SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Kibou Hoshi ❯ Memories ( Chapter 2 )

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Author's Note:

Guilly-GuiledDragon: *starts singing the song "Memories" by Eisley* *gets pelted by people who have been waiting for this chapter and for her bad singing* OW! OW! OW! Okay okay!! I'm starting ! I'm starting! ....... *ahem* .......... YAYAYA!! I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED CHAPTER 2!! 8D Well... okay, so I had part of it done but got stuck... for like.... a few months

Typhen: *cough* more like half a year or more *cough*

Guilly-GuiledDragon: ....... T-T; You are asking for it bub.

Any who, I figured I'd better get cracking as since summer is ending (in August.. *COUGH*) and I shall be starting my Jr. Year, which is considered the hardest and most important year of high school, I figured I wouldn't have time to write more of this fanfiction so I am trying to write the most I can now. I pray I can do it!! Plus I hope I can see Transfomers *EXCITEMENT OVER LOAD* tom for inspiration!! 8D

**Note: This takes place after TDAT-CrystalDragon's fanfictions The Tides of Hopes and Fears. I HIGHLY recommend reading that story before reading this one as I will probably make some more refereance to it. This story takes place FIVE Months after TToHaF, being TWO months before The Tides of Ruin and Destruction.
And about character referances. I may switch between the Japanese and the English referances to characters due to name changes or dialogue change. I have (most of) the Japanese script on the computer and the English dubbed Dvds. So sorry if any confusion! (Like Zakorello Phone is Chibirello)

Disclaimer: I do not own the SD Gundam Force, characters, show or anything from that. Referances to Kharn, Karkan, Crimson, Tsuki, Rowan and anything else that I do not own belongs to TDAT-CrystalDragon. Mysterious character belongs to me. =3

Please leave a Review and enjoy!! ^w^

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When Zero returned, there was a buzz of commotion. Shute was excited about Zero’s reappearance, hopping up and down saying how worried he was. Captain did protocol, welcoming Zero back and saying that it was good to have him back after his sudden disappearance. Bakunetsumaru remained silent however, appearing to be in deep thought.

“Hey! Bakunetsumaru! Zero’s back!”

The musha gundam glanced up with his brown eyes at Shute’s statement. “Back from where?” He replied in a curious but stern tone. Suddenly he was beside Zero. “What took you so long?” The samurai poked the knight, his eyes becoming side slits. “It’s been almost a day!”

Zero’s teal eyes went wide. “A d-day?” His voice had some shock in it. He looked at Captain and Shute. The military gundam stood there and his blue eyes looked at the knight. Before he could answer, Shute spoke.

“Um, yeah.” The brown haired boy nodded, looking down. “We were kinda worried. Captain couldn’t pick you up on his scanners; even GunEagle couldn’t spot you from the sky-”

“You had GunEagle look for me!?” The Lacroa gundam’s voice was that of unbelief. Sure the rookie was part of the team but he and Zero were not exactly on familiar terms. They got along sometimes but the flying gundam got on the knight’s nerves, especially when he was flirting with or showing off to Princess Rele.

“Well, yeah Zero. I mean you’ve disappeared before but never that way before. You’ve wondered off, we can understand that but… We wanted to make sure you were okay. I mean, you’re part of the team… and with what happened with the Dark Axis yesterday was… well…” Shute shuffled his feet, digging his shoe’s toe into the ground; a habit he tended to do when nervous or uncertain. The young Neotopian seemed to be struggling with what to say.

It was obvious that they had not figured out why the Dark Axis had suddenly attacked Neotopia after months of peace and residing in Ark. It had only been a few months ago that they had contact with one another and even worked together to defeat an evil tyrant that threatened both Ark and Neotopia. Zero got lost in thought as he watched the human trying to get what he was saying out.

Bakunetsumaru then stepped back in. He locked eyes with Zero. “How come we couldn’t find you?”

“I don’t know.” Zero replied which was part of the truth. He had no idea how he had ended up in a supposed none existence part of space between dimensions which was not the Minov Boundary Sea. “Maybe you didn’t look hard enough or your scanners are broken. Some things can not be explained.” The knight gundam was starting to get angry however; His voice had some rigidness to it. He was equally confused about what happened and was trying to figure out who that mysterious figure was. He understood that his friends were concerned about him but Zero felt like they were being hasty for answers. He had no real idea what had happened and his thoughts kept getting interrupted. It certainly was not a warm welcome back.

The Ark gundam watched Zero’s reaction. “Well, if you can’t explain that, then what about your injuries.” Bakunetsumaru pointed to the scratches on Zero. “Why don’t you have more serious injuries? No gundam could take an attack like that and come out with only a few scratches. Certainly not a gundam at our level of power.”

Captain’s scanner flicked down over his eye. “Yes, I am curious as well, Zero. My scanners indict almost no damage. Approximately 97. 8% recovery of health.” He then looked the knight up and down. “There is almost no indication of damage.” The Neotopian gundam’s scanner flicked back up.

Before Zero could reply, Bakunetsumaru poked at him once more, this time all over. “What is it? Do you have some sort of secret nano skin system that you’re not telling us about? Or perhaps-” The musha gundam seemed to grin, his eyes becoming side slits again. “Is there a secret medical gundam that you’re not telling us about?”

Zero felt a ping of sadness that was instantly run over with rage. That was the last bit of the usually patient knight’s nerves. “What? What are you suggesting Bakunetsumaru!?” The knight shouted, veins popping out. “Are you suggesting that I, a Lacroa knight, protector of the Princess, am nothing than low life sneak scum!?” The gundam’s fists were now balled up as he glared at his teammate and friend. “Are you suggesting that I have sunken so low as to be on the same level as GunEagle!? That rookie who is nothing more than a show off who flexes his muscles for girls!?”

“Well, you DO show off in front of girls, you pansy. And we always have to rescue you!” Bakunetsumaru shot back now getting angry too. “All you do is dance around with your little petals and as soon as a girl appears, you’re right there next to her, acting all princely like!”

“What did you say!?” Zero cried out, glaring at the musha gundam. The knight gundam was defensive now. All thoughts toward what had happened to him turned off.

“You heard me, Twinkle Toes!” Bakunetsumaru yelled back bitterly. “Admit it! When it comes to your homeland, you choose girls over it!”

“How dare you suggest such a thing!” Zero snapped. “I will do everything in my power to protect both!”

“Bakunetsumaru’s eyes burned in anger. “At least I can remained focused at all times and don’t get distracted by women!!”

“Oh yeah? At least I know when to keep my mouth shut on such matters! You just run your mouth off!”

“At least I still think of my homeland still! I have not betrayed it!”

“How DARE you say such things! As a knight, I have sworn to protect all things from evil! Not just honor and my homeland!” Zero glared at the samurai, his eyes burning with anger. The Ark gundam was being really annoying.

“Honor comes along with those things, villian!” Bakunetsumaru yelled, glaring back. He and Zero were in each other’s faces now, butting heads.

Shute stared with complete helplessness in his green eyes as he watched the knight and the samurai go at it while Captain stood beside him, expression unreadable. The boy had no clue how to stop this one. Normally he would step in and yell at them to stop, but the menacing looks on their faces made him not want to take one step. Shute clenched his fists in hopes that they would not go to far.

“How come in EVERY situation, you temper is the first part of you to butt in!?” Zero snapped, pushing Bakunetsumaru as he pressed forward.

“Do you want to settle this with swords, coward!?” Bakunetsumaru also started to push Zero. The samurai then leapt back, starting to draw his katana swords. “Maybe this way I can drill some honor into your system you-”



Bakunetsumaru yelped in surprise when a bucket fell right onto his head, only for him to be stuck inside it. The musha flapped his arms about as he yelled and tried to remove the cleaning tool off of his head. Zero, however, began to hover towards the trees nearby.

“Zero, wait!” Shute cried after the Winged Knight. But the fellow member of the Gundam Force did not hear him, or did not bother to show the boy that he did. Shute could not help but stare in defeat as the blue form of his friend disappeared into the green beyond.

The boy sighed as Zero’s form completely disappeared. “Zero really is upset about something. I think you went to far Baku--” Shute started, turning to look at the samurai, “Wah!” He shouted, as Bakunetsumaru almost crashed into him. Shute jumped out of the way as the musha gundam teetered around, trying to pull the bucket off his head.

“Mheoph mhnm!” came his voice from inside. Shute watched the gundam dance around. Captain, seeming to snap out of his watchful state, stepped over.

“Perhaps I can be of assistance.”

Shute watched as Captain tugged at the cleaning tool off Bakunetsumaru’s head. The samurai’s horns seemed to prevent it from budging however. The boy sighed as Baku tried to pull it off once more as Captain held on. “Hm… perhaps we should get some oil or butter to help it slip off easier. Our chances should increase approximately 88.9%.” Captain calculated, pausing as he loosened his grip on the bucket.

Bakunetsumaru pulled again, not knowing that Captain had eased his grip. Shute was about to shout a warning but the samurai was already falling backward. He tumbled head over heels as Captain and Shute watched, rolling over twice. Neither of them said anything as they stared at the musha’s feet, silenced by amazement. Bakunetsumaru stumbled to get up.

Shute laughed at the sight. The bucket was now stuck on half of the gundam’s head, covering his left side., “At least you got if off half ways!” Nana let out a laugh and clapped her hands in agreement from where she had been watching this from her play area on the porch. The samurai did not seem humored however. He tried to pull off the bucket once more.

“That no good fiend! Zero! When I catch him I’ll-”

“Um, Baku, I think you really upset him. Zero looked preoccupied and worried about something. I think you over did it.” Shute’s face was grave now, a concerned look on his face.

“ME!? Over do it!? Maybe if he was a true warrior, he would learn to suck it up like a true gundam and-”

“I think he’s right Bakunetsumaru. Zero’s attention seemed else where. Perhaps you went beyond what he could comprehend at the time?”

“I was just joking around! I swear on the honor as samurai! He started it.” Bakunetsumaru was frowning behind his mouth piece. Zero usually just argued back and they sometimes got into brawls but the knight had never lost his temper like that. The samurai paused, putting his anger on hold. “But I have to admit, both of you are right. Something is up; he is not telling us everything.”

“He might not want to tell us everything, but that’s up to him. We can’t force him to talk.” Shute scratched his head. “Zero hasn’t really been the same since we came back from Kharn. I’ve noticed he’s been spacing out more.” The human looked at the military gundam and the samurai gundam. “We all know he is a bit of a loner, but he hasn’t been like this before. I thought that after we rescued Princess Rele, everything would be okay.”

Captain looked at his human friend. “Yes, I admit I have also noticed this.” The military gundam then added in a lower tone. “Even Bakunetsumaru did not act this strangely. After all that happened on Kharn, his behavioral patterns were not significantly effected.”

Bakunetsumaru caught what Captain had said and immediately felt a pang of guilt and pain. His gunsoul felt like it was drooping. The samurai shifted his gaze. Less then five months ago, he and the Force had fought against invading forces of clone dragon musha gundams from the planet Kharn. Their leader revealed himself to be Bakunetsumaru’s father, Karkan, a corrupt musha who used his own children’s DNA to create superior cloned versions. The final battle left both sides with injuries.

“Crimson… Tsuki…” The Ark gundam’s thoughts drifted toward his long lost sister and her clone which the group had befriended. Tsuki had sacrificed her life to help them escape and Crimson decided to stay behind to help rebuild her home planet. The farewell had been bittersweet but in turn the SD Gundam force had gained more allies. Still, the emptiness that had been left ached.

“I’ll apologize when he comes back.” Bakunetsumaru suddenly stated to Captain and Shute. Both looked up in surprise, evidently having sunken into their own conversation and thoughts. “Perhaps I was to hasty with my temper. I’m sure Zero has his reasons.” Bakunetsumaru’s gaze met his two companion’s. “Now, can you guys please help me get this off?” He tried to keep his thoughts away from Zero, as he was now sober. However, the Blazing Samurai still could not help wonder what the Lacroa gundam was hiding.


“That hothead, how dare he insult me like that!?” Zero said to himself, his fists clenched as he hovered. The Knight gundam had moved himself to the outskirts of the city into a carpet of green filled with a field of flowers. A place where the Dark Axis had first made their attack on Neotopia but that was a long time ago. The Lacroa gundam’s gaze was at the ground as he fumed. “That idiot…”

Inside, Zero knew that Bakunetsumaru was only trying to joke around but it had stung Zero in his soul like a Bagu Bagu’s bite. The blue gundam’s anger soon smoothed back to the sadness which had been the core. Slowly, the knight uncurled his fingers. Sadness overtook him once more and his eyes softened. “No… it’s my fault. I’ve kept things from them. They are not of fault as they do not know what my pain is.”

Zero brought his hand up to his face, looking at it. “I am not sure what is going on right now and am as confused as they are.” Bakunetsumaru’s comment echoed in his head. A medical gundam… He then flexed his hand, curling it back into a fist. “Rowan…”

Memories flashed when he was still back in Lacroa, before the Dark Axis took over.


Almost 3 years ago:

The blue knight gundam stood on a balcony, one of the many in the Lacroa Castle. He was busy scanning the skies for it was his turn for guard duty. Right now the Princess was in the care of the other Lacroa Royal knights: Rock, Battle, Nataku, and Deed. Rock appeared to have something on his mind and wished Zero to be a guard outside for that day. The Winged Knight sighed, “I know it is my duty as a Royal knight to carry out all charges placed upon me but leaving the Princess’ side for castle surveillance… shouldn’t a soldier be doing this?” Zero then returned his teal gaze back to the sky. Some spirits floated by but that was not unusual. The gundam’s eyes narrowed however. Still, the atmosphere seemed amiss…


Zero’s eyes widened at sound of his name. The young knight turned toward the sound, his cape swishing the other way. The sound of hurried foot steps echoed in his sensors. Suddenly he found arms around him and looking into teal eyes like his. Zero caught himself from falling over from the sudden addition of weight. “R-Rowan! What are you doing here!?”

The teal eyes seemed to smile. Zero felt the arms let go of him. “What? Is it so wrong for me to visit my favorite person in Lacroa?” A laugh followed this statement and Zero found himself looking at a light green gundamness with leaf patterns all over her body. Her head piece itself was two leaves which connected to a turquoise jewel. A red cape moved behind her, following her like a shadow. She looked at Zero with fondness, “Besides, Damia let me go for today with my lessons so I could see you. Of course we had to check with Rock first…”

So that’s what was on Rock’s mind. He just wanted to surprise Zero. The Winged Knight looked at the gundamness, feeling happiness swell up. He hardly got to see Rowan due to her training to be a medical gundam with Damia. The black and green gundamness was a strict but caring teacher and took good care of Rowan. Still, that meant hardly any visits to the castle as all their time was devoted to the care of hurt patients all over Lacroa and the study of healing herbs. Still, was that the only thing on Rock’s mind? What about Princess Rele? Would she really be safe with just four guards? Well, it is not as if she is not used to it as there were only four bodyguards before Zero joined the Royal knights. Zero felt his thoughts drifting, and zoned out of what Rowan was saying.

Rowan’s conversation abruptly stopped. She paused for a few moments, “And I came here to check up on you.” She replied, adding happy note at the end of the sentence. Zero looked up, slightly coming out of his thoughts, surprised by Rowan’s sudden upbeat-ness. Her expression now was happy, her eyes arches. She appeared to be smiling. The youngest Royal knight was stunned. “Ah… Rowan-?”

Suddenly, a vein pulsed on Rowan’s head and her eyes shot open, becoming narrow and menacing. The gundamness was suddenly up close. “You were just thinking about the Princess weren’t you!?” Zero’s eyes widened and he felt himself sweat drop.

“Ah, no, no… You are wrong Rowan.” His eyes became arches but he was sweat dropping even more and he waved his hands in front of him. “I-It’s nothing like that. I was just-”

Suddenly, Rowan’s eyes flashed and the ground began to tremble beneath her feet. Before Zero could realize what was going on, the vines that were on the sides of the balcony suddenly came to life and wrapped themselves around the blue knight, suspending him a few inches off the ground. The Winged Knight knew that his flight boosters would be useless in this situation.

The gundamness stamped her foot. “Ah hah! So you were thinking about her!!” She huffed, “Geez, Zero even when I’m talking to you…” She let out a sigh, “You just can’t stop thinking about woman can you?” The green gundamness just stood there, looking exasperated.

Zero felt himself flush. “Well, it is my sworn duty to protect the weak and the Princess. I can’t help myself in which every time I see a lovely lady I feel compelled to be by her side.” The knight felt himself sweat dropping again, knowing that he was actually sounding bad though his reason was perfectly valid. He struggled against the vines to try and get down but it was no avail. The knight sighed, trying to regain his energy, “It is a natural attraction. Who am I at fault to be drawn to beauty?”

Rowan shook her head and made a ‘tch’ sound, “More like a pain in the neck. Besides, isn’t that a kind of form of treachery to the Princess?” Zero felt himself freeze, his eyes wide and even more sweat drops popping up. The blue knight hurried to think of something to counter Rowan’s statement but she continued anyways, “You’ve been like this since we were kids.” She murmured that last part, and her teal gaze went elsewhere.

Just then Zero noticed that the medical gundam seemed to have her mind in another place and that her essence was becoming unusually grim. He studied the green figure as she stood there.

“Rowan?” He asked in a low, curious and worried tone. Zero watched her closely. Rowan said nothing but the vines holding Zero in the air slowing started to unwind, letting Zero back onto the ground. The plants then retreated back to their original places on the wall. The blue gundam was confused, “What ales you Rowan?”

Rowan’s fists clenched and it took her a few moments to look up at him. When she did it was evident that there was some concern in her eyes. “Zero… I was really worried about you.”

“But why? I am perfectly well here in the castle. I protect the Princess with my life but I have the other Royal knights to help me. Aside from that, it is always peaceful. There has been no war here for a few centuries.”

“That’s what worries me!” Rowan replied, looking at Zero with sincerity fully showing, “It’s almost too peaceful. Here in Lacroa, peace and happiness is expected yes, but it has not been very… eventful.” The gundamness hesitated. Zero know immediately that she was keeping something from him.

“Rowan, what is it?” The gundam asked in his rare stern tone. The usually bold gundamness was being strangely quiet. Zero calmly walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Rowan… tell me what’s wrong.”

Rowan’s eyes flicked from the ground and met Zero’s equally teal gaze. “Zero… I have a very bad feeling. There’s been… rumors among the people that an evil is coming. They say this long peace is only stating the inevitable. Naturally, I know you would say it’s superstition as I would but Damia and I stumbled across something…” Slowly, the medical gundamness pulled out something from behind her back. She held it out to Zero for him to inspect as he dropped his arms from her shoulders.

The Winged Knight started at the object and then looked back at Rowan. “It’s just a rock.”

Rowan shook her head, “No, look closer.” She moved her hand up higher so it was closer to Zero’s face. Zero studied it for a moment before replying.

“Rowan, it’s just a stone statue. A little bird to be more specific. What is wrong with that? I take note that is very detailed though. Where ever did you find it?”

The reply was in a serious tone, “In the valley.”

Zero looked up, “That is a strange place to find a statue. An animal one at that. How quire but interesting.”

The green gundamness shook her head, “No, Zero. You don’t understand. This was a real bird! It just doesn’t look it! It’s been petrified some how.”

Zero’s eyes widened, “What? How is that possible? What makes you say that?”

Rowan carefully moved the bird as to turn the wing that was facing her toward Zero and pointed at it, “That.” A lightly outlined object was wound around it. “It’s a bandage.”

The Winged Knight shrugged, “It could simply been carved like that Rowan.” Honestly Zero did not get why Rowan was getting so worked up about. It certainly was not like her. Out of all the ladies he met, she was the most complex.

“No, Zero! I put that bandage on it!” Rowan shook her head, “I found this bird with an injured wing a few weeks ago! I tended to it and eventually it flew away, only two weeks after I first found it before I could take the bandage off. Zero… I found this bird like this only three days after it had flown away which in time the bandage should have come off by then!” Her teal eyes quivered with concern, “Something did this too it! It could be a new disease, I don’t know!” She turned her head away, “Damia fears that this could be marking the coming of something trouble as what the people have been saying…”

Suddenly, she felt her head being turned and was back looking at Zero’s face once again. He had his hand under her chin which he touched so lightly. “Rowan, please do not worry so much. I am certain it is nothing.” He replied in a soft tone, “Do no assume for the worst when we do not know the facts.” The Winged Knight let go of her chin, his hand going beside him once more. “If this really is a new disease it must be looked into. I trust you and Damia have already begun to try treatments.”

Rowan was silent, shocked by Zero’s words but she nodded, “Yes, we have. So far there has been no response to the cures working but there are indications that the bird is still alive. There have been no other cases so far so we could state this is an isolated disease but something does not feel right…” She fell silent once more.

Zero stood in equal silence, thinking. After a moment, he replied, “It’s best not to mention this to any of the villagers. It may cause more unease and perhaps even panic. See if you can make any progress in a couple of days. In the meanwhile, I shall alert Rock upon the matter.” The blue gundam then place his hands once more on Rowan’s shoulders, “Rowan, I trust your feelings are just but we must be weary of this.” He gave her shoulders a squeeze, “I swear upon my honor as a Royal Knight and as the Princess’ bodyguard, will look into this.”

The medical gundam nodded her head and look at Zero, “Thank you.” Both then embraced one another. Rowan hugged Zero tight and Zero kept his arms around her. “I am sorry that we could not visit on more friendlier terms.” She said in a low, grieving tone.”

“I am sorry too.”

Rowan then let go of her embrace though Zero held on for a few seconds longer. The green gundamness then stepped back. “I must get going. Damia only let me go for a while but she needs me. Leon knows how to do some stuff but he’s just helpless sometimes when it comes to tending the injured.” Rowan then tried to smile, “He doesn’t have the woman’s touch.”

“Indeed.” Zero grinned back, thinking about the yellow, lion themed gundam that stayed with the two gundamnesses. That poor guy having to run around all the time, bringing what the medics demanded. Still, there was a bit of sadness that accompanied that thought. Zero wished he could spend more time with the two of them, especially Rowan.

Rowan then sighed, “I take my leave now. Farewell Zero. It was truly good to see you again.” The gundamness then turned and walked away, back the way she had come. She paused for a moment and turned to look back at the lone figure on the balcony. “Zero… you truly have become a fine warrior.” She then turned away once more, “Goodbye Zero. I shall see you again.” And with that, Rowan disappeared.

Zero fought the urge to go after her, stop her and have her visit more but he stopped. His duty right now was to guard the castle, monitoring the sky and the land around it. The gundam’s fist clenched, “I will tell Rock after my shift is over. Perhaps then we can get some answers.” And with that, the Winged Knight turned back to face the land, his back to the way Rowan had gone. He would tell Rock after this for it could hinder the Princess’ protection.


That day was forever remembered and regretted by Zero however. For that was the day that the Dark Axis invaded. All thought to what Rowan had said had vanished as Zero was told by the other Royal knights to take Princess Rele and flee, protecting her from harm. If only then had he known that there was a betrayer among them. If only he had known that the bird’s condition was due to the fact that Dark Axis scouts had come to Lacroa and demonstrated the Bagu bagu’s power to the traitor. If only he had left his post then and not waited until nightfall to go and meet up with the others and told Rock then about Rowan’s find. If only…

Zero felt a tear roll down his cheek. Anger swelled up inside him, directed at himself and lack of conscious. “I was so stupid back then.” He growled at himself, “If only I wasn’t so hung up on fulfilling my duty to Rock’s command. I was so arrogant of myself and my own abilities… if I had told Rock and the others then maybe then…” The Winged Knight fought the mixed memories and emotions swirling inside of him, “Maybe then the Royal Knights would not be dead along with Rowan and the others!” His hands curled into balls for his mistake two years before he met the SDG Force. “If only I had noticed Deed’s actions and manor, maybe then I could have prevented it.”

His mistake had cost his friends, his comrades and the one he was connected to to all but perish. The only one who was saved from the ordeal was Zero himself. The Winged Knight hated himself for his failure to Lacroa and to Princess Rele. Now that Princess Rele was back, thanks to Captain, Shute, Bakunetsumaru and the other’s efforts, Zero had sworn himself to protect her with all his soul and strength in order to live out the Royal Knight’s final request and duty.

The Princess however was unaware of Zero’s mistake and took light in things. She was now constantly by Shute’s side, laughing and smiling whenever she had a chance to visit or go off on an adventure with the SDG Force. It gave Zero almost a heart attack every time she was careless, doing ‘stunts’ with Shute whenever they visited Lacroa or she came to Neotopia. It pained Zero but it also relieved him that she was having so much fun. After being a statue for two and a half years , Zero feared for the worst but it seemed he was wrong. Still, Zero longed to be by her side in Lacroa but knew that with the Dimensional Transporter mostly fixed, the Gundammusai on their side, and occasional visits from the Zakorello Gate and Chibirello, the Force could go to any dimension with out really any trouble.

The blue gundam’s mind then wandered back to the battles he had with the Dark Axis and then against General Zeong. Though they were the cause of Zero’s pain, he could not really blame them. They had chosen their side and thought that they were fighting for the right cause, expanding their territory. Zero remembered how their homeland looked. It was so bleak, dark and scary that he could almost sympathize with the trio and the zako soldiers. Besides, it was Deed’s treachery that had let to the Princess’ stone state. But now the trio and zakos had given up their Dark Axis ways and lived in Ark.

Zero’s eyes narrowed. “Then what were they doing here in Neotopia? And why were they trying to blow up the city?” The Winged Knight was suspicious, “This does not sound like Genkimaru’s mischief. There is something serious behind this.” The Dark Axis had acted like they did not know who the Ark gundam kid was and as if they had no memory after Commander Sazabi’s destruction. It was as if they still believed that the Dark Axis still existed.

Just then, something else sparked in his memory. The shadowy figure! Zero’s teal eyes widened. The figure had seemed to know who the Dark Axis was… or at least heard of it. It then clicked in the knight’s head that the figure was from another dimension or plant that still had influence from the Dark Axis left over. “But they’re destroyed… and there was never any mention of other dimensions taken over by them…,” He mumbled to himself. He then looked at his arm. The scratches left over from his recent battle were lightly colored and thin. His scorch marks were few and were also lightly colored.

“But wounds can’t be healed by magic.” Zero said to himself, studying his wounds. “Not a Lacroan’s wounds anyways. That’s why we had medical gundams...” A spark of hope flickered, “Could it be? Could it have been Rowan?” The Winged Knight dropped his arm and looked up into the sky, teal eyes wide and wishful. “Could she have come back as a spirit to help me one last time?”

Instantly, something inside of him said no. Zero instantly resented the thought as that something was that part of him that had been crushed after her death. “But who was that then? How could they have healed my wounds?” He looked back at his hand, his teal eyes searching as if the answer was some how hidden in his wounds.

The answer would not be found there. But only by its source. Zero looked up, and glanced around, noticing that the sky was darkening as the sun was setting. “But… still, that voice. Why does it seem so familiar?” He was puzzled, having the strange feeling that he had heard it some where before.

The stranger’s voice rang in his head, “Look to the stars.”

Zero’s head instantly shot up. His teal eyes moved to the now dark sky though the sun’s last rays could be seen peeping out from the hills beyond. Little lights began to flicker in the sky, slowing fading into brightness. Zero watched as the sky grew darker and the stars began to stand out more. The lights from the space bound objects reflected in Zero’s eyes. The Winged Knight stared up at the glowing curtain of black. Nothing happened for a few moments and silence met the curious blue gundam. Just then, a shooting star streaked across the sky, a small glow following behind it like a banner streaming in the wind, leaving a short trail.

Zero’s eyes grew big though his pupils grew small. He stared at the streaking star, his mind whirling. Something in his memory components clicked. The Lacroan gundam took a step forward, as if being drawn. “I-I… I remember.” He stuttered, his pupils still small. “I remember now.” He blinked for a moment, his pupils back to normal, “I remember that voice!”

<</b>p> ~*--------------------------------------*~

Author's note:

Ahah... I know, I know... what a place to end this chapter.... XP I was going to type more for this chapter but I decided to end it here. I figured the chapter would get to long and interfer with the chapter name.. well, not really... but I figured I would save it for the next chapter or the one after that...

Typhen: Just say you forgot what you were going to write and got a bit lost

GuillyGuiledDragon: *smacks him* That is only partly true! Don't tell lies! Besides, it's true that I do want to save it for later on.. :3

Sorry I took so long to write this!! I was FINALLY inspired and wrote the big part with Rowan and Zero but then I stopped and lost it... I've been choking it up.... blah.. But now this chapter is done!! 8D

AGAIN, BIG thank you to TDAT-CrystalDragon for editting this and helping me with the argument scene with Zero and Bakunetsumaru!

**Note: Another thing, please don't go telling me that Zero was out of character by getting angry and crying. It's time he got those bottled up feelings out! Also, if you have seen Season 2, you see how much he frets over Princess Rele and crys over her. Also, if Zero seems out of character in his flashback of Lacroa when he sees Rowan, that's because it is TWO YEARS before he meets the SDG Force. Meaning, he was younger, a bit more irresponcible and had not gone through the hard times which made him into a loner and very commited to saving the Princess. Hard times change people, thank you :3 I know what I am doing.

Also, if you know anything about the story or featured characters, please keep it a secret as this reflects in my story but mostly in Crystal's story... so "SHHHHHH!" pwease :3