SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Music to My Ears ❯ The First Dance ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Notes: Wud up my homies! I came up with this fic while listening to the song `Runnin' (Dying to Live)' by 2Pac (the greatest rapper ever!). That's also the song Baku sings in the beginning. Well, this is my first SD Gundam fic ever so I hope you like! ^_^!


"Music toMy Ears"

By: Green Devil

"//You know, I wonder if they'll laugh when I am dead

Why am I fighting to live, if I'm just living to fight

Why am I trying to see, when there ain't nothing in sight

Why I am I trying to give, when no one gives me a try

Why am I dying to live, if I'm just living to die.//"

Bakunetsumaru, the blazing samurai sang as he listened to his radio. He sighed and looked out the window of his room. `Why am I dying to live? I'll never see my beloved Ark again according to Zero . . .' he thought.

He and the winged knight had gotten into another one of their fights about returning to their home worlds. One of the comments Zero had made in his anger was that Baku was never gonna see his homeland again so to stop whining about it. The samurai gundam was very hurt by this and ran to his room, locking the door.

Bakunetsumaru had stayed in his room for the rest of the day with his radio turned up, thinking. `M-maybe Zero was right. Maybe I won't ever get home . . .' he thought sadly. One of his favorite songs began to play and turned up the volume. As he listened to the rhythm of the music he began to bob his head to the beat and sing to the lyrics.

As he sang though, someone was listening on the other side of his door. Zero stood with his back against the entrance listening to Baku's singing.

`Bakunetsumaru, I'm sorry about what I said. I didn't mean it . . .Yeah, like he'll believe me.' Zero sighed and turned around. He knocked on the door softly but when there was no response, he knocked harder.

"Bakunetsumaru? Can I come in? I need to talk to you!" the winged knight called.

"What do you want?" Baku growled in reply.

"Look, I'm real sorry about what I said to you earlier. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm willing to do anything to make it up to you if you'll let me."

There was no response and the music turned off.


The door unlocked and opened. "Anything you say?" Baku asked with an evil glint in his eye.

"Um . . .maybe not any-"

"What are we waiting for? Lets go!" Baku grabbed Zero's arm and began pull him off to some unknown place.

"Why me?" the blue gundam sighed.


"What . . .is this place?" Zero questioned as they stood in front of a blue building with glowing lights and a giant sign that read `Rave Nights' in red letters. It was dark out with a crescent moon in the sky.

"It's a club where you dance. You said you're willing to do anything to make it up to me, so I want to go here! I heard some humans saying that this place was the best here." Baku smiled.

"But, why some club? Can't you dance in your own room?"

"Here you can meet other people that's why. Now come on!" the red gundam grabbed the other's arm and pulled him to the entranceway. The bouncer let them in with no problems and they made their way to the dance floor. It was packed with different people and robots, all dancing the night away. At the moment, a song by the Ying Yang Twins called `Naggin' was playing.

"//Every now and then u get mad (huh)

Sometimes I make u sad (huh)

Make ya wanna say kiss my ass (huh)

I'm tired of listenin at yo naggin

Wha wha wha wha wha

She talkin to me like I'm dumb

I should've known, I shoulda left that bitch alone

But now I'm stuck wit naggin//"

"Ugh. Do they have to play such vulgar music? Couldn't they play something with less . . .words?" Zero complained.

"It's just rap Zero. It's not like it's gonna kill you or something." Baku rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, well, it's-"

"Hey, I love this song! Dance with me Zero!" Baku pulled the winged knight to an open stop on the dance floor. The beginning of a song was being looped to play continuously until the new DJ was introduced.

"Alright, alright! I'm gonna be your new DJ for the next hour! Just call my DJ Extasy! Now here's some more music for you to jam to!" a boy about the age of 16 said into the mic. He started the turntables and the song finally began to play fully as the DJ began to mix it. The song was DJ Irene's `Pump Up the Bass'.

"Well Zero, you wanted less words! Here you go!" Bakunetsumaru laughed.

"Is this still rap?"

"Rap? No, this is techno."

"What's the difference?"

"Techno is something you can really dance to while rap is a good way to express your feelings, mostly of anger."

"How do you know all this? You've been here less than I have."

"I've had a lot of free time."

"Oh . . ."

"Well are you gonna dance or not? I won't forgive you until you dance with me." Baku crossed his arms.

"But, I don't know how to dance to this kind of music."

"Just follow the rhythm, you'll figure it out."

Zero looked around at all the other dancers and saw that they just did what came naturally. He looked over at Baku and saw that he was dancing as well. The blue gundam ended up admiring him for a while until he realized what he was doing.

`What do you think you're doing Zero?! He's a guy! . . .A very cute guy . . .Ugh! Look out! He's gonna see you staring at him! Dance!' Zero's mind shouted. He closed his eyes tightly and began to dance as best he could.

"Hey, you're pretty good Z!" he heard Baku say.

"R-really?" Zero asked in disbelief. He cracked his eyes open and saw that he wasn't as bad as he thought he'd be. The music then switched to dance track called `Yeah' by Usher.

Baku smiled. "So you ready to dance with me or what?"

"I thought we were already dancing together." Zero blushed slightly. The thought of them together began to make him think.

Bakunetsumaru saw the faint blush and wondered what was going on. `Hmm. It's probably just this atmosphere. Though, Zero does look nice dancing like that . . .Wait. What am I thinking?! Zero and me?! It'd never work out, would it?' Baku noticed that the blue gundam had gotten considerably closer to him but he didn't mind the close proximity. It actually felt kind of . . .nice, relaxing.

"//Take that and rewind it back,

Lil' Jon got the beat to make your booty go back!

Take that, rewind it back,

Usher got the voice to make your booty go back!

Take that, rewind it back,

Ludacris got the flow to make your booty go back!

Take that and rewind it back,

Lil' Jon got the beat to make your booty go back!//"

"Alright, we're gonna slow it down a little. For all you step dancers, here's R. Kelly's `Step In the Name of Love', remix!" DJ Extasy announced. The R&B jam began to play and Zero wrapped his arms around Baku.

"Bakunetsumaru, I-I think I-"

"Shh. Don't. Let's talk later, okay?" Baku leaned his head on Zero's shoulder.


"//Step, step, side to side. Round and round dip it now.
Separate, bring it back, now let me see you do the love slide.
Step, step, side to side. Round and round dip it now.
Separate, bring it back, now let me see you do the love slide.//"

The two gundams danced in unison to the music now playing. They did as the lyrics said and did the love slide. When the song ended and another began to play, Baku and Zero found a place to sit since they were beginning to get tried from dancing.

"Well that was fun." Baku commented.

"I oddly agree, it was." Zero replied.

"Feel like going back to the base yet?"

"Uh, only if you want to. I don't mind either way."

"Well then, I say we can go back now. It's pretty late, they might be worried."

"True. Okay, lets go then." Zero held a hand out to Baku. The samurai hesitated for a second then grabbed the outstretched hand and was pulled to his feet.

"Thanks." Baku blushed.

"'Twas nothing my blazing samurai."

Baku giggled and clung to the knight's arm. "We really need to talk about this."

"I know but don't worry, that'll be the first thing we do when we get back."


Bakunetsumaru lay on his bed while Zero sat in a chair next to it. The two were quite for a long while staring off into space and thinking about what to say.

"Zero, I-I had a really good time with you. Thanks for going with me."

"It was my pleasure Bakunetsumaru. I only wish we could do it again."

"Well, maybe we could." Baku sat up and looked at Zero. "You know, just for fun, right now."

The blue gundam looked the other in the eye and smiled. "But what would we dance to?"

"You want a slow dance, fast, or regular?" Baku asked as he walked over to his radio.

"Hmm. You pick."

"Okay. How `bout some rap?"

Zero's eyes bugged out. "Umm, on second thought, how about some slow music?"

The red gundam laughed. "Slow then." He placed a CD in his radio and changed the track. A moderate tempo began and Frankie J's `We Still' began to play.

"//I know that you and I have been through many downs before oh yeah . . .

But that don't mean the chance

Has gone away to leave each other more

We've struggled and we've fought

To keep us both between the lines oh yeah . . .//"

Zero walked over to Baku and bowed. "May I have this dance?"

"//Through many years we've cried our tears

And always kept our pride aside . . .so you can't say that . . .//"

Bakunetsumaru blushed. "O-of course Zero." He took the knight's hand and they began to dance.

"//We still . . .

Always argue all the time

Never make love when it's right

We still . . .

Never say we love each other

Always up in one another

We still . . .

Fight for every little thing

Never ever stop to think that we still . . .

Always loved each other//"

"Zero . . ." Baku laid his head on the other's shoulder.

"Yes Bakunetsumaru?" Zero asked as he held the red gundam tighter.

"//I know at times, you'd believe we would never change . . .oh yeah . . .

You said we'd never change . . .

That it was much to overcome

Much of an obstacle to take mmmm

But you were always one

To always think the worst of things yeah . . .//"

"Do you think that we . . .could um . . .you know . . ."


"//Yeah . . .yeah . . .

So it was always me to take the stand

And take the initiative so you can't say that . . .//"

"B-be a . . .couple?"

"//We still . . .

Always argue all the time

Never make love when it's right

We still . . .

Never say we love each other

Always up in one another

We still . . .

Fight for every little thing

Never ever stop to think that we still . . .

Always loved each other//"

Zero's eyes widened and he smiled broadly. "I-I love to be with you Bakunetsumaru, my blazing samurai."

"//We still . . .fight for every little thing

Never ever stop to think that we still

Always loved each other//"

Baku looked him in the eye. "Do you really mean that?"

"Of course I do."

"//We still . . .

Always argue all the time

Never make love when it's right

We still . . .

Never say we love each other

Always up in one another

We still . . .

Fight for every little thing

Never ever stop to think that we still . . .

Always loved each other//"

The red gundam smiled. "That's music to my ears." Their faces closed the gap between them and they shared their first kiss.


A/N: Aww that was pure and total fluff! ^-^ Those two are so cute together! Well hope you liked it! This was just a one-shot but I might write another fic dealing with these two lovebirds. ^_~ So until then, please review! ^_^!