Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ The Shaman King Fanfiction of Unmentionable Horror ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Four:
Was done entirely as a comic! Stan forced her friend the blonde, a.k.a. Sibbie to draw some of it. So here be the dialogue from the comic.
Lyserg: (Standing on a dark hill, dramatic and crap, sort of narrator-like) My name is Lyserg, and I am cursed. I don't know how I came across it, but it has haunted me for many years. It has left me devastated. It cannot be lifted.
(Up close shot of one eye) This horrible curse is…
(Close shot of his open mouth in a speaking way) 2 5p33k 1337.
The blonde is happy looking and holding a hammer: Je sui Napoleon!
Brunette (confused): … (happy) At last, my evil plan will be complete!
Blonde (off screen): What evil plan?
(Close shot of brunette's eyes): You didn't know?
Brunette (holds up picture with a stick figure on it): Last night…I took the liberty of photographing Faust without clothes! That's part 1! In part 2, we edit the photos with Photoshop to make it look like he slept with…
(Panel shows a computer with two men in a heart shaped bed): Vash the Stampede!
(Panel shows an envelope with pictures in it): Then we mail them to his house! Eliza always opens his mail…
(Eliza stands holding a photograph, looking pissed off): She'll see the photos!
(Panel shows “angry eyes” and vein popping) She'll get mad
(Eliza in oversoul, runs Faust through with the needle-hand thingy): She stabs him with the needle thingy!
(Brunette holds hands in the air, evil laughter): Faust will die! A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Blonde: (Looks like this: -_-): Hoo-boy! (You can see one of the brunette's arms)
(Panel shows a cup of yogurt): Then we'll get the yogurt…
Brunette (arms still in the air): And then…AND THEN…
(WHACK, the brunette is hit in the head with a hammer thrown by the blonde. The next panel shows the blonde peeking out of their lair, which is really an abandoned box for a shipment of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. The blonde holds up a sign with “…” on it. The final panel shows the blonde sitting at an “All You Can Eat” buffet, thinking “Schweet!”)
A/N- Haha! I am doped up on allergy pills right now. The comic started out with Sibbie's drawings, but changed to mine when she got lazy. You can tell where the style changes, `cause I'm really sloppy and impatient. I wrote the script. We haven't drawn the Lyserg part yet. It's sorta…stick figures. Yeah.