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"One Question" Reviews/Comments [ 39 ]
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 Reviewed By: TDAT-CrystalDragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2007 16:06 CST
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
*shrugs* I don't see what the big deal is about ending it there. Cliffhangers at the end of a fic are fun!! XDDD This was really good FFD! You're writing's really approved and this was really enjoyable! I can't wait for the sequal! Oh, and Zero proposing to Fleur was so adorable. =3 Again, awesome fic!
 Title: Sigh...
Reviewed By: Cybertoy00  On: February 15, 2007 17:50 CST
Interesting. I'm not too wild about how you ended it, it's too sudden. It seems rushed sorta. Plus there are too many holes that need to be filled, like Baku's vision and Zero's encounter with that pirate guy. Plus there's Thief stowing away on the Gundamusai. And then there's his queen...it wouldn't be fair to drop her out so quickly. You better have a sequel in the works, because it wouldn't be nice to your faithful readers to cop out like this. Ciao!
 Title: Yes! ^_^
Reviewed By: zero 101  On: February 15, 2007 17:25 CST
It's about time that Zero proposed! This chapter was very well done, you made my heart leap with happiness when Zero proposed to Fleur...I think I almost cried. Hey wait a sec, I'm gettin all mushy aren't I? Well anyways, please make another fic on those too...PLEASE!
 Title: Aw, man!
Reviewed By: Charon the Sabercat (at school)  On: February 15, 2007 10:16 CST
It's so abrupt! I hope there's an epilogue; it can't just STOP there! Also, thank you. You handled all my characters very well.
 Reviewed By: May-VeggieGirl1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 15, 2007 05:04 CST
...What?! So she signed it anyway?! -_o I think that's an issue or else the treaty isn't complete at all- right?? Ahhhh... As long as we find out eventually. t__t Well done, FFD, well done! Hooray for Zero and Fluer. ^^;
 Reviewed By: TDAT-CrystalDragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 06, 2007 10:32 CST
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
(Thank the Lord for the snowday today; I can now catch up with this fic! ^_^) Yay! The Gundam Force are ok! Heh, Bakunetsumaru eating that fruit was funny. XP And the little romance scene was sweet! =3 Nice battle planned out for the last chapter, and Fleur leaving Zero at the last minute was priceless. XDD Only one chapter left? Awwww... XP Can't wait for the final chapter! (I pity for Bakunetsumaru for having that nightmare...Good foreshadowing there!)
 Title: "You'll get her next time, Zero..."
Reviewed By: Charon the Sabercat [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 05, 2007 14:45 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
HAHA! That last bit rocked! Zero has this big romantic fantasy scene, and then real life throws him a curveball. Hoo! (claps) Manifique! (Did I spell that right? I never took French...)
 Reviewed By: MVG1 ^^;  On: February 05, 2007 12:31 CST
Gosh, just keeps getting postponed. ^^ YAY BONES! *knaws on the BakuZero bone like a raving, starving animal* Heeheehee. Anyway, like I said before on the world board, nice update! I wonder what the dreams mean? Well, at least they got past the Guntriplets. Update soon dear! Keep up the good work!
 Title: SO COOL!
Reviewed By: Sayla_Gathermoon [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 05, 2007 09:02 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I loved the new chapter. Poor Zero, will he ever get a chance to ask Fleur to marry him? Please, update soon!
 Reviewed By: Kichiko_the_winged_musha  On: February 04, 2007 17:37 CST
WOW!! that chap was AMAZING!! so is the dream sequence Baku had a phrophecy for the sequal? or what is to come? 'w' hmmm... it's got me wondering.... and awesome fight scene! XD your always so good at those! I have to say I think my favorite was the conflict between Zero and Rocket... "Zero and Rocket's duel had reached heights challenging that of the skyscrapers." THAT'S GOLD! XDDDD great job! omg! LOVE! FORESHADOW! AND AWESOME BATTLE SEQUENCES! YOUR STORY ROX SOX!
 Reviewed By: Cyberoy00  On: February 04, 2007 17:31 CST
Pretty good. The fight wasn't much, but I liked the other parts. the whole nightmare thing seemed omminous for some reason... And too bad about Zero losing another chance to ask Fleur. Better luck next time. Also...Gundam Force merchandise!? I hope the crew are getting a fair percentage for that stuff! And it looks like the Sand Kingdom is united in their queen's opinion of the Gundam Force, hope she gets hers!
 Title: I always love your new chapters
Reviewed By: Charon the Sabercat [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 31, 2007 18:51 CST
I always get a little lost in the original characters, but you make me like them all, even the evil ones. Cute little musical. I've got competition now! (applauds)
 Reviewed By: May-VeggieGirl1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 28, 2007 16:25 CST
ooooh, boy. :] Well finally got the update. >_o *was dying to hear how it turned out* But now I'm interested in the cut on Zero's shoulder and the mysterious fruit Baku was all-so-intelligent enough to eat. ^^; Poor Zero, he's never gonna get his break. I await the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Cybertoy00  On: January 27, 2007 21:21 CST
Not bad, was it tough writing Zero's love song? By the way, during the part where the Genkis were heading back to the castle, why didn't Genkimaru use his powers to transport them back? I can't wait until the GF Skylark match, will one of the knights(I forget the name) use his doppleganger power on Captain again? If he did, It's the Tears of Cobramaru climax all over again..
 Reviewed By: TDAT-CrystalDragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 15, 2007 16:03 CST
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Sorry for not reviewing lately, been busy. ^^; But these last few chapters have been getting along really well! The battle sequences have got me hooked, and they're clever! Loved the ice battle, and since I love water, so was the water battle. Interesting with the love spell. Gonna have some jealous girls on your hands Marina. XDDD *pushes the scowling Crystal away from Marina* Excellent chapters! I hope they didn't get electocuted to death. :O And I hope those two gundam haters get stopped in time.
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