Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles Bad Day ❯ The Completely Useless Chappie! Pt 1 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic the hedgehog r the rest of the gang,BUT….I own Adante The Hedgehog.Sonic belongs toSEGA.NOW GET IT STRAIGHT!!!!!
Chapter 4:The completely useless chapter.
As we look down into Station Square,we see two black creatures sporting trenchcoats and guns.
Doom's Eye:Destroy the Humans!!
Shadow:Arrgh!!Will you stop saying that you retarded piece of alien…uh…Trash!
Doom's Eye: Shadow do not disobey me!!!
Shadow:Shut up and fight me!!!
Battle mode!!!!!!!
*imagine a final fantasy layout*
Shadow(black mage)
Staff Blow
Shadow used Tricky
*summons a female dooms eye*
Female Doom:Come and get me big boy*wink*
Doom: Oh crap Im comin' baby!!!*runs over to her*
Shadow:Got ya sucka!!!*female doom becomes a big bomb and attaches to Doom…ha sucker*
Doom:What!?!..This can't be!!!!!!!!!!
Eggman:Wanna come to my place for a while?*wink wink*
Shadow:Thanks for the offer but I've got to go see how my bets are doing!
Eggman:Arggh! Men..*sits on Shadow and that's the end of that.
Part 2:The Flow
Knuckles*in pimp outfit*:Wazzup Home Skillet Bizkit!!
Sonic*sweatdrop*:Knuckles …don't ever talk like that again~!!!
Amy:Sonikku!!Didn't you say you wanted to inspect my gadget?!?Well come on!!
Sonic: Ehehehe*backs away slowly*
Amy:What ..your scared of me,,*cries*
5 MIN later
Knuckles:Wat did ya do to Amy?
Sonic:It was easy man just had to stay with her for3 minutes and I wrapped things up.
*In Iraq*
Iraqi Man: Hey it's a box!
Iraqi Doctor: Lets open it!
They open the box.
Iraqi Man:Aw c'mon I expected a paycheck better than all of the villagers.
Iraqi Doctor:Sorry Bob, We all have better paychecks.
Iraqi hobo:Yah ,I get 1,999 dollars just for sitting here cursing at Microsoft for not allowing me to play Dead Or Alive Ultimate on My XBOX 360!!!
Iraqi Man:My life sucks!!
Iraqi Doctor:I know it does.
I Doctor:It's all part of THE FLOW!!!
I Man:Watz u talking about Jim!!
I Doctor:Ok,it's a secret but I tell you.
Barney: Just sing this song: I love you ,you love me.We,ll be a happy family .And when I sit down I fart on you.
I Man: 0.o
Part 3:The Thing
As Adante walks to the jail he sees a crowd stoning a cracker.
He walks by the cells and hears a noise..a milk curdling scream.
Immediately, he pulls out a AK-47 and a Stun Gun.
When he sees the victim there s only one thing he can do….
Take the victim's wallet!!!!!!!!
As soon as this happens he finds out the reason of the scream.
………..It was dressed in a blue general coat wearing white pants and black dress shoes…Adante only knew one thing about the thing….It wears a blue captains hat..
It only appeared to be….
Hah Cliff hanger!!!! Review and I shall reveal this treacherous Thing.
Hint: He's a*gets stabbed repeatedly* Ugh…
Thing:Muahahahahahah!!!!!*cough cough*
Knuckles:Dude, that was so pathetic!!
Cream:Fo sho he must be on that dopey SH!T.
Men in white suits:*jump in with guns and take Cream away silently*
Knuckles Ruler
The End Or Is It?
End of Chapter