Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ Dead grounds ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
Author pre-story notes:
Well I am going to try a new thing to spice up my fics. I am adding songs to certain scenes. Like Sakura Taisen did. For example the episode nine when Maria recalls when she meet her captain. I have showed Benji humming, singing and hearing to many songs, in different occasions. Well I just love hearing musing when I am on the computer, when I got outside my house I always carry my CD player so I can listen to it when I walk, when I am not watching TV or anime on my computer I always have the winamp on with my favorite playlist. For example if I stay too long with out hearing music I began to think on music or sing. I will place the songs that suit more the scenes. Try hearing it sometime. If you can listen to the song when reading the scene might be even better. Sorry for taking too long. Now we can return to the normal fic.
“Text”= Talked or thought sentences.
(Text)= Talked sentences in a foreign language. As English when everyone else speaks Japanese.
;Text;= Title of the scene song.
:Translations of a sentence in a language that isn't English, and small observations during the story:
Chapter sixteen: Dead grounds
Imperial theater.
With a collective groan the members of the Teigeki wake from an unpleasant sleep. Used to be abused by his trainers in Iga Benji recovers a bit faster than the others. He helps Ayame to get up. “How we ended here?” Kanna asks. The last thing that the red head recalls is being on her bed room getting ready to sleep. “I don't know.” Benji replies, and one by one the entire Teigeki is standing.
“It is just me or everyone else is with a massive headache?” Sumire asks. And the all nod to say that they all have it. Sakura moves to open a window. She gasps with shock. “Mina!” Sakura cries making the entire hanagumi races to the windows. What they see isn't the usual streets of Teito. But a desolated wasteland with tall mountains and abyss as far the eye can reach.
“Ogami, Benji, Maria. You three go secure the theater grounds. Tsubaki, Kasumi, Yuri go seek for any radio signals and send a distress call. Everyone else go to the meeting room after securing your own rooms!” Yoneda orders to them. “Ryokai!” they all shout and run to do the ordered.
Half hour later, in the dinning hall.
“The entire underground base is vanished. No weapons were found. And we don't have a radio.” Yoneda says recalling the reports from all them. “We have two thousand liters of water in our supply and food stocked for one and a half month.” Ayame says. Yoneda stays quiet.
“I would like to ask permission to send Benji to scout around the perimeter for a limited time period. With luck he might found food, water or even a city.” Ayame proposes to Yoneda. “Granted. Two days of scouting. We will spare food and water until he returns.” Yoneda says. The hanagumi stays quiet. “Kohran you try to build a radio with parts from other radios and electronics that we have in our possession.” The Chinese nods hearing the order from the elder man.
“Everyone else try to rest to save energy. Maria and Ogami will do patrols on the theater to ensure our safety.” Yoneda adds and everyone else nods.
Two hours later, entrance of the theater
Benji is wearing his usual clothes and a bag pack. Ayame is stuffing some food and water there. “Here has two days of water and food. And it is in a normal size. Before you complain about the ration. You will need the food on the run.” Ayame says to him. “While you are there I want you think over all this.”
Benji nods. Ayame zips up the bag pack and Benji leaves. The hanagumi watch that from they rooms.
One week later, in the dinning hall.
The Teigeki is very tense, one week passed since Benji left to scout the surroundings. Even Sumire is not making any comments in fear of the consequences. Tsubaki races in the hall. “He arrived!” she shouts. The entire Teigeki knows who is. And behind Tsubaki come Yuri and Kasumi helping Benji to walk. He is covered in sweat and his boots are ragged and covered in dark stains. “Kanna-san fix him something to eat. Sakura-san bring him some water!” Kasumi says. The duo obeys. They stare state of the ninja. Benji is placed on a chair and he removes his boots. The members of the Teigeki shiver with the sight of Benji feet. Covered with bruises, cuts, blood and bubbles.
Then everyone knew why he was late. He scouted the entire week. Sakura arrive with a pail filled with water and Benji drink from it with eager. After eating a light meal everyone is waiting for his report.
“What you saw?” Yoneda asks. “Nothing.” Benji replies. Everyone else feels all the hopes falling down. “There wasn't nothing else than stones out there. Not a single animal, plant or even track of animals. I climbed a peak and I saw around with a binocular and as far as I could see there was only abyss, peaks and stones.” Benji continues. Kasumi is cleaning the wounds on his feet and dressing them with clean bandages.
After few minutes in silence Ayame looks at Yoneda. “What are our chances?” Ayame asks “As our survival expert what are our odds.” Everyone looks at her. “You want me to sugar coat it or leave it raw?” Benji asks. “Leave it raw. On this time there isn't need to sugar coat it.” Ayame replies.
Benji nods and take a deep breath. “About the water we can live more or less seven months by drinking sparsely and recycling the water supplies.” Benji says to them. “What you mean by recycling the supplies?” Sakura asks. “I mean boiling and gathering the steam from any kind of corporal fluids that we gather after this meeting.” Benji says. Sumire covers her mouth with her hand and fight the urge to throw up.
“After distillate it is plain water. And can be added to the supply. Part of food that isn't edible can be converted to fertilizer among excrement. That would make an attempt to turn the ground here fertile. But I doubt that it will work. Any crops that we might be able to raise wouldn't be ready to be eaten before our food supply is over.” Benji continues. Most of them hear in silence to the ninja words.
“If we only eat the barely enough to make thru a day. One third of our needs the supply might last for four months on the tops. That if we salt the remaining meat, fish, pork and chicken. And make pickles out of the vegetables to them will last longer. Bread, cookies, snacks and others ready foods need to be eaten first before it goes bad. The canned goods might last longer but must be eaten before it goes bad too.” Benji continues to explain to them what he where thinking during his scouting.
“Be honest how is our chances if we doesn't return until the four months that our food will last?” Yoneda asks to Benji. “Not good at all. One by one we all will die. During the following months the physically weaker ones like you Tsubaki and Iris will feel the starvation more than the others and one of you three will be the first to die of starvation.” Benji says not happy at all to be delivering that news.
“In the worse case scenario Kanna, Maria and I will be the last ones. Maria probably the first of us to die. That five months from today. The rate of the deaths can be delayed. If since the first death the survivors eat and storage the flesh from the deceased ones. It would give two or three more months to the survivors.” Everyone is shocked beyond words with Benji final statement. With Kasumi help he gets up and moves to his room.
“What make him such an expert in that?” Maria asks disgusted with the report. “Previous experience in farming, massive survival training by ninjas. To name some.” Ayame replies. “That is final Benji?” she asks to him. “Yes. If we don't go back or are rescued we will all die here.” Benji replies moving away. They all stay in silence to let the words from the ninja sink in. Iris is clearly holding back tears and fear. Ayame is comforting her. But they all know that he is right.
Meanwhile Kasumi is helping Benji to get on his room. “You really meant those words didn't you?” Kasumi asks. “Sadly Kasumi I did.” Benji replies. “You would actually eat one of us if the person died?” she asks. “I would not like. But I will live as long as I can. If we are found and one of us is still alive people will know what happened. And the others won't be forgotten. With luck the survivors might become strong again to defend the city.” Benji says. Kasumi stays quiet.
In his room Benji lies on his bed and Kasumi leaves. “By the way Benji-kun. If I died I wouldn't mind in be used as food by you and the others if that meant a chance for them live to protect Teito.” Kasumi says. Before he can reply she leaves the room so he can rest. She returns to the dinning hall and see all the others there as they was when she left. The expression on them faces was easily showing the worries and the fears in them.
“I took him into his room he must be resting now.” Kasumi says to them. “Thank you Kasumi.” Ayame says. Kasumi sits on her usual seat. “What we will do now?” Kasumi asks. “To be honest Kasumi what Benji told me reflected my own idea of what would happen if we stayed here for long and wasn't rescued. With no resources his previsions are exact that will happen.” Ayame answers.
“Today we will begin the process of salting the meat and making pickles with all the vegetables. We can make conserves of the fruits. Everything else will be consumed in a reasonable rate considering the time to spoil.” Yoneda says. They nod confirming, Ayame, Maria, Kanna, Kasumi and Tsubaki move to the kitchen to prepare everything.
“Ogami I want you to take few seeds from fruits and some soil and see if is possible to grow something. Also use some rice and beans.” Yoneda says. “Understood.” Ogami replies. “You can help him too Iris.” Yoneda says. Iris nods feeling a bit better in trying to prevent them all from starving. “Kohran, you can keep trying to fix the radio. But now focus on making a machine
Two days later
Benji walks to the library in a slow pace. His feet are covered with bandages and he is using rubber soles sandals. In the library Benji picks up two books before moving back to his room. “Oi you weren't supposed to be standing yet.” Kanna says to him. “I was bored to the death. I really needed to get something to read.” Benji replies. “And that changes something?” Kanna asks teasing.
“A lot. Maybe I should introduce you to the habit of reading. A good story can take you to wonderful places.” Benji answers her. His serious tone makes Kanna blush. “Jeez I was kidding Benji.” Kanna says. “I know. But I wasn't. You should try getting something to read. Since you can't work out to pass the time. You know you might like it.” Benji says.
“Well I don't know. But if I am too bored I will pop by you room and you get me a good book.” Kanna says escorting the ninja to his bedroom.
In his office Yoneda and Ayame discuss the situation. “Things aren't looking good. Our food supply is small and there isn't a chance of refilling it.” Ayame says. “I am aware of that. I still can't understand how we ended here.” Yoneda says. “It is unimportant now we need to go back.”
Ayame nods. “But there isn't tools for Kohran work with. She barely had enough tools and material from her room to build a distiller to enhance our water supply.” Ayame says. “I am not sure if she can build something to take us back.”
“I am aware of that. But we can't lose hope.” Yoneda replies. Ayame nods.
Three days later
Kanna is walking by Ayame office. She stops hearing voices. “I don't get it at all Ayame. My eyes are still blue. They aren't supposed to be blue. Here I don't have any energy as everyone else.” Benji says to Ayame. “Look Benji I don't know. As you I thought that the change was caused by your energy. I can't explain that.” Ayame replies.
“What is going on?” Kanna thinks considering if she should spy on them or not. “Benji now isn't the time to discuss that. I got a very bad feeling about this place. And I mean really bad. Something really dread might happen.” Ayame says. Kanna decides to not hear. It might break the remaining cheerfulness that she has. “Twelve days already…” Kanna whispers moving away.
Day twenty nine
On the dinning hall the Teigeki is having a meting. Everyone shows the sings of the lack of food. Everyone is thinner. Benji, Kanna and Maria are the ones showing less the signs of it since the trio have the larger corporal mass of the group. On Kanna and Maria can be seen that they are thinner. Benji in other hand seems normal. “Well Kohran finished her distiller and is working on the radio. So far it is good.” Yoneda says trying to cheer them.
The level of excitement isn't high but is higher than before. After finishing the meeting they are dismissed. Benji moves to the entrance and stays on the outer side of the doors facing the wasteland in front of the theater. Unaware that Tsubaki and Kasumi are watching him from a window.
Benji looks up to the dark clouded sky. He long learned there how to read the clouds to predict storms. Since they are too frequent to Sakura taste. But it provides them with more fresh water. Hearing an unnatural sound Benji leaps out from his seat on the theater front stairs. A how hits hard the place where he was.
And an inhuman scream fills the air as another one tries to hit Benji. The ninja sees five people dressed on ragged kimonos and carrying hoes. “Kill the gatekeeper!” one of them shouts. “Let's feast on his corpse!” another one adds. Benji races to a window and smashes it. Arming himself with two knife likes glass shards Benji retaliate the attacks.
Inside the theater Tsubaki races to warn the others. And Kasumi keeps watching the combat. She covers her mouth with both hands seeing Benji slashing open the stomach of one of them. The man falls holding his insides as they leak out from him. Benji slashes vertically another one cutting up his stomach with a side slash with his left hand. Blood gushes in the air with each blow from the ninja.
The hanagumi slams open the door and gasp with shock. Ten meters in front of the stairs is Benji standing in the middle of seven people. Five men who first attacked him and two women that joined later. Benji grip on his glass blades are tight. Blood drips from the blades and his clenched hands. His entire form is covered with blood.
A lightning falls behind him and a thunder roars preceding a new storm. Ayame walks to Benji. No one stops her. “It is over now Benji.” She says gently to him. “They are dead already.”
“I know that Ayame. And I killed them.” Benji replies tossing the blades on the ground. He moves to the theater as the heavy rain began to pour. The blood is partially washed from him as he moves to theater. The earth drinks the blood and the water. Benji passes by the hanagumi that moves away from him.
Ayame picks a hoe and looks at the hanagumi. “Kanna give me a help to burying them.” Ayame says. “Sure.” Kanna says moving to Ayame. Ogami and Maria move to help in silence. And during the gloomy work of burying those people no one trade a word. The others watch in silence taking out Sakura that ran to her room when the storm began.
Kasumi moves to Benji room and sees the ninja sited on a corner. His wet form making a pool around him. With blood dripping from his hands. She places a large first aid kit near him and takes his right hand. She can easily see a long and thin glass shard buried deep into his hand. From between his index and middle finger until leaving on the back of his hand three centimeters from where it entered. And there is many more there. And a large cut on his palm and five smaller ones on his fingers from holding the naked glass shard. She carefully removes all the shards and cleans his wounded hands.
“You shouldn't worry about me.” Benji whispers to her. “Yes I need. You saved us all by killing them. I heard what they said and if you haven't stopped them, they would kill us until someone did.” Kasumi replies and Benji remains in silence. With a gently care she dresses his wounds and move to leave the room.
“Even that you might think badly about yourself I want you to know that I am very thankful because you did what you did. And that in my eyes you are a hero.” Kasumi says before leaving the dark room.
After burring the attackers, Kanna, Ayame, Ogami and Maria return to the theater. They move to they own rooms to change clothes. After it they move to the dinning hall. “I already patched him up.” Kasumi says to Ayame. The major acknowledges the information. “I am assuming that he locked himself on his room, am I right?” Ayame asks. “He didn't lock the door. But he is there. Sitting alone in the dark.” Kasumi replies. “I think that for the moment it is better leaving him alone.”
Ayame nods. “Mind in explain why he did that?” Maria asks. “Those people attacked him all out of the blue. He fought back.” Kasumi replies. “And he killed them.” Ayame sits down not wanting to let Benji sink on the despair again. But she is aware that he needs sometime to cool off.
On the dinner time ;Evanescence, Haunted;
Ayame picks a tray with Benji's share of food and moves to his room. Kanna tags along. “Look Kanna, I know that you want to help him.” Ayame says to the red head. “But this is a very delicate situation. Benji is quite shaken with the fact that he killed.”
“You are telling me that I am not delicate?” Kanna asks slightly angry. “No.” Ayame answers. “But Benji state is very, very troublesome. I already passed by this with him. Less people around him better.”
Kanna is about to say something but decides not to do so. Ayame wouldn't say that if she didn't mean it. “I will tell him that you are worried as well everyone else.” Ayame says. Kanna nods and stops walking.
After a while Ayame returns to the dinning hall looking very down. Maria sees Ayame state. “Why he is like that? It is not like he hasn't killed anyone before. And even he never did he got pretty close. Why he is so depressed about?” Maria asks. Ayame stays quiet and no one else knows how to answer that. A heavy silence fills the room.
“The reason that he is like that is me. It is my fault that he has this trauma. His current state is my fault and mine alone.” Ayame says in an emotionless voice. Her words shock Maria who wasn't expecting them. “Why you say that?” Kanna asks in a soft and scared tone. She as many of the others isn't sure if they want to know.
“You all saw the Iga assault.” Ayame says. “Yes we did. You prepared a training section that it was consisted of him breaking in the castle killing everyone on the path.” Ogami replies. Ayame burst in a dark laughter that sends shivers to everyone in the room. Tears well on her eyes. The others don't know if she crying because the laughter is one from hearing something funny or of sadness.
Ayame stop laughing. “That was so wrong Ogami-kun.” Ayame says wiping the tears from her eyes. “The truth is that as I said before to you all. That raid was covered by a lie. He thought that I was a hostage and that they were enemies. He was trying to save me from an inexistent threat, he went all out risking his life and going against things that he learned since a child to rescue me from nothing.”
Ayame makes a pause letting her words sink in. “His actions, wounds and spirit were rendered meaningless because the single fact that he acted over a lie. He was willing to kill and die in order to save me. After founding that it was all a lie Benji trust on me was broken. His spirit destroyed and the trauma took place.” She continues coldly. “That is why Benji is taking this so badly. It is my fault and mine alone.” Everyone stays in silence after hearing Ayame words.
Day thirty four
Ayame walks inside Benji room and sees the ninja sited on the same spot. She kneels in front of him. “Please Benji. Don't sink there again.” Ayame pleads to him. “I was barely able to pull you up from that pit in Iga. I don't know I can do it again.” She gently holds his face making him look up. “You are not like this. You are not a man who let depression take over you.” Ayame voice is filled with worry and care.
“I know that you are suffering because of what you did. But if you haven't done that everyone could be dead.” She doesn't see a reaction on the ninja. She softly lays a kiss on his forehead. “Return to your normal self. Leave this darkness and despair behind you. Everyone including me is waiting for you.” Ayame says before leaving the ninja alone again.
By the lunch Ogami is taking a walk around the theater with Iris near him. Both of them look down. The small area where they are trying to grown some seeds haven't showed any sign of development.
;Linkin park By myself;
All of sudden the duo is surprised with a loud war cry. They look behind and see a large group of men wearing ragged kimonos holding hoes and scythes less than ten meters away from them. Ogami grabs Iris and runs to the theater.
Inside the theater the hanagumi heard the shouts. Kanna who was helping Ayame to cook runs to the entry forgetting that she is with a knife on her hand. All of sudden a large black form falls in front of her and takes the knife from her hand. Unbalanced Kanna falls on the floor while the form is leaving the theater.
“What the hell what that?!” Kanna asks surprised getting herself back on her feet. “That was Benji.” Ayame replies. Ogami sees Benji passing by his side charging to the attackers. With a swift movement Benji slashes the first of the attackers with the long sushi knife. And with out a sound the man falls on the ground cutted in two with a horizontal cut on his chest. Blood gushes from the corpse.
Benji easily sidestep a attack from a scythe easily slashing the attacker arm off on the shoulder height. He falls screaming in pain while his blood soaks the dry ground. With a light upper torso movement Benji avoids being hit by a hoe. The ninja counters by slashing off the head of the attacker. Within minutes the fight is over.
A less brave attacker tries to run away from the death by Benji hands. Benji tossed the knife on the air grabbing it by the tip of the blade and tosses it hard against the running man. With a dull thud the knife blade buries deep on the man neck. He falls down dead. Benji walks to him and pulls the knife from the corpse.
Benji returns to the theater. By the door the Teigeki is there. Benji flicks his wrist cleaning the knife. He hands it to Kanna. As most of the Teigeki she is surprised with the event. “We need to get rid of those corpses.” Ayame says. “I am going to toss them by the cliff on the back of the theater.” Benji replies. “I just need some rope to tie them so I only will make one trip.” Ayame nods to him.
He enters on the theater. “What happened to him? He is totally different from five days ago.” Sumire asks. “He got over it.” Ayame replies sounding relieved. One hour later Benji is cleaning himself after returning from dumping the corpses. On the dinning hall Sakura is looking at the knife that Benji used to kill the attackers. It now has few dents from cutting thru bones.
The knife was washed, but the handle still has blood on it. The wood absorbed it. The others are sited on they usual spots waiting. Ayame and Yoneda are thoughtful. Two attacks in less than one week made the two very worried with what may come. And the fact that they aren't alone in the wasteland makes them more uneasy.
After all both of the two groups were very hostile over them. And even if they weren't the theater food supply would last even less with more mouths to feed. And if there are more of them out there and the Teigeki refuse to share the food, there will be a war over the food supply of the theater. Ayame is sure that Benji already figured the same already. Otherwise he wouldn't be so depressed.
She is also know that if that comes to true they can't give up or allow them to steal the food supply. It is the only chance of the Teigeki members return to Teito and protect the city.
Later in that night
Once again there is a major storm falling over the wasteland. Lightnings lithe the skies while thunders echoes on the land. With the possibility of a new attack Ayame stays guarding the theater. She is by a window looking out for the large empty space in front of the theater.
A sharp scream is heard between two thunders. Ayame searches on the space for the source of the scream. She sees on the distance a girl in a ripped kimono half tied running to the theater. Ayame races thru the halls. “Benji! Attack!” she shouts on the dorms hall. Her loud scream wakes all the Teigeki members. Benji opens his room door wearing his loose sleeping pants and a t-shirt. His hair is messed up by the sleep. But he races to catch up with Ayame who is moving to the stairs.
The others follow the ninja putting on robes over them sleeping clothes. Halfway to the entry Ayame tosses to Benji the knife that he used on the previous attack. The ninja grabs it. Ayame opens the door and Benji races to the open door. “There is a girl being chased by about ten men! They are about two hundred meters from here! Go straight ahead!” Ayame shouts to Benji that just passed by the door.
He races barefooted on the now muddy ground. Ayame runs after him. But since Benji legs are longer and he is faster he got distance from her. The others look from the entrance as Benji passes by the girl running to the men. Ayame reaches the girl and helps her to run to the theater.
A lightning falls dangerously close of them. Sakura cringes with it. Benji reaches the group of men. And slashes open the chest of the closer one of him. Before the corpse can fall on the mud Benji is already attacking the next one. Soon it is over Benji races back to the theater where the others wait for him. But before entering Kasumi makes Benji washes his feet to not smear mud on the theater floor.
After doing it Benji and the others moves to the dinning hall. Ayame is with the young woman there. She is Japanese and is wearing a ripped and dirty kimono. Tsubaki walks in with a tray with some quickly made food, that the girl eats with eager and hunger. After a quick questioning they found that she was part of a small group that was attacked by those men and that she was held to be raped and eaten when they finished with the others of her group.
Everyone looks disgusted with the men who attacked her. And for the first time in the lives of most of them they were happy that the men were killed. Ayame assured that on the theater she will be safe. Yuri and Tsubaki take the girl to an empty bedroom and give to her some used clothes.
Yoneda, Ayame, Ogami, Maria and Benji moves to Yoneda office. “From what she told it seems that Benji killed the entire group that assaulted her.” Yoneda says to them. “But it would be unwise to assume that he did. For all that we know that group could be a scout group from a much larger one.”
The others nod agreeing. “It seems to be much of a coincidence that three different groups attacked us in a short while and then this. They must be linked.” Ayame says. “But then how he missed them?” Ogami asks pointing to Benji. “By the way that the look and from the scythes and hoes they seem to be here for a while.”
“I am only a man. And out there is pretty vast. Over the area that I searched I found no tracks or signs of life.” Benji replies. “It is impossible to be fully sure that there aren't more people out there. And they could be hiding from him.” Ayame says backing up Benji. “This isn't important now. Right now we need to consider what to do.” Yoneda says. “So far they have been aggressive and dangerous. If there are more of them out there I think that we need to think over a plan.”
They all nod agreeing. “I think that it would be wise to do that.” Benji says. “But in the morning. It is late and because of the lack of food we are all tired. We need to rest to be in a better shape to think over a proper strategy.” Yoneda nods agreeing. “Indeed. Lock up everything and do a last round around the theater. The three of you to end it quicker.” Yoneda says. They salute him and leave.
“You think that it is wise to trust in that Sadako girl?” Yoneda asks to Ayame. “I believe that would hurt to be cautious around her.” Ayame replies.
Day thirty five
The theater is filled with a heavy air. Everyone is tense over the events. Benji had returned from his job of tossing the corpses off the cliff. He places eleven scythes over a table in the dinning hall. Kasumi and Tsubaki enters on the hall, the older girl are carrying hoes and the shorter scythes and hoes. The tools that the attackers had.
They place near of the others. Benji quickly counts the tools. Thirteen scythes and seventeen hoes.” Benji mutters reaching the total of tools. “But all of them are rusty and dented.” Kasumi says. Benji nods agreeing. He is aware that the greater danger of those weapons is the fact that if you survived the attack you will get tetanus, from the rust on the blades.
“It is a good thing that I took a tetanus shot three years ago.” Benji thinks recalling that the shot is works for ten years. “Tsubaki see if Kohran has a metal file to borrow.” Benji says to the much shorter girl, who nods and moves away. “I guess that if we sharp them enough we can use. The scythes as they are and the hoes can be turned into axes.” Benji says to Kasumi.
“We can try.” Kasumi replies. “But I am not sure if the others will fight against humans.” Benji nods understanding. “Maria I know that she will fight as she can. She already did once. The others it is up to them. Yoneda and Ayame won't force them.” Benji replies. “Just you against them won't be a good fight. Even with Maria helping.” Kasumi says.
Benji sigh. “I am aware of that. But my experience is from fights against many enemies. So I have experience on this. I talked to Kohran if she can build something close of a rifle or a revolver for Maria using coils to fire projectiles. She is trying.” Benji says picking one of the scythes.
Kasumi sighs at his response. “You know being your untrained, half period particular nurse I must say that with you as patient I won't run out of work.” Kasumi says in a desolated tone. Benji gives a small comforting smile to her. “At least you don't get bored.” Benji replies teasing. Kasumi smiles with his attempt of joke.
Taking an advice from an early morning meeting Kanna, Ogami and Maria are nailing shut all the windows of the first floor and barricading the back door of the theater. Sakura, Sumire and Ayame are emptying the rooms of the front side of the first floor of the theater giving room to combats there if it is needed.
Earlier on that morning
Yoneda, Ayame, Benji, Maria and Ogami are in Yoneda office. “I think that it is better be safe than sorry. I say that we should shut the windows and the back door of the theater first floor. In that way if there are more enemies out there they can't sneak in.” Benji says to them. “There are too many ways to enter on the theater and too few people to guard it.”
Ayame nods. Ogami and Maria agree with him for a change. “I believe that would be wise open room on the entrance and on the closer rooms so if we come to fight them we have room for it.” Maria says.
“I think that we should actually crowd the entrance.” Benji replies. “And why you think like that?” Maria asks coldly. “I am thinking on the worse case scenario here. What happens if have about five hundred of them out there?” Benji asks “In an open space combat we will be outnumbered and overpowered. In small rooms and filled with obstacles they will have trouble to moving and that will allow us to attack freely.” Benji answers not letting Maria do so.
Maria thinks over his scenario. “You have a strong point I admit that.” Maria says. “It is better that we leave the entrance open and place obstacles on the halls and rooms around it.” Yoneda gives a midterm between both ideas. “I know that this will sounds old fashioned. But it wouldn't hurt having some trap holes around the theater. Even with out spears we can manage to break the legs of some attackers who might charge against us.” Benji says.
“It is too troublesome and not much effective.” Ayame replies. “But traps in the rooms and halls might work.” And in one tone Benji and Maria says. “That would mean loosing those rooms.”
It is the first time that they talk as one. And it surprises the others and the duo. “If we are under siege and we are about to lose those rooms them it would be accepted trapping them. Before that it is better not risk.” Benji says and Maria nods angrily agreeing.
“But we don't have any weapons.” Ogami says. “We can use the tools that we took from the ones that Benji killed.” Maria says. “Anything can be used as weapon.” Benji adds. “And I say that out of personal experience.”
“It is settled for now. Benji, you will command the kazegumi now and will see what from those tools can be used as weapons. Ogami, Maria, you two and Kanna will take care of the windows and the door. Ayame, you take Sakura and Sumire to move the furniture out of the entrance and the rooms around it. Kohran will be trying to build the radio or our way out of here and Iris will assist her.” Yoneda orders and the others acknowledge it.
Present time
Kasumi sighs seeing that Benji is removing the blades of the scythes too dented to be properly used. And that are more than half of it. The hoes were in a better state but still bad. She is removing the metal from the wood rod. And Yuri is removing the rust from the using a blunt scythe blade. Tsubaki calls for lunch and Benji calls a break for it.
In the dinning they see the others. Taking out Iris, Tsubaki and Sadako everyone else is dirty from working hard. They in silence and move away to continue the assigned works. By the nighttime it is all done. The girls are taking a well deserved hot bath since water isn't a major worry thanks to Kohran machine and the daily storms.
Day thirty six
Kanna is on the recreation room among Sakura, Iris and Sumire. Ogami, Benji, Maria, Kohran, Ayame and the kazegumi are working in different things. Maria and Ogami are guarding the theater. Benji among the kazegumi are trying to make the old tools captured from the dead enemies in more effective weapons. Kohran is working on a radio and in a requested weapon for Benji. And Ayame is among Yoneda planning on what do next.
The red head sighs seeing the large altered board that Benji and Maria was using to play no longer chess but a war game using the chess pieces. Before the first attack, Benji and Maria chess games were a different thing to see and a welcome distraction to everyone.
Day nineteen
It became a part of the new routine of the lost Teigeki watch the chess matches between Benji and Maria. And all began with an innocent offer from the brunette of playing with the blonde since she was bored. Maria rivalry and competitive spirit flared at the same second. And the first of the daily ten matches of the duo began.
And this day is not different. Usually Maria wins six out of ten. And Benji wins the remaining four. Just that fact flares Maria anger. “Check-mate.” Benji says taking Maria king with his knight.
“I hate you!” Maria shouts with anger and frustration. “And I love you.” Benji replies in a casual tone. “Arghhhh!” Maria shouts her frustration holding her head and leaving the room. Benji smiles playfully to himself and began rearranging the pieces. “DO you mean that?” Sumire asks looking up from her book to the ninja.
“Well love is a quite strong word Sumire. I do like Maria. I am trying to be friendly with her.” Benji replies. “But I can't resist rubbing her like that and provoking her. It is so easy set her off.” Benji chuckles the last part. “You like Maria above the rest of us or you like her like friend or something?” Sumire asks with a rare smile to the ninja. And since they arrived there she hasn't smiled much.
“Well I do like her as a friend. She is attractive and I wouldn't mind in being more than that. But I guess that only friends will do.” Benji replies. “Why feeling jealous?” Sumire blushes with his comment. “Of course not. Curious only.” She replies. Looking calmer Maria return few minutes later. After losing again Maria is about to burst.
“Five out of ten?” Maria mutters angrily. “Why you are improving?” Benji looks at her. “We are playing ten rounds everyday for seventeen days. It is only natural.” Benji replies. “I hate you.” Maria says. “And if you come with that I love you thing again I will beat you.”
Benji smiles a similar smile of Ayame trademark I will tease you to death smile. “Really? And how you plan doing that?” Benji asks in a teasing tone. “Kanna has to sweat and work hard to manage to beat me on our sparring. And she is a master of karate. Unless you are better than her you can't beat me unless I let you do it.”
Maria groans in anger. She hates being recalled of her weakness and the fact that Benji is better than her in few things. “Rematch?” Benji asks out of courtesy. Another thing that Maria hates on his is the fact that Benji always offer a rematch. “I am not on the mood.” She replies. She is too angry and Benji uses that factor a lot to win.
“I was thinking over a thing Maria.” Benji says in a casual tone picking up one of his rocks. “Like why you always lose two thirds of your pieces?” Maria asks teasing. “No. To be honest I already know the why of that.” Benji replies in casual tone. “And it is?” Maria asks curious. “I am not attached to them.” He answers. “They are only chess pieces, there isn't need to be attached to them.” Maria replies.
“That leads me to my initial thought. I was thinking in making this game more interesting you are up to it?” Benji asks. “I am not betting.” Maria replies. She is aware that in they present situation money is not worthy so the prizes would be most likely food or her body. “I didn't mean betting. I meant changing the game a bit. You give me two days to set up a new board and write the rules. So we can try it? If you don't like we can play chess again.” Benji says. Growing bored of ten matches of chess everyday Maria agrees.
Day twenty one
Benji walks in the recreation room holding two booklets and a large piece of cardboard. Maria looks at him curious. He places the cardboard on the table where they play chess. She sees that on the face that is placed upwards is marked with squares and painted in different colors in many parts. Benji hands a booklet to Maria.
“The rules. Let me explain the board okay?” Benji says. Maria nods. “The goal is simple. There is two ways of winning. Defeating all the pieces of the adversary or taking the castle. This gray square.” Benji says pointing to two squares on the edges of the board. One near of Maria and one near him. “The dark green squares means forests. Some pieces can't walk there. The dark brown is mountains. Also there is units that can't walk here. Rocks and knights can't walk on mountains. Bishops can't move on the forest. Pawns can move in any terrain. The blue squares are lakes or rivers. But here there is a river and the yellow squares there are bridges. Only the queen is able to pass by the rives without the bridge. The king moves by all terrains. But he can't leave his kingdom. That is mine or your half of the board.” Benji explains.
“The light green squares are plains. Anything moves by it. Well the board has one square meter. We have a one hundred by fifty squares each as our kingdoms. Each piece moves a certain number of squares by turn. The queen moves ten squares in any direction. The bishop six in any direction. Knights seven in any direction. Rocks five in any direction. Pawns three in any direction. King moves four. We can attack the adversary pieces by saying it. Each piece has a number of hit points. Ten for the pawns, twelve the knights, twenty the rocks, queen has fifteen, bishop thirteen and the king sixteen. To see if we manage to hit the enemy piece we roll a dice. Over four you hit and roll the damage. One dice to pawns, bishops and knights. Two dices to rocks, queen and the king. Each unit has one dice to try to avoid the damage when hit. Have to score five or more. Got it?” Benji asks.
Maria stays in silence for a minute. “In short we need to use the terrain strategically, plan the attacks carefully to not lose pieces to more powerful enemy and think over the plans as the game moves?” Maria asks. “That is basically it.” Benji replies. “Sounds interesting.” Maria says. “How we arrange the pieces?”
“Place the king in the castle. The others can stay within a seventeen square area around it to begin.” Benji answers. “Why the booklet since you explained the rules?” Maria asks arranging her pieces. “That is just them written in case you forgot them.” Benji replies.
Day thirty six
Kanna stares to the half played game. Since Benji came up with that the games were rather long because the many possible ways of playing and strategies to use. Maria hated to admit but she loved the game since allowed her to use more strategy thought than the regular chess. Since the first attack the game was forgotten.
In the dinning hall.
Benji is polishing one of the scythe blade that was too dented to be used as a scythe. With the file from Kohran, Benji is actually sharpening the opposite edge of the blade. The circular ending that connected the blade to the rod if flat. Hammered by him to bar. He picks a small piece of wood from one of the hoes stick and breaks one of the tips a bit and inserts the flattened ring on the crack and he slide a metal ring to it and hammers it on the place tightly holding the wood and holding strongly it, squeezing the metal between the wood walls.
Now Benji is holding a curved knife. With a twenty centimeters long blade and with a saw like dents on the back of the blade. “Not bad.” Benji says looking at his handwork. He proceeds to do the same with the remaining dented scythes.
In Kohran workshop, formerly a empty bedroom
Kohran is holding a long metal pipe and two coils one inside the other. She places on the coils a metal cover with a leaver and places on the pipe. She places on the pipe metal covers that will prevent the coils from leaving the pipe and screw it on the place. She attaches the pipe on a wood frame and it is looking like a crude rifle. Kohran moves the leaver to the side and pull it back feeling the coil tensing when doing it.
A small click sounds letting her know that the coil is held on the place. She pushes the leaver forward and moves it back to the original position. The coil is still on the proper place. She moves her right hand to the trigger below it and presses it. The two strong tensed coils are sudden freed from the lock and snaps back to the ring of the metal leaver. Kohran smiles with the results. The metal pin on the coil passed by the metal ring of the leaver that prevents the coil from leaving the pipe. And with that a projectile would leave the gun.
Satisfied Kohran places a bolt that fits the inner part of the pipe with a little tightness. Pulls the leaver back and then closes the barrel. She aims to a wood box and fire. The projectile pierces it. Kohran laughs since her gun is working properly. Now she can deliver it to Maria. Picking a large box of bolts she moves to Maria guarding post.
“Maria-han!” Kohran shouts seeing the blonde by a window. Maria looks at Kohran. “What is wrong Kohran and what is that?” Maria asks. “This is a homemade rifle. It uses two powerful coils to launch the projectiles. I don't know how long it goes but you can test it.” Kohran says. “But why you build that?” Maria asks.
“Benji-han asked me to do so. And make sense so I did.” Kohran explains. Maria isn't happy. But accepts the rifle. Kohran doesn't like Benji very much but since she did build the rifle. “Let's see how far it goes.” Maria says. And by the rest of the day the duo expends adjusting the aim and setting the max range of the rifle.
Day forty
Tsubaki runs thru the hall. “Mina!” she shouts busting thru the dinning hall doors. Everyone looks at her. “There is people out there.” She says. Benji picks his scythe knife and puts on the back of his belt. “They are with a white flag. They seem wanting to talk.” Tsubaki says.
“Benji, you go out and talk with them. Maria you get on the window facing them and cover Benji. If anything goes wrong you help him.” Ayame orders. “But why him?” Ogami asks. “Because he is tall and strong. In every way he seems to be a leader. And if they think that Benji is the leader they will hesitate to attack us. It is better than sending me. Who are old and weak.” Yoneda answers.
“That is psychological warfare.” Ayame says. “Benji uses that a lot. Putting fear on the enemy will make easier to win.” Benji sighs and moves to the entrance. Maria moves to the window over it and moves to her sniper nest. Maria from there saw that Ayame was right. The small group of men seems to hesitate seeing Benji tall form leaving the theater doors. “I am General of the Imperial army Himura Benji, Who are you?” Benji asks in a tone filled with authority. They hesitate to respond. “We aren't military.” The one with the flag says moving a bit forward. “We are lost on this land for months. Our food supply is over and the lightning storm killed dozens of us during our journey to seek more people or a place to live.” He answers to Benji. Could you share us the shelter, food and water?” he asks. Then Kanna runs out of the theater doors.
“General!” she cries on her run. The group seems scared to seeing an even taller women leaving the building. “I have new information.” She says moving to whisper to Benji. He nods. “I see. Thank you major.” Benji says to Kanna who salutes him. “I apologize. But our food supply is on the verge of ending. And we can't give room on the base. It is filled with my soldiers and them families. About four hundred people, we have no room for more people.” Benji says to them. “We can spare a water barrel. So you can gather water from the rains.”
The group seems lightly tense after Benji words. “I will bring the water.” He adds moving back to the theater. The group seems to be confused on what to do. Inside the theater Maria runs to the entrance to found what was all that about.
“Why you called him general Kanna?!” Maria hears Ogami asking to Kanna as soon the doors close behind Benji. “Because I ordered.” Yoneda says. Everyone looks at the elder man. “You gave the signal, what happened Benji?” Ayame asks to the ninja. “They are lying.” Benji answers. “You guys heard that they say that they lost dozens of them in the storms, struck by lightnings. They seem too healthy to be lost for months with out food. And they haven't said that during the walk they lost people. I am a ninja. Trained to move in all terrains and I was raised up a hill. And the mountains around here are hard to move.”
Ayame looks tense at him. “In other words they killed those who they said who died and ate them?” Ayame asks to the ninja. “Most likely.” Benji replies. “They were thinking on attacking us. But the lie over our numbers scared them a bit. For a while we have an advantage.”
“And if they aren't lying?” Sumire asks. “You will leave them to starve to death?!” “Yes.” Ayame, Yoneda and Benji answer as one. And that scared and surprised the entire Teigeki. “Look we don't like this more than you do. But we barely have enough food for us. Much less for an unknown number of them. In order to survive we need to let them die.” Yoneda says in a very serious tone.
“You planned this. You planned this with Benji and Ayame haven't you?” Ogami says in a shaking voice. “Yes I did. We had a meeting a while ago in case of anything like this happened. We came with this plan of making Benji a leader in order to scare them. Say that our numbers are huge so they will fear to attack. Send Kanna to scare them since she is taller than Benji and equally scary in these circumstances.” Yoneda replies.
Ogami stays in silence too angry to say anything. “In order to survive we need to be strong. Teito needs all of us alive to protect her.” Yoneda says. Kasumi and Yuri walk to the entrance pushing a metal barrel filled with water. “Everyone go to your positions.” Yoneda orders. They all leave. But Maria stays and faces Benji.
“You suggested this haven't you?” she asks to him in a cold voice. “No. It was Yoneda idea. I am only playing along it.” Benji replies to the blonde. “Please go to your nest and cover me.” Benji says to her in a normal tone.
“And why him in a cold voice. ing a metal barrel filled with water. , struck by lightnings.