Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
Vitória, Espirito Santo, Brazil January 27, 2005
I open my eyes not much happy in leaving my nice and comfortable dreams. But the brightness of my room doesn't let me sleep. I found one of my bandanas on the floor next to me as it has been by the past week. I consider in using that bandana again as a blindfold. I grab it but I give up on sleeping. I sit in floor. My room is too hot. I even folded my futon to sleep in the bare wood floor to avoid the intense heat of the Brazilian summer. I toss my sheet over the folded futon. I tie the bandana around my neck to use it later. I run my fingers by my hair. As usual it is a tangled mess. Since I cutted it few months ago I wake with my hair looking like some horrible mess. Always happened when I let my hair short. I grab a clean white t-shirt and open the door and move to the bathroom. I finish putting on the shirt and I grab a brush and begin to tame my hair in a less troublesome style. I look in the mirror. I need to shave again. Have been two weeks. I brush my free hand against my chin. I am Benji Himura. I am an average Brazilian man. I have twenty one years old. My mother is half Japanese and half Brazilian. My father is part Arab and part Brazilian. I am tall and well build. I have a natural tan that I acquired living under the tropical sun for twenty one years. My black hair reaches the base of my neck. I have light brown hair and an attractive face. At least I like it. And my friends too. After comb my hair I tie the bandana over it. Is too hot and I know that in few hours that bandana will be soaked. I look to myself. With the white t-shirt and a dark blue shorts. I don't use pajamas. Just the shorts are good. A loud feline cry takes me from my thoughts. Lek a large black cat is waiting for the morning food. As I walk to the kitchen Merle, Lek's mother a large Siamese cat join the line. Spike the father of Lek is nowhere to be seen. But being a ninja cat as he is I am not surprised. I place food in the three plates belonging to the feline trio and get myself some water. As usual I don't wake up hungry. My body is still running with the last night late dinner. I move to the computer. My brother is dead in sleep as usual. He sleeps during the day and goes out in the night. A vampire as my family teases him. After turn the computer table to my I turn it on. Sadly my brother keeps the computer in his room. The living room is too bright. My room is too filled with my stuffs. Since he has a closet he can keep his things in there saving some space. I turn it on and put the volume in a lower level. As usual my brother leaves it in the max. After get online and check my e-mails I open the Word. I guess that I might work on my fics. Since I am still blocked in the I guess that I can work a bit so at least have some new chapters to my fics when I gain accesses again. But I am not on the mood of working on my old fics. I have the bad habit of get stuck in the story when it gets really interesting. I have dozens of ideas but putting then down is hard. I sigh loudly and my brother stirs turning in the bed. I am not in the mood to play an online game. My house doesn't have cable TV since the neighborhood is not on the access area so TV is out. Going to my grandmother don't sounds appealing to me. Is still too early to call my friends. And I am not willing to go out. At least a fall one week and a half ago gives me the excuse to stay in home. I slipped down the stairs when raining. Thanks to my martial arts training I managed to fall in a better way and decreasing the damage. But the momentum and the steps gave me a nasty cut on the ankle. The worse part is that in home we was lacking of gauzes or bandages. So my mother used an intimate absorbent as gauze and used some medical tape to hold it in the place. I saw that move in movie before. The worse part is that in the following morning I removed the improvised bandage only to found that it was soaking with blood. Since the cut is on a joint it takes time to heal. So I grab another absorbent and place it there again. Well now is closed and don't bleed more. The sound of my playlist fills the air. As usual is a small group of anime music. I careless surf on the net since I don't have much more to do. After one hour my zombie brother decides that the room is too hot and joins the cats in the living room carpet. I raise the volume of the music a bit. I can hear the workers repairing the post that was hitten last night by a truck. Luckily the power is back on. I work a bit in a couple of fics. They move slowly. Painfully slowly and to think that until few months ago I updated then every week. Sometimes even twice a week. I save my fics and stretch a bit. My back pops and I sigh with pleasure with that. I sigh and stare to the open cabinet of the computer. Two days ago the machine was so hot that was near of a meltdown. In response my brother opened the cabinet to allow more air to run. Is too hot and the air is hot. So the computer is not cooling. With a ventilator and the removed wall now he can. I look at the lights there listening to the songs of my playlist. I sing along the music. It is the opening theme of Sakura wars, Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan! I like that series. But sadly in Brazil is really hard to found a good anime to buy. I am pissed with the distributors from this country and they old fashioned mind that think that animation is only for kids. I am so pissed that I forgot to pay attention to my surrounding and the music. I barely notice when the music begun to get some odd spikes. The computer plaques are sparking with electricity. I rush to shut it down by the main line. Big mistake. A power surge runs thru the damaged street line hitting my computer and me. My last thought is that the computer hard drives survive this and me too.
Teito August seventh 1922
Sakura is hugging Kanna tightly, there is a heavy storm over the city. Iris is also hugging the tall Okinawan. Sumire looks at Sakura with a frown. “Your fear is absolutely stupid. We are inside a building.” Sumire says with her voice dripping with venom. Ogami and Maria look at Sumire waiting that her comment would not trigger a fight. A lightning falls in the middle of the theater inner garden. Then the lights fade. Iris and Sakura let out scared cries hugging Kanna even tighter. Kohran looks at the garden from the recreation room window. “God it damaged the area and there is still electricity running thee!” Kohran says in shock. The others rush at the window seeing the damage. Trees are burning, the ground is burned and the grass is dead. At the faint dimming lights of the fire they see a large white spot on the garden. They run to the garden. They meet Ayame on the way. “We got a odd energy spike.” Ayame says “Where?” Ogami asks “In the garden. We can't say that is from the enemy. But be careful.” She says. The hanagumi nod moving to get they weapons.
In the garden (Benji point of view.)
I open my eyes feeling my entire body numb or sore. I can feel the cold wetness of the rain.
Rain? I was in home. Then I got shocked. I look around and see a half destroyed garden. The fire in few trees begins to die showing my clothes. A pair of jeans, a white shirt, a black bandana with crosses skulls on it, a black leather belt and a survival knife on my waist hold horizontally in my waist. Besides me there is the black boots of my brother. I put then one even with wet feet. Anything is better than walk on the mud. I look at the building around me before the fire dies. Or I am in an odd version of that garden of Dividead or I am in the theater or Sakura wars. How I got in here? More important how I go back? I hear voices talking in a small distance. They are familiar. Specially a certain husky voice and a cheerful one.
“Maria and Sakura.”
I talk to myself. I can't understand then properly. They are talking in Japanese. And my Japanese is crude. My family says that I have talent to languages since I learned few things watching anime and I learned English pretty fast. At least to speak. Wait a minute. How I can be hearing Maria and Sakura? They are characters of a game and an anime. Well not adding the manga. Wild ideas run in my mind. But my instincts tell me to run away. And I do trust in my instincts. I don't know how I got in here. But I know that I will not be welcomed here. After all I appear out of the thin air and they are a secret military group. Certainly it is not a healthy match. I get up feeling numb. But not as much as before. I see a glean of light in a side. I know that they are coming to investigate the site. And it is not wise to stay here. I grab a couple of small rocks and toss then in a side far of where I am. Then I run to the opposite direction. Thankfully my ninjitsu training paid and I move in silence. But white shirt is not the best to hide in the dark. But as brown as it is now it will do better. I see a door and I sneak in it. Big mistake. An alarm sounds and the lights turn to me. Luckily I entered in the room before they could see me. I am in a large hall. But I don't know where to go. And the hanagumi was literally in home. And being in nine not counting the Kaede, Yoneda and the kazegumi, give then a hell of an advantage. I run thru the dark halls with the sound of the sirens loud on my ears. I hear people running after me. I hear then shouting at me. But I can't understand what they say. Now is another time that I curse the fact of leaving the Japanese classes when a kid. And this time it would save my life. Distracted I make the worse mistake that I could do. I acted like those girls in terror movies that run to the second floor of the house instead of leaving by the front door. In resume I am trapped. And the hanagumi notice it. I hear seven voices shouting. Is a good thing. At least Orihime and Reni aren't here. The hanagumi notice my mistake. A lightning cuts the sky showing my back to then. A strike of bad luck to me. Maria got a good target for a instant. And I know very well that it is more than enough to her. I toss myself in the floor in a roll. The bullet scrapes my right shoulder and I feel the burning pain run to my brain. I don't waste time to resume the run thanks to the training I haven't lost much ground to then. I hear Maria curse. By certain in Russian. Now I am screwed for good. She is pissed. I see a window and another lightning fall. But oddly this time I react when feeling a odd sensation. I toss the sheathed knife over Maria who was aiming at me. I didn't want to hurt her. Even that by now she must be trying to kill me. I hear two shots. The first hits me in the left shoulder piercing it cleanly but not leaving. The other barely miss my head but rips the bandana out from me and give me a small cut on the side of my head over the right ear. In the flash I can see then clearly and they can see me too since I turned to toss the knife. I see the revolver fall from her hand. The impact from the knife and the two shots was for sure more than she could take. I see anger on her green eyes. I break thru the wall and fall on the street using my ninja training to ease the fall. I continue to run and I hear another shout and more shots. I look over my shoulder and see Maria firing with her left hand. Thankfully she is not used to use that hand and she misses. I turn a corner and open a entrance to the sewers. It will not be good to my wound. But I need to hide out. The pain is unbearable as my shoulders and head throb in pain and I lose blood from the shot in the shoulder. I run a bit more until I can't walk anymore. I reach less wet spot and sit there falling unconscious again.
In the theater (Maria point of view.)
I have seen the intruder when he tossed the knife on me. I still can't understand why he tossed that knife sheathed. If he could kill me in that attack. Instead he tossed the weapon at my fingers. I can still feel the exploding pain at then when the heavy metal piece hitted then. I managed to shot twice before the pain because impossible to bear and the revolver fell. I saw his face with out the bandana and his blue eyes. I still can't understand why he broke in the theater and leave like that. With out killing one of us or even try to destroy the theater. That is not a behavior of an assassin. My hand it will heal after a couple of weeks according to the doctor. Just a small dislocation in the second joints of the fingers. And a broken trigger finger. Kohran is simply amazed with the knife. She keeps saying that the black material in the sheath is very strong but light. And what truly weights the sheath is the metal in the tips than cover more than half of that sheath. The knife is not so different than any other knife. But she is longer and stronger. Kohran says that it must be an different alloy. She found that inside the hilt have a compass, matches, fishing line, fishing hooks and few others goods of a small survival kit. I am mad because I missed the three shots on him. The first because he reacted and the others because of my pain. Everyone is tense now. The theater is in alert. No one knows if he is an enemy or someone who entered here to sneak on us. We are still famous actresses and he could be a reporter trying to get a good history. Ayame told us that the yumegumi and the tsukigumi are searching to found him. And that the yumegumi is sure that the energy that was on the garden is not evil. But I am not sure. There is no room for mistakes in the battle field.
Yoneda office (Normal point of view)
“So Ayame-kun what we have found?” Yoneda asks to Ayame. Both are in them military uniforms. “Sir so far we found that the intruder was not offensive. That conclusion came after hearing the reports of the hanagumi members. His most aggressive action was tossing the knife in Maria to escape. And the knife was sheathed.” Ayame says “No permanent damages or wounds on her.” Ayame concludes. “We can assume that his intention was not to injury her. Only deviates her aim?” Yoneda asks. “Yes sir.” Ayame says “His actions made clear that he was avoiding conflict. Even that he did not answered to the orders to stop and explain himself. But by Ogami report the intruder might be a foreigner and he might not understand Japanese. What would explain the fact of not obeying the orders.” Ayame says reading from a file. “How he entered in the garden? It is off grounds for the public and don't have any access to the external world.” Yoneda says “We are still working on that sir. The hypotheses go from sneaking inside by a window to magic teleportation.” Ayame says “Resuming no way to know until found him.” Yoneda says. Ayame nods agreeing. “Found him. Maria wounded him. He might die and that would not be acceptable if this was all a misunderstanding or a small break in.” Yoneda says. “Yes sir!” Ayame says and she leaves the office to coordinate the search.
Teito August ninth 1922
The alarm rang inside the theater walls. Every member of the hanagumi rushes to the briefing room. As soon they are ordered they leave. The enemy is attacking in Ginza. They arrive to found many wakijis there. Randomly destroying buildings. The hanagumi proceed to attack then.
In the sewers.
Benji wakes hearing the sounds of a large battle above him. He breaths hard. He is sweating a lot and the pieces of cloth over his wounds are stained in red and in a green color showing the infection on then. He groans in pain forcing himself to get up. He looks at his digital wristwatch. “Two days? I slept for two days.” Benji says to himself. His watch for sure was not right about the daytime. But it would still show the days since his first arrival. He feels a sickness inside himself. Not from the pain, or the infection. But from something else. He climbs out of the sewers and he found himself in an alley. He sees a fallen wakiji. The darkness is attacking.” Benji mutters in pain. He can't do much. He only has a butterfly pocket knife and he doesn't have spirit energy. Even if he had he is not in condition to use it and a pocket knife against a giant monster doesn't sound good. “Daskete!” a young girl cries in the street. A wakiji is about to attack the girl. With a last burst of energy Benji runs to her and before the huge axe hits the girl Benji grabs her. And he slides on the sidewalk with the girl on his arms. He falls in one of his knees. Benji cringes in pain. “C-Chi!” the young girl cries on his arms her little hands are stained with his blood and the pus that is running from his shoulder. “Nigeru!” Benji says in Japanese. “Demo…” the young girl mutters crying. “Nigeru!” Benji shouts placing the girl on the ground. The wakiji turns to then. The girl hesitates to obey, but she obeys. Benji smiles a bit. Benji leaps backwards barely avoiding to be hit by the axe. Ready to die Benji dashes to the wakiji and slams his fist on the evil being. A burst of electricity explodes the wakiji top half making the arms fall on the sides. “Lightning destruction fist?” Benji says in shock seeing his right hand spark with the reminiscent electricity. “But this kind of power don't exist…….” Benji sentence is cut because the effort was too much for his wounded form. He falls in the ground near of the puddle of goo that once was the wakiji. Blood and pus runs from his shoulder staining the concrete of the sidewalk. The hanagumi watched in shock the event. Sakura who was trying to reach the girl saw in shock what happened. “Taicho what I do?” Sakura asks seeing the fallen man. “Sakura aid that man. Whoever he is he for sure needs treatment.” Ogami says. Maria is on the theater unable to pilot because her wounded hand. One hour later the hanagumi is on the hospital. As well Ayame and Yoneda. An elder doctor walks out of a room. “How is him?” Sakura asks “Well he was lucky. His wounds were badly infected but most of the pus has been expelled with the blood. He is weak but I think that he will make it. He seems to be a strong lad.” The doctor says. Sakura sighs relieved. “He took a shot on his shoulder. We removed the bullet and cleaned his wounds. Right now he is receiving a large dose of antibiotics to prevent the infection of spreading and to kill it.” The doctor says. “Wait a second. He was shot?” Ayame says “Yes. I believe that three times. Two of then are only flesh wounds. The third is a bit deep but it missed a vital point.” The doctor says “And we found this very odd watch in his position.” He adds giving to Ayame Benji's wristwatch. She looks in awe the piece of advanced technology. “What else you found?” Yoneda asks “Nothing. Taking out his clothes and a pocket knife he doesn't have any positions.” The doctor says. “I have to go now.” The doctor says excusing himself. The hanagumi looks at Yoneda. “It is a coincidence that we found our intruder after all. I guess that now we can give him a bit of trust.” Yoneda says while Ayame pocket the watch. “But he invaded the theater.” Sumire says “He did. But he also saved that little girl risking his life.” Sakura says in Benji's defense. “Until he wakes we will place guards on his door. After it we will question him.” Ayame says the hanagumi nod and leave. Ayame-kun what you think of all this?” Yoneda ask to Ayame when they are alone. “Honestly I don't know what to think. In one day he broke in the theater and wounded Maria. And in the other he risks his life to save a girl that he never met.” Ayame says sighing. “But he had this watch that is for sure far more advanced than anything that I saw.” She adds handing to him the watch. “It sure looks advanced. But for now let's save the questions to when he wake.” Yoneda says looking at the watch. “This watch is with the wrong time and date.” He comments reading the numerals.
Teito August nineteenth 1922
Benji opens his eyes, quickly closing then because of the strong white light. He opens then again slowly. He feels warm, clean and very hungry. He looks around and sees that he is in a white immaculate room by the scent he can tell that he is in a hospital. He feels the IV needle on his arm and the bandages around his chest and head. He doesn't feel as much pain as before. He looks at his wrist just to found that his watch is missing. Benji curses in Portuguese. A nurse was walking in the room. And she leaves quickly. Benji can hear her cries “Sensei! Sensei!” Benji groans knowing that now the things will turn worse. Since he is only in a hospital gown he can't leave. Besides even if he leaves he will not found clothes that fit his form. He has one meter and eighty nine centimeters tall with sixty five centimeters of shoulder length. There is no way that he will found clothes in there. Unless in the imperial theater in Maria's or Kanna's closets. For more interesting that rummaging thru the two women clothes might be he is not up to it. An elder man gets inside the room Benji can tell that he is a doctor. He lets the doctor exam him. The elder says something in Japanese. “Nihon-go janai.” Benji says trying to let the doctor know that he don't speak Japanese. The old doctor seems to understand and nod. Benji sigh slight content that his crude Japanese is enough to tell a girl to run away and to say to an old man that he don't speak Japanese. The doctor stops the exam knowing that he can't exam him properly because of the language barrier. And he leaves. He makes a signal to Benji stay there. “Gohan onegai shimasu.” Benji says before the old man leave. The old man nods. “At least I can ask for food.” Benji thinks sitting on the bed. Few minutes later a nurse walks in with a tray of food. “Arigato.” Benji says. The nurse smiles at him before walking away. Benji picks the chopsticks frowning a bit with the pain on his shoulder. But he manages to eat with out dropping the chopsticks. “Thank god for being raised eating with chopsticks.” Benji thinks eating the light hospital food. After eat he pushes a moving table away and leans a bit on the bed. “You seen to adapt fast.” A voice says in English. Benji looks and sees Ayame wearing a blue outfit. “I do the best along the circumstances.” Benji replies in the same language. “I noticed. They said that your Japanese was very crude. And because of that incident a couple of weeks ago I was suspecting.” Ayame says “Let's say that I regret that I didn't want to take Japanese classes like my family wanted me to do.” Benji says taking a chuckle out of Ayame. Benji smiles a bit. “So far so good.” Benji thinks.
End of the prologue
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer.
Japanese glossary:
Chi: It means blood
Demo: But and others things in this line.
Taicho: Commander.
Nigeru: Run, get away from here and other things in this line.
Nihon-go: It means Japanese.
Janai: It means no.
Gohan: It means boiled rice.
Onegai: It means please.
Onegai shimasu: I am not sure if writes this way. But it means please in a more humble way.
Arigato: It means thank you.
Author notes P.S
I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. For the unedited version please go to:
For the edited version please go to:
I thank you all for the understanding. If sexual scenes offend you in any way I am giving you the option to chose a version with out explicit sexual content.