SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ One Question ❯ The Contest Begins! ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own SD Gundam Force.
Queen Acucallis covered her face with her fan, “I see no point in delaying this contest. It is not even noon. I say we start it now.”
Bakunetsumaru momentarily rotates his shoulders, “Fine by me. Who's first?”
“We are,” Acucallis answered, “You trashcans will fight my three best. Cobrawn, Stoic, and Xantusia.” The three fierce guards stepped forward, menacingly towering over the Gundam Force.
“Very well,” said Zero calmly, “Where shall we fight?”
An evil grin drew across Queen Acucallis's face, “The simulation chamber.”
The simulation chamber was an enormous room with high metal walls, the ceiling invisible from the floor. Two stories up were tempered glass windows lining three walls allowing the spectators to watch from where ever they pleased. Cobrawn, Stoic, and Xantusia stood twenty feet from Captain, Shute, Zero, and Bakunetsumaru. The torai guard leader Cobrawn chuckled in his throat,” You're going down gundams.” His allies growled at the opposition bearing teeth, claw, and spear.
“It will take more than that the intimidate us,” Captain answered.
Xantusia hissed, “Let's see how you do in the desert,” He looked skyward, “Activate Aerno!” The three torai covered their faces with their hoods as a desert storm took over the chamber billowing sand in from all directions, trying to blind those in its path. A blazing desert sun appeared in the sky.
Queen Acucallis stood with fan covering her snout. Prince Az watched from the elevated platform just below the window. Czar Frost stood next to her watching the sandstorm swell. Further down. King Phoenix, King Eristis, King Aqua, Prince Lucky, Chief Haro, King Lacroa, and Lord Kibaomaru stood at the window watching intensely. Prince Baruth, Princess Azural, and young Genkimaru all stood on the elevated platform eagerly watching. Cobramaru, Zapper Zaku, Grappler, and Destoryer Dom stood next to the kids. Princess Isocles, Princess Rele, and Princess Fleur stood together watching the fight begin.
Sand was quickly covering the Gundam Force's feet and stung their eyes. Captain, Shute, Zero, and Bakunetsumaru covered their eyes with their arms as the wind ruffled Shute's hair and Zero's cape. Shute closed his eyes, “If we don't move soon we'll be buried alive.”
“Affirmative,” Captain pulled his feet out of the sand, grabbed Shute, and took to the skies. Zero grabbed Baku and followed him. Cobrawn, Stoic, and Xantusia used their broad feet and the sandstorm's cover to disappear among the rising dunes. Baku could barely keep his eyes open, “I can't see a thing!”
Captain scanned the area and shouted over the storm, “This sandstorm is interfering with my radar. We need to block it somehow.”
“That's it!” shouted Zero, “Captain! Follow me!” Zero led took them to what he thought was a secluded [art of the chamber and landed, “Mana! By your pact with the Winged Knight protect my comrades and me from this storm!” A magic shield rose and fanned out seven feet. The sandstorm pounded the shield but could not enter.
“There they are,” Kibaomaru spoke up. The shield was visible through the storm.
“Clever,” commented Eristis. Acucallis growled. Az wore a stunned look.
King Luther chuckled, “Not bad.”
King Phoenix looked through the storm with his scanner at Zero, “Smart move. I'll give you that.” Fleur and Rele sighed in relief.
“Magic?' questioned Aqua. He shrugged, “Eh, whatever works.”
Safe inside the shield, the Gundam Force shakes off what sand they can. Bakunetsumaru soon found that walking in the soft sand was nearly impossible. Every step caused his feet to become buried up to his ankles, “How are we suppose to fight when we can barely walk?”
“Gundams are unable to efficiently walk in sand,” answered Captain, “Gundamium is far too heavy.”
“So what are we suppose to do then?” asked Bakunetsu, “Mainly what are Shute and I going to do. You and Zero can fly.”
Shute finished dumping the sand out of his shoes, “My plan is to stay near Captain.”
“It's simple Bakunetsumaru,” said Zero, “You will have to use what little wit you have instead of agility.”
“At least I have wit!' Baku snapped back, “Besides I'm a lot braver then you as well.”
“Oh yeah?” asked Zero, “Prove it.”
“You don't have enough guts to-” Baku stopped himself, “Feel lucky I promised on my samurai honor that I would not tell.”
“Huh?” asked Shute, “Tell us what?”
“Nothing,” Zero quickly answered.
Shute held up his hands, “Okay, okay. No need to get defensive Zero.”
“Come on guys I'm losing interest,” said Lucky, “Get a plan and execute it.”
“What are they talking about?” Isocles asked.
“I don't know,” said Rele, “But something needs to hurry up and happen.”
Stoic appeared from out of the storm and rammed the shield startling the gundams. He then scratched the shield and rammed it with his spear. After that failed, he reached into his stomach pouch and pulled out a dagger. It could not slice through the shield. Frustrated he backed up and pulled out two medium length bazooka like guns. With the barrels resting on his arms he fired repeated shots at the shield, all of which ricocheted away, “Rac fra.” Stoic trotted back up the sand dune to Cobrawn and Xantusia, “That shield is impenetrable Cobrawn.”
“Plan B,” Cobrawn whispered his plan to Stoic and Xantusia.
The gundams and Shute could see them standing on the sand dune. The storm seemed to have no effect on them.
“That was weird,” Shute commented.
Zero chuckled, “Try as they might they will not get inside my shield.”
“Good,” said Captain, “we still need a plan.”
After a quick nod, the torai's disappeared beneath the sands.
“They went under?” said Baku confused as to what their plan was. Stoic leapt out, grabbed Zero, and pulled the Winged Knight under. In turn, the shield drops allowing both the sandstorm and the blistering heat to attack again. Next Cobrawn pulled Captain under followed by Xantusia who yanked the Blazing samurai below the sands. Shute fearfully dug for his friends, “Captain! Zero! Bakunetsumaru!”
“Whoa!” shouted Zapper.
“Talk about a sneak attack,” said Grappler.
Cobramaru `hmmed', “That was worthy of a ninja.”
“You're suppose to be on our side!' Genkimaru snapped at them.
Chief Haro frantically looked around, “Oh no. Come on Shute. You must find them.”
“What just happened?” asked Princess Rele.
“Where did they go?” Fleur scanned the chamber fearfully.
Queen Acucallis laughed, “They'll suffocate in their sand coffin.”
Shute soon realized he was vainly digging, “Ah, man they could be anywhere.” Shute tried to look around but the fierce storm stung his eyes. The sun threatens to broil the human alive. “Captain will be fine. He doesn't have to breathe. But Bakunetsumaru and Zero, they'll suffocate.” He tried his last resort, “Caaaaptaaaaain!” No response. “Zerrrrrooooooo!” Again no response. “Bakunetsumaaaaaaarruuuuu!” A muffled response came followed by a tornado containing violet rose petals and Stoic. The tornado raced across the sand, its trench being quickly filled by more sand. Shute ran to where he believed it originated while shouting, “Zero! Zero!” Shute found the Lacroix gundam spiting out sand and shaking himself off, “Are you okay Zero?” Shute slid down the crater to his friend.
Zero breathed deeply and nodded, “A little winded but still functioning.” Zero leans on his sword recovering, “Now where-?”
“Teknoken!” A flaming X emerged from below the sand leaving two deep groves in its wake. Xantusia is right on the X's center, being pushed along until the rising X gets to high. Xantusia falls to the ground, left side scales charred. Bakunetsumaru quickly unburied himself, “I officially hate the desert!” He spat out some sand.
“Bakunetsumaru!” Shute ran as Zero flew over to their comrade. Bakunestumaru continuously tries to prevent the sandstorm from burying him again, “Hey guys! Where's Captain?” Multiple explosions shot the sand high into the air. Captain and Cobrawn repeatedly fired projectiles at each other while at the same time avoiding the others. Captain had an aerial advantage while Cobrawn used his agility.
“Come on Captain!” Shute shouted. His cheer activated Captain's Soul Drive lighting his fighting fire. Both his Soul Drive and right fist shine brightly and can be seen through the storm. Cobrawn stopped and started in disbelief. He had only heard stories and now was about to be on the wrong end of Captain's ace in the hole.
“What the heck!” shouted Czar Frost.
Queen Acucallis gasped, “Oh no.”
“Do it Captain!” cheered Chief Haro.
Captain wound up his punch; Cobrawn raised his arms. The attack connected with his lower chest sending the torai flying across the room and in to the far wall.
“Whoa!” shouted Prince Baruth.
“Alright Captain!” shouted Genkimaru and Azural.
“That looked painful,” commented Eristis.
Princess Isocles cringed, “I hope he didn't break anything.”
The sandstorm had finally come to a stop allowing clear vision. Stoic was covering where he had lost his breakfast and stood on all fours spitting out the taste. Xantusia was trying to stand up but can barely move his left extremities. Cobrawn sits hunched over coughing. The Gundam force slowly trudges their way up the battlefield. Xantusia sees them coming and shouts, “Say it Cobrawn! Please! I beg of you! Say it!” Cobrawn looks at his burnt friend, then at all of Stoic's weapons scattered around the field and over to his motion sick friend. Stoic looks back and nods in agreement. Cobrawn then looks up at his queen. She glares back, the look forbidding him from quitting. Cobrawn takes a few more breathes, “The royal guards of…Aerno…yield to the…Gundam Force.”
“Simulation, terminated.” The desert disappears and is replaced by the metal simulation chamber.
“They did it!” shouted Baruth, Genkimaru, and Azural. “They won!” The kids did a victory dance. The princess shared a group hug.
“Dude! That was awesome!” shouted Aqua.
“What did I tell you?” Lucky and Aqua perform a high-five.
“What did I tell you?” Lucky and Aqua perform a high-five.
“I'll have to rethink my opinion of them,” said Eristis.
Kibaomaru spoke, “I hope the next one is more exciting.”
King Phoenix commented, “Bit of a rough start but not that bad of an ending.”
“They are dead!” Queen Acucallis shouted. She stormed off.
Czar Frost sighed, “Women.”
Prince Az cautiously approached the other kids, “How did they do that?”
Baruth made him a deal, “Stop calling them trashcans and we'll tell you.”
Az nodded, “Okay.”
Medics rushed to Xantusia, placed him on a stretcher, and carried him out. Stoic followed them. Before Cobrawn went he called out, “Gundam Force!' He crossed his arms over his chest bowed, then followed his teammates.
“All right!”
“Way to go guys!” The Gundam Force stood in the middle of the royal crowd constantly being congratulated and slapped on the back. Queen Acucallis's voice could be heard chewing out Cobrawn but was ignored.
A young female servant appeared, “Lunch is severed your majesties.”
“It's about time, “said Bakunetsumaru, “That fight worked up and appetite.”
At lunch, the mushas quickly devoured anything placed in front of them leaving some to wonder where they put it all. Captain, not requiring nutritional intake, chooses to only drink his beverage; Chief Haro, not wanting to reveal his identity as Shute's father Mark, did the same. There was much talk of the match; the kids adding sounds effects were appropriate. Queen Acucallis sat silently fuming, barely touching her food.
“I never doubted you guys for a second,” said Aqua, “Heck, you could beat EagleEye then three guards was a breeze.”
Captain replied, “It was not us but Fleur who defeated EagleEye. She deserves the most credit.”
“Heh, don't bother,” said Lucky, “She won't take any credit.”
“Because I don't deserve it,” said Fleur, “If destiny had not placed me in Neotopia then none of us would probably be here.”
Baku swallowed, “Quit being so modest. You destroyed EagleEye and save the entire planet.”
“He's right you know,” said Eristis, “If EagleEye had not called all of his demons when he did, we would have lost the planet and our lives.”
“Well yes,” said Fleur, “But if I had not found the SDG, then I would be dead. I was at Death's doorstep after fighting Silver Death and if they were not there, I would not have survived.”
“Bull!” said Shute, “We couldn't do anything to help you. All we did was get you to safety.”
“Exactly,” said Fleur, “You took me somewhere safe where I could recover. You saved my life. Of course then EagleEye did almost take me down with him.”
“You forgot about when you got poisoned,” Zero reminded her.
“Oh, right,” said Fleur, “whoops.”
“You got poisoned?” asked Isocles, “How?”
“EagleEye bit me while he was a snake,” Fleur answered.
“Why were you that close to him?” asked Phoenix.
“I don't remember Papa,” Fleur answered.
“it was because of your hot-headedness,” said Zero, “You charged at him with out a plan.”
“You're one to talk,” Fleur snapped back, “You charged at EagleEye and ended up getting skewered.”
Zero came back with, “I'll take being skewed over being poison any day of the week.”
“Hmph!” Fleur turned her head away from him.
Kiba commented, “They way you two fight you think you were married.” Fleur and Zero blushed. Phoenix tightens his muscles causing his retractable claws to be exposed. He quickly scratched the trop of his hands as an excuse and tried to keep his cool.
“They're not married,” said Bakunetsu, “yet.”
Zero swiftly kicked Baku in the shin. Baku filched and glared back at him. Zero used his eyes to motion to everyone else.
Shute stifled a laugh, “It wouldn't surprise me if they did get married.”
“Me either.”
Everyone looked up at where the voices came from. “What was that?” asked Azural.
“You idiot they heard us.”
“Shut up kid.”
Captain stood up and scanned the ceiling. He picked up two energy signals one of which he recognized, “Guneagle!”
“Crap!” Guneagle footsteps are heard overhead.
“Don't leave me!” The second voice followed with walking.
“Get back here Guneagle!” Captain chased the gundam followed by everyone else save Acucallis. Two yusha guards traced Guneagle's footsteps and predicted where he would be. They opened a secret panel that flipped Guneagle and a black and yellow knight gundam into the room. Guneagle quickly stood up and came face to face with his superior, “Um…'sup Captain?” he asked nervously.
Captain advanced on the young gundam, “And just what are you doing here instead of guarding Neotopia, Guneagle?”
“Hey come on,” Guneagle pleaded, “The Gunchopper squad is still there.”
“And you are not,” said Captain.
The young knight recovered and looked up. Zero glared down at his squire, “Why are you not at your post Loki?”
Loki scrambled to his feet, Umm…I umm…uh…,” he looked around for an answer then pleaded, “Don't hurt me! Rupert, Spiral, and Tunk are guarding the castle.”
“And you're not!” Zero said angrily. Picking up the frighten squire.
Captain pulled his younger brother to his face, “You have deliberately disobeyed orders Guneagle. You punishment is to serve janitorial duty with Sazabi.”
Chief Haro walked around behind Guneagle, “Also, no more flying until we return home.” He opened Guneagle's jetpack, removed some chips, pocketed them, and closed the jet pack, “In the mean time, you can help the Zakos clean the Gundamusai.” Captain roughly pushed Guneagle towards the exit, “Now go!”
Guneagle groaned and headed for his task. When he saw Lucky he whispered, “I'll meet up with you later.” Lucky nodded in agreement.
“As for you,” said Zero, “You are back on kitchen duty. Plus,” he held his hand over Loki's head and took the young gundam's Mana, “I will hold onto your Mana as long as I see fit. Now go help Guneagle clean the Gundamusai!” Zero roughly tossed his squire in Guneagle's direction. Loki stumbled a bit then quickly followed Guneagle. Everyone else watched them go and started to whisper.
“He looked exactly like Lucky.”
“What kind of knight abandons his post?”
“What kind of place doesn't issue enough discipline to keep the young 'uns in line?”
Czar Frost cleared his throat, “That was entertaining but the contest must go on. Let's say in, oh, two hours The Gundam Force faces Tougen in the simulation chamber.”
Z1: Greeting ladies and gentlebots (notices Guneagle and Loki) and gundams. Today's meeting is all about…
Z1, Z2, & Z3: This new place and the contest! (crowd cheers)
Z1: Zako zako!
Z3: I'm free! I'm free! I'm free from the demons zako!! (dances)
Z3: I'm free! I'm free! I'm free from the demons zako!! (dances)
Z2: We know that zako. Anyway we are in kingdom called Facundra. Facundra and Skylark are just two of the five kingdoms one this planet. There's also Oceanica, Tougen, and Aerno zako.
Z1: As you know, both gundam and humans live in Skylark zako. In Oceanica, an underwater kingdom with several islands scattered about, there are water gundam and mer-humans. In Facundra, there are these weird furry-feathered bird like creators called yusha. Over in Aerno lives the pouched lizards called torai.
Z1: Those who remember Thief, he is a torai zako.
Z2: Can I continue zako?
Z1: Go right ahead zako.
Z2: And finally in Tougen are these snow-white furry creators called gun-to.
Z3: While we were in Skylark fighting EagleEye all of the other kingdoms were on the opposite side of the planet fighting off the demon masses zako. They were about to lose when EagleEye called them so he could power up and try to defeat Princess Fleur.
Z1 & Z2: And he failed miserably zako.
Z2: But two of these kings can't be that old zako. King Eristis looks very young and so does King Aqua.
Z1: That's because Eristis and his twin sister Isocles are about a year older then Fleur and Aqua is about an year and half younger then Lucky zako.
Z3: Zako...that's a scary thought. So does that make Prison-I mean Phoenix the oldest king zako?”
Z1: Actually Queen Acucallis is the oldest zako.
Z2: And her guards got thrash by the Gundam Force zako!
Z3: Cobrawn, Stoic and Xantusia had the advantage in the beginning by catching the gundams off guard with the simulated sandstorm, which felt all too real zako. But when provoked, the gundams knocked away the competition and forced Cobrawn to throw in the towel.
Z1: Next up in the competition is Tougen the Ice Kingdom zako.
Z2: They better bundle up zako.
Z3: So who rules what?
Z1: King Phoenix as we know rules Skylark. King Aqua rules Oceanica. King Eristis rules Facundra. Czar Frost rules Tougen. And Queen Acucallis rules Aerno.
Z2: So that makes Aerno and queendom instead of a kingdom right?
Z1: I guess it would.
Z3: Wait, wait, wait before we go who are, these four? (a picture shows Zero's squires)
Z1 & Z2: Ummm…good question zako.
Loki: I can answer that. (points to them in turn) This is me Loki. The green and white one is Rupert. The red and brown one is Spiral. And the blue and black one is Tunk.
Z1: Is it just me or does Tunk look like Deathscythe?
Z2: Yeah a little bit.
Z3: And look what they did to our Commander Sazabi! (cries)
Guneagle: He deserves worst.
All Zakos: Who asked you zako!
Z2: And not to mention Lord T (cries)
Loki: Who cares about him.
Z1, Z2, & Z3: (fuming) Get off! (kicks Loki off the stage) And stay off gundam!
Z1: Insolent little brat. (curtain closes) Anyway for the future of the treaty.
All Zakos: Zako soldiers fight! Yeah!!!!
