Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Marked II: Stray Bullet ❯ Bunnie's Re-Instatement ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Cut To:


Inside an interrogation room, Bunnie was seated by a table as pictures were slammed on top of it by Yanar, who stops pacing. Bunnie looks at the pictures.

"You know what that is?"

"Pictures of dead bodies. (looks at him) Why do you ask?"

"Funny you should ask that. You see, this was more than a first degree murder. And when I look at this carefully, you know what I saw? No evidences linking to the crime."

"So, you're saying it could be a hit."

"I never said that. But how do you know about that?"

"You forgot. Ah was a former contract killer."

"Oh, right. And that didn't stop you from going back to that life."

Bunnie looks at him confusingly.

"Excuse me?"

"This almost looks like what happened 6 months ago when you blown an undercover deal. (sits down) Reverting to your killer ways. I'll admit that I was being soft on you when you retired from this department. That didn't stop me from keeping tabs on you. Making sure you weren't doing anything pretty fucked up or stupid."

Bunnie gazes him long before chuckling. Yanar noticed.

"What's so funny?"

"Irony. You know, Ah've worked for you for as long as ah can remember. You took me in as part of the family. Six months ago, you persuaded me from seeing mah parents due to the article in the papers. Now, that...prompts me to cross the line. Even if it costs me mah job. But you see, Ah've already solve that problem when ah took Rykor out at that building. So, what makes you think that ah would go back to mah old life again, huh? Because of the fact that ah've known that this was a hit, ah might have something to do with it? Is that it? Or, is it another one of ya'll fucked up shit to get me out of mah apartment?"

"None whatsoever. What I want to know is who started this massacre. One of the bodies were Emerson Acorn. The owner of the S.S Strip Club. His brain was splattered by a single bullet. Then, a guard was fired upon countless times. (puts both his hands on table) The reason of my little retortion towards you is because a witness was at the scene of the crime. That witness revealed that the culprit...was a rabbit."

Bunnie gazes him sternly.

" believe that? (scoffs) Still treatin' me like a common criminal. Yanar, let me say it to you plain and simple. (leans forward) Ah had nothing to do with that. Now, if you still don't believe me, you can throw mah ass in jail again."

Yanar was silence for a while into his thoughts. And soon realizes that Bunnie is right. Yanar arrested Bunnie before about six months ago and Bunnie didn't resist. She went peacefully and quietly. Bunnie didn't even take any further action during her arrest. Any scumbag would resist arrest.

Cut To:


Outside, a Sedan was being pulled up in front of a building labeled "H.I.T". The door opened and a rabbit came out. This seems to be a female rabbit as she closed the door behind her and approached the building. Two DL Echidnas in trench coat were guarding that building as they both approached the rabbit, who immediately stopped due to their approach. Obviously, the guards are new and couldn't tell if she was working for that building or not.

"Identification." The 1st DL Guard asked

The rabbit takes off her shades revealing her black eyes as she gazes the guards.

"Cream Rabbit."

"What's your cleareance?" The 2nd guard asked

Without hesitating she said, "I'm coming in."

"Access Denied." The 1st DL guard said

Cream obviously wasn't paying any attention to the 1st guard because she was looking up at the sign. The guards soon noticed.

"Hey, rabbit! Are you done gazing around? What part of "Access Denied" don't you understand?" The 1st guard asked

"Particularly both. But...I'm coming in anyway." Cream said still looking at the sign.

The guards chuckled.

"Over our dead bodies." The 1st guard said

Cream finally gazes the 2 new guards before a soft chuckle was issued from her.

"You don't want that. Trust me." Cream said in a deadly tone of voice but somewhat kept her smile.

Cream starts to approach forward as the 1st guard begins to lay a hand on her. Swiftly, Cream swips his hand away and threw a punch to his face. The 1st guard staggers with a briuse on his face as the 2nd guard dashes at her. Cream turns and threw a hard punch to his gut. The guard groans in pain as cream threw a quick kneebuster to the guard's head causing him to stand and stagger a little. Cream finished the job and threw a roundhouse to his face sending him fliping to the ground. The 1st guard ran and threw a left hook but cream grabbed it, twirled around, and threw him into a wall hard busting his forehead wide open. Blood was on the wall and coming out the dead DL guard as Cream entered the place.


Inside a room, a pack of money was thrown on the desk.

At the front desk shows an echidna wearing a faded-colored trench coat, pants, shoes, shades, and a wristwatch on his wrist. The echidna also had a necklace on his neck with a locket. The locket has an inscription of his identification as Luger Echidna. He sits down on the chair as Cream Rabbit stood in front of his desk. Cream naturally takes the money as luger crosses his hands before speaking.

"You did an excellent job out there. (paused) Bullet. You left it full of blood and no evidences for the cops."

"Thank you, sir." Cream replied

Luger nods before reaching for his drawer. He opens it and took out some pictures. He gazes Cream.

"Here's your next target."

Cut To:


Yanar exits the interrogation room as Manic, who was watching the entire thing, walks up to him. They both started walking towards his office.

"Sir, what happened?"

"Nothing. She's not responsible for the killings. But someone is."

"How can you tell?"

"Think about it, manic. 6 months ago, I arrested her for interfering in a case that doesn't include her. Now, you think she would've resisted arrest by now?"

Manic paused for a second before getting the point. He nods.


Cut To:


They both entered the office.

"Look. manic. I wasn't gonna say this in front of you or bunnie, but it looks like I'm going to have to. I'm thinking of reinstating Bunnie back in the DEA."

"You are?"

"Yes. But she's gonna have to be alone on investigating on this case. She thinks its better that way."

Manic paused, then nods.


"Good. Bring her in."

"Yes, sir."

Int. Interrogation Room

Inside, Bunnie was still seat by the table when she hears the door opened. She turns and saw Manic come in. She smiles.

"How ya doin', sugahog?"

"Great. The boss wants to see you."

Bunnie gets up and follows Manic.

Cut To:


Yanar sits at his desk as Bunnie entered.

"Welcome, Bunnie. Sit."

Bunnie takes a seat as Yanar crosses his fingers on his hands before speaking.

"Bunnie, I'm thinking of reinstating you. Now, here me out before you retort. (sighs) Now, you said you weren't responsible for the killings. I believe you. But someone did. (paused) And no evidence's was found at the scene. Which means this isn't a work of an ordinary killer."

Bunnie sits up catching on to what he's saying.

"So, this was a hit. It could be a contract killing."

Yanar nods.

"Question is: Who...and Why?" Yanar said

Bunnie shakes her head.

"Same reason as other hitmens like me. Some want money, some want others." She replied answering why.

Yanar nods and opens his desk and took something out. He closes his desk and slams something on his desk. Bunnie looks at his hands as he removes it revealing Bunnie's shield. Bunnie gazes Yanar and scoffs.

"You're askin' me to be an agent again?"

"I'm afraid so."

A long pause was issued from Bunnie before she took her shield and gazes it for a while. She gazed halfway to yanar before speaking.

"You know, ah swore that ah would come back in a year or two after ah clear mahself and 6 months later, ah'm back on the job. (looks at him) For 6 months, ah've been thinking back on each events that changed me in such a way ah couldn't imagine. But you wouldn't know anything about that since--"

Yanar slowly raises his hand.

"Alright, alright, stop! I know where this is going and you're right. You know, I should've sent you home when I had the chance. In a way, it's my own fault. Okay? I'm sorry. But it's 6 months now and it's over with, okay? Let's end it from there and stick to the present. Alright? Will you do it?"

Bunnie paused again before nodding and speaking.

"Okay. But this is the last time. (gets up)"

Yanar nods.

"Understood. Want your gun?"

Bunnie chuckles and shakes her head.

"Ah've covered that."

Bunnie walks away before stopping.

"Oh, and yanar?"

"Careful with the badge."

Bunnie chuckles.

"Don't worry. Just get the wall fixed."

"Thanks for the reminder. But let me worry about that."

Bunnie smiles and walks out the office.

Cut To:


Bunnie walks out of Yanar's office before being greeted by someone in the form of DEA Agent Amy Rose.


Amy approaches and hugs Bunnie joyfully. Bunnie returns the hugs as they both released.

"How ya doin', girl?" Bunnie asked

"I'm great. It's good to see you after 6 months. Honestly. I didn't expect you to come back after what happened." Amy said

"Yeah, well...expect the unexpected." Bunnie said before chuckling.

Amy joins in as Manic walks between them.

"I see you two are getting along."

"One more wisecrack and I'll slug your ass with a sledgehammer, mani-boy." Amy said

"I prefer a slap on the face, Amy. Thanks."

Amy chuckles as Manic gazes Bunnie.

"Well, good luck on your investigation. Remember, call when needed, okay?" Manic said

"Sure. You know me."

"After being with you in gunfights and aggressive behavior? Oh, yeah. I know you."

Bunnie laughs as manic pats her on the shoulder.

"Good luck."

"Thanks. Ah'll need it."

Bunnie opens the door before making her exit. Manic passes Amy as she had a look on her face before walking toward the door.


Outside, Bunnie was just at the door of her car when...


Bunnie looked to see Amy approaching her way.

"Amy, what are you doing?"

"Going with you?"

Bunnie chuckles and shakes her head.

"Oh-ho! No, no. It is too dangerous."

"That's what I like. I've been in a shootout 6 months ago. This here is an investigation. Manic's not going. The least I can do is go with you."

"Look, yanar already made it cle-uh that ah go alone on this case because he realize that this was a hit that led to killings. Ah don't want to get you involved in what ah'm about to go through right now."

Bunnie entered her car as Amy did the same. Bunnie gazes her.

"Aw, come on. Tag me along just for the 1st investigation. Then, that's it."

Bunnie paused before speaking.

"That's it? After this investigation, you'll come back he-uh and let me handle it?"

"Believe me. You can trust this rose of a flower."

Bunnie chuckles.

"You better not have ya'll fingers crossed or out you go."

Amy raised both her hands up.

"No fingers crossed whatsoever."

Bunnie nods.

"Alright. Let's go."

Amy smiles as Bunnie starts the engine as drives into the streets.