Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles' Adventures ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It's almost finished!!! Only one more brief chapter to go! I hope this one turned out all right. Please enjoy and review if you would be so kind!!! Thanks!

WARNING!!!!! This chapter, like ever other in this story has GRAPHICALLY DESCRIPTIVE SEX between TWO MALES!!!! If you do not wish to read this sort of thing, or are under the age of 17, then please, TURN BACK NOW! As for the rest of you, have fun!! ^_~

And all characters herein are property of SEGA and/or ARCHIE EXCEPT for Leostar, who is my own creation! Please, PLEASE do not use him without asking my permission first!!! Thank you!

Knuckles' Adventures Chapter 9 by The Lonely Echidna

I awoke to the rays of sun peeking through the window, shining brightly in my eyes. As I slowly opened my eyes, the light momentarily blinded me, taking a few moments to adjust to its intensity. I rolled over so that my face was out of the sunlight and rubbed my eyes. Upon opening them again, I found Sonic standing over me, smiling.

"Well well well, look who finally decided to wake up!" He said. "Good morning, beautiful!"

"Hi Sonic! What are you doing up already?"

"Already? It's past noon, sleepyhead!" At the sound of that my eyes shot open and I sat straight up.

"What?!?! It can't be! I am supposed to accompany Yanar and Leostar home to the Island this afternoon!" I start to get out of bed when Sonic stops me.

"Don't bother, Red, they're already gone." Upon hearing these words, for some reason my heart sunk, and I quickly became saddened. "I found their stuff to be all cleared out and in its place was a note for you."

"I knew I shouldn't have let them be together like that…"

"But if you hadn't, you would never have known how much I truly love you Knuckles!" He says, with a kiss on my cheek. I didn't know what to think! I still loved Yanar… or did I? What was I doing?!?! Here I have this wonderful friend that has helped me out many a time when I have been in a jam, who loves me more than anything, and I think I love someone who just ran off without even saying goodbye! Does it really matter if my mate is not an echidna, like myself? Why should I care what others think, so long as I am happy?

"Sonic.." I say weakly.

"What is it, Knuckles?" He says, sitting on the bed, besides me. Without saying a word, I reach my arms around his neck and pull him close to me, kissing him deeply and passionately. I think I startled him at first, but he quickly got into it. When I let him go, I simply said, "I love you Sonic." And before I knew it he was kissing me once more, this time his hands were roaming all around my body though.

"Knuckles, I want to be with you forever." He said, pausing momentarily between kisses. It wasn't until he finally stopped that I was able to get a word in.

"Don't even bother showing that note to me Sonic, because I have decided, that I, too want to be with you forever." I then hugged him tightly against my body; reveling in the feeling his body's warmth gave me. "Hey, you didn't take a shower yet today, did you?" I ask him.

"No… Why, what do you have in mind?" He says, looking at me, scrutinizing.

"Oh, nothing, I just remembered the sticky mess we made last night all over each other, that's all." I say to him, rubbing his matted fur with my hand. "You game?"

"I'm already in the shower, Rad Red!" And with that he darts off into the bathroom, quickly turning on the water, waiting for me. I walk to the bathroom slowly, knowing that I am tormenting Sonic as he waits. I try not to think about what we're going to do in there, besides cleaning up, of course… but none the less, my maleness began to awaken and partially expose itself from it's hiding place. Upon entering the bathroom, I was about to shut the door, when Sonic said, "Knux, don't bother! We're all alone anyways…" And with a smirk, he signaled for me to crawl into the shower with him.

"My my my, Sonic! It appears as though you're excited to see me already!" I say, gripping his hard cock tightly with my left hand. He jumped slightly at my touch, but quickly settled down when I kissed him, long and hard on his warm lips. I pulled his body tight against mine, feeling his wet fur rub against mine, and his burning erection poking my inner thigh. I knew I had made the right choice, and I wasn't going to turn back now. I swiftly broke away from him and knelt between his muscular legs, pausing only momentarily to grin lustfully up at him before taking his entire cock into my mouth.

"God, Knucklesss…" was all he could manage to say before I began to go to work on him, licking all over every inch of flesh that was available to me, sucking with all my might, forcing his moans into a crescendo for what seemed like hours. I looked up at him to see he was leaning back against the tile wall, propping himself up with either arm. His eyes were clenched tightly shut, as were his teeth, and I knew he wouldn't be long now. I closed my eyes and focused all my efforts on the task at hand… err, in my mouth I mean, and sucked faster and harder, flicking the tip with my tongue every so often in an attempt to finally push him over the edge.

And without warning I felt that familiar fluid begin to fill my mouth. His moaning hit its peak at that instant, as my mouth was flooded with the heroic blue hedgehog's seed of life once more. When his shooting had subsided, I released his softening member from my mouth, allowing only a small portion of what I wad collected on my mouth to escape, dribbling down over my chin, as I stood up in front of him, and waited for him to open his eyes. When he finally opened his eyes, revealing his gorgeous emerald eyes, I gazed deep into them, sending him a sort of telepathic message, and, as if he had received it, he smiled and pulled me closer to him. It was then that I decided to kiss him again, this time with my mouth still full of his fluids. As I pressed my mouth against his, opening my lips to greet his own, I shared with him, that which he had given to me. And the harder we forced our tongues into each other's mouth, the more of his seed seeped out, dripping from our chins onto our furry chests below. Pulling away, I smiled and said,

"See? I told you, you tasted good, Sonic!" He smiled and shook his head in amusement. "So, should we get ourselves cleaned up now? We're even messier than when we came in here!"

"But… what about you? Your penis is begging for release!" He says to me, looking down at my rock hard cock, pressed between our two stomachs.

"No… I think I'll wait today. Besides, I think you'll enjoy it even more later…. I know I will!" I say in reply, grinning my trademark grin. He simply grinned back at me and kissed me on the nose.

"As you wish, my love." He began to lather up my fur with a bar of soap, and I did the same for him. The entire time we just commented back and forth on how perfect the other was, taking extra time to clean our most sensitive parts. When we finally finished and set foot out of the shower, we toweled each other off.

"Well Sonic, I guess we had better get moving, seeing as it is already after one in the afternoon!" I say, laughing.

"Yeah… we gotta get you packed up and shipped back to the Island!"

"Whaddya mean, 'packed up?' I didn't bring anything with me!" I shout back.

"Oh, yeah…. That's right." He says, noticeably blushing. "Then I guess you can leave anytime you want to." He said, his voice not as perky as it was a minute ago. But what if I don't want to leave? I thought to myself. This is my mate for life here, how can I live my life so far away from him? Maybe he will want to come with me? I stop him in the bedroom.

"Sonic…?" I begin.

"What is it, Knux?" He replies.

"I… don't want to leave you! I want to stay with you forever, Sonic! I love you!" I grab him and bury my face into his chest, sobbing lightly. He placed his arm around me and began to stroke the back of my head, lovingly.

"I love you too, Red! But it's your duty to be the guardian of that island! Your birthright." He says. I frown, knowing all too well that he is right. Then I ask him this question,

"Well… how'd ya like to come with me? We'd be true mates, living together, fighting together, and uh… breeding each other." I say, cracking a smile. He looks at me and smiles back, and then he kisses me on the nose and says,

"You think they'd miss me?" I roll my eyes and chuckle,

"I don't think it'd take them all but five minutes to realize you're gone!" He laughs.

"Maybe if I tell them the truth about us, they'll understand that I have to move on in live… that I want to be with you for the rest of our existence!" I nod.

"It's all up to you, Blue Boy, it's not like you'll be abandoning your cause, and actually, I'd be joining you…. Just that you'd be relocated." He agreed and we gave each other a kiss, and then went out to find everyone.

It didn't take more than a couple of minutes to find Sally, Geoffrey, and Tails looking over some plans of attack on Dr. Eggman. When they say us, Tails ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

"Oh Knuckles! I though you had left already with Yanar and Leo!"

"Nope. But I will be leaving very shortly." I ruffled his head fur with my hand and approached Sally and Geoff.

"Hello… Guardian." St. John says sternly. I glare at him threateningly and make a gesture that I wanted to get 'in' him in order to frighten him off. "Uh, Princess, I think I'll head back to my hut now. I'll see you later." And after a quick kiss, he took off. I noticed Sonic cringe a little as he did so out of the corner of my eye.

"So guys, what's up?" Sally asks us.

"Sal… I have something I need to tell you." Sonic says, his hands shaking slightly.

"What is it, Sonic?"

"Well… it's about us… Knuckles and I… we're…"

"You don't need to tell me any more, Sonic! I already know!" She says, stopping him.

"Wha…? You do? How?" Sonic asks, stunned that she isn't completely upset."

"Trust me, I just know. And I'll bet you were going to tell me that you were going to run off with him too, right?" She continues.

"Uh… yeah." Sonic says, still amazed that she knows everything.

"So go! I'm not going to stop you from being with the person you love! And I know you won't stop fighting for us either. Besides, we've got Geoff to protect us here, and Tails too, who's becoming quite the freedom fighter, thanks to you!"

"So…. You're not upset with me?" He says.

"Not at all. Now get out of here, you've got a lot of packing to do!"

"Yeah… I guess I do." He says, smiling at me. "C'mon Knux, let's get going!" I nod and smile back, and together we walk off back to his hut, hand in hand, ready to begin the next journey in our lives.

~~Alrighty, one chapter to go, and then I'm moving on to something new. I just wanted to drop a line here saying that if you have any good ideas for a new story, feel free to let me know!!! Either by email, or IM! I have some good ideas already, but I like to have a good selection. (And even if I don't use it now, I will probably use it further on down the line.) Thanks!

--The Lonely Echidna--