Samurai 7 Fan Fiction ❯ Why He Fell Silent ❯ Childhood's End ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I in no way take credit for the creation or ownership of the Samuri 7 characters used in this fanfic.
The character of Kagero is very loosly based on the character from Ninja Scroll. I love the name, and I love the idea of a stubborn, free willed, female warrior :)

Chapter Two: Childhood's End

"You can stay behind and play bodyguard this time." Hyogo told Kyuzo as he walked off.

"Go lose, you need to get your head out of your ass." Kyuzo thought to himself, replaying his fight with Kambe yet another time. This samuri had skills and morals Kyuzo had all but given up on finding again in the world.

"I think I'm in love!"

So many years ago Kambe's mind game wouldn't have fazed him. Kagero was a master at that. She knew exactly how to push his buttons, and did it well.


"Come on are you trying to beat me or or lead a waltz?" Kagero mocked as she once again slipped past him.

"I spent all last night training, all this morning training, it's been like that for a week! What have you done all day?" Kyuzo turned quickly blocking her strike.

"Excuses excuses!" she replied dropping and kicking out her leg in an attempt to topple him.

"Well you haven't been training that's for sure!" he laughed back, easily avoiding her tactic.

"Oh shut up would you!" she was getting angry, this would work to his benefit. She got sloppy when she got angry.

"Maybe you should spend more time sewing a dowry for your future Husband!" he crowed, "Matching slippers for the children!"

"YOU JERK!" her wooden sword began to flail wildly all around him, "You are such a JERK!"

He saw his chance, swung his sword, blocking her's easily. In an instant he was behind her with her neck in a choke hold. He had won!

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you wanted to cuddle!" Kagero swooned, leaning back into him. He froze! She grabbed his arm and flipped him over her and onto the ground. From winning to having a wooden training sword at his throat.

"It's a wonder they don't let Women fight. If all samuri are as easily distracted as I could finish this war single handed!" she cackled, tossing the sword into the grass.

"They have plenty of single women following the regiments, I don't think your games would make them hold their blades for an instant." Kyuzo snapped back. He stood and brushed the grass from his clothing. Having lost he retrieved Kagero's sword and returned it to the hollow of the tree. Placing both it and his own carefully beside the two bows and seaf of arrows.

They were now 10 and 8. The hopes of the war ending were long gone as it once again intensified. Kyzo's eldest Brother had been slain while they tried to get back to the Northern mountain ranges. His second eldest Brother hadn't been heard from for months. The draft had been reinstated, even dropping the age of recruitment from 12 to 10. This meant Kyuzo would soon have to battle to find out what dojo he would train in before going to the front lines.

Kagero on the other hand was facing a bleak future. She no longer ran about in tattered clothing with her hair in disaray. Her hair was combed to a sheen and held up in a simple ponytail. Kyuzo's Mother often purchased too much or the wrong fabrics "by mistake" and had outfits made for the girl. Not the kimonos and dresses most girls her age would wear, more boyish attired. Pants and shirts.
Already Kagero knew about things that made Kyuzo blush, one of the results of living amongst drunks. Often she would be forced to wait outside the bars or brothel, waiting to act as a crutch for her Uncle to stagger home on. Most of the time she could be found wandering the streets of town, or asleep in the branches of the tree that had been their meeting place for as long as either could recall.

"Then maybe that's what I'll do. Become a traveling whore. Better than waiting around here for something to happen." Kagero muttered under her breath.

"Don't even joke about that! You're better than your cousin's, don't even think about sinking to their level!" Kyuzo grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her around to face him.

"Am I really better than them? Nobody else seems to think so! What am I supposed to do? In 5 months you're going to be gone! Then what? I stay here in this place where I'm viewed as vermin! Maybe I'll take my Aunt up and join her in a cup or two! If I'm lucky my dear Uncle may trade me to the brothel to pay his debts!" Kagero pulled away and continued walking.

"Just wait here, really this war has been going on for years. How much longer can it last? I'll come back..." Kyuzo stopped talking, no sense on wasting his breath. Kagero was someplace else in her own mind.

"Do you think the tale of Mulan is true?" she asked.

"The girl who dresses as a man and goes to war? I doubt it."

"She wouldn't even get through her first day at a dojo. The first time she had to change into her trianing uniform she'd be found out." Kyuzo theorized.

"What if she hadn't gone to a dojo? What if she simply went to the front line, joined up with a regiment. Like a survivor who escaped a battle while his comrads hadn't?

"Between the close quarters in the barracks and camps, the monthly opportunities when she'd have to pile into the pond to bathe, I think it would be the same issue."

"Yeah speaking of monthly's it would be hard to get or dispose of cloth for that." she muttered.

"Could you at least TRY not to say everything that crosses your mind?" Kyuzo cringed. "Besides how would she know how to fight if she had been raised in a proper household and never went to a dojo?"

"Maybe she had someone teach her, like you've taught me." the gears were still twirling in her mind.

"In the story she's from the proper home of her Father a well respected, land owning, samuri general. I don't think she'd be running off into fields to play with swords."

"Yeah but I'm not her. One of the upsides of my not so proper upbringing. I bet I could pull it off! I would just have to train while you were away. When you got your assignment you could send me a message. Then I'd meet up with your regiment!"

"They're called stories for a reason Kagero. They don't actually happen." Kyuzo plainly stated.

"That's your problem you know, you never think of the impossibilities as being possible." Kagero laughed back, "Either way we should stop this converstation before your Mother overhears it."

They had reached Kyuzo's home, his Mother knelt in the garden working on her cross stitching.

"There you are, for once you're on time." his Mother smiled up at him, "I suppose your Father being away has a lot to do with that."

His Father had taken Kanto with him to teach him more affairs of running their lands. They had been notified that after the trials he would be returning to battle.

"Of course not, I respect Father and all the work he's putting in to make sure I'm ready for the trials." Kyuzo quickly replied.

"Still, everyone needs a break. You'll have all the time in the world to train in a few short months, I would like to see you enjoy some of your fleeting days of youth." his Mother quickly reached up to dab the tears. "Kagero, I'm so glad you decided to come with him. It seems our servants only know how to make portions for 4 people rather than 2. Would you join us for supper?"

"As long as I'm not imposing, that would be great! Thank you." Kagero smiled and bowed.

"Not at all, I also have some extra fabric. I thought the color suited me, but after seeing it spread out I believe it would make me look sickly, it would suit your tanned skin far better. I'll have one of the ladies take your measurements again and sew you a new outfit." the kindly woman stood and led her two young followers inside.


Hyogo had returned, furious and fuming over his loss. Kyuzo had to try his best not to crack a smile for the first time in a very long time.

"Back in less than an hour. Maybe he finally realizes he has become more of a barking lap dog than a samuri."

"Master Hyogo what seems to be bothering you?" one of Ukyo's concubines wrapped herself around his side, "There is no reason for someone as handsome as yourself to be frowning so. Come with me, I'll cheer you up."

"You read me well woman, I believe I'll take you up on that." Hyogo grinned like a retarded monkey as he wrapped his arm around the woman and left the room.

"I don't know who's worse. The women for doing it, or the men who fall for it." Kyuzo's moment of joy had passed as quickly as it had come.

Ukyo took great pride in having only the "best" women in his harem. He had scouts searching the cities for the next one he would bring to his "paradise". He wasn't foolish enough to believe their loyalty was entirely towards him. Often they sought to trade "favours" with the guards, visiting merchants, accountants, even the chefs. In return for their services they sent these men to bring them perfumes, clothing, or treats Ukyo strictly limited to prevent them from losing their figures. The more "noble" sent messages or money to their famlies. If one of these men refused to make payment, the women would cry foul to Ukyo. Claiming rape, or threats made to force them to comply. Ukyo was quick to play the the Protective Lord for his women, and banished these men from Kogakyo, their "crimes" burnt into their bodies for all to see.

"Now he has his eyes set on you peasant girl, why do you so arrogantly remain in the city?"

Kyuzo knew before he had set out to find the samuri he would not be bringing the girl to Ukyo. Not only had his true lord Aymaro ordered her death, he would never force her to deal with Ukyo's day to day annoyance as he had for the past five years. Not after she had fought so hard to escape her first capture. It reminded him of Kagero, and he admired her for it.

He knew Ukyo hated him, that was one of the few reasons he bothered to wake up in the mornings. Simply to annoy Ukyo by being present. Ukyo had no control over him, and he knew it. Unlike his own goons, even Hyogo and Tessai, Kyuzo didn't accept his offers of money for favors Ayamaro would never allow. Discovering and breaking up Ukyo's little planning sessions had become a hobby of sorts.

Even Ukyo's harem girls were powerless, most long giving up trying to win him over. Still every now and then a new one would arrive and attempt to show up the others. Weeks of side stepping as they tried to cling to his arm, or pretended to faint. Finding undergarments and perfumed letters shoved under his door. But these women were all the same. They were vain, thought too highly of themselves, and didn't take rejection well. Before long Kyuzo could expect a slap in the face and the rumours and whispers to grow louder again.

"Oh Lord Ukyo you should really let Kyuzo know he doesn't have a chance. It's so cruel to lead the poor man on!" the harem's twittering laughter following.

"Hyogo you must be better than the women say! You took Kyuzo's voice away!" Ukyo's cronies would joked as they passed.

"Such a loyal BODY guard, saving himself for Maro alone!" whispers reached him from around corners.

Of course none of them would dare say these things directly to his face, not even Ukyo. As brazen as they were, they were cowardly enough to guard their lives.


Kagero remained a guest for the week. During the days they would practice with their stashed weapons. Either dueling with swords or seeing who could shoot down the most crows that flocked over the fields. At night they would return for supper and sleep. The day the messenger arrived to inform them of Kyuzo's Father's iminent return Kagero left for town.

It was a tedious reunion. His Father was tired and didn't want to practice in the drizzling rain that had started shortly before their arrival. Kanto rambled on and on about about how he had worked out the proper percentage to pay this village, the interest owed to them by that village. His proudest achievement was catching the clerk at the grainery intentionally weighing the scales against they're favor. He had saved their Father hundreds!

Kyuzo was relieved when he heard a loud knock at the door to interrupt the economics lesson. The knocking continued though, getting louder, and as they approached the door Kagero's Uncle could be heard screaming,

His Father opened the door, the half clothed druken man fell through the door.

"Where is she! You have no rights to hide her from me! You may think you're above the law but you have no rights over my niece!" he rambled angrily.

"My word you're bleeding!" Kyzo's Mother gasped. Sure enough there was a large cut across the side of the drunks neck.

"She did this to me! That WRETCH! I don't know where she got her hands on it," he caught sight of Kyuzo, "YOU! You gave her that knife! I know it, don't you lie to me!" He sprang foward, but tripped on a mat and tumbled to the floor.

Kyuzo leapt over him and ran out into the night. Quickly he crossed the fields heading to the one place he knew she would hide. As he approached the tree her sobs could be heard over the rain.

"Kagero what is going on?" Kyuzo asked desperately as he ran around the side of the tree where she was sitting.

He stopped stunned by what he saw. There she sat, in the mud. Only a bed sheet covering her. She clutched the sheathed tonto with both hands. Her cheeks was bruised, her eye nearly swollen shut. Blood oozed out of the split in her bottom lip.

"I cannot take it anymore. I couldn't let him do it anymore. I would rather die." she wept.

"Do what? What did he do to you!?" Kyuzo demanded grabbing her face in both of his hands.

"I'm just like them, just like his daughters!" she cried trying to pull away.

"What do you mean?" Kyuzo pressed.

"I'm nothing but his whore!" she screamed, "When his wife is passed out, and his daughter's have someplace else to stay...he...he..." a renewed, stronger set of sobs set in.

Kyuzo understood what she had meant. How could he not have known? How could she not have told him? Choosing to sleep in the streets or fields, sometimes even in winter. He couldn't help it and had to look away from her.

"No NO NO KYUZO PLEASE NO! Please don't, I'm sorry, I didn't want to! Please you're the only person who I've known who cares for me! I didn't want to burden you with my problems, your Father is angry enough with you for spending time with me as it is. Please Kyuzo don't look away!"

"You misunderstand," Kyuzo started looking back up at her, With a voice of authority, similar to that of his Father's, he continued "I am the one who is ashamed. Ashamed I didn't realize, ashamed I didn't stop this. I swear he will never lay a hand on you again."

He wrapped his arms around her and drew her near. He tried desperatly to pick out the debris that had entangled itself in her hair. The rain continued, but through it he heard the approaching footsteps. He could hear them as clearly as on a calm springs day.

"There you are." his Father looked down on them both, "Come along, it is time to return home."

"Is he still there?" Kyuzo asked.

"That isn't your concern. Get up and lets go. I won't be having you get ill and miss training time by sitting out in this rain." his Father answered.

"I said is he there still?" Kyuzo stood and met his Father's eyes.

"He is waiting by the garden gate for us to return." his Father replied patiently.

"Then neither of us is leaving this place!" Kyuzo snarled.

He was on the ground before he felt the sting of his Father's hand across his face.

"You Will NOT disrespect me boy! You girl! Gather yourself up we're leaving!"the booming of his Father's voice would not be interrupted even by the thunder.

They both stood. Kagero attempting to remain covered in the now drenched cloth. Kyuzo removed his outer robe and placed it over her shoulders. She had stopped crying, she only drug herself slowly foward, eyes to the ground in a growing sadness.

"So you found her! Good job my friend!" her Uncle managed to slur the sentence out while stumbling towards them, "Let's be going now my dearest niece, you've caused these good people enough trouble for one night." he snarled as he snatched for her arm.

Kyuzo grabbed the arm before it could reach her. He held it tight even as the drunk tried to pull away. "Let go of me boy! You have no say in this matter!" the sake scented breath reached Kyuzo's nostrils.

"I won't let you take her." Kyuzo sternly stated. He realsed the arm and let it's owner fall back into the mud.

"So the little boy figures he's a bodyguard now does he? BAH! What purpose would you have with her! She is a husked piece of wheat! If she was unfit for your family before, she has no value to it now!" he stumbled to his feet, "Now COME HERE GIRL!" Kagero ducked behind Kyuzo's Father.

"You coniving little wretch! I take you into my home! I care for you when nobody else would! I put food in your mouth and cloths on your back! This is the thanks I get!!" her Uncle was in a blind rage and lost all reason, "One week in the house of this lord and suddenly you're better than my daughter's and too good to lie in my bed! You won't leave the house again when I'm through with...."

Kyuzo's Father's hand clenched around the feeble man's neck as he raised him slowly up to his toes.

"You sorry conterfit for a human being! To do such acts of insest is an abomination!" though his teeth were clenched, and he probably fully ended for only the man in his grasp to hear, his deep voice couldn't be hidden.
"You will my home. You will NEVER return. Kagero will remain here under MY protection. Within the month I want the rest of your daughters promised and gone from your home! If you fail to do this, or I suspect any wrong doing by you in the meantime I will turn you over to the authorities! Do I need to remind you such unnatural acts are punishable by death?"

The man's head shook desperately side to side.

"GOOD!" he roared releasing his grip from the man's throat and letting him fall to his knees. Quickly her Uncle scrambled towards town. He was so scared and so drunk he was unable to stay on his feet for more than a few steps the entire way.

True to his word a servant was sent that night to retrieve the belongings Kagero had at her Uncle's home. A seperate sleeping area was petitioned off in the main house for their new female house member. Kyuzo's Mother helped comb out Kagero's hair and leant her a sleeping robe for that night. Kagero's Uncle not only distributed his many daughter's to fiances by the end of the week, he packed his wife and the other children and fled from town.

Not everything ended so pleasantly. For disobeying his Father Kyuzo got 10 lashes with the ox whip. His back stung so greatly he couldn't lie on his back or even lean back on a wall without jumping up in pain.

Still for all his fury the pair were both shocked at the actions his Father hadn't taken. He knew full well she still carried the tonto she had used to slash her Uncle. He knew Kyuzo had gone against every law in the warrior code by giving it to her. Yet he never brought it up. He had so deliberatly followed Kyuzo to their tree after removing Kagero's Uncle from his home, he must have known it was somehow significant. Still the first chance she got Kagero went to check on their stash of weapons. After sparring with his Father that night, she quickly mentioned yet another surprise. None of the weapons had been moved.