Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ Way to Start a Morning ❯ Way to Start a Morning ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Way to Start a Morning
by: _kazuki

Disclaimer: Slam Dunk and its related characters belong to Inoue Takehiko. I do not make money out of this.
Pairing: MakiSen
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Masturbation. voyeurism, light bondage, very explicit sex depictions.
Notes: My very first fic. Please be kind when reviewing. Thanks for reading!

Sendoh Akira smiled charmingly at the receptionist working at the information booth while waiting for the elevator to arrive. The elevator chime sounded and the doors slid open. Sendoh stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. He smiled winningly again as the other occupants wished him, "Good morning!" and he replied, "Good morning to you too!" As the elevator moved upwards, people arrived at their respective floors and soon, Sendoh was the only one in the elevator, heading for the top floor.

The elevator chimed again, signalling that he has reached the top floor. He walked out of the elevator and walked toward the room in the far end. He slithered as quietly as possible into the room and scanned around for his target. Maki Shinichi was not in his leather chair behind the huge curly maple desk. Sendoh looked over at the mini bar and the leather sofa where Maki sometimes entertained his guests at. Nope, Maki was not there either. Sendoh turned around and to look at the massage recliner by the bookrack when the door opened and closed, revealing Maki, hand clutching his briefcase, looking handsome and charming in his impeccable suit.

Sendoh's eyes lit up and before Maki could even register what was happening, Sendoh was already jumping onto him and gripping him in a tight embrace. "Shinichi, I've missed you so much! Never leave me again", Sendoh said while burying his face in Maki's chest. Maki chuckled and dropped his briefcase, arms wrapping around Sendoh, and whispered in Sendoh's hair, "I've missed you too, Akira. I kept thinking about you during the conference." Maki tilted Sendoh's chin upwards and claimed his lips in a soft, sweet kiss. Maki released Sendoh's lips and whispered lovingly, "Good morning, baby." Sendoh replied, "Good morning, my love", and pressed his lips hard against Maki's, demanding a passionate kiss.

Maki pulled away slightly, amused at Sendoh's impatience, cooed, "Easy, baby. Easy." Maki ran his tongue along Sendoh's gently, then nibbled on Sendoh's lower lip. Sendoh let out a low moan at the familiar sensations and parted his lips slightly. Maki licked Sendoh's teeth and then slid his tongue into Sendoh's warm, sweet mouth. Sendoh clung onto Maki while his mouth was plundered expertly by Maki.

Maki ran his hands down Sendoh's back, then rounded Sendoh's hips before finally resting them on the back of Sendoh's thighs. Without breaking the kiss, Maki slid a hand onto each of Sendoh's inner thigh, spread them apart, and with a smooth motion, hoisted Sendoh up into his arms. Sendoh tightened his hold onto Maki's neck, purring happily into the kiss while Maki fondled his firm buttocks. Lips still locking together, Maki carried Sendoh over to his desk and gently placed Sendoh on the edge of his desk.

Sendoh stared lovingly into Maki's eyes while removing Maki's coat off before working on his tie and shirt. Maki smiled, taking in Sendoh's aroused condition: pupils dilated, slightly labored breathing, reddened lips and a prominent bulge in his pants. He leaned forward and captured Sendoh's lips again, all the while loosening Sendoh's tie and unbuttoning his shirt. He pushed Sendoh's coat off and nibbled his way downward from his lips to his jaw. Sendoh moaned as Maki's hand slipped into his shirt and flicking his nipple with eased practice. Sendoh threw his head back at the assault, pleasure sparking in his body, exposing his throat.

Maki swooped his mouth down at the opportunity and sucked hard at Sendoh's smooth throat, his fingers twisting and pinching the other nipple. Sendoh ran his fingers through Maki's hair, tugging his head downwards to guide Maki's mouth to his nipples. Maki smiled, licked at the little bruise on Sendoh's throat and licked his nipple instead. Sendoh moaned, "Ah, yes! That's it, give me more!" and Maki kissed his other nipple, then down to his ribs, flat belly and continued downwards until he reached the top of his pants. Maki unzipped Sendoh's pants, pulled out his hard length from inside his underwear and ran a finger lightly from the base to the tip, swirling the precum on his finger.

He drew his finger away from Sendoh's shaft and lifted it into his mouth, tongue licking the precum smearing the tip of his finger, tasting Sendoh, and all the while his eyes never left Sendoh's. Sendoh's breath caught in his throat and he could feel himself getting hotter and more excited by the moment. Maki captured Sendoh's lips once more in brief kiss, and with an encouraging smile said, "Play with yourself. I want to watch you."

Sendoh lifted his right hand and started to caress his cock lightly, eyes locked onto Maki's smoldering gaze. He started to pump his shaft, gradually speeding up, while his left hand slid up his belly up to his chest. He rolled his nipple between his fingers, his other hand pumping his length harder, breathless moans filling the room. Maki was mesmerized by the sight of Sendoh; face flushing, thick cock peeking out of his underwear being pumped by a hand, the other playing with nipples. The sexy moans and cries were getting him harder and intoxicated. It was his turn now. He stopped Sendoh just as he was getting close. Sendoh whined in frustration as Maki smacked his hand away from his painfully hard cock.

Maki smirked in return and whispered, "It will get better. I promise, baby." Sendoh nodded and let Maki pull his hands behind his back, and with a fluid move, Maki pulled Sendoh's loose tie from around his neck to bind the hands together. Maki pulled Sendoh off the desk and kissed him again. He then turned Sendoh to face the desk, pushed his shoulders forward, and bending Sendoh over the desk. He pulled Sendoh's pants and underwear down and peeled the pants, underwear and shoes off those lean legs before flinging the pants away. He stared appreciately at the sight before slapping the upturned ass, and Sendoh's cock jerked slightly. He leaned forward, the bulge in his pants pressing firmly against Sendoh's buttocks.

He kissed Sendoh lightly on his shoulder blades, while his hands reached for Sendoh's nipples and he ran his hands along Sendoh's chest, to his sides and resting against the tops of his thighs. Sendoh was moaning, his body tense with waves and waves of pleasure. He rocked lightly into Sendoh, hands caressing his smooth thighs and running up his sides and claiming the hard nipples in those talented fingers again. One hand reached into the top drawer of his desk to retrieve a tube of lubrication. He uncapped the tube and squeeze some gel onto his fingers. Parting those perfect half-globes, he carefully slid a finger into Sendoh. Sendoh bucked and cried out in pain.

He stretched Sendoh with his finger and then withdrew the finger, only to apply more lubrication on his fingers before sliding two fingers in this time. He repeated the stretching with another finger while his other hand grabbed a small bunch of pens off his desk. He pulled out his fingers and coated the pens with the remaining lubrication on his fingers. Maki rubbed Sendoh's buttocks lightly and slowly slid the lubricated pens into Sendoh. Sendoh screamed. Maki inserted a few inches of the pens into Sendoh, leaving another few inches protruding from his buttocks. Sendoh groaned loudly, his breathing labored and erratic. Maki hushed, "Shh...not so loud, babe."

Maki then pulled Sendoh from the desk, so that he is standing in front of Maki, by the desk. Maki stroked Sendoh's cheek, and asked, "Are you all right? Can you take more, baby?" Sendoh just nodded lightly while Maki kissed him lightly on his lips. Maki then took two binder clips from his desk and clamped one down on each of Sendoh's nipples. Maki covered Sendoh's lips in a kiss, effectively muffling Sendoh's screams.

Tears streamed down Sendoh's face, the binder clips clamping down on his nipples too hard. Maki drew away from Sendoh, his eyes concerned, and asked, "Akira, are you all right? Shall I stop?" No answer. Sendoh sobbed. Alarmed, Maki moved his hands and untied Sendoh's hands. Sendoh cried out suddenly, "No! Don't stop! Please don't stop, Shinichi! I...I want you! Please, don't stop!" Maki smiled softly, and stroked Sendoh's cheek gently, replied, "All right. I understand. I want you too, baby. So badly." He unzipped his own pants and pulled out his hard, throbbing cock. He tilted Sendoh's chin to meet his gaze and asked lovingly, "Won't you...?"

Sendoh got down to his knees, the pens in him jiggled slightly, and he gasped. A hand gripped Maki's thigh, while the other held the throbbing, hot firm length he licked the tip of Maki's shaft before opening his mouth and sucked. Maki laid a hand on Sendoh's hair, watching his length disappearing into the pretty mouth and reappearing again. Maki groaned in appreciation at Sendoh's skill. Sendoh lifted his gaze to look at Maki, and Maki peered down, encouraging Sendoh, " Yes, baby! That's it! Oh yeah! You're so good!" Sendoh nibbled Maki's balls, then licked the base of his cock and resumed sucking.

Maki rocked into Sendoh's mouth, panting hard. Sendoh was driving him crazy! Reluctantly, he pulled his cock out of Sendoh's mouth and lifted Sendoh on his feet. He bent Sendoh over the desk again and carefully removed the pens from Sendoh's buttocks. Sendoh groaned and panted lightly. Retrieving the tube of lubrication again, he prepared Sendoh again and coated his thick cock with lubrication. His hands gripped Sendoh's hips and he whispered into Sendoh's ear, "Ready? I'm coming in."

Sendoh moaned Maki's name as Maki entered Sendoh in one long, smooth thrust. They both groaned at the pleasure; Maki at the tight sheath that envelopes his cock and Sendoh at the sensation of being filled by Maki. Maki held still for a moment for Sendoh to adjust to him and he started to pump into Sendoh's willing body. Sendoh screamed in pleasure, "Yes! Yes! Oh yes! More, Shinichi, please!!" Maki drove into Sendoh unrelentingly, sweat dripping into his eyes. One hand gripping Sendoh's hip tightly and the other pumped his shaft. Sendoh cried louder as his ass was pounded mercilessly.

He whimpered when Maki's hand left his cock to travel up his sides and ran lightly toward his nipples. His fingers tugged the binder clips and hot, blinding pain seared through Sendoh's body. He screamed again, tears flowing down his face. Maki kissed his back apologetically and pulled out of Sendoh. Sendoh panicked and cried out, "No, don't stop, please! I'm fine! I really am, so please don't stop!" Maki chuckled lightly, and teased Sendoh, "Who said I'm stopping? We're just changing positions!" Maki flipped Sendoh on his back, pulled his buttocks upward and away from the desk and plunged once more into him.

He drove mercilessly into Sendoh again, lifting Sendoh's left leg over his shoulder and wrapping the other leg around his waist. His left hand held onto Sendoh's thigh, while his right hand resumed pumping Sendoh, both of them so close. Sendoh cried out and moaned loudly as he felt himself nearer and nearer to orgasm. Maki said breathlessly, "Hush, not so loud. Rukawa is going to kill us if we disturbed him."

"Too late!" The door flung open, and Rukawa was glaring at the writhing bodies on the desk. Maki panted to Rukawa, "Close the door." Rukawa walked in, closed the door and watched as Maki pumped Sendoh. Maki moaned, "I'm so close, Akira! Soon..." Sendoh cried out loudly in reply, "Ahhhh too! I'm so close! Shinichi!!!!!" Rukawa winced at the loud cry as Maki pumped Sendoh a few more times and Sendoh spurted all over his belly and Maki's hand. Maki came seconds later.

Tired, but sated, he laid his head on Sendoh's chest, his cock still buried in Sendoh. Sendoh screamed in pain and Maki's head came in contact with the binder clips still gripping his nipples. Maki apologized frantically and started to remove the binder clips. He kissed each abused nipple apologetically as Sendoh wound his arms possessively around his neck and suddenly Maki realized that someone was watching them.

He peered toward the door and met Rukawa's cool gaze, arms folded. Maki raised a brow as if to ask , "May I help you?" and Rukawa grunted, "Really, must you do this so early in the morning?", gesturing the to discarded pens and crumpled tie on the floor. Maki kissed Sendoh lightly, and Sendoh tightened his hold on Maki, answered, "But I missed him terribly!" Maki smiled tenderly at Sendoh, and added, "It can't be helped. Plus, you're just jealous." Maki grinned widely as Rukawa rolled his eyes as he took in the briefcase laying careless on the floor. Heading for the door, Rukawa said, "Hn. The meeting starts in 15 minutes. Both of you, clean up and get dressed." and left.

Maki turned his attention back to Sendoh, and kissed him languidly. ", you're so good. We must do this again soon," Maki said as he nuzzled Sendoh's neck. Sendoh laughed in delight and ran his hands up and down Maki's back. Maki kissed his way downwards and stopped at Sendoh's chest. Taking a deep red stiff nub into his mouth, he licked and suckled at it as Sendoh moaned loudly. Maki pulled out from Sendoh and started to rub their groins together.

They both moaned in delight at the contact and Maki assault the other nipple. Sendoh ran his hands down to caress Maki's buttocks. Maki purred in delight and ran his hands down Sendoh's side to grip his hips. And just as suddenly, the door flung open again and Rukawa barked, " Stop it already, you two!" before it slammed close. Maki and Sendoh stared at each other and chuckled. Maki helped Sendoh up and they both headed toward Maki's private restroom to clean up and attend the meeting before Rukawa cries murder again.

-- End --
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