Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles' Adventures ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

All right, things might get a little weird here, but I hope not. There's a lot of filler in here, but I tried to make up for it with a lot of description… yeah. Anyways, have fun with it, and I hope you like it. Let me know by REVIEWING IT, or email/ IM me! Thanks! ^_~

WARNING!! As usual, this chapter is rated NC-17 because within it's contents are descriptions of GRAPHIC SEX BETWEEN 2 MALES and brief mentions of heterosexual stuff too. Please, DO NOT READ if you are under the age of 17 or if you are DISGUSTED OR OFFENDED BY THIS!! Thanks for listening! (I was too lazy to write a new warning!)

And all characters herein are property of SEGA and/or ARCHIE EXCEPT for Leostar, I own him, so you can't have him!! Hahahahaha! Please do not use him in any way without my consent to do so, okay? Thanks!

Knuckles' Adventures Chapter 7 by The Lonely Echidna

The next morning when I awoke, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was still inside my lover, although I wasn't hard anymore. Yanar was still asleep, a slight hint of a smile on his face, his eyes shut tightly, as I lay on his chest, feeling it slowly rise and lower with each breath he took. I then got an idea, and as I was thinking about it, I felt myself begin to lengthen and harden within him once again. I breathed in deeply, inhaling his sweet scent, which only aroused me more. I glanced up at him, and seeing that he was still deep in slumber, I kissed him lightly on the nose and begun moving my hips ever so slightly, moving myself in and out of him. The smile on his face widened, but yet he did not stir. I was no doubt helping to give him an incredible dream.

I quickened myself, sliding my entire length into and out of his warm hole, but not with the force he and I are used to, as I did not want to wake him just yet. He began to stir as I swelled inside of him, and I knew he would be waking soon so I had to think of a way to put me over the edge fast. I know what'll do it! I buried my snout deep in his chest fur, and inhaled deeply. His aromatic scent sent my mind spinning and I thrust my hips deeper once more, and held that position as the head of my cock flared and I let loose my seed, spilling forth into his beautiful body jet after jet until it gushed out around my thickness and formed a warm, sticky puddle beneath us. It was only when I had finished my fun that he began stirring again, eventually opening his large, deep blue eyes and smiled when he found me gazing at him from above.

"Good morning, my love!" I said, before kissing him on the lips. He smiled up at me and then said,

"Knuckles, I just had the most wonderful dream! You were fucking me, just as we always do, but this dream seemed incredibly real for some reason! I wish I could describe how…" He went silent as I pulled myself out of him with a loud pop; followed by the splat of my fleshy pole landing in the puddle I had made moments earlier. He just smiled, shaking his head, and rolled his eyes at me. "Why you clever, sexy, beautiful bastard!"

"I couldn't resist!" I say, kissing him once more. "I hope you're not upset that I just went along and did it without your knowledge?"

"Why would I be upset? That was almost the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me, that dream!"

"Oh, and what was the most exciting thing?" I ask softly, outlining his muscular form with my finger.

"My dream came true… You are that dream, Knuckles." He replied with a kiss on my cheek. I hugged him tightly and we lay like that in each other's strong arms until there came a loud knock at the door.

"Shit! I'll see who it is, you just stay here, sexy." I tell Yanar. I then get up, walk to the bathroom, and wrap a towel around my waist, concealing the messy evidence of what we were just doing. As I walk towards the door, they knocked again, louder, growing more impatient. "What?!?" I shouted, as I flung the door open.

"Hey Knux!" He looks my body over, noticing that my fur was slightly matted in places from working up a sweat, and when he saw the towel, said, "Awww, why're ya hiding the goods? Did I catch ya in the middle of doing something, like, oh I don't know…. Yanar maybe?" I shot him a harsh look, then quickly smiled a large, fake smile and said,

"Actually we finished a few minutes ago, thanks. And I'm wearing this cuz I don't want any more conflict, just in case you had been Sally. Get it?" I ask, immediately turning my tone from that of sarcastic happiness to anger. "Now what do you want? I don't have all day!" I shout at him.

"Whoa, sorry Red! I was just joking with you! Er, I'm here cuz there's another Echidna that is demanding to see you. He says it's important." I just look at him, trying to figure out who it could possibly be. "He's a rather freaky looking dude!"

"Did he say who he was?"

"No, he wouldn't say. He wants to see you as soon as possible."

"…Okay, I'll be out in a few. See ya Sonic, and sorry I snapped at you." I say, feeling guilty for how I spoke to him.

"No problem, you can make up for it later." He says with a wink. I shut the door behind myself and head back to the bedroom, where I find Yanar standing in the doorway.

"What was all that about?" He asks.

"There's someone here to see me… another echidna… I have no idea who it could be." I say.

"Would you like me to go with you?" He then asks, sympathetically, sensing the confusion in my voice.

"Yeah, I think I'd like that." I say with my trademark grin. "You can go with me anywhere, you know." Then I wink at him and he smiles, and wags his tail eagerly. "Come on, let's get dressed."

After we had cleaned ourselves up a bit, enough to make ourselves presentable, and we had each put all our clothes back on, we headed outside. It was another beautiful day. Pleasantly warm, and the sun was shining brightly. As we neared the main gathering hall, Sonic came over to meet us.

"Hey again Knux! I just wanted to tell ya that Sally also wants to speak with you."

"Thanks Sonic." He smiles at me. "Oh, by the way Sonic, did you know what she was up to last night, about the same time you and Tails were mating each other?" I ask. I wanted to see his reaction to this, and what he'll say to Sally!!

"No, what?" He asks, looking at me quizzically.

"Well…" I wrap my arm around his shoulders. "Your good friend, Geoff, stopped by for a visit last night."

"Yeah, so? He always does that, the jerk."

"Well, let's just say the two of them know each other as well as Yanar and I do. Know what I mean?" He stopped walking, silent, and turned to look at me.

"Are you saying he fucked her last night?!?!" He shouts, loudly.

"Shhhhh, don't let them hear you! Yeah, that's what I'm saying though."

"That dirty son of a bitch! I'm gonna kill him! How dare he do that to my Sally girl!" He wails loudly, he was obviously very upset.

"But Sonic," Yanar says, "Aren't you gay?" Sonic stops his ranting then and looks at him.

"Oh yeah." He smiles. "But that doesn't mean I don't care for her! I'll have my revenge with him, just you wait and see!!!" I start to laugh at him. When he notices this he asks, "And just what is so funny?"

"Nothing… nothing. Would you like me to assist you in any way?" I say, grinning.

"Yeah, sure. I'll let ya know, Red." And after that we continue walking together. I was still talking to Sonic, telling him what I had seen and heard the night before, and that Yanar had seen it as well. And I told him how happy I was to see that he and Tails were closer together than I had ever thought up until recent days. When we reached the gathering hall, Sally came out to see us. She told us to go on in, that the mysterious stranger was inside, alone, waiting for me. The whole time she spoke, she never once made eye contact with me for more than a split second, which was highly unlike her. She then left us and Sonic, Yanar and Myself went inside.

"Ah, Knuckles! Guardian of the Floating Island! It is such an honor to finally meet you." The echidna inside said upon sight of myself walking into the large room.

"Yes, that's me… and who may I ask are you, and what do you want?" I say, standing across the room from him, and crossing my arms.

"Oh, and who is this other… fine specimen of an echidna with you?" He asks, avoiding the question entirely.

"My name is Yanar." Yanar says. "I think it's best if you answer the questions the Guardian asked you."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to avoid the questions, just curious, that's all." He then stands up and walks towards me. It was then that I first saw that half his face and left arm were completely metallic. "My name's Leostar, it's nice to meet you." He says as he extends his gloved right hand. I hesitate a moment, then I meet his gesture and shake his hand. His hand was cold, even though it wasn't the robotic one, and it sent a slight chill along my spine. "And I'm here to talk to you about what's to become of you, with your particular lifestyle choice." He says, no longer smiling. I was sent here by the council of Albion." I immediately released his hand and glared him in the eyes with a cold stare.

"Alright, talk." Is all I say.

"They have asked me to inform you of the consequences of your actions." He then pulls a notepad out of the pocket of his shorts and fiddles through it until he finds what he is looking for. "Knuckles, you are hereby allowed to retain your title as Guardian as long as you continue doing the exceptional job that you have been doing, not letting pleasure interfere with your duties." He looks up at me and I nod, signaling for him to continue. "However, it is also your duty as Guardian to produce offspring to continue the tradition. So what I am saying is you will eventually have to mate with a female echidna, at least once."

"Alright, as it is my duty, I will do as it is written."

"Good. And now, as for you Yanar, you are forbidden to ever return to Albion."

"Wait, you can't do that!" I shout out to him. "He didn't do anything wrong!"

"Oh, I know he didn't. It's not my decision; it was the council's. They aren't accepting of this sort of thing. It's a shame really, but those with all the power decide the fate of all of us, and that fate is that we can never return there again." He says, hanging his head down, with a sigh.

"Wait, what do you mean, 'we'?" I ask.

"You heard me. We can never go back. You, Yanar, and myself. We have all been exiled for the same reason." I was shocked. This echidna was sent as a messenger to deliver this harsh punishment, knowing fully that he would never go back, himself!

"You mean, you're…"

"Yeah, just like you two. I had a fling a while back, and when they discovered it recently, that was the end of me. This is how I was exiled, to bring you a message of your own fate. I'm sorry." And with that, I saw a tear roll down his cheek. So I decided to hug him. He was noticeably startled, but relaxed immediately.

"You can come with me, if you like." I say. He looks back at me, through my eyes, deep into my soul, and nods. Then he hugs me back.

"Hey, uh, Knux? Sally's here to see you now." Sonic says.

"Alright, thanks. Would you guys mind leaving us alone?" They nod and leave the room. Sally then walks up to me and takes my large hands.

"Knuckles, I'm sorry about yesterday. I accept you for who you are and I know Sonic and Tails and just about everybody else does too. I just want to wish you luck in your relationship, and know that I'll always be here for you."

"Aw, thanks Sal. You don't know how much that means to me!" I say, hugging her tightly.

"You'll always have a special place in my heart, you know." She says then starts sobbing.

"Don't cry Sally, I'll always be here for you. I'm a Guardian remember? This won't change anything, okay?" She then nods and I pull away from our embrace. "I'll probably head back to the Island tomorrow, just so you know. And I'll be taking Yanar and Leostar with me." She smiles and says,

"Alright, I'll let you go now. Have fun." And with that I leave the hall and head back to the hut.

"So, how'd it go Knux?" Sonic asks.

"Not bad at all. She said she accepts me for who I am despite anything."

"That's good to hear. So what are you gonna do now?"

"Well, tomorrow I'll head back to the Island, but I don't know what to do right now."

"I can think of something!" Yanar says, with a sly grin about his face.

"Yanar, not right now! Geez… how about we get to know our new friend?" I say. Yanar chuckles and Leostar smiles at me.

"I think I'll go see what Tails is up to guys, I'll catch ya later!" Sonic says, and then speeds off out of sight. When we get back to the hut, we all go in and I tell them to sit down while I got us some drinks. When I returned, I found Yanar to be completely at awe over the sight of Leo's cyber-dreadlocks. I distributed our drinks and sat down between them.

"So, Leostar, you got a nickname?" I ask.

"Yeah, call me Leo if you like. I don't care." I had a feeling that would be his nickname.

"Alright. Would you mind telling us how your appearance came to be like this? Since Yanar seems to be so amazed by it and all…" I say, nudging Yanar in the side.

"What? It's fascinating." He says.

"Okay, sure. Well, I don't remember first hand, but what I was told is that one day when I was cleaning the windows on the 28th floor of a high-rise in the city, I had turned to clean off my squeegee when the side of the building exploded outwards, sending flames and glass everywhere. My left side was horribly disfigured; skin shredded by the shards of glass and seared from the intense heat. All I remember, myself, was the one shard that hit me right in the center of my eye. The pain was unbearable. It was all I could do to lower my scaffold to the ground, and wait for help to arrive." He looked at us. We were both cringing, thinking about the pain he's endured. "I lost consciousness, and when I had awoke, this is what I looked like. They had no choice but to replace my limbs and flesh with artificial cyber-implants. But it's okay, I've gotten used to it now." He said, smiling as he noticed our expressions of compassion.

"Wow. That's incredible. You're a brave person!" I say.

"Yeah, that's an incredible story. I'm amazed you survived such an ordeal!" Yanar says.

"Well, I'm certainly glad to have met ya!" I say, placing my hand on his leg.

"Thanks, it's a real honor to have met you too." He says. I smile back at him.

"You haven't seen anything yet, Leostar." Yanar says, winking at him. I elbow him in the side, subtly telling him to shut up.

"Oh, I see, heh. He's good in bed, isn't he?" Leo asks Yanar.

"Good? He's incredible! I've never heard of anyone able to provide such pleasure like he does!" Yanar says.

"What's he best at? Fucking? Sucking? Or has he done other things that I haven't thought of ever?" Leo asks, prying into our private lives.

"Oh, he's amazing when it comes to giving a blowjob, but that pales in comparison to the feeling I get when his massive cock is thrusting deep inside of me!" Yanar says, excitedly. "It's definitely the fucking!"

"ENOUGH! Why don't I just show him how great I supposedly am?" I ask Yanar as I stand up.

"Sure, I don't mind, so long as I get my turn!" I was shocked by his response! Never in a million years did I think he'd agree hand me over to another guy.

"It's okay Knuckles. I don't want you to be uncomfortable!" Leo says.

"Don't be shy Leostar, just jump him. I know he'll do you." Yanar says.

"ALRIGHT! Come on Leo, off to the bedroom we go!" I say as I take his arm and pull him towards the bedroom, smiling back at him. Once we get there, Yanar follows us in, and shuts the door behind him. I throw Leostar onto the bed and look at him. He's not as muscular as Yanar, but he's definitely in good shape. He's wearing a simple t-shirt with the v-cut neck and a pair of jean shorts, through which I could tell his excitement was growing. "So what do you want to do first, Leo?" I ask, being polite, allowing him to choose.

"Would you like to give me a blowjob?" He asks me just as politely. And with that I grin and undo his pants, pulling them down to his ankles. His erection was quite visible, tenting up inside his boxers like there was no tomorrow. I paused for a moment and just looked at how truly beautiful his body was. I next pulled his boxers down to his ankles, revealing his pride and joy. My jaw dropped. He had a rather large cock, not quite as large as Yanar's and definitely not as big as mine, but the sack hanging between his legs was incredibly large.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah, everything's great! It's just that your balls, they're so… huge!" I say, astounded.

"Oh, heh, yeah, and they're the real thing, no artificial implants there!" He says with a huge grin. I decide then to quit the chitchat and I grasp his cock in my hands and quickly brought my mouth down over its length, getting a low moan out of my new friend. I was able to easily take his entire length into my mouth and I began sucking vigorously right away. With my right hand, I took his balls into my hand and fondled them a little bit, feeling their weight and size. I was still amazed; they had to be as big as oranges, at least! As I continued sucking, I began to move my mouth along his cock, using my tongue to tease the head and underside as I went along. He kept moaning louder and louder and I kept sucking harder and harder, occasionally scraping my teeth along as I went. By now I could feel that my own cock was rock hard and I noticed something new. Yanar was humping my backside with his own hot member as he watched the show. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, I felt the furry sack in my hands contract, and his head flared immensely as he arched his back, forcing himself deeper inside me, then I felt him let loose. The initial blast of cum shot into my mouth with so much force that I nearly gagged because of the sheer amount. Shot after shot of his warm, potent seed filled my mouth. There was so much of it that I had trouble swallowing it all. Somehow I managed to and after about 15 long bursts of pleasure, he collapsed flat on his back, panting heavily. And before I could release my mouth from his maleness, I felt the warm splattering of my mate's seed against my back, coating me with so much it ran down between my ass cheeks.

"That was… incredible!" Leostar said. "I can't imagine how good you will feel inside of me!"

"Well you won't have to imagine!" I say as I crawl onto the bed. "Because you're going to experience it first hand!" And I grinned the whole time I made my way atop of him as I noticed how wide his eyes became as he caught a glimpse of my penis.

"You sure that thing'll fit inside me?!? It's huge!!" He said, mouth gaping at the sight before him.

"Hey, Yanar takes it all the time! You'll be fine." I say, kissing him on the nose.

"Okay, so long as you think so, cuz I REALLY want to get fucked by the Guardian!!" He says with a wink. And with that said, I allow my hands to roam free around his body, up his shirt, across his chest, not missing the slightest feature on his body. I also took the time to get his scent in my mind. It was much different than Yanar's, not as natural smelling, but then again I could see why, as I ran my hand across his metallic shoulder blade. He moaned as I did so. It appears that his artificial parts are even more sensitive than the rest of his body. It is then that I decide to move on, and he gasped when he felt the tip of my throbbing echidna-hood touch his hole. I kept caressing his body and cuddled my head close to him as I slowly forced my way into him. He cringed a little at my entrance but it did not seem to hurt him. He was tighter than I had expected, more along the way that Tails was when I first did him. However, once the head was inside, it didn't take much for me to slip the rest of the way in. He took my entire length, back to the sheath!

He then looked over at me and kissed me on the forehead. So then I began my thrusting. For as cold as his hands were, his ass was equally as hot! I then let out a soft moan. He felt so good, so different than Yanar! Even though no one was ever going to take Yanar's place, I knew right now that I was no going to let Leo get away! It's nice to have a little variety in one's life, I thought as a small smile formed in the corner of my mouth. Then my mind snapped back to the task at hand, and I began to slide myself in and out of him faster and easier than before. He smiled as he closed his eyes, allowing for his sense of touch to take control of his body. I was beginning to sweat now, and with each inward plunge his body rocked a little by the motion of my hips. He started groaning as pressure built up around my shaft from it's swelling.

It was then that something happened. His scent changed. No longer was it the usual smell we echidnas have, but now he reeked of sex and lust as he, too began to sweat profusely. The smell was driving me crazy, but then again, that's what it is supposed to do. I started fucking him harder and faster with each thrust of my hips, forcing more and more of my cock inside him each time. It was then that my mind lost all control of my body. My hips began pounding his backside, my balls slapping against his tight ass and I then ripped his shirt off of his body, revealing his gorgeous self and lay down atop of him. Feeling our bodies rubbing so closely against each other, his sweat mingling with mine, our fur matting together as we dripped sweat, sent me over the edge.

I pulled back one final time and slammed into him with such intensity that a portion of my sheath slid inside him. I threw my head back and howled a purely animal sound of delight and pleasure and his moans, too, reached a crescendo. I exploded within him and it didn't take long for my thick, warm seed to come gushing back out of his hole, splattering against my hips, coating his ass as well, until it dribbled onto the already soiled bed sheets beneath us. I didn't unload as much as he had but I had done it with such power that I knew he would be satisfied. And when it was all over, I fell onto his chest and lay there, heaving up and down to the sound of heavy breathing, sweat dripping off my eyebrows onto his beautiful, light tan stomach fur.

"Uh, Knuckles, I think someone's at the door!" Yanar says. I could barely turn my head to speak to him, I was so weak.

"So, put your pants on and go see who it is!" I say, cracking a smile. He does so, and leaves the room.

"That… that was the most wonderful thing anyone's ever given me, Guardian Knuckles!" Leostar says softly. "I hope we can do it again sometime."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it so, I had a great time too! And we will do it again!" I say, eagerly. Just then, Yanar comes to the door as I pull myself off of my latest lover.

"It's Tails, he heard you were leaving and he wanted to see you before you left." He says.

"Okay, I'll go out there and see him." I said as I threw a towel around my waist and headed out of the room.

"Heya Tails, what's up?" I asked, upon sight of him.

"Hi Knuckles! I just wanted to see you before you took off for the Floating Island tomorrow, while nobody's around."

"Well, that was nice of you, big guy! I had a good time here with you and everyone." I say.

"Yeah, so did I! I REALLY had a good time with you Knux!" He says, winking.

"Tails… if you want to do something tonight, all you have to do is ask, you know." I tell him, smiling as I see his face light up with excitement.

"Then, would you want to… you know?" He asks, blushing.

"Sure kid, we can do it on the couch, as I'm sure those two are getting to know each other a little now." So I pick him up and carry him in my arms over to the couch and lay him down. He was already getting aroused I noticed, as his twin cocks began poking out of their furry hiding places. "How about I suck you off, kid? I kinda just emptied myself out and I'm thinking we could do a little something later anyways." I say flashing a wide, toothy grin, and dropping the towel from around my waist. He smiled as he saw me do this and his maleness now reached their full lengths, rapidly hardening.

"I'm ready for you Knuckles!" He says as he laid himself flat on the couch, waiting for me to make my move. I then got down on my knees and gripped his hardness in my hand, squeezing them together, and slowly stroking them up and down. He shuddered and moaned at my touch, and I smiled in delight. I then lowered my head, and began teasing the heads of his penises with the tip of my tongue, swirling it around and running it up and down his length. He softly let out a 'mrrrr' when I took both of his throbbing cocks into my mouth at the same time. I felt them twitching inside my mouth, and tasted his sweet precum fluids. I closed my eyes and began sucking him for all he was worth. Bobbing my head up and down, teasing him with my tongue at the same time, he then started thrusting his hips up into my mouth. I was delighted in his enthusiasm and allowed him to do so. He started grunting with each thrust, and before I knew it, both of his cocks flared to an incredible size, filling my entire mouth, as he shot his load with all his might, quickly filling what little space was left in my mouth, and flowing back out of my mouth, down his shafts, and eventually coating his furry sack, making a sticky mess on the couch. When his pumping had subsided, I pulled my mouth off of him and it was only then that I was able to swallow his love fluids. I still couldn't get used to the sheer amount of cum that kid would put out! He then sat up, propping his body up with his arms, and smiled at me.

"Thanks Knux. You're still the best at that, you know."

"Well, thanks, I appreciate it Tails!" I say, standing up. "What do you say we check up on those guys, and make sure they aren't having too much fun?" And together we head towards the bedroom, and walk in on Yanar and Leostar playing around with each other. It still seems as if Yanar is more fascinated with Leo's artificial body parts.

"Hey guys! Look who's joining in the fun!" I say with a huge grin, as Tails came into the room.

"Hello!" Tails says "So, Knuckles, what did you have in mind?" he then asks me, and I grin devilishly, lowering my brows, looking over each of them