Samurai Deeper Kyo Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Ground ❯ Breakout ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yuya finally seemed to realize; Okuni, the tall, buxom female who had just been in to see Kyo, had been the reason for this incident. She had been the one that the victim had hit on. Kyo had done some hitting of his own –with a bar stool, in fact.

“Well, your tastes are extremely chauvinistic. Tall, anorexic, and breasts the size of watermelons,” Yuya alleged finally.

Kyo laughed, the tone harsh. Yet, somewhere under the caustic sound, there was an edge of satisfaction. “Touché, mademoiselle,” he murmured, humor shining in his eyes. “I think I like you a bit better now.”

Kyo leaned back, settling more comfortably on the bed. He took a piece of twine from around her wrist, trying to pull his unevenly cut, shoulder-length red hair into a small pony tail at his nape. The twine was soon falling out of his hair, which looked amazingly soft and thick.

Without thinking, Yuya grabbed the gray elastic band from around her wrist where it had been placed in case of a hair crisis. “Here,” she said, handing it to him. “Keep it.”

Kyo looked unsure at first, but took it and tied his hair back. Without the mess of cranberry-red locks, his face looked as it had been chiseled from ivory. His skin was silky looking, almost like a child’s. But, Yuya would never know if it was as soft as it looked –not until I get my hands on you, Kyo. Not until my lips know every part of your body.

Yuya jerked at the thought, blushing violently. She was truly appalled. This was the second time she’d found herself thinking of her client in a less-than-appropriate way.

Kyo, who had been watching her, looked completely indifferent –save for the slightly curious glint in his eyes. A slow smile spread on his face as he leaned back, propping himself up on his elbows. “If I asked you to fuck me, what would you say?”

“Excuse me?” Yuya nearly yelped. The fact that their thoughts had been so close was more disturbing than what Kyo had actually asked.

“You heard me,” Kyo murmured, looking rather satisfied.

“If we could get started, I’d like to ask you some questions,” Yuya muttered, avoiding his gaze as she pulled her tape recorder out.

Kyo made a sweeping gesture with his hand, still smirking knowingly at her. “Begin at will, mon ange.”

Yuya was guessing that Kyo had taken two languages aside from Japanese –the required English, and then French. Why he had chosen French of all things, Yuya could never guess. The soft, roll-off-of-the-tongue language didn’t suit his harsh nature.

Yuya clicked on her tape recorder. “First off,” she began, “could you describe the night ofJanuary 6, 2005?” ((A/N: My birthday! Teehee! Okay, sorry, I'll let you get back to the story.))

Kyo made a face, looking bored. “I’m so sick of this question,” he grumbled. He sighed, mumbled something, and then intoned, “I met this girl where I work –K/O Auto,” he supplied helpfully. “She asked me if I wanted to go out for drinks. I decided to go –she was good-looking, seemed like fun. Her name’s Okuni something-or-another. I don’t remember. You’ll have to ask our boss, Jinji. Anyway, the date began…”


Okuni had already gone through two beers by the time Kyo showed up. She was wearing a nice, slinky red dress that showed more flesh than a bikini would. It was mostly vinyl straps and laces. Her silky black hair had been pulled into an artistically messy bun at the nape of her neck.

Kyo wore a simple pair of jeans and a long-sleeved gray shirt. They had talked a bit, drank a lot, and it didn’t take long for Kyo to realize that this woman was hardly his type. She was mentally weak, emotionally shallow. She had a nice body, one that would be a shallow man’s dream. But, as Kyo soon found out, sizable breasts did not mean sizable intellect.

“I think I should be going,” Kyo muttered after an hour and a half of listening to Okuni’s dieting plan. “I have to get to work early and open the shop.”

“Oh,” Okuni murmured, dark eyes falling. She gave a great, heaving sigh, her breasts pressing against the already-straining material of her dress. “I thought you might want to come up to my place, have a drink-”

She was cut off by the approach of a young man wearing a bandana.

“Excuse me, little lady,” he drawled slowly, a curving smile on his lips. “It seems my brother over there has a little crush on you. He’s a shy one, and-”

Okuni laughed, glancing over at the obnoxious man’s brother. He was a tall, willowy guy with a baldhead and piercings running up his left ear.

“I’m sorry,” Okuni apologized. “I’m here with someone.” She motioned toward the bored-looking Kyo, smiling.

“Oh, well, alright,” the man said with a laugh. “Sorry to interrupt, ma’am.” He swaggered back to his table, telling his brother the situation.

Okuni looked back at Kyo, still grinning. “Well, at least that man doesn’t think I’m unattractive.”

Kyo glanced at her, slightly annoyed. “You are hardly unattractive, Okuni, but you aren’t too bright. I like girls who can carry on a conversation involving words with more than two syllables. And no,” he added, “I will not come to your place for a drink. I’m not stupid, Okuni, and I’m not that desperate for companionship.”

Kyo only then realized that the bald admirer had come up to their table. “Hey,” he said, voice gruff. “Try treating the lady like she should be treated –go home with her, sleep with her, then leave in the morning.” The man let out a deep, throaty chuckle. “Never return her calls, never see her again. That simple.”

Kyo smiled, but it was a nasty quirk of his full lips, one that was murderous. “And I suppose that it what you would do with her, mister admirer?”

The man grinned. “Of course. I mean, look at her. She obviously wants to get laid. Maybe even up the ass. She looks like the type to-”

“Hey!” The man’s brother, bandana-head, exclaimed. “Sanj, don’t talk like that!”

Sanj turned, swatting at his brother. The harmless-looking gesture sent the smaller man flying. “Sit down, Benitora!” Sanj growled. “and you-” he grabbed Okuni’s arm. “Come on, I’ll give it to ya if this guy won’t.”

Kyo got up, knowing the table over. The entire bar quieted, turned to look. Sanj released Okuni, who backed away slowly. “Go back to your table,” Kyo said softly, “and finish your drinks.”

Sanj snorted back laughter. “You wanna play, Red boy?” His hand stole away to his back, reaching under his shirt. “Lets play.” A foot-long knife, one mainly used for cutting brush, was produced from what Kyo guessed was a spinal sheath.

Kyo grinned, tilting his head to the side. “This is beginning to get interesting…”

…Present Day…

“And then, to make a long story short, he came at me. I grabbed a vodka bottle, which didn’t actually help at all. I then grabbed a barstool and smacked him against the temple.”

Yuya nodded slowly. This should have been a clear-cut case –self defense, pure and simple. He had been protecting himself. Albeit, he did intentionally provoke the man, but still. Kyo hadn’t done enough to warrant pulling a blade out. “And that’s all?” Yuya asked. “You hit him, he fell, you stepped off?”

Kyo didn’t answer. He glanced down at the cotton bed sheet beneath him, picking at a piece of cotton fuzz. He then looked up, meeting her confused eyes with his cold, hard ones.

“Kyo,” Yuya prompted.

“I hit him while he was down,” Kyo finally answered, eyes never leaving hers. His voice was empty as he continued. “After he fell, I kept hitting him. The barstool shattered before I was even done beating him.”

Yuya felt the fear suddenly rise within her. This was no longer a case of who was guilty and who was innocent. Technically, Kyo was in the fault and the law would judge him as so. Unless, of course, Yuya could be as convincing as a snake luring a bird from its nest. She would have to play every card just right…

“I don’t want to be here.”

His words startled Yuya so much that she nearly asked him to repeat himself. Kyo continued, voice edged with an emotion Yuya could not describe. “I don’t want to be here, Shiina.” He leaned in close into her. At first, she had though he would hiss her, but he didn’t. He whispered, softly, “So tell me, honestly… is there any way of getting me out of here? Now? Because, God so help me, I can’t make it through another night here. Camj over there mutters in his sleep, saying prayers all damn night. That fat one with the cigarette over there has been trying to molest me, and the skinny one with the weird nose screams continuously once the lights are shut off. Shiina… get me out. Tonight. I can’t take it any more.”

Yuya couldn’t tell him no. She saw the person behind the rough exterior and knew that she couldn’t muster the strength to deny him. “I’ll talk with the Head doctor,” she murmured finally. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Yuya found herself sitting in front of Akira. He and Yuya had grown up together –he had been her first crush, her first love, and her first time. They had even planned on being married. But, Yuya’s job came before everything else and they were forced to say goodbye. Akira would have made a quiet, steadfast husband… but not for Yuya.

Akira leaned back in his leather chair, smiling vacantly. “Miss Yuya, what can I do for you? Or is this just a courtesy call? I hear you’ve taken Kyo Mibu’s case.”

Yuya smiled. “Yes, I have. But I came to ask a tremendous favor.”

Akira raised an eyebrow. “Well, what can I do for you? A private room in the ward? Bodily favors?” he teased.

Yuya laughed. “I might just need that ward room before this case is over –Kyo’s driving me crazy. Obnoxiously irate one minute, sweet and begging the next.” Yuya paused before finally saying, “I need to get Kyo out of the ward. Technically, by law he has to be in here, but…” Yuya paused before trying from a different approach. “Questioning him would be easier on the both of us in a less harsh environment. All of the white, the people, the noises… Besides, he hates it here, and I am almost positive he isn’t crazy.”

Yuya saw Akira’s hesitation, saw his careful evaluation of the scenario. Before he could say no, Yuya intervened. “I know that well behaved patients have been allowed to go home with a nurse of doctor sometimes in the past. Well, I am a lawyer with a medical degree. You know that for a fact –we went to Med school together.”

Akira sighed, rubbing his forehead. “Yuya, takign patients home with a doctordone back in the fifties and sixties -when we still thought frontal lobotomies were humane. We don’t do it anymore.”

Yuya felt her heart sink. She’d expected it, but somewhere deep down she’d hoped he would say yes. “Alright. It was good seeing you again…” Yuya stood and was ready to leave when Akira cursed.

“Ah, what the hell. Go ahead and flag down a taxi. I’ll have a nurse dress him and give him his things back. As far as the city knows, Kyo is still in my custody. Lets try to keep it all hush-hush, alright?”

Yuya smiled, feeling relief flood through her. “Yeah, right… thanks, Akira. This means a lot to me.”

Akira raised an eyebrow. “That’s what worries me, Yuya.” Before she could question, he stood. “Go on. I’ll see that Yumi gets Mr. Mibu ready for you.”