Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction / Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Again ❯ Mitari ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4 geez this is taking a while….
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Sanzo woke the next morning to find Sasami still in his arms. His lip twitched into a smile as he watched her sleep. His thumb ran over her slightly parted lips. She shifted slightly and snuggled closer to him. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear, “wake up.”
She let out a whimper, “I don't want to, go look for the sutra on your own.”
He raised an eyebrow, “who are you talking to?”
She opened her eyes slowly, “Sanzo? I'm sorry I guess I forgot where I was for a moment.”
“It's all right but we have to get up before the monkey comes bounding in here,” he said, slowly pulling away from her and standing up.
She sat up, “Sanzo about last night…”
He gave her a soft kiss, “it was just kissing.”
“I'm not saying I regret it,” she smiled, the tips of her fingers touching his cheek, “I just didn't get to tell you something.”
“Don't,” he said firmly, “it can wait.” She started to protest but he was already headed out the door. She sighed and slid off the bed, following him out. She wondered if he already knew what she wanted to say, what she was so desperate to tell him at times. It hadn't even been simple when they were kids. He had always been so cynical towards everything…no not towards her or his master. His attitude towards them had always been different, just a bit warmer than with anyone else.
“Sasami are you all right? You seem out of it,” Hakkai asked gently as she sat down. She looked over to make sure Sanzo was occupied with the early morning Goku and Gojyo argument before looking back.
“I was thinking of when he got the title of Sanzo,” she said softly, “and what he told me the day I found out.”
He hesitated, “would you mind telling me?”
She smiled, “of course not, you already know some of it actually.”
~~10 years before~~
Sasami bowed politely to the monks as she made her way through the temple. Her eyes scanned every inch as she tried to find someone. She apologized profusely to the monk she bumped into before hurrying out to the garden. She smiled in relief at the familiar person she saw sitting there. “Kouryuu,” she began running over, “I got the message that you were here but where's Master Sanzo?”
The boy looked up, revealing the chakra on his forehead, “Koumyou Sanzo is…dead. I couldn't protect him. He gave me the title Genjyo Sanzo before…”
Her eyes widened in shock before sitting next to him, “Kou-Sanzo I'm so sorry I didn't…know.”
He looked back down, “I wanted to tell you in person.”
“Thank you for that,” she said trying not to cry.
“And I want you to be a witness to a vow I'm making,” he continued.
“What kind of vow?” she asked trying to look at him.
“To never care so much about someone I can't bear to lose them,” he said forcefully, his hands in tight fists, “to never worry about anyone else's safety besides my own.”
“Sanzo you're 13,” she began, “you can't possibly expect yourself to keep that kind of vow.”
“I can and I will Sasami,” he said sternly, “I will never again care for someone as much as I cared for Master Sanzo.”
“Oh…” she couldn't think of anything to say. `Why does my heart hurt so much?' she thought, `my chest feels too tight.'
He looked at her, “how long are you staying here?”
“For about a week then my mother is taking me for training in the forest,” she explained quickly. He only nodded and looked back down. She didn't say anymore either and only sat with him in silence for the rest of the day.
Sasami smiled, “I told you Hakkai, I know about his vow. I was there when he made it.”
“That must have hurt,” he said gently.
She stood up, “life is full of pain, I know that. For now I think I need a walk.”
Gojyo looked over, “hey if you need company I'm free.”
Goku kicked him out of his chair, “she doesn't need your company.” She took the distraction of their arguing to sneak out the door. She inhaled the cool crisp morning air before sticking her hands in her pockets. She walked slowly through the town, letting the wind blow through her hair. She smiled as children ran past her playing. She turned the corner and was instantly grabbed from behind. A hand grabbed her by the neck while another was placed over her stomach. Claws dug into her skin before a sound of protest could leave her lips.
“Don't move,” a voice said in her ear, “you and I both know I could easily rip out your throat before you even began to toss me off.”
“Mitari,” she growled, “let me go.”
The hand around her neck tightened, cutting off her air, “you are in no position to give me orders.”
She gasped for air, “why did you take the sutra?”
“Because I knew they'd send you to come get it,” he whispered, his breath hitting her ear, “though I didn't expect you to meet up with that priest. I'm sure you didn't sleep with him, you'd hate for anyone to see that lovely scar I gave you a couple of years ago.” His hand slid up her stomach suggestively.
She wiggled to free herself, yanking at his arm, “let go.”
The hand around her neck tightened, “I can feel your pulse miko, its growing weak. Don't make me kill you before this gets fun.” She gritted her teeth in frustration and anger but stopped struggling. “Good girl,” he whispered.
“Asshole,” she hissed.
“Ah but this asshole owns you,” he chuckled, “and if that priest touches you again I'll kill you both. As long as I hold the sutra you have to do what I say.” Before she could protest or curse him out he disappeared. She stumbled forward and put a hand on her neck. When she pulled her hand away she could see droplets of blood. His claws had punctured her neck from the tight grip he had. She shuddered in disgust, feeling ill at the thought of him even touching her again. She stood on shaky legs and took a deep breath, she would figure something out on her own. She quickly wiped the blood from her neck and waited until she was calm before heading back to the others. She walked slowly towards the inn and almost didn't hear her name.
“Oi Sasami daijoubu?” Gojyo asked walking up to her.
She looked up and smiled, “oh I'm fine don't worry about me. What are you doing out here? I thought you were fighting with Goku.”
He motioned to the bags in his arms, “I'm the errand boy apparently, care to help me out here?”
She took on of the bags, “oh of course, sorry about that.” He caught sight of the puncture wounds on her neck and frowned.
“What happened here?” he asked pushing her hair back.
She jerked back, “its nothing really.”
He grabbed her arm and pulled her forward so his nose almost touched hers, “I'm not Sanzo, I actually give a shit about those around me.”
She started to protest then stopped, “I'm sorry Gojyo but I can't tell you. I can't even tell Sanzo…”
He frowned, “are you sure?”
She nodded, “trust me its for the best.”
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, “all right fine but you just tell me if you need anything. I may be a pervert but I'm not that bad of a guy.”
She smiled., “well at least you admit it.”
He put an arm around her shoulders, “come on let's get back.”
She shook her head slightly, “Sanzo's going to shoot you, you know?”
“Yeah well you look like you've never had a comforting shoulder to lean on before,” he said not looking down, “and I include Sanzo in that comment.”
“He's not that bad,” she said softly, hugging the bag she was carrying to her chest, “you just don't know him like I do.”
He squeezed her shoulder, “you're way too good for him.” She rolled her eyes and shrugged his arm off. He only chuckled and followed her the rest of the way to the inn. Hakkai looked up as she stepped in and got up.
“Here let me take that,” he said taking the bag.
“Thank you Hakkai-kun,” she smiled.
“How come I don't get a `Gojyo-kun',” Gojyo half-protested, half-teased.
“Because you're an idiot,” Sanzo said without even lowering his newspaper.
Goku started looking through the bags, “did you get anything good?”
Gojyo yanked him away, “these are supplies monkey, we need them for the road not to feed you.”
“Haven't you eaten already?” Sasami asked.
“Yeah but I'm hungry again,” Goku explained.
“Maybe we should order another plate of meat buns,” Hakkai suggested.
Sanzo grumbled and handed him the gold card, “fine here.” Goku happily followed Hakkai to get more food.
Gojyo plopped down in a nearby chair, “hey monk how about ordering us some sake?”
Sanzo glared at him, “order it yourself.”
Sasami sighed, “you two fight like cats and dogs.”
Sanzo snorted, “it's the kappa's fault.”
Gojyo's eye twitched, “how are you passing the blame on me?”
“Before this fight really gets going,” Sasami interrupted, “may I please have the newspaper Sanzo-kun?”
“Yeah sure,” he shrugged, handing it to her. She settled back into her seat and started to read, ignoring the bickering pair. She only looked up when Hakkai handed her a drink. She refused to think about Mitari, her entire focus on the paper in her hands.
Hakkai put a hand over hers, “if you keep staring at the paper like that you're going to burn holes through it.”
She blinked then smiled, “gomen, I suppose I was concentrating a bit too hard huh?”
Hakkai smiled, “just a little, is something bothering you?”
She shook her head, “no nothing I'm fine.”
He raised an eyebrow, “are you sure?”
“I'm positive,” Sasami reassured him. He sighed and dropped the subject, pushing her would do him no good especially with Sanzo nearby. “Please don't worry about me Hakkai-kun I'll be fine,” she said softly, “we have to get going anyway don't we?”
“We're staying to rest here for a couple of days,” Sanzo said calmly, “we need a break from driving.”
“Oh well all right,” she said sitting back and ignoring the panic rising in her. Mitari was here, they couldn't stay, it wasn't safe. She wanted to shout, scream and tell them they had to leave but she knew she couldn't, not with Mitari knowing her every move.