moment, cupping his cheek gently.