Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Marked II: Stray Bullet ❯ "Bullet?" ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Cut To:


Inside the car...

"Rose of a flower?" Bunnie said while she gazed Amy, who gazes back.

"Yeah. My, uh...cousin once said that to me."

"What, like a poet?"

Amy nods.

"Yeah. Something like that."

"Ah." Bunnie said, looking back at the road.

There was a short pause.

"So, what are we looking for?" Amy asked

"Well, right now, we're gonna check out the strip joint."

"But didn't they checked that out already?" Amy questioned

"Yeah. Aside from the evidence's and stuff. But we might find something more leading--" Bunnie started to say before her eyes caught on to something.

What bunnie saw was a Sedan parked not far from their position. Amy noticed before speaking.

"What is it?" She asked

Bunnie didn't answer as she kept looking forward. Her eyes caught onto a figure coming out the car and walking into the building.

Bunnie parked the car to the side across the street about a few feet from the building. Bunnie shuts off the engines before unlocking the door.

"Come on." She ordered to Amy.

Bunnie and Amy got out the car and started to cross the street while approaching the vehicle.

Suddenly, two rear windows opened at the side of the car. Bunnie and Amy noticed before they caught the sight of two machine guns pointed in their direction. Bunnie and Amy's eyes widen.

"What the--" Amy started to say.

"GET DOWN!" Bunnie shouted

Bunnie and Amy quickly scattered sideways evading rapid bullets coming thier way. The bullets missed and hit the ground and a faraway car riddling it with bullets.

Bunnie rolled on the ground before running to the back of the black vehicle.

Amy takes cover behind another car as she took out her gun and cocks a magazine inside.

Bunnie does the same as the gunfires soon stopped.

The car started driving away as Bunnie and Amy got out and opened fire onto the vehicle. But all they hit was the back of the metallic hood as they ceased fire.

"Come on!" Bunnie ordered as she and Amy ran inside the skyscraper building.


Bunnie and Amy entered the place with guns aimed forward scanning the area. Bunnie signals for Amy to take the other way as she obeyed the order.

Bunnie started scanning the hallway as she carefully search the whole corridor. Then, a noise caught her attention as she looked forward and saw a shadow up ahead move out of sight. She slowly approaches toward the area. A few seconds later, she finally got there. But before bunnie could go any further, gunfire richocheted in her direction. Lucky for her it missed her by the wall as she evaded. She took a deep breath before quickly getting out and aiming forward. She was surprised not to see anyone there. But that was proven wrong because as she got further and further, more gunshots ricocheted her way hitting the wall. Bunnie ducks and fired back as the figure makes a run for it. Bunnie saw it and ran in pursuit.

Amy was scanning another area that led to another corridor where some framed pictures were hung up. Her gun was trained forward as she scanned slowly. Amy was soon unaware that a shadow was watching her from behind, then left the sight. Amy suddenly felt the presence and quickly turned around aiming at whoever was there. Although nothing was in sight of her. She started approaching to where the shadow was at which only took a couple of seconds until she finally got there. Then, a figure kicked the gun off Amy's hand and then back punched her in the face as Amy staggered to the ground. The figure came out in the form of Cream Rabbit, who had her shades on. She aimed her gun at Amy. Amy's eyes widen in fear before...

"Hey!" A voice shouted

Cream quickly gazes to the side finding Bunnie Rabbot aiming the gun at Cream. She approaches slowly towards her.

"You don't want to do that." Bunnie said, lecturing

Cream smirks a bit.

"Was that a warning?" Cream asked before quickly aiming at bunnie.

But before she could fire, Bunnie fire first at the gun she was holding and knocked it off her hand. The gun hits the ground. That causes cream to gaze down to the gun before slowly gazing towards Bunnie.

"Nice shot." Cream said, in a kind tone of voice

Bunnie continues to approach.

"Put ya'll hands where ah can see 'em." Bunnie said

"Sure." Cream said, raising her hands up.

Bunnie got towards Cream before reaching for her handcuffs. She gazes Amy.

"You alright?" Bunnie asked

Amy nods as she got up. Distractions, however, gave Cream the upper hand as she took a quick grab on Bunnie's gun getting it from her hand as she knocked the butt of the gun to bunnie's face. This caused Bunnie to twirl clockwise and throw a roundhouse to Cream's face. Cream staggers as Amy charges her against the wall struggling to get the gun from her hand. Several shots were fired downward nearly missing Amy's feet as Cream threw a knee to Amy's gut. Then, two headbutts getting Amy to release the hold on her. Amy staggers as Cream approaches a little and aims at her before Bunnie kicks the gun from her hand which caused the gun to fire in the air. Then, she connects with a right punch to Cream's face. This caused Cream to throw a back fist to Bunnie, as she blocked it with her right hand and grabs the arm before pulling her in and throwing a clothesline to her neck getting her to the ground. Bunnie was over Cream as she grabbed her by the coat before stopping and noticing the small tag on her coat.

"Bullet?" Bunnie said before Cream threw a headbutt to her face and used two of her hands to palm Bunnie off her.

This got Bunnie to stand a bit as Cream leaps to her feet before throwing a roundhouse to Bunnie. Bunnie dodges the move and blocks blows from the defending contract killer.

Amy picked up her gun from the ground as Bunnie and Cream exchange numorous blows.

Bunnie finally ended it blocking and quickly grabbing Cream's left leg, slapped her oncoming right hook off, and threw a hard palm to her at the same time letting her leg go.. Cream was sent across the room before skidding on the floor. Bunnie starts to approach before Cream took out an extra gun and aims. Bunnie's eyes widen before scattering out the way of numorous gunfire that missed them and filled the concrete walls with bullet holes.

Bunnie picked up her gun and got out to return fire. But no one was there. Cream was gone from her sight as Bunnie lowered her weapon. She soon heard Amy Rose panting as she gazes her.

"You okay?" Bunnie asked

Amy nods.

"I'll be fine. I just have a little scratch on my abdomen by the time that maniac opened fire."

Bunnie gazes her abdomen which was draining little blood. She gazes Amy.

"You good to stand?" She asked

Amy nods as she grunts with effort before completely standing along with Bunnie. Bunnie holstered her gun as Amy did the same while still holding her left abdomen.

"Bunnie, who the hell was that?" Amy asked

Bunnie paused a bit.

"Bullet." She responded which gave her a weird gaze from Amy.

"Who?" She asked, with a puzzled look.

Cut To:


Inside a messed-up room, blood was everywhere and about a few dead bodies were either on the ground or crashed over appliances.

Bunnie and Amy entered the area and gazes this in shock. Especially Amy.

"My God. I could hardly believe this became the actions of just one guy." Amy said as Bunnie shakes her head.

"Not a guy. It's a girl."

Amy nods.

"Oh. So, it's safe to call her a crazy fucking skank." She said, still a little pissed for what Cream did to her.

They continue to scan the place as broken glass was on the floor with broken desk and everything. Bunnie started scanning the bodies before catching something on one of them. She kneels toward the body and picks up some sort of picture on the back of the deceased body.

"Amy." Bunnie called

Amy approaches and kneels.

"What you got?" She asked

"This picture of the victim."

"Identification?" Amy asked

"Dragen Wolf. He was originally marked by us. But never happened in order to keep a low profile on the organization." Bunnie confirmed

"Wait a minute. You know about this?" Amy questioned as Bunnie stood up still looking down at the victim.

"Yeah." She answered

Amy stands up.

"And who exactly is "Us?"

"That's mah classification. It doesn't involve DEA."

Amy nods.


Bunnie gazes Amy's wounds.

"You need to get that checked."

"Hey, don't worry about me, alright? I'm used to this shit. I can handle it." She said as they both started walking away.

But Amy suddenly stopped her position as Bunnie noticed.


"Wait a minute. Why would the killer leave evidence's here? In the first hit, no evidence's was found. Now all of a sudden, a picture is on the body for someone to find it? (shakes head) Doesn't make any sense."

"Well, maybe, the killer heard us coming and didn't have time to relinquish the evidence." Bunnie confirmed as Amy smiles.

"Now that makes sense. Come on."

They soon leave the room.

Cut To:

On the streets, Cream was walking alone talking on the cellphone with someone.

"Target is acquired." She said, on phone

"What about the evidence's?" A voice asked, from the phone

"I didn't have time to get it. Apparently, someone--" She started to say before being cut off.

"I hope you realize that failure is not an option. Do not leave anymore evidences lying around for the police. Do you understand?" The voice warned, from phone

Cream paused.

"Understood." Cream said

"Now, whoever is stopping you is on the next list. So deal with it."

"Yes, sir." Cream said on the phone after a long pause.

She hung up the phone before walking along.