Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ Practice time ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
Author pre-story notes:
Well I am going to try a new thing to spice up my fics. I am adding songs to certain scenes. Like Sakura Taisen did. For example the episode nine when Maria recalls when she meet her captain. I have showed Benji humming, singing and hearing to many songs, in different occasions. Well I just love hearing musing when I am on the computer, when I got outside my house I always carry my CD player so I can listen to it when I walk, when I am not watching TV or anime on my computer I always have the winamp on with my favorite playlist. For example if I stay too long with out hearing music I began to think on music or sing. I will place the songs that suit more the scenes. Try hearing it sometime. If you can listen to the song when reading the scene might be even better. Sorry for taking too long. Now we can return to the normal fic.
“Text”= Talked or thought sentences.
(Text)= Talked sentences in a foreign language. As English when everyone else speaks Japanese.
;Text;= Title of the scene song.
:Translations of a sentence in a language that isn't English, and small observations during the story:
Chapter fifteen: Practice time.
Teito January ninth 1923. In the imperial theater, Yoneda office 9:12
Yoneda and Ayame are reading the report from Kayama of the incident on the Kanzaki plant of the previous night. Yoneda sighs. “I don't know what is worse. The fact that Benji crippled all those terrorists or the fact that he doesn't kill.” Yoneda says in a tired tone.
Ayame gives a bitter smile. She knows that it is her fault that Benji got an even stronger repulse on killing humans. Her only comfort is that it doesn't stop Benji from leaving them half dead or willing to be dead. Of course the fact that Benji primary mission as of any of the members of the hanagumi is to kill demons to protect the imperial city, so there isn't much problem in not killing humans.
“Fractured spine, broken vertebras, shattered jaws, nervous system damage…” Yoneda reads from the report. “What the hell he used against them?” Yoneda asks to Ayame more than sure that she knows.
“Well he calls it stun baton. It is a metal rod that has an inner battery and gives powerful electrical shocks. Can be deadly depending of the voltage used and the place where it hits.” Ayame answers.
“Jeez…” Yoneda sigh. “Well at least were the criminals that got hurt. Taking out few bruises and minor wounds caused by them on the take over no civilian was hurt.” Ayame nods at Yoneda new comment. “I need to praise Benji-kun later. He did an awesome job.” Ayame thinks.
Meanwhile on the dinning hall
Kanna drags herself to her seat. “God why it hurts so much?!” Kanna asks to the skies. The hanagumi sees the red head looking tired and faint. “I told you to not eat so many sweets or you would regret it today.” Benji says placing a cup of water with baking soda in front of her.
“But they are so good!” she replies. “I know. Just wait that it will get much worse.” Benji shots back. Kanna gulps down the bad tasting medicine. “It will get worse?” She asks a bit shyly “How worse?”
Benji leans forward so his mouth is near of Kanna right ear. He whispers something to the red head that makes her eyes go wide and she blush so much that her face is of the color of her hair. “Tell me that it is a joke Benji! Please tell me that you are kidding me!” Kanna shouts in a begging tone clinging on the ninja shirt. “Tell me that you are doing this to make me learn my lesson!”
“Sorry Kanna. But it is true. It is the cruel truth about those sweets.” Benji says in a comforting tone passing one arm over the red head shoulders. “That is why I told you to not eat so much.”
The remaining members of the hanagumi stare at each other not understanding what is happening. But by Kanna reaction they know that must be very bad. “Maybe if you have too many those sweets are poisonous.” Kohran muses. “They are not poisonous.” Benji says to them. “But if you have too many there is a price to pay.”
“Oh god!” Kanna cries and run away from the dinning hall holding her stomach. “And what it is that?” Ogami says. “I won't tell. But trust me you don't want to know.” Benji replies. “Trust me on this I won't tell because Kanna.” He adds moving to the kitchen.
“For the first time I will take his word. I just don't want to know.” Ogami says. The girls nod agreeing over that matter.
Teito January ninth 1923. In the imperial theater, in the training hall 10:53
Kanna walks inside the command room. “God! Kanna what happened to you?!” Yoneda asks seeing the red head very pale, faint and tired. “I am paying for not hearing an advice.” Kanna replies on a weak voice, taking a seat on a corner near of the door. Yoneda don't want to imagine what is happening to make Kanna like that.
“But sir why we are here?” Maria asks. “That is right. I was forgetting. Well today is Himura day that he was released to train. So he and Ayame will train. I thought that you guys would like to see him training. To know how he fights so you can rely on him in combat.” Yoneda says to them.
“We have to?” Sumire asks. “If you don't want to watch is okay. It is only optional.” Yoneda says. Sumire thinks a bit. And they see Ayame walking in the training room wearing a simple kimono and a hakama, a light armor covering her arms, chest and helmet covering her forehead, sides and back of her head, with a thin metal mesh covering her face. Ogami notices that she is holding two katanas.
Benji walks inside using his fighting clothes, the same that he used when he arrived after his training. And he is with a light chain mail over his chest and arms. He is with a helmet like Ayame plus his mask covering the lower half of his face. They notice that he is with his two combat knifes.
“Wait a second! You don't mean that they train with real weapons?!” Sakura asks to Yoneda. “Well they do. But those are replicas of them real weapons. They are blunt. But still hurts quite badly.” Yoneda says. “But that is not right!” Sakura says. “Well how do you think that Benji got so better so shortly?” Yoneda asks.
Sakura stays in silence. “His entire training was made on real situations with real weapons that can kill him. So if he wanted to live he needed to get better fast. That is why he improved so much that fast. Besides Ayame only know to teach kenjutsu with matches like that. She does give him advices here and there. But the main of her training real matches like that.” Yoneda explains to them.
And on the training room Benji and Ayame trade greeting before beginning. Ayame unsheathes her swords and gets on a basic stance. Benji waits and Ayame charges him. A Benji block with his knifes the woman attacks. Sparks fly from the contact between the two sets of blades. Ayame keep pressing the attack against the taller man.
The hanagumi watches in shock the fierceness of her attack, contrasting greatly with her usual calm demeanor. Between attacks Benji packs a series of attacks of his own. Ayame blocks and parries the much fiercer attacks from her protégé. Not only using his knifes but Benji packs kicks and punches on the major.
Sparks flow from each contact revealing that under the fabric and leather has metal. If that hanagumi could see Ayame face they would see a small smile. Between a slight longer time between attacks Ayame breaks Benji combo and attacks him again.
The hanagumi watches the match with fascination. For all of them it is the very first time that Ayame ever fought in front of them. And Benji is going all out on her. Turning the heavy sparing into an amazing spectacle.
And the match comes to an impressive turn when seeing a hatch Ayame slams her right sword in Benji left wrist in the inner part. Even protected by his armor the blow gives the ninja a great deal of pain. Reacting to the massive pain with stunning fast moves Benji spins his right hand knife Benji slams it in Ayame chest. Following that blow more came from his left and right knives. And then Benji slams both knives at the same time into the major sending her flying into a wall behind her.
Then Benji realize his mistake and runs to Ayame side who just hitted hard the padded wall. The hanagumi also runs to the training room. Most of them are actually screaming at Benji because his attack. Benji sees the damage and removes Ayame chest plate. Under it has a light chain mail that Benji also removes quickly.
Ogami pushes Benji away and he checks Ayame with Maria help. The major is dizzy but waking. “Oh my God!” Sakura says in a gasp. She is pointing to the chest plate and the chain mail. Kanna, Sumire, the kazegumi and Kohran looks at the plate with shock. In every slash the edges are red hot and melting. And on the mail itself the chains links are melted together and smoking a strong scent of burned rubber.
“He slashed cleanly thru the armor!” Sakura exclaims seeing the damage closely. “But his knives were supposed to be blunt!” Kanna walks closer of Benji and picks the knives that are near him and exam them.
“Sakura he also melted the edge…” Kanna says seeing the also red hot metal. “Nine hits…not bad…your best Maiagare so far…thought the left hand slashes where weaker than the normal…” Ayame says sitting up. “Vice-commander you need to rest. We deal with his punishment.” Maria says.
“Punishment for what Maria?” Ayame says “The entire reason of training him is make him develop his techniques. And I push him farther and harder than anyone to make him fire moves like that on me.” Maria stares surprised.
“And I will keep pushing until he manages to use them with out being pushed that hard.” Ayame adds. “I think that we could use a ten minutes break. You need to rest a bit and get a new armor. And I sure want to drink some water” Benji says to Ayame. “You are right. Be back in ten minutes.” Ayame says. Benji nods and moves away from the training room.
“You are hurt Ayame?” Yoneda asks to her. “Not much. A bit sore on my back and backside. Well that not adding the bruises that I will sure have because of his slashes. Thankfully I did ask to be placed rubber between the mail and the armor. Other wise would be worse.” Ayame says. “Still was a shocking experience.”
Everyone could feel the emphasis on the word shocking. Kanna leaves the training room and she is followed closely by Sumire. They see Benji on the kitchen removing his left tekko and a glove that he is using under it. They see him placing a coffee pot on the over and turn on the fire while he rolls up his sleeve. After few minutes he picks the coffee pot with his right hand and a move close of a wall and places the back of his left hand on the wall. The duo can see blood running freely from the cut on his wrist now ripped open.
What followed shocked the duo. Benji presses the side of the overheated metal coffee pot over his wrist. And he presses hard. From the door Kanna and Sumire can hear his skin burning and feel the scent of the burning flesh. Oddly enough they don't see any reaction to the pain on Benji face or even a gasp of suppressed pain.
The duo races to him. Kanna pulls his right hand removing the pot from his wrist. And a thin layer of burned skin was ripped on the process. “What the hell you are doing?!” Sumire asks shouting. “Nevermind! Kanna we need to cool this down!” Kanna nods and they move Benji to the sink and turn a faucet on letting the cold water run over his burn. “Benji what you was thinking?!” Kanna asks. “I was closing this cut.” Benji replies. “By the love of God. Benji there is other ways. And does that hurt?” the red head adds.
“You can't even imagine how much.” Benji replies. The duo shivers with his reply. And more with the fact that he is still not showing signs of pain. “Why you did this?” Kanna asks. “Because I need to train and I don't need to bleed.” Benji replies. “Ayame would understand if you told her. You a re still wounded.” Sumire says. “She would call off the training.”
“As far Ayame knows I am fully healed. Understand?” Benji says harshly. Both girls nod scared. Benji removes his hand from the duo grip and the water. He picks a white roll of bandages from his pocket and a small vial. He scoops a dark green paste from the vial and passes over his burn. Then he wraps the bandage over it. Placing the vial on his pocket and putting on his glove he moves to the door.
“Ayame must not know about this.” Benji says clipping tightly the tekko locks firmly attaching it to his hand and arm. The duo nod not sure of how to proceed. They follow him to the training room where Ayame waits for him with her swords. Benji gets a new pair of knives and get ready to continue his training section with the hanagumi watching. And the fight began all over again.
“It is quite repetitive. When he presses the attack Ayame blocks and dodges most of them.” Ogami says. “But you can see why she blocks some, dodge some or even take some blows?” Yoneda asks. “No.” Ogami replies. “Well pay attention to Benji knives. And to Ayame.” Yoneda says. And the entire hanagumi obeys. After a while Kanna gets up. “His knife sparked!” the red head shouts.
“That is right Kanna. And as you saw Ayame dodged that blow.” Yoneda says. “But why?” Ogami asks. “Because the edge was charged with electricity. And metal conducts electricity. If she blocked she would get badly shocked.” Yoneda adds. “Benji doesn't control his energy and the attacks come randomly and still strong. And Ayame knows that.”
“So in order to stay fighting she avoid those blows.” Sakura says understanding. Yoneda nods to the brunette. Ayame manages to disarm Benji. The ninja now fights with his fists. Between slashes Benji gives a spinning kick on Ayame chest. Then he continues the move by giving a side kick on her abdomen. He gives a low jump and packs another kick, a side spinning one into Ayame chest. Benji lands over his left hand and spins his body giving a double side kick on Ayame chest sending her flying into a wall again.
But during the action Benji forgot about his wrist and the pain of spinning his body over his hand makes him fall over his arm. Benji gets up slowly and walks to Ayame. “Can we call it a day already?” Benji asks standing his right hand to her. “I guess that we can.” Ayame replies picking up his hand and getting back over her feet. “You missed the lanking up his hand and getting back over her feet. de kick on agumi watching.