Sakura Wars Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast: Chronicles of a lost writer ❯ In the night ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi this is Benji Himura. I am now starting a new fanfic. Is a Sakura Taisen story. I don't own Sakura or any of the characters. Some anime or manga characters might show up in the story I also don't own then. I own Benji Himura and others characters that will show up in the story. It might be violence and sex in the story so if you are underage of seventeen are warned the content might be too improper to your age. Read by your own will and risk. In anyway enjoy the story.
Signed: Benji Himura.
Author pre-story notes:
Well I am going to try a new thing to spice up my fics. I am adding songs to certain scenes. Like Sakura Taisen did. For example the episode nine when Maria recalls when she meet her captain. I have showed Benji humming, singing and hearing to many songs, in different occasions. Well I just love hearing musing when I am on the computer, when I got outside my house I always carry my CD player so I can listen to it when I walk, when I am not watching TV or anime on my computer I always have the winamp on with my favorite playlist. For example if I stay too long with out hearing music I began to think on music or sing. I will place the songs that suit more the scenes. Try hearing it sometime. If you can listen to the song when reading the scene might be even better. Sorry for taking too long. Now we can return to the normal fic.
“Text”= Talked or thought sentences.
(Text)= Talked sentences in a foreign language. As English when everyone else speaks Japanese.
;Text;= Title of the scene song.
:Translations of a sentence in a language that isn't English, and small observations during the story:
Chapter fourteen: In the night
;Tokimeki no Doukasen. Fushigi Yugi ending theme.;
“You heard it Benji-kun?” Ayame asks still with her back turned to the door. “Yeah.” Benji replies rubbing his forehead with his right hand. “I thought that you isolated all the phones and radios of the theater.”
“This is a new one. And I forgot sorry.” Ayame says in an apologizing tone. “It is okay.” Benji replies. “Sumire will be very angry and worried about this.” Ayame says moving to the door. Benji blocks her path with his left arm. “There isn't need for telling her that.” Benji says in a serious tone looking into Ayame eyes.
“Benji is her right to know. Her father is in there.” Ayame replies. Benji is aware that she is serious she only calls him of Benji when she is very serious about something. “And the hanagumi needs to rescue him and all the other hostages. Also prevent the criminals of stealing the plans stored on that mansion. Move your arm.”
Still Benji keeps his arm there. “They need to relax. They all worked hard for this party. And they are all stressed because I am here Ayame.” Benji says to her in a serious tone. “If the stress continues to grow the team will break. Let them have fun tonight.”
Ayame looks away from his gaze. “Benji, we can't just leave those criminals take the plans and kill everyone there. You have any idea of how they will feel when founding that they could have stopped that. But they were in a party.” Ayame replies in a strangled voice.
“I never said that we would leave them alone.” Benji says to her. “You can't!” Ayame almost shouts looking at him. “You haven't healed from your last battle! You can't fight!”
Benji smiles at her. “You know as well as I that tomorrow is the day when the doctor said that I could begin to fight and train again. So I am healed now.” Benji says in a calm tone. “Besides it is an assault against many enemies. And you know that is my specialty. It was before I came here, it was before I trained and it is after my training. I am a ninja, Ayame. I can enter in that place with out being noticed. The others can't.”
Ayame looks at her protégé. “You can't face that alone Benji.” Ayame says worried in a pleading tone. “Yes I can. And you know that.” Benji replies, he moves her left arm a bit and touches Ayame right cheek with his open palm. “In my birthday here you said that you trusted me and gave me a katana.” Benji says gently caressing her cheek “Back then I wasn't trained in combat as I am now. Trust on me now as you trusted me then.”
“I never stopped trusting on you Benji.” Ayame replies weakly. “But you aren't in shape for combats…” Benji takes a step back and moves his left hand softly tracing her jaw line with the tips of his fingers before moving to her lips where he gently places his index finger.
“If anyone asks I left to run an errant for you. I will be back before Sumire blows the candles.” Benji says softly. He moves away running leaving Ayame standing there shivering with his touch. “Ganbare Benji-kun.” Ayame says in a low tone to the now empty halls. Benji is already on the theater garage on his motorcycle putting on his mask and black shades. He leaves the garage moving in a high speed by the streets of Teito with his long coat moving with the wind.
In the dinning hall 21:34
Iris walks to Ayame. “Ayame-neechan, Benji-niichan is taking too long to return.” Iris says to the older woman. Ayame smiles a bit to the worried girl “He will be here soon. But he needs to pick up Sumire gift first. He will be back soon.” Ayame says to the little girl trying to sound as much honest and carefree as she can.
“Give that back it is mine!” Kanna says to Sumire who grabbed a slight larger brigadeiro on the tray. “No it is not.” Sumire counters before taking a bite on the sweet. “It is my birthday and the stray made them to my party. So they are mine to eat.” Kanna fumes at the shorter girl. Not only because she just bitted the sweet. But because her new `pet name' to Benji. But before Kanna can begin her ballistic comment or a slap on the shorter girl Maria stops Kanna.
“Sumire it is not nice call Benji-kun of names when he is not here to argue with you.” Ayame says. “He never call you names when you are not around.” Sumire blushes because she is being scolded on her birthday party. But she did understand her mistake.
In Kanzaki heavy industries secondary plant 21:37
Benji arrives on the complex seeing far on a distant corner a mansion and recalls that Shigeki told that it was the guest house for possible partners while they make deals and plans. Benji speeds up and sees a handful of members of the Tsukigumi trying to enter on the mansion perimeter unnoticed. He reaches a horizontal bar blocking the way and turns the bike sliding under the bar. On the motion he takes down two guards. Benji can see that they aren't from the tsukigumi and they fall over the bar, hitting it with the jaw. The sound of the bones breaking is heard. And they don't get up. Benji manages to make the bike get up again and continue speeding.
Kayama curses seeing the reckless way that the ninja invaded the mansion. Reckless but effective. Since the guards are out of cold and no one noticed the event. Kayama orders to his men remove those two and proceed with extra care. But he can't see the other ninja and order his men to hide in the shadows. Just in time to avoid being spotted by a couple of guards from one of the mansion windows.
Benji is inside a small garden depot near of the mansion. The motorcycle engine is not working and Benji is kneeled on the floor with his right hand finger tips touching the floor. His eyes are closed and he seen to be deep in thought.
In the theater dinning hall 21:55
Ayame is having a cup of sake sited a bit far from the celebrating members of the hanagumi. She let out a worried sigh before sipping the warm sake. Maria walks to the major and sits next to her. “Major I would like to ask you few questions.” Maria says to Ayame.
“It can't wait until tomorrow?” Ayame asks. “It can ma'am but I would like to ask my questions with out him around.” Maria replies. Then Ayame feeling show how right she was. Maria was going to question her about Benji. “Fine Maria. Go on.” Ayame says just wanting to take her mind from her worries.
Maria nods to the major. “I got this question since we went to the Kanzaki heavy industries why bother on giving him firearms and even alter older ones to him when he will be fighting in a koubu?” Maria asks.
Ayame looks at the blonde. “Because Maria he won't be only fighting on a koubu.” Ayame says “Or you haven't noticed that Benji training and combat skills would be wasted if he only fought in a koubu?”
Maria looks at Ayame. “You saw first handed in several occasions how he fights.” Ayame adds. “But ma'am those kinds of situations aren't our way of combat.” Maria says. “That is right.” Ayame says after sipping her sake. “But can happen. And that isn't the only way of using Benji skills. I am sure that you know what a scout is Maria.”
“It is a solider send ahead of the main army to do explore the terrain and found more about the enemy.” Maria says. “Is an infiltration unit.” Ayame nods. “And that is exactly Benji function in combat with out a koubu. Well also assassinations and spying. Benji also can track on different terrains. In other words Benji is a ninja. His job is also fight battles with out a koubu against enemies that might not be a wakiji or another demon from that size. So he needs equipment.” Ayame explains to Maria.
“So for sake of better performance as a light unit it was ordered the construction of new weapons and the changes on existent ones for Benji use. I am sure that you can think in several ways of using a unit with Benji skills in combat Maria.” Ayame adds to the blonde while filling her sake cup.
“I can.” Maria replies understanding the reason of why arming him. “But ma'am you are waiting for have more enemies that is not the Kuronosukai?” Maria asks to Ayame worried. “Being ready for any kind of bad scenario is a common strategic thought. We never know if we might need to spy a suspicious location or fight in an area too small to fit the koubus.” Ayame replies. Once again Maria understands the meaning of her line of thought.
“He won't be of any use if he can't even control his own spirit energy.” Maria says icily. “I am sure that when your powers first woke Maria, you were also unable to proper control them. If I am not wrong only after you came here that you gained full control of them.” Ayame fends off Maria attempt of a strike on Benji.
Maria nods weakly recalling of few bad incidents on her childhood caused by her powers. “Still Benji is getting the hang of them on each use and on every new day. Soon he will control them.” Ayame adds. “By the way he got some interesting tricks.”
“Tricks?” Maria asks curious. For more that she dislikes him she wants to know more about her rival. “Yes. During the training Benji found that sending small electric waves on the ground by his finger tips he can instinctively know what path to take on a building and the location of people there.” Ayame tells to Maria, who ear with eager.
“He makes a mental map?” Maria asks. “He said that he couldn't explain it properly. But it was like a small feeling telling what path to take when he wants to reach to a certain place. Or something like that. And also have a general idea of how the building is arranged.” Ayame replies. “He needs to stay focused to send the energy and the energy return giving him a quite accurate way to build a mental map as you said. But I think that to be like a map just after much training.”
Maria stays in silence after hearing Ayame explanation of Benji's new trick.
In Kanzaki heavy industries secondary plant 21:55
Benji gets up and runs carefully by the mansion. “There is inside seventy people. Most of them are gathered on a large hall. Must be the others hostages. There is some scattered around the mansion and four on a separated room. There must be where Sumire father is.” Benji thinks before slamming down a patrolling terrorist. The now unconscious man is tied up with his own belt and shirt and tossed by a window. Benji moves away deciding to clean the halls before releasing the hostages.
A scream fills the air of the cold halls. “Onna no koe!” Benji whispers racing to that direction. “Let me go!” another scream for the girl fills the air. And the sound of ripped clothes follows it. Benji reaches a boiler room and sees one of the terrorists trying to rip the lower part of a young woman kimono. Benji pulls the rod and slams on the back of the man skull still on his charge. Benji hears the sound of bones breaking and don't care. He stops and he is about to help the woman. But a thick dented chain wraps around his neck and pulls him up. “Fuck! Chris help me lifting this fucker! He weights a ton!” a second terrorist shouts to a third one. Benji tries to force himself down, holding the chain. But the third one joins on the chain and the duo manages to lift Benji from the ground. He tenses and squirms trying to break free.
In the theater dinning hall 21:57
Kanna walks to Ayame. “Ayame why Benji is taking so long?” Kanna asks “You send him to Yokohama to get the gift?” Ayame looks at the red head. “Well not that distant. But it is across the city Kanna. And since it is snowing Benji has to be careful.” Ayame replies. Kanna looks to the other woman. “Well you are right. It would be really bad if he got an accident just to fetching a gift for the snake woman.” Kanna says moving to the others.
“Ayame-san.” Tsubaki says in a low tone for the major. “Yes Tsubaki?” Ayame replies. “Benji will be fine?” the short haired girl asks to the major surprise. “What you mean by that Tsubaki?” Ayame asks trying to sound natural. “Of course he will be fine. He is just going to pick up my gift for Sumire.” She adds.
“Ayame-san I saw him leaving. And I can tell that he wasn't going to out to fetch something.” Tsubaki replies. “I can tell that he was going out to fight.” Ayame sighs. “And he is. Tsubaki don't tell the others about this. Benji is doing this so they all can relax and enjoy the party.” Ayame says to the girl.
“I am not telling because he asked me.” Tsubaki says “But Ayame-san does Benji actually have any chances of winning?” she asks worried. Ayame chuckle, to the surprise of the shorter girl. “If he has any chances? Tsubaki, I saw him fighting more than any of you. He doesn't have any chances.” Ayame says and Tsubaki get worried. “Of losing to normal humans. Only if they where like the others that Benji would have trouble.” Ayame adds.
Tsubaki looks at her. “He will finish that really quickly.” Ayame says to reassure not only Tsubaki but herself.
In Kanzaki heavy industries secondary plant 21:58
“Fuck I got distracted!” Benji thinks swinging his body and kicking the duo. Then he slams both on a wall hard. The chain falls from his neck. There is a light bruise on his neck and his shirt collar was ripped. Benji take few breaths and look at the scared girl. “It is alright now. I am here to help you.” Benji says to her. She nods weakly to him.
Benji calms the woman and moves away. But on the hall there is another terrorist. Benji dashes to him and hits him hard with his rod. But the saw off two piped shotgun that he was bearing goes off. The very loud shot goes off on the silent halls.
Benji grabs the gun of the unconscious man and puts on his coat and run away. Now going even faster to prevent any attacks to the hostages. On his path he takes down many of them before reaching the hall with the hostages and taking down the remaining few terrorists. Before moving to the separate room with the four people, that he assumes to be Sumire father and three more terrorists.
On the office where Benji is going a tall blonde man with occidental features looks at Shigeki. Sumire father is wearing a brown suit. And the blonde man is wearing a blue uniform from the American army. With a saber on his waist.
“I don't know what is going on but it is nothing that my men can't solve.” The officer says. Shigeki stays quiet. Besides him there is a young blonde woman wearing a blue kimono. By the door there is another officer. But lower ranked than the first. And it is a shock when the door breaks behind him. Benji grabs the officer by the neck and slams his rod on his back.
The officer shakes strongly with many powerful volts of electricity running by his body. Benji tosses him to a corner and charges at the remaining officer. But he reacts and blocks the attack with his saber. Sparks flow from the clash of metal against metal.
“Not bad.” The man says in a very bad Japanese. “For an inferior monkey. You can't beat my Toledo-Salamanca made of Damascus steel.” Even with his bad Japanese his mocking and sneering tone is clear.
The outline of Benji challenging smile is easily seen by this thin mask. “You are very stupid.” Benji replies pressing a small trigger on the rod handle. The man screams with pain as once again the rod unleashes electricity. Benji grabs the man neck with his left hand lifting the man easily he disarms him and the man stares in shock at Benji that is a couple of inches shorter than himself.
“Your first mistake was invading this factory. Your second mercenary was to think that in here has anyone inferior than you. And the third is using a blade made for honorable fighters, since you don't have any honor. Now it is time for you pay for them.” Benji says in a menacing voice slamming the man neck on the edge of a table. The sickening sound of bones breaking is heard. The man can't even scream in pain as his body went limp.
“This won't kill you. But you are now a prisoner of your own flesh.” Benji says releasing the man.
Shigeki and the girl look at him with shock. Benji only picks the saber and the sheath. “This sword will found a proper owner. Until then I will keep it.” Benji says sheathing it. “Wait a second. You are the new member of the hanagumi right?” Shigeki asks to him. “I am. Thought I am not officially one yet.” Benji replies looking at him.
“You were there.” The girl says looking at him. Benji looks at her and she seems familiar but he can't place her anywhere on his memory. “You were the fighter on the New Year day on the shrine!” she says recognizing his hair style, eyes color and height. Now Benji recall of her. “Well…” he says not sure of what say.
“I think that I need to go.” Benji says “Damn how I will explain this collar.” Benji mutters feeling the ripped collar on his shirt. “Wait.” The girl says moving to him. She removes a blue scarf and puts around his neck tying it loosely. “I think that this will do. And thank you for saving me on that day. And tonight too.”
Benji is thankful that she can't see his blush since his back is turned to her. “It is my job.” Benji replies. He looks at Shigeki. “Do you know what happen today?” Benji asks to him. Shigeki thinks a bit. “Sumire birthday.” Benji says. Shigeki expression doesn't change. “You could at least show up in the party you know. She really misses you.” Benji adds.
“I am busy. I have many things to do on my work.” Shigeki replies. Benji moves to him and punch the older man who falls on the floor sited.
“While you work Sumire is growing. Right now she is spreading her wings and beginning to fly by herself. And you are missing it. One day you will see that she left your nest to never return because she made her own nest. And you will curse all the lost chances. Right now she has two nests to be in. Yours and the theater. And you know very well where she is more inclined to.” Benji says to him. Shigeki stays in silence. And Benji leaves the room.
In the theater dinning hall 22:34
Sumire is angry pacing on the dinning hall. “He is taking too long!” she says angry. “That is it when he comes back I will beat him up.”
Kanna is about to say something but stops. “Sumire calm down. Benji is on his way back by now.” Ayame says. “Look first I didn't mind because he made those sweets. But he is taking too long. He must be doing something to not being here. He must probably on a…” Sumire sentence is cutted by a gloved hand over her mouth.
“You know if you say things like that next time I won't go.” Benji says behind Sumire. “Benji-niichan!” Iris shouts hugging Benji waist. “Iris I was away only for one hour. It is not like I was gone for one month.” Benji says to the little girl. “Benji-kun I think that you should let Sumire go. She is turning blue.” Ayame says pointing to his left hand that is still covering Sumire mouth and nose cutting the air for the brown haired girl.
“I really need to let her go?” Benji asks. “Yes.” Ayame replies. Benji move his hand a bit lower but he is still holding Sumire from behind hugging her neck. The Kanzaki heiress is too busy breathing to notice it.
“Well you sure took long to pick it up Benji-kun.” Ayame says to him. “Well the traffic wasn't very good and it took a while there.” Benji replies. “How long you will hold me like this you…you…”And Benji cuts her sentence again covering her mouth. “Well this way I can shut you up.” Benji says in a teasing tone as Sumire voice is turned into muffled groans and Kanna laugh hard. Benji let her go this time.
“You!” Sumire shouts trying to hit him with a slap that Benji skillfully dodge. “You know if you keep doing this I will not give you the gift that Ayame asked me to get or the one that I bought for you.” Benji says. Sumire has a pair of angry made tears on the corner of her eyes, but she stops her attacks.
“Fine I will stop.” She says standing her hand to him so he can give her the gifts. Benji places a small velvet box on Sumire hand. “That is from Ayame.” Benji says. “Mine I give you later if you behave.”
Sumire is about to say something but she stays quiet. “By the way Benji why the scarf?” Kanna asks noticing the blue scarf on his neck. “You have any idea of how cold it is to ride a bike?” Benji asks to Kanna who understands why. And the party goes on. Benji is sited on a chair drinking a soda.
(So all went well?) Ayame asks to Benji in a heavily accented Portuguese. (Yes. Nothing to worry about. All the hostages are safe, the threat was contained. And the ocean boy is cleaning up.) Benji answers her. “That is good.” Ayame says now in Japanese.
“Check this out Sakura.” Kanna whispers to Sakura. The brunette looks curious to Kanna who pulls Benji butterfly knife from her pocket. She opens it and tosses hard against the ninja. Sakura stares in shock. Benji moves his right hand and with out looking his stops the knife on the air holding it only with his index finger and middle finger. Holding the razor sharp blade between then. He tosses the knife on the air grabbing it by the handle and closing it.
“You forgot it here earlier.” Kanna says to him. “Thank you Kanna.” Benji replies putting the now closed knife on his belt pocket. “Nice isn't?” Kanna asks to Sakura who is still shocked. “That was dangerous!” Sakura shouts to Kanna. “Come on Sakura I know him well. I knew that he was going to grab it.” Kanna replies. And Sakura continues to scold Kanna.
Sakura, Maria, Sumire and Iris begin to sing Kore ga Revue on Kohran sound system. Ayame let go of her worried seeing Benji eating some of the sweets that he made. Kanna and Benji chat over few things as the party goes on. And most of the hanagumi and kazegumi got a swing on the microphone.
With a cat like smile Ayame looks at Benji who is now eating some sushi. “Benji-kun why you don't sing too?” she asks in a loud voice and in a very provocative tone. “Yeah! Benji-kun you can sing too!” Sakura backs Ayame up more because she enjoyed a lot singing with him during the afternoon. “Benji-niichan sings very well!” Iris shouts with the older duo.
“Yeah Benji why you don't sing for us?” Maria asks sneering. “He sings?” Sumire asks to Kasumi. “Yes. Very well.” The older of the Sannin musume girls replies. “Yeah pall sing something from your home land for us!” Kanna says pulling Benji to the microphone. “I really have to?” Benji asks trying to escape.
“Yes!” All the girls taking out Sumire, Kohran and Maria shout at him. Seeing no way out Benji thinks a bit on a song that won't sound so odd for them. He types something on the machine and the beat begins. “I don't recall programming that.” Kohran mutters.
And Benji begin to sing.
(Quem te ver passar assim por mim não sabe o que é sofrer
Ter que ver você assim sempre tão linda
Contemplar o sol do teu olhar perder você no ar
Na certeza de um amor me achar
um nada pois sem ter teu carinho eu me sinto sozinho
eu me afogo em solidão
Oh Ana Julia
Oh Ana Julia
Nunca acreditei na ilusão de ter você pra mim
Me atormenta a previsão do nosso destino
Eu passando o dia a te esperar você sem me notar
Quando tudo tiver fim, você vai estar com um cara
Um alguém sem carinho será sempre um espinho
dentro do meu coração
Oh Ana Julia
Oh Ana Julia
Sei que você já não quer o meu amor
sei que você já não gosta de mim
Eu sei que eu não sou quem você sempre sonhou
Mas vou reconquistar o seu amor todo pra mim
Oh Ana Julia
Oh Ana Julia
Oh Ana Julia,Julia,Julia ou, ou ,ou)
And Benji stop singing. The hanagumi looks at him a bit surprised. “Suke!!” Iris shouts giving him her now trademark tackle hug. “Not bad.” Sumire mutters. Maria stays in silence. “Well it was nice.” Kanna says “But sadly I didn't understand one word of it.”
Sakura and the others nod, because they also didn't understand it. And the party continues deep in the night.
In the theater Benji room 2:43 AM
Benji sigh tired removing his jacket and tossing over his chair. He repeats the process with his shirt and the scarf. “Why I have a feeling that I am forgetting something?” Benji asks to himself. Taking out his belt and placing on the chair Benji feels something on his pants pocket.
“Fuck…I forgot to give Sumire her gift.” Benji says founding small box wrapped on gift paper. Benji leaves his room and moves to the brunette room. Benji knocks on Sumire room door. Few moments later Sumire on her sleeping clothes and a robe over them opens the door. “What you want?” Sumire asks. “It is late.”
“I know.” Benji replies. “Or you don't want your gift.” Sumire sighs and stand her hand to him. “I forgot to give to you before.” Benji says. “Thank you.” She replies out of politeness. “Good night.” Benji says walking away. “And you are welcome.”
Sumire sees him moving back to his room. She wonders a bit about his lack of clothes on his top but ignores. But the sight of a white bandage on his left wrist makes her feel a bit down. She enters on her room and closes the door.
“Let me see what he bought.” Sumire mutters unwrapping it. “Probably something cheap.”
She sees a black velvet box and a small card. She places the card on her dresser and opens the box. She stares surprised to a silver ring. Carefully made, seeming to be made out from silver violets with long stews carefully twisted together and then glided forming a circle as the ring.
“Oh my God…” Sumire looks at the jewel impressed by the details and the small flowers, each with many petals carefully made forming the flowers. It was something very simple and beautiful. If made of real flowers the beauty of it wouldn't shocked so much the brunette, in the simplicity and innocence of it, but the simple fact that the metal was worked in such a way that it seemed to be made out from real flowers made the ring even more beautiful.
And Sumire tries the ring just to see that fits her ring finger perfectly. She puts the small box down and picks the card opening carefully the small envelope then pulling the card and reading the content of it.
“Happy birthday. I hope that you like the ring. It is also an apology for that incident with the towel few months ago.” Sumire reads in loud the small message. She sighs and sits on the chair by her dresser.
“I don't get him at all.” She mutters placing the card down. She looks at the ring. “An apology for that day. I guess that I own him one too.” She looks to her mirror and sees the card from her father flowers carefully placed on the mirror edge.
“Mmm…” Sumire picks the card from the mirror and looks at it carefully. “No way!” she cries now picking Benji card and compares both. “I must be wrong…I have to be wrong…” she whispers looking at the flowers on a vase over the chest of drawers. She looks more carefully comparing the Kanjis of both cards.
“Benji send those…” she whispers seeing how similar the writing in both cards is. “How dare him make me think that it was Otou-sama who send me them.” She whispers angrily. But when she gets up she thinks more about the card. “He never said who send it on the flower card. I assumed so. It is not his fault.” She whispers, feeling glad of not keep her wrong assumption over the subject.
“But why he gave me those?” she looks at the flowers confused. She removes the ring placing on the box and resting both cards on her dresser. She lays on her bed confused over Benji actions.
End of the chapter fourteen.
Author notes:
Please read and review. I will answer every review. Good or bad. If you have time to read and send a review. I will send you an answer. And I would like to thank to SilverBlue Dragon, HaruNatsu, Kanna Kirishima and to Greyhound Master for the reviews. I am making two versions of this story. One with out explicit sex scenes and one with then. As well with sexual related omakes. The unedited version can be found in MediaMiner fanfiction page. The link is on my profile. I don't own any of the songs that was sang or used as scene songs. If any of you readers doesn't know any anime song that I placed on the fic you can email me asking for it. If you have a yahoo mail or any mail that have a large storage capacity. But please only ask for the songs that I `play' on the fic. And anime only. So don't go asking me for an anime song that hasn't show up on the fic. Depending of the song I might not even have it.
Japanese glossary:
Koe: It means voice.
Kanna returning Benji knife.
“Check this out Sakura.” Kanna whispers to Sakura. The brunette looks curious to Kanna who pulls Benji butterfly knife from her pocket. She opens it and tosses hard against the ninja. Sakura stares in shock. Benji sneezes moving forward and is totally oblivious to the flying knife that missed him by less than one inch.
“Shit!” Kanna says seeing the knife hitting Ayame on the neck. “You are so dead Kanna-san.” Sakura says backing away scared. Maria pulls her revolver and Benji pulls his pistol. Both of them have an ice cold glare with devil like smirks. They are looking just the same.
“You have five seconds to be start running.” Benji and Maria say as one. Benji pulls back the pistol slide reading it as Maria cock her revolver. Kanna runs even before they finished the sentence. And the very enraged duo gives chase to the red head as the others try to see if Ayame had luck and might live thru it. Gun shots and screams can be heard on the empty halls.
Benji arriving on the party after his job.
Sumire is angry pacing on the dinning hall. “He is taking too long!” she says angry. “That is it when he comes back I will beat him up.”
Kanna is about to say something but stops. “Sumire calm down. Benji is on his way back by now.” Ayame says. “Look first I didn't mind because he made those sweets. But he is taking too long. He must be doing something to not being here. He must probably on a…” Sumire sentence is cutted by a gloved hand over her mouth.
“You know if you say things like that next time I won't go.” Benji says behind Sumire. “Benji-niichan!” Iris shouts hugging Benji waist. “Iris I was away only for one hour. It is not like I was gone for one month.” Benji says to the little girl. “Benji-kun I think that you should let Sumire go. She is turning blue.” Ayame says pointing to his left hand that is still covering Sumire mouth and nose cutting the air for the brown haired girl.
“I really need to let her go?” Benji asks. “Yes.” Ayame replies. Benji move his hand a bit lower but he is still holding Sumire from behind hugging her neck. The Kanzaki heiress is too busy breathing to notice it.
“You…You…” Sumire try saying but she is shacking lightly. “If you dare to do that again you will…” and Benji silences her again. Sumire struggles with no success on escaping from his strong grip. “So you were saying?” Benji asks to Sumire after uncovering her mouth. She is really flustered and blushing. “If I did that again I would?” Benji asks.
Sumire turns around facing him and hug him tightly. “You would need to deal with a very aroused me.” Sumire says before French kissing the ninja, who doesn't seem to be much bothered by it.
“Get a room!” Sakura says looking away blushing madly. “Good idea.” Sumire says pulling Benji away by the scarf.
Lyrics (New section. Here I will translate the lyrics of the songs that might appear on the story.) The songs here translated might sound a bit off. Specially the ones that are translated from Portuguese. For those who don't know Portuguese has many words for a job or situation that can have a small change to be used by men or women. As professora and professor. Both mean teacher. But the first is used for women and the later for men. So please understand that I am doing my best to translate the songs keeping most of the meaning on the lyrics. But there are expressions and words that only have meaning in Portuguese.
Ana Julia. Song of the band Los Hermanos.
Who see you passing by me like this, doesn't know what suffering is.
Have to see you always like this so beautiful.
Gaze upon the sun of your eyes, lost you on the air.
On the certain of a love thinking of me
A nothing because with out your love I feel alone
I drown in loneliness.
Oh Ana Julia
Oh Ana Julia
I never believed on the illusion of having you for myself.
It tortures me the foresight of our destiny
I passing the day waiting for you and you not noticing me.
And when all is over you will be with a man
A somebody with no love, it will be always a torn
Inside my heart
Oh Ana Julia
Oh Ana Julia
I know that you don't want my love
I know that you don't like me
I know that I am not the one that you always dream about
But I will win your love all for me
Oh Ana Julia
Oh Ana Julia
Oh Ana Julia,Julia,Julia ou, ou ,ou