Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles' Adventures ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Okay, here's the next segment. I still didn't resolve the whole Knux/Sally conflict, I'm trying to give a 'cooling off' period. And besides I don't want this story to get TOO serious! Anyways, I hope it's alright. Enjoy, and let me know what you think! :-P

WARNING!! As usual, this chapter is rated NC-17 because within it's contents are descriptions of GRAPHIC SEX BETWEEN 2 MALES and brief mentions of heterosexual stuff too. Please, DO NOT READ if you are under the age of 17 or if you are DISGUSTED OR OFFENDED BY THIS!! Thanks for listening!

And all characters herein are property of SEGA and/or ARCHIE!!! Yeah…

Knuckles' Adventures Chapter 6 by The Lonely Echidna

I turned my face back to look at Sally. It hurt me more than anything to see that she was hurt and I was trying to come up with some way to comfort her. I, myself almost broke down right there as well, for the first time I truly had to strain to hold it all in and keep my composure.

"I loved you Knuckles, and I thought you felt the same way about me. How could you crush me like this?" She asked, her voice staining to get the words out. Sonic heard this which grabbed his attention as I noticed his eyes widen and he took a step forward. "How would you feel if you found out not only that one of your secret crushes didn't love you, as I was led into thinking, but to discover it in this manner?!?" I continued to gaze back into her eyes as I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"Sally, please… I can explain…" I whisper.

"No! I know more than I want to know." She then turned away, stopping briefly to give a scornful look at Yanar. He hung his head down in disgrace, and Sally headed towards the door. When she had left I turned to Yanar and hugged him close, letting myself cry into his shoulder. He, in turn hugged me, and tried to make me feel better even though I could sense he was shaken as well. Sonic walked over to us.

"I'm so sorry Knuckles. I… I should have said something in your defense." Sonic said, his eyes full of sorrow.

"Please Sonic, leave us be." Yanar spoke up, startling Sonic. He reluctantly turned and headed towards the door.

"I'll try to talk to Sal for you Knux." I nodded as best I could and he shut the door behind him. Yanar and I slowly sat down on the couch as I continued to weep into his shoulder. When I finally stopped, I hugged Yanar harder than before, bringing him closer to me.

"I love you Knuckles, no matter what happens." He whispered into my ear. A smile crept across my face, as I pulled back from my lover. I kissed him hard on the lips, and then wiped away the remaining tears from my cheeks.

"I love you too Yanar." I say, standing up, heading over to the door. "I'm going to go have a talk with Sally."

"Guardian, aren't you forgetting some things?" He asks, chuckling lightly. I look around and see my shoes across the room and my gloves on the coffee table. It is then that I remember that I am completely covered in mine and my mates' love fluids. I blush and say,

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I guess I'd better clean up!" And I walk towards the bathroom.

"You mean, we'd better clean up." He replies as he approaches me. I stop to wait for him, and he walks right up to me and pulls my hips tightly against his, kissing me once more. He releases, and smiles with his beautiful smile at me, and I grin back. Together we walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind us.

After about an hour and a half had gone by, (An hour of making more messes, and 30 minutes to clean them up) Yanar and I exit the bathroom, both of us with a towel wrapped around our waist, followed by a billowing cloud of steam which quickly dissipated in the air.

"Well, I suppose it's getting a little too late to seek out Sally, that shower took longer than I expected!" I said, chuckling.

"Well we did use all the hot water, you know!" He said with a smile as we gathered up our clothes and began putting them back on. When he began to pull up his shorts, I stopped him and said,

"Don't bother putting anything on but your sandals and wrist bands." He stopped and looked at me like I was crazy. "Hardly anyone around here wears any clothes anyway, and besides, you'll just be taking them off again later." I say, grinning as I slip my gloves on. He kisses me and pulls his shorts back off. When we had both finished getting dressed as much as we felt necessary, Yanar asked what I wanted to do for the remainder of the evening.

"How 'bout we go for a walk in the woods?" I asked. He nodded, and together we headed out the front door, hand-in-hand. It was almost dark out, but we didn't care, as we echidnas can see excellent in the night. Walking through the woods, we tried to talk about other things to keep our minds off of the events which occurred earlier that afternoon.

"So who'd you leave in charge of the Floating Island while you're gone, Knuckles?" Yanar asked me.

"Well, no one in particular, as I kinda left in a hurry. But the Chaotix are up there, and I trust that there won't be any trouble." I say. He nods, and then looks over at me.

"Why did you leave anyways? And in a hurry, no less?" He asks next.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I had a dream about you. It was of our first time having sex together." He smiles. "But when I woke up, I realized that I needed someone to love like that again, and since I didn't think you'd be coming back so soon, I sought out Sonic."

"Sonic? You mean he's…?" He interrupts.

"Yeah, he and Tails too. I did it with both of them. That is why Tails was so upset when he found out you were my mate." I pause to look at him. He is staring at the ground. "I hope you're not upset that I didn't wait for you. I really am sorry I didn't now." He looks over to me and stops walking.

"Guardian, I'm not upset with you! I know you'll always be with me, and I'll always love you." He says, placing a hand on my shoulder. "And besides, you're great in bed!" He says, giving me a quick kiss on my nose and smiling. I blush a little.

"You know, you're not so bad yourself!" I say, kissing him passionately on the lips. We break our kiss and nuzzle our noses together. He then decides to take control and be the one to kiss me. His hands begin to roam my body, through my hair, along my back and finally stopping as he firmly grasp my ass. I took the hint and began to do the same to him. We got so into exploring each other's body that be began to stumble until we were leaning against a giant Mobian Oak tree. Eventually we slumped down to the ground so that we were laying on one another, rolling through the pungent leaves and brush on the forest floor. When we finally stopped, I was atop Yanar. And as I went to get up, off of him, he stopped me and said softly,

"Let's do it right now, Knuckles!" He said to me with a mischieveous look on his face. I brought upon the same look to my face as I laid myself back down atop of him and began kissing all over his chest. "Normally I would say not to be too loud since we could easily be heard by everyone, but I don't think that matters anymore!" I stop my trail of kisses to say,

"Yeah, let 'em hear how much we love each other!!" And I go back to kissing him, moving up to his head, I begin playing with his beautiful dreadlocks, inhaling deeply all the scents surrounding me. I feel myself and him becoming hard simultaneously, and I heard a soft moan escape his lips. He had closed his eyes, allowing all his other senses to take control. When I am fully erect, I position myself better to make my entry. He smiles in anticipation of what is to come. He wraps his hands around to place them onto my ass and begins pulling me into him. I go with it and slowly inch myself within him. He moans long and loud the entire time I make my entry. Once he had taken my entire length, I begin pushing myself in and out of him slowly. He then begins kissing me as I was kissing him before.

He removes his hands from my backend and pulled my body tightly against his, nuzzling my face against his shoulder. All the while I continue fucking his hole. I notice then that he begins to moan loudly once more and his body starts trembling. It takes me a minute to realize just why he is doing this. His rock-hard cock is rubbing directly against the fur on my stomach. I feel him getting all slick and it doesn't take long for the sensation of my soft fur stroking him to send him over the edge. He grabs me tightly, tilts his head back, and lets out a long, loud groan as I felt his warm seed coat both of our bellies. He seemed to shoot forever, so much that it was dribbling down around the sides of his stomach. When he finished, he loosened his grip on me. I kissed him as he lay panting with his eyes closed. I started pumping into him faster, feeling the slickness rub along our bellies.

I propped myself up on my elbows, giving me the leverage I needed to quicken the pace yet again. He opened his eyes to look at me. I was starting to sweat and he smirked when he saw this.

"Knuckles, harder!!! Do it as hard as you can!" He told me softly. I smiled as a sign I would be only happy to oblige! Harder and faster I thrust my throbbing penis in and out, in and out. He started letting out a series of low groans and he closed his eyes again. By now I was thrusting myself hard enough that he was clenching his eyes shut very tightly. I was grunting with each inward plunge. I felt myself swell and knew it wouldn't be long. I am pretty sure he felt it within him as well as his moaning got louder. I closed my eyes and plunged myself into him one final time, letting out a groan louder than either of us had emitted all night, as I flared and unloaded my seed within him. I held myself almost solid as a rock as wave after wave of pleasure flowed from deep within me into him. It seemed to last forever. Once more my fluids overfilled him beyond capacity and flowed out to form a rather large puddle on the forest floor.

As soon as it was all over I just let myself collapse on top of him. Together we lay like that in silence, which was only broken by our loud panting. It didn't take long until we fell asleep like that.

We woke up shortly before midnight, and decided we had better head on back to Sonic's hut and clean ourselves up, once again then get some sleep. On the way back we wondered if anyone had heard our lovemaking and figured no one had since it was unusually quiet as we approached Knothole.

"I guess everyone's asleep, huh?" I say.

"It appears to be that way, but looks can be deceiving!" Yanar responds. As we walked through the center of the village we were passing Sally's hut when we heard some all too familiar noises coming from within.

"Whoa, you don't think she's…?" I start to say.

"Actually I wouldn't be surprised." He says. We look at each other for a minute until curiosity got the best of me as I crept up to a window to see if I could see anything. It must've been my lucky day as there was a candle lit across the room. I looked around until I saw what I least expected to see. I ducked down from the window to tell Yanar what I had seen.

"Holy shit! Sally's doing it with… with…"

"With who, Knuckles?"

"With… Geoffrey St. John!" I said as I tried to control myself from getting sick. Sure, Sonic hates his guts, but I can't stand him very well either. Besides, he really stinks! "Ack! Let's get outta here!" Yanar walks over to me and guides me away from there towards our temporary residence. I wonder if I should tell Sonic about this?

"You okay, Guardian?" Yanar asks in his usual caring manner.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I should have seen that coming." I say, trying to break a smile. As we continue walking, we pass by another hut with the same sounds radiating outwards from it. "Uhh, who do you suppose that is?"

"I don't know, shall we take a look?" He asks me.

"Not me, you can though if you want to!" I say, still sick from the sight I beheld moments ago. So he walks over to the window this time, taking a minute to see who the participants were and casually walked back towards me. "So who is it?" I ask, impatiently.

"If my memory serves me correctly, it's that coyote, Antoine, and the partially roboticized Rabbit." He says, trying to put names with those whom he met earlier.

"Well, that makes sense. There was always a lot of suspicion that those two might be an item." I said. "Geez, what's gotten into everyone lately?" I say, shaking my head.

"Maybe we inspired them!" Yanar says, laughing. I laugh with him and we continue on our way. It was a crisp, clear night and I could see the millions of stars high in the sky above me as clear as one could smell the stench of smog wafting in the air from Robotropolis. The air was still enough to hear sounds from a good distance away. Having been bathed with the radiation of the Master Emerald, my senses are even more adept than average echidnas. So when I stopped, turned around and began shaking my head, Yanar asked me what I was doing.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that Geoffrey just reached his climax within Sally." I said, shuddering.

"What? How do you know?" He asked, confused.

"Trust me. I just do." I say, turning back to him, giving him a kiss. "We can outdo them anytime!" He laughs at my remark. As we are passing Tails' hut, I hear the ever-familiar sounds of physical pleasure once more. This time I wasn't afraid to look, because I knew who it was. So I walked up to the window of Tails' bedroom and sure enough, Sonic was giving Tails what he had wanted so badly. They were going at it like there was no tomorrow! I signaled for Yanar to come take a look, so he did, and I noticed he was getting turned on by the sight. I wanted to see Sonic spill himself into his friend so we hung around for a bit. The sight was really making me horny and it showed. Both Yanar and myself were rock hard. I noticed this and quickly grabbed him and began stroking him. He was startled but he began doing the same thing to my member. And when Sonic gave one, final, hard thrust unifying himself and Tails as one forever, shooting his load deep inside, I also let loose all over the side of the hut. Yanar was soon to follow. When we had all been drained, I looked at Yanar with a sly grin and asked,

"Shall we let them know we appreciated the show?"

"I think we owe it to them!" he says, with a quick nod. So I turn back to look through the window to see them laying on top of each other, recovering from the fun they just had. I knock loudly on the window, causing Sonic to jump, almost falling off the bed. He turns to look at me, wide eyed, and exhausted. Yanar and I wave and I give him a big thumbs up! He smiles, and Tails, who also saw this, gave a thumbs up in return.

"Come on, let's go!" I tell Yanar. He nods and we finally make it to our hut. We go in, and wash our messes off, then head for the bedroom.

"Knuckles, I know we're both too tired to go at it tonight, so how about we just go to sleep joined as one?"

"How do you mean?" I ask, unsure of what he meant.

"I mean, let's fall asleep tightly in each other's embrace, with your penis inside of me!!" He shouts happily, with a large grin. I grin back at him as he begins caressing my balls, coaxing my cock out of it's furry sheath. It doesn't take long before I'm fully erect and he is smiling widely.

"Let's get to bed." I say. Together we jump into the bed and wrap our arms tightly around each other, kissing deeply as I make my way into him. We stop our kissing and he smiles.

"I'm so glad you're mine, Knuckles. You are a Guardian in more ways than you know!" We pull ourselves close and fall asleep in each other's arms. Thankfully Yanar came to my aid, keeping my mind distracted from the events earlier in the day, and in the morning I will talk with Sally, and learn of my fate.