Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Faith's secret ❯ How do you get an icecream? ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Faith's present

By: Dark fire angel

Dark angel: Hallo everyone! How's the weather where you live? At my house it's raining (A lot, a real lot. Here in Valencia we weren't even allowed to go to school today! I've missed an exam! Yay! I get the day off! I get some time to write and update! Yay for me! ^0^ )… and `cause I didn't save this chapter while I was writing it, I'm having to rewrite it T-T … stupid storm…But I'm back! And this time I'll keep on saving while I write, that way if there's an electric cut, my work will still be ok! Yay! Anyway, enough rambling, on with the chapter…

Disclaimer: I don't own the Slayers, bla, bla, bla… don't own anything, I'm afraid, life is just not fair, I'm afraid *Sigh*

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It was by now mid morning, and the sun was high up in the sky, illuminating the forest while making the lake by which Xellos sat sparkle. It had already been two whole hours since Lina and co had left him in charge of little Filia and her wolf pet.

The mazoku turned and watched girl and wolf run around the clearing, giggling as they did so… it didn't fit into his mind that the child he was seeing at the moment was none other than his Fi-chan. After all no one could blame him, for the Golden dragon was completely unrecognizable, instead of a violent, short tempered girl who always tried to hit him, he had found a cute little girl who seemed to think that life was wonderful everyday and everywhere.

He shook his head as he got up, if he was going to have to baby-sit, he would do it his way, he thought as he smirked, "Filia! Fi-chan! Come here!" he called to her, and in seconds, the little Golden dragon stood before him, accompanied by her pet wolf, "Good, Fi-chan. Look, as we are stuck with each other, we might as well have fun, don't you think? Want to go have some fun?"

This seemed to catch the girl's attention, who's eyes seemed to shine, "Fun?! I want fun! Yay! What are we gonna do, Mr… hum… Mr…" the golden dragon looked as if she were trying her hardest to remember her babysitter's name, but to no avail… how had that red haired girl called him? It started with X, or something like that, whatever it was, she couldn't seem to remember.

In defeat, Filia looked up into his face, "What was your name? I can't remember. Please tell me?" she moved her dragon tail from side to side, as a dog would have done, while smiling up at him all the while.

"Xellos," he said to her, trying to restrain himself from laughing, what had happened to Namagomi? Couldn't remember, could she? "But you can call me Xel, if you want too."

The golden dragon's smile shined, "Sure thing, Xel!" she suddenly turned to look at her wolf friend, "Do you think Kai-chan could come with us? I want him to come." She emphasized her point by hugging said creature as she looked at the mazoku with huge pleading eyes, "Please? Pretty, pretty, sugar coated please? I promise I'll take care of him, and I'll brush him, and I'll love him, and…"

Xellos couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, where was her temper now? "Sorry, Fi-chan, he's gonna have to stay here, you'll see him later, after the fun is over, ok?" he opened one eye for effect as he outstretched his hand and offered it to the little girl, who seemed to be debating on whether to listen to him or not.

Finally she heaved a sigh, "Ok… but you have to promise that he'll be fine. You think he'll go back to his other friends?" she asked as she took his hand and he lifted her off from the ground and into his arms.

"Sure he will!" he said as he carried her into the campsite, "Believe me! I live in a place where there are lots and lots of wolves, and they are very social animals, so don't worry, he'll be fine." Xellos looked around as he sat her on the ground, clothes… she needed clothes if he wanted to take her to the city. However, there were none.

He smirked as he watched her suck her thumb as she sat on the forest floor, a little magic wouldn't hurt her, he thought as he snapped his fingers, making a cute little dress appear on her instead of the over grown shirt she had been wearing, "There," he said as she stood up to take a look at herself, "What do you think? Like it?"

The little girl outstretched her arms; yes, beautiful… just beautiful, she thought when she found she was wearing a blue dress, long enough for it to be pretty, but short enough to allow her to run and sit on the ground without difficulty, "Yes, I do, very much, thank you!" she ran to him and hugged him again, causing the mazoku to sweatdrop heavily. Weird girl, wasn't she?

Xellos picked up the hugging Dragon and suddenly flashed out of the campsite. This would be great fun… at least the way he saw it anyway…

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ (Half an hour latter at a nearby city)

Filia walked alongside Xellos as she watched all the houses and shops around her; the town they were in was cute, comfy and beautiful, not to mention that its habitants were very nice indeed; nothing at all like the Dragon sanctuary, were everyone bossed her around, this felt so good! She was free like a bird at last!

The little Golden dragon gave a giggle, let go of Xellos' hand and began running around the street, bowed tail swishing like a dog's, until suddenly she came to a halt, staring at an ice-cream carriage right in front of her, "Xel-sama!" she said as she ran back to him, "Xel-sama! I'm hungry! I want an ice cream! Can I? Can I? Can I? Pleasey, pleasy please?"

Xellos smirked at her, "I don't have money right now, but if you do what I told you earlier, you'll get the ice cream for sure, so, why don't you try it?"

The girl smiled as they both went to the carriage and began looking at the different flavors, until the owner came and asked them what was it they'd have.

Filia giggled as she pointed to the blue-colored flavor, "I want that one, please!" she said as she clapped her hands, making Xellos smile, for he knew what she was going to do next.

"Ok," said the man as he prepared the ice cream, "It's one gold piece, please."

Filia shook her head, smile never leaving her face, "I don't have money! Can you give me the ice cream anyway? Please?"

The man blinked and shook his head no as well, "No, if you want some you need to pay, like the rest." He looked at Xellos, whose smirk was widening by seconds, and frowned at him, what kind of a father was he if he taught his child to behave like this?

The mazoku wagged a finger at the little Golden dragon, "Now, now, Fi-chan, that's not what I taught you. What do you have to do to get the ice cream?" he said as he winked an eye at her, making her giggle even more <My, my… Filia sure giggles a lot, doesn't she? ^-^ Reminds me of a friend of mine… she's always giggling! Don't know how she does it -_->

The blond girl seemed to think deep for a moment, before jumping up and down and clapping her hands, "Oh! Oh! I remember! I remember!" she suddenly closed her eyes, her aura surrounding her as she transformed into her not-bigger-than-a-cow <She is a baby right now, after all ^.~> Dragon self.

She looked at the man who still held her ice cream and smiled once more, "May I have my ice cream now, please?" she asked as she outstretched a paw <Or would it be called claw?... I'm not sure>

The man blinked and turned pale as he gave her the ice cream, "Su… sure, here you go, little gir… err… I mean cute, beautiful-looking, well tempered dragon. Just please, don't hurt me, I'm real sorry…"

Xellos opened his eyes and looked at the owner as he patted Filia's head, who was currently licking her cone away, "Free?" he asked, "How nice of you!"

The man was by now freaking out, for the moment the purple haired priest opened his eyes, it was made clear that he was mazoku, what the hell were a mazoku and a dragon doing together? This wasn't normal… not at all, or at least thought the poor man as he backed away from the carriage, "Hum… yeah! Free! Take the whole stock! I'm sorry! I didn't know what you were!" he continued to back away until he decided that his life was far more precious than some stupid ice cream.

Xellos chuckled as he watched the fleeing human, then turned and faced the little Golden dragon, who was enjoying herself to a no end, sitting and eating the ice cream, "Fi-chan, return to your human self for the moment being, he said as he looked around himself, noticing that several people were staring, "Then we can go have some more fun, `k"

The dragon nodded, turned back to her human form, and allowed Xellos to pick her up, `This might not be so bad, after all,' thought Xellos as he flashed them somewhere else, `I didn't know she had it in her! This is going to better than I first thought!'

Dark angel: *Rereads what she has written and then sweatdrops* Hum, I think that was very weird… but I liked the idea of Filia turning into a different person, so that's why I wrote it, I promise I'll write more if you want me to *sweatdrops again* And I'll try to make it better too. Please tall me what you thought of it! *Turns into a chibi, five year old girl* Pleasey, pleasey, PLEASE! E-mail me too! Bye! *Leaves skipping and clapping her hands*