Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles' Adventures ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well, I finally got around to finishing the next chapter! I had several people asking for me to continue on, so with that encouragement I did! Sorry to all the flamers, I bet they thought I was gone! Heheh, nope, I have just been busy. Anyways, this chapter is a bit shorter than the others, but that's okay. At least it's something, right? I hope you all enjoy it, and I look forward to HOPEFULLY reading some new reviews! Have fun! ^_^

WARNING!! As usual, this chapter is rated NC-17 because within it's contents are descriptions of GRAPHIC SEX BETWEEN 2 MALES. Please, DO NOT READ if you are under the age of 17 or if you are DISGUSTED OR OFFENDED BY THIS!! Well, I've done my part! Continue if you dare!

And all characters herein are property of SEGA and/or ARCHIE EXCEPT for Leostar, who is MINE, ALL MINE! =-P Please, PLEASE do not use him without asking my permission first!!! Thank you!

Knuckles' Adventures Chapter 8 by The Lonely Echidna

"Hiya Knuckles!" Leostar exclaimed as we walked into the room. Yanar doesn't take his eyes off him. "Who's the cutie?"

"Oh, this is Tails." I say, looking at Yanar, who seems to be in a hypnotic state. "Tails and I had just finished having a little fun when we decided to check up on you two."

"We're fine, Knuckles…" Yanar said, pausing and turning to me. "Knuckles, can I speak to you alone for a minute?" He then asks me.

"Uh… sure. Guys, do you mind leaving us alone for a minute?" I ask, directing my question at Leo and Tails. They both nod and Leo gets up off of the bed and walks out of the room with Tails. As they left the room, I heard Tails say, "Looks like Yanar wants some of the Guardian right now!" And they both snickered and shut the door behind them.

"Knuckles, I have to ask you something…" Yanar starts.

"Sure, my love, anything!" I reply.

"It's about Leo…"

"Yeah… he's wonderful, isn't he? Being able to survive what he's been through, and all! It's amazing! Not to mention his body, wow, he's absolutely gorgeous!" I say, rambling on.

"Yes Knuckles, that brings me to my question… I want to sleep with him tonight… alone." It was at that moment I felt my heart shatter inside me. I thought he would never want any other echidna other than me. I was so blind to it all, the way he looks at him… but why?

"But what about us, Yanar? I thought we had something special here!?!"

"We do, my Guardian! But I have to have him to myself… at least this once." He got up off the bed and approached me. I was shocked. I did not move, and I felt a tear forming in the corner of my eye. When he was directly in front of me, he placed his hand on my shoulder and looked me straight in the eyes. "I love you, Knuckles, don't you ever doubt that!" He said to me, quietly, and kissed me on the cheek. I hadn't moved at all since he got off the bed.

"Fine… I'll leave you two alone tonight. But you'd better make up for it when we get back to the island!" I said, trying to cover up the sorrow in my voice. He then smiled widely, and hugged me tightly. I weakly returned the gesture and when he broke our embrace, said,

"Thank you Knuckles. You truly are the best boyfriend an echidna could ever have!" And with that he opened the door and dragged me out of the room with him. Leostar and Tails were both on the couch, Leo was sitting upright, and Tails was laying his head in his lap, while Leo rubbed his chest fur. He looked over at us, smiled, and said,

"He's asleep! Be quiet." And slowly he lifted Tails' head off of his lap and stood up, gently laying it back down. Then he walked over to us and Yanar spoke up.

"Guardian Knuckles here agreed to leave us a night to be alone, Leostar."

"Oh, Knuckles! Thank you so much for understanding!" I smiled at him and he hugged me close to him. "Don't you worry about a thing, Guardian, I'll make it up to you."

"I know you will." I said, grinning. "As will Yanar, too." Yanar smiled and nodded. "Okay you two, I know you're waiting for me to leave, so I'll take Tails home." I was trying so hard to keep my composure. Knowing that Yanar would no longer be only mine was tearing me apart inside, but I wouldn't let it show. So I simply walked over to Tails, picked him up in my arms, and walked to the door. "I'll see you two in the morning!" And with that I walked out the front door, heading off to Tails' hut. It didn't take me long to get him back home, since Sonic's and his huts were placed so closely together. Something that was planned on purpose, I'm sure. As I neared his home, I noticed that the lights were on inside. 'Sonic must be in.' I thought to myself. Deep down inside of myself, I was hoping that Sonic would invite me to spend the night over here, since I had promised I would leave my mate and his newfound lover alone for the night. Approaching the doorstep, I knocked lightly on the door, not wanting to wake the still sleeping Tails in my arms. Then the door swung open, widely, and standing there was my favorite blue hedgehog, smirking at me. I almost broke down right there, I was so happy to see him.

"I see you've brought me a gift!" He says, smiling. "Come on in Knux, you can lay him down on the couch over there."

"Thanks, Sonic." And I walked to the couch and gently laid him down, resting his head against some throw pillows.

"Knuckles, is something bothering you? You look shaken, you're not yourself!" He then asked. I sighed, and then turned around to look at him. He must've noticed that my eyes were beginning to tear, as his own eyes got extremely wide and his smile quickly faded away from his face. "Come on, Red, tell me… I wanna help you!" I couldn't hold it in anymore, and as I walked towards him, tears began flowing down my cheeks, slowly at first, but increasing in frequency instantly. I ran the last couple of steps towards him and threw my arms around him, pulling him closer to me as I buried my face in his chest, tears now flowing freely, staining his sapphire and tan fur.

"I'm sorry Sonic! It's just that… that…" And I officially began to cry at that point. I had trouble speaking clearly to him, and he realized this as he hugged me back, simply saying,

"Shhhhh… calm down Knuckles. I'm here for you, you can tell me anything." It took me a little while, but when I finally slowed my crying long enough, I looked up to him, and smiled very weakly. He took his gloved hand then and wiped the remaining tears out of my reddened eyes.

"Oh, Sonic, it's just that… Yanar and Leo… they asked if I could leave them alone for the night… and I thought Yanar would only want me… and now I have to share him… I just don't know what to do Sonic!" I stuttered, running all of my thoughts together. Sonic then pulled me closer to him, hugging me tightly and rubbing the back of my head with one of his gloved hands.

"Knuckles, you know Yanar still loves you, I could see that plain as day even when Leo came to deliver the bad news! He didn't dispute his fate in the slightest bit, and I could tell then that he would be loyal to you forever. But even you should know that every so often there comes a time when you need a change from the norm! He'll spend his time with Leo and realize once again how truly wonderful you are!" I had never heard Sonic speak like this before! I was shocked, but he made me feel so much more relaxed and less worried that Yanar wouldn't want me anymore. I looked up again into the hedgehog's large, emerald eyes, and sniffled feeling the tears that were flowing so freely from my eyes had just about stopped now. It felt so good to have him hug me once more, and looking up to him, I smiled as best I could.

"You're right, Sonic. I'm so glad you're such a good friend!" And with that he kissed me between my eyes, and, pushing me away a little, he wiped all the remaining tears away from my eyes.

"I like to think we're more than just friends now, Knux!" He said to me with a somewhat devilish grin.

"Yeah, I guess we are, huh?" I replied with a chuckle.

"Hey, you need to get some rest. You have a long journey tomorrow! You can sleep with me in my bed tonight, if you'd like."

"You know I would!" I say, grinning widely. "But what about Tails, here?"

"Oh, he'll be fine on the couch! That kid can sleep through anything!!!" Sonic said, laughing. So I followed Sonic into the bedroom and he closed the door behind us. We both crawled in bed, and after giving each other a goodnight kiss, and myself thanking him once more, he turned off the lights and I closed my eyes, letting out a sigh.

I just lay there in bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to each breath Sonic took into his body. I couldn't sleep, my mind was racing with thoughts and, worse yet, visions of what Yanar and Leostar could possibly be doing together at that very moment. Then I would think of the future, and what could happen if Yanar ended up deciding to run off with him, leaving me alone… alone on my island forever. And just then a tear rolled down my cheek. I moved my arm to brush it away, and in the process, jabbed my elbow into Sonic's back. He began to stir at that moment, and I kept myself perfectly still, with my only movement being my chest heaving with long breaths of air. When I thought he had fallen back asleep, I let out a long sigh. It must've been pretty loud too, as Sonic said,

"Knuckles, can't you sleep?"

"No, I can't. I keep thinking about… them… together." I reply. He turns over and looks at me. "I'm sorry Sonic, just go back to sleep."

"I can't do that Knux!" He says as he wraps an arm around me.

"Whaddya mean you can't?!?" I ask, frustrated.

"I mean, it looks to me like you need someone to love you tonight." He replies softly, looking directly into my bloodshot eyes. I tried to smile as best as I could and said,

"You're right, I think I do." And with that, he leaned towards me and kissed me on the lips. When he pulled away, I looked at him in the dim moonlight and said, "Cuddle with me, Blue!" And he grinned widely and moved to lay himself atop of me. I hugged him tightly against me, feeling the warmth of his body engulf me. It felt so good to hold him close to me once more, to feel his velvety soft fur running through my fingers as I felt the curves of his ass.

"I love you, Red!" He whispered in my ear while stroking my dreadlocks with one hand. I smiled, more vibrantly than before when I heard this.

"I… love you too, Sonic." I said in reply, just as quiet as he had said it to me. He then kissed me on my neck softly and pulled me closer against him. We remained like that for the longest time. I had closed my eyes and was now having pleasant thoughts and completely forgetting about why I was so upset. I would have thought Sonic to be asleep if he didn't continue to stroke the back of my head. It was then that I opened my eyes and spoke to him, with a decision I had made.

"Sonic?" I began.

"Hm?" He mumbled.

"I want to ask you something."

"Anything, Knux, anything!" He said, now looking into my eyes.

"Well… I want to have you inside me, Sonic. Would you want to do that?" He just looked into my eyes for a moment then kissed me on the lips again.

"Yes Knuckles! I have been waiting for you to ask me that!" He said with a smile. I grinned back at him when I noticed his erection already pressing against my belly. "I guess I'm just a little excited!" He says, blushing.

"Well, what are you waiting for, Big Blue?"

"Nothing, I just want this to last! I've dreamt of this day for the longest time!" He says as he positions himself so that I can feel the tip of his swollen, hot member brush up against my hole. I jumped slightly when I felt this, but calmed myself when he bent down over me and kissed my white status ring. "You ready, Knux?"

"Yes Sonic, let's do this!" And with that said he began pushing his cock against my tight hole, forcing it open as the head of his penis slipped inside. He paused briefly, looking down at me to find that I was grinning devilishly back at him. When he saw this, he chuckled, and continues to force his length inside me. The next time he paused, he spoke.

"I'm in you all the way, Red!" And we kissed long and passionately on the lips after he said that. As we were kissing, he began to slowly pump his hips back and forth, sliding his throbbing member in and out of me effortlessly. I was amazed at how good it felt to be on the receiving end of things for a change! It was pure ecstasy, and I could tell Sonic was enjoying it just as much as I was! By this time, I was also rock hard, thanks to my lover's stomach fur gently caressing my sheath and balls.

"Oh Sonic! Thank you! Thank you for pleasuring me like I have never been before!" I shouted out as he increased the frequency of his thrusting. He grinned his trademark grin and said,

"No, really, it's my pleasure!" I chuckled lightly at his comment, then said,

"You'd better live up to your name tonight, big boy!" And he whispered in my ear,

"You can bet I'm gonna go all the way for you!" My eyes widened in excitement when he said this and he winked at me. Then I noticed him pumping faster and faster into me, continuously increasing his speed. I closed my eyes and let out a soft moan as I felt his furry testicles slapping up against my ass more and more frequently. I could tell that he was beginning to sweat as his fur no longer glided smooth as velvet over my burning erection, but there was now more friction between his fur and my flesh. I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me, smirking slightly.

"What's so funny, blue boy?" I asked, trying to sound tough.

"Nothing's funny, I'm just really happy to see that you're enjoying yourself!" He said, all the while thrusting faster than I could ever do. Upon hearing this, I threw my arms around his neck and pulled his head down so that his lips locked with mine. When I let him go, my hands freely roamed his body, attempting to arouse him even more. All the while he had been fucking me faster and faster, so that by now, I couldn't even distinguish the time between an inward and an outward thrust!! Gazing back into his eyes, I could tell that his mind was clouding with lust and that he was way too far into this to even think about stopping. And I myself was also on the verge of making a stick mess all over our stomachs.

Then, all of the sudden I felt his cock swell up to an immense size inside me, and I knew it was time. He slowed his pace quickly, and, throwing his head back with one final hard thrust, deep inside of me, I felt him release his most precious fluids. He moaned loudly in delight, as wave after wave of his hedgehog seed quickly flooded my insides, bubbling out around his contracting shaft and running down my butt crack. The sensations were overwhelming. Being filled with my best friend's warm love fluids, his fur gently rubbing my cock, and the ever-powerful aroma of our sweaty bodies mixing in the air was enough to push me over the edge as well. I, too, threw my head back and moaned, even louder than he, as I released myself onto both our stomachs. All the while, he continued to fill me. This was by far the strongest orgasm I had ever had, which felt like it lasted for a good 5 minutes! And by the time the spurting had subsided, I was laying in a pool of spooge, his and mine mixed together, slowly cooling off and drying. Not to mention my chest fur was now plastered flat against my heaving chest. Then he collapsed onto me with a loud splat, panting heavily, trying to recover from his vigorous exercise.

When I thought he had finally regained some of his strength, I spoke to him softly,

"Sonic… That was the most remarkable thing to ever happen to me! I am so thankful you were the first, and maybe even the only person I experienced that with!" He smiled at me, pausing a moment before speaking.

"And I am glad you asked me to be the one. I wish you could stay with me forever Knuckles. I love you." And then he kissed me on the cheek and closed his eyes, letting out a long, deep breath. When he said this to me, a tear came to my eye, and a smile appeared on my face, and I thought to myself that maybe, just maybe, I would like that as well. Without pondering over it any longer, I shifted my body slightly into a more comfortable position, with Sonic lying on top of me, asleep. I pulled the sheets over us and closed my eyes, falling into a peaceful slumber, joining all my friends in dreams.