Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles Bad Day ❯ 1.Say it ain`t so Joe! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sonic and all other characters belong to Sega. Hope ya enjoy! And here we go!

One day on Angel Island, Knuckles was watching tv while drinking orange juice when he heard the guy on the tv say Tv Man:Knuckles the echidna just won one million dang dollars!Knuckles spit out his orange juice on the tv and danced,but when he was dancing someone rang the doorbell.Knuckles: Hello but I have no time to talk because I won one million dang dollars.`We know Knux now give us the money or we`ll take the Master Emerald away from you for…for EVER!` replied Sonic and the rest of the teams.Knuckles:Oh ya well all you &^%$#@!ers better get outta my way before I !#$%^&*()_= you all.`Oh were all scared please don`t !@#$%^&*()_+ us all?`Shadow sid sarcasticly.Knuckles:Go on!(Sonic steps back) gogogoodbye (he closes the door) door:god banng %@#$ banng it!

I`m finished with chapt.1 hope ya liked it and I hope I get some reviews!