Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Knuckles Bad Day ❯ 2x.You Devil ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sonic and all other characters belong to Sega.
1:00 in the morning while in an alley, Sonic was thinking about plans to get Knuckles` money by destroying his house annoyingly.`Thats it!` Sonic shouted.Sonic traveled over to Angel Island.Knuckles had bought a better shrine for the Master Emerald.And he also bought a Chaos Emerald for a cheap price.Sonic went to Knuckles house.He got ready and got in the fourth boss from Sonic Advance and ripped a hole through Knux`s house. Knuckles got mad and beat Sonic to a bloody pulp.`You Devil`shouted Knuckles.`Oh yeah well you can kiss my@$$!`shouted Sonic.But when Sonic recovered he found out that he had destroyed only 1% out of 1 million dollars of Knuckles money because Knuckles had just made a company and the company`s products were flying off the shelves.When Sonic had looked at the name of the company he was worried.It said
Emerald Inc.Maybe Knuckles could be selling fake emeralds and video games .
When Sonic had got by Knuckles security guards and drones he ran to the head department.He stormed into Knuckles office. The chair was not facing him.When he rushed up and turned the chair he discovered that Knuckles had been expecting him.As soon as he turned the chair he was teleported to a dark room.He saw many shady figures lurking in the corners.He was confused .He knew Knuckles was angry with him but not this angry.He was in a jailhouse and those shady figures where his friends .Vector and team chaotix were not there.He walked up to an ebony figure with red stripes.He figured that was Shadow.`Look at what we have here.Looks like Knuckles caught him too guys'.Everybody turned to look at him.Amy was gloomy but looked abit happier when she saw Sonic but did not run up to him and start glomping him but instead she gave him a faint smile.Knuckles was too cruel.He had to stop him!
There I`m finished! Well not really but im almost there.