Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles' Adventures ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hiyas! Long time, no story, eh? Well, I apologize, but here it is! CHAPTER 10! The final chapter to this thing! I hope it turned out okay, I had the urge to finish it all of the sudden, so, this is what happened! Oh, I added another character from the comics this time, Geoffrey St. John. (He's a skunk for those of you who don't know.) Okay, enough of that! Enjoy!!! And as usual, please review! ^_^

WARNING!!!! This chapter, like each of its predecessors contains GRAPHIC SEX BETWEEN MULTIPLE MALES!!! So if you're not gonna like it, or aren't 17+, then DON'T READ IT!!!!! That is all…

And, of course, I own NONE of the characters EXCEPT FOR LEOSTAR! All the others are copyright Sega and/or Archie!!!



Later that day Sonic and I had completely finished packing his stuff and were just about ready to go. I was amazed at just how little stuff he had!

"Knux?" he began. "I'm so glad we finally came out and told each other our true feelings." He walked over to me slowly and I put a pair of his socks down. "And I'm even more happy we're going to live together for the rest of our lives!" With that he kissed me, catching me totally by surprise. But of course I gave into him quickly. And after he pulled away I said,

"Yeah, me too. I'm happy you're coming to live with me." I smiled. Then we went back to finishing up the task at hand, and just as we were closing the last box, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I exclaimed. As I opened the door I smiled when I saw who was there.

"Hiya Knuckles!" It was Tails.

"Hey kid, come on in!" I said. And with that he walked in and I shut the door behind him.

"Who is it?!?" Sonic shouted from around the corner of the room.

"It's our good friend Tails!" I replied, smiling down at the twin tailed fox.

"Hey Sonic! I just wanted to see if you guys needed anything before you leave us?" He was a little sad, I could tell, but he did well in not showing it. "Oh, and I also brought you two each a little something…" He grinned and began shuffling through a bag he had in his hands.

"Uhh, gee Tails, you didn't have to get us anything!" Sonic said

"Nah! Ah, here you go!" And he whipped out 2 pairs of pants, both of which were jeans, and gave them to us, grinning from ear to ear. Sonic and I both blushed as we took them from him and held them in front of to see how they would look.

"Hey, thanks Tails! I guess this is just what we needed!" I say, laughing.

"Yeah, I figured you might want to be covered up in case anything embarrassing happens while you're some place public!" He says smiling. How about you Sonic, do you like 'em?

"Uhh… yeah… they're, uh, nice Tails, thanks!" Sonic says, still blushing as brightly as a blue hedgehog could. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Aww Sonic, you're so cute when you blush!" I say as I walk over to kiss him on the cheek. He pretended to get upset with me and tried to push me away, which made Tails laugh.

"So… I guess you guys don't need anything, huh?" Tails asked as if he were beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"No Tails, I think we're… Sonic began.

"Actually… I can think of something." I say, cutting Sonic's sentence in half.

"Really?!?" Tails asked with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Yeah." I say, moving directly behind Sonic, who has a look of confusion on his face. "I don't know about Sonic, but I'd like it if you'd…" I move my hand to grab Sonic's crotch, and he gasps. "…Help us relieve some of our tensions?" I grin slyly as I slowly rub Sonic's sheath.

"Sounds like a good idea to me…." Sonic says, his voice trailing off to a low moan.

"You bet!" Tails says, jumping in the air and running to me.

"Tails, you get behind me… I think you know what to do from there." I say with a chuckle in my voice.

"You don't have to tell me twice Knuckles!" I smiled at him and was shocked to see that both of his penises were already halfway exposed from their sheaths. Sonic was still moaning softly as I continued to work on him, massaging his balls and stroking his sheath as I coaxed his maleness from it's hiding place as well. The excitement didn't take long to get me going either and before I knew it, my entire cock was exposed, pressed against Sonic's backside. Sonic clumsily fell to his hands and knees, and I took my position behind him and Tails did the same behind me.

"You ready, Sonic?" I ask him, leaning over his back, stroking his fully erect member with one hand.

"Yes Knuckles!!!" He shouts. And needing no more encouragement, I drive my cock deep into his tail hole in one fast thrust. "Aaaahhh!" He cries out at first from the initial shock of feeling himself stretched to his limit. I smirk and kiss his neck, then my hips begin their rhythm, pumping in and out of him slowly, and I too moan in delight as I feel the warmth of him surrounding my most sensitive flesh. Then my trance was broken by a voice.

"Here I go Knuckles!!" Tails said, and before I could respond I cried out at the top of my lungs as he plunged himself into me, fast. I cringed in pain, pausing my own motions as I said,

"Damn Tails! What did you do, stick them both in me?!?!"

"Of course Knuckles! I know you can take it." He said, smiling as he started to slide his twin cocks in and out of my hole to the same rhythm that I was doing to Sonic. He would push in as I pulled out and vice versa. And naturally I began stroking Sonic off in the same manner.

Ten minutes or so into our fun, we were all going at it steadily, faster now and harder too, the three of us moaning to create a sort of sexual harmony. When to my surprise there was a loud pounding on the door to the hut. All three of us froze as we turned to see who it was.

"Shit! Who could that be?" I ask quietly.

"I dunno, probably Sally… I'll find out!" Sonic said. And wile the three of us still had our cocks buried in each other; Sonic cleared his throat and asked, "Who's there?"

"It's me, mate, Geoffrey. And I need to speak to you immediately!" He said. And before Sonic could respond to him, the door flung open and Geoff stormed in the room. He didn't get far before he froze in his footsteps after seeing the sight before him. "Oh! For the love of…! Couldn't you guys at least wait until AFTER you leave, or lock the door or something! I think I'm going to be sick!" He says, covering his eyes and stepping backwards. I begin to laugh. Sonic looks at me angrily. "What's so funny, guardian?" Geoff asks.

"Well, if you're feeling sick, your body is telling me otherwise!" I say, smirking. He looks down at himself to see that his sheath had swollen and the tip of his own cock was poking out of it. He blushed ferociously. "I think you might want to shut the door now, Geoffrey." He does so, with some difficulty. By now Tails and Sonic are giggling at him too. And his cock just keeps getting longer and harder, until he is also fully erect.

"I… I… I don't know what's happening!" He stutters, on the verge of tears. Seeing this, Tails stops laughing and says,

"Why don't you join us, Mr. St. John?" He smiles and Geoff looks stunned.

"You mean me… fuck you? But I'm not…. I mean…. Oh gods!"

"You could be the receiver if you prefer, I'm sure Sonic wouldn't mind." I say, nudging Sonic. "You know, this is what he really meant all those time he said, 'Fuck You!' to you!" I laugh. Geoff chuckles a little himself and takes a deep breath.

"I can't believe I'm going to do this!" He walks over; taking off what little clothes he has on and kneels by Sonic. "Okay hedgehog, this is your one opportunity!" And he backs himself under Sonic, who aims his dripping maleness at the skunk's virgin tail hole.

"Prepare yourself, St. John! I'm not going easy on you!" And Sonic thrusts his hips into Geoff as hard as he could, as deep as he would go. Geoffrey screamed in pain as Sonic smirked. I could see the tears forming in Geoff's eyes as Sonic started to pound him, and quickly Tails and I caught up. Minutes later I could hear a fourth set of moaning as we increased the tempo to the point that we couldn't stop now for anything.

Naturally it was then that the door flung wide open and a familiar face stepped into the room.

"Guardian Knuckles! We heard the good news and wanted to…" He stopped. It was Yanar and Leostar. "Uhh, I'm sorry, we'll leave you four alone."

"No, wait Yanar!" Tails cried out. "Join us! Pleeeease!?" He said between moaning. The two of them looked at each other and nodded, closing the door behind them and walking closer.

"You know Knuckles, I really am sorry we left like we did, it was…"

"Shove it you two! Just get over here and have some fun, you can explain later… maybe." I say, smiling. They both get on the floor. Yanar lays beneath Geoffrey and quickly takes the skunk's thick cock into his mouth, sucking eagerly, trying desperately to match the pace we were already at. I heard Geoff moan and felt him shudder from the pleasure. Then I heard Tails moan louder behind me and I knew Leostar was making his way into the younger fox. Sure enough, he was thrusting his hips to meet our rhythm and speed. He grinned at me and I smiled back.

It was probably only another five minutes or so with the six of us mating and sucking each other before I felt Sonic's body go rigid beneath my own as he fired his load deep into the skunk, filling his tight ass past full, as my love's seed gushed out around his stiff cock and ran to the floor. Shortly thereafter, the sensations his body was giving my own cock was too much to take as I let loose into him, numerous waves of my passion and lust, filling him once more. Then Tails came inside me, his two penises firing hard and filling me with more than I could take as it, too, flowed out of me and down my thighs. And finally both Geoff and Leostar came at the same time, moaning in ecstasy before we all collapsed in one big messy heap.

"Wow…" Geoffrey said, staring at the ceiling, panting heavily. I chuckled and sat up a little.

"That was… I can't even describe it, it was so good!!!!" I say. The rest of them agree, either through a spoken or unspoken response. "Buuuut… Sonic and I really have to get going before dark, so we'd better get cleaned up!"

The rest of them all stand up, except for Sonic, who reaches over to kiss me passionately. I blush.

"Well, I'll get going then, guys." Geoff said. "Thanks for inviting me to join you, I think we may have to do it again sometime. I wish you two the best of luck together!" He smirks and takes off, still dripping wet.

"I'll go now too, I guess." Tails said.

"Don't be so glum, kid, we'll be back soon, and you can visit us anytime you want to!" I say, rubbing his head fur. He brightens up immediately and hugs me tightly.

"I love you Knuckles! Thanks!!!" Then he turns to Sonic and hugs him too. "You too, Sonic, I love you!"

"Aww, I love you too big guy." Sonic says, smiling.

"Good luck guys! I'll be seeing you soon!" Tails says. And with that he leaves, also still covered in the evidence of what we were all just doing.

"Well… as I was saying Knuckles, we heard the news and wanted to help you move Sonic's stuff to the island! We're so happy for you two!" Yanar says, hugging me. I hug back.

"Aw, thanks guys! We appreciate it!" I say. Sonic nods. And I guess we'd better get going now then, huh?

"Yeah, let's just go as we are, I'd like to take a bath in one of your islands rivers when we get there." Sonic says.

"Sure thing, Sonic, let's go. I say and between the four of us, we manage to take all of Sonic's belongings and head out on our trip to the floating island. We didn't bother to say bye to Sally and the rest of them, because Sonic feared she'd break down and cry, and he didn't want to see that, so off we went, holding each other's hand along the way as a gesture of our everlasting love for all to see. (not to mention our matted fur!)


Yep! That's all for this story! I hope it turned out all right. And as usual I'd appreciate any and all comments you might have! Thanks for reading!!!! ^_~