Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Marked II: Stray Bullet ❯ Life As A Hitman ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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Inside a newly decorated house, someone was seated by a desk in the darkened house. The figure turned the lights on to reveal none other than Bunnie Rabbot. The now-former DEA Agent. She opened a drawer and took out a pack of cigarettes. She opened the pack and took one out. She placed it in her mouth and lights it with a lighter. The cigareete lits as she took it from her mouth between two fingers and blew some smoke out. Letting the smoke arise from the cigarette, she goes into her own thought. A depressed look framed her face.

(Flashback - 5 1/2 Years Ago)

Ext. South Station Square

Contract Price: $2000

Her thoughts go back 5 and a half years ago with her life as a contract killer. She and her partner Nic Weasel was going for a hit at an old house.

Bunnie and Nic were seen waiting in the car while gazing at a shadow in the shaded window. They both wore trench coats, skirt, gloves, and shoes.

Bunnie: You sure this is him?

Nic: Of Course. The boss said so himself.

Bunnie: (sighs, shakes head)

Nic: (noticed) What?

Bunnie: (paused) Did you...eva noticed that...something may be up? Ah mean...w-what if he targets the wrong people?

Nic: I guess you should ask him that.

Bunnie: (exhales deeply) Let's go.

Nic nods as she and Bunnie exits the vehicle. They wore shades as they both started approaching the house carefully not to attract others. They continued prowling til they got to the side of the house. Nic signals Bunnie to go forward as she does so. As soon as she got to the side of the front door, Nic approaches and knocks it down. Bunnie and Nic got on alert before slowly approaching inside. Guns aimed.

They looked to find no one in the 1st room. They started searching the area before a furry came out in the open. That furry was Cyrus Lion. He turned and saw Bunnie and Nic.

Cyrus: What the hell?

Cyrus reaches for his pocket which prompted Bunnie to fire several shots into his chest in self defense. Blood splashed from his body as he staggered with bullets before falling dead to the ground.

Nic ran up to him and searches his pocket.

Bunnie: (noticed) Is it a gun?

Nic: (shocked) No.

Nic took out a cell phone from his pocket to Bunnie's pure shock.

Bunnie: Oh, mah stars. Oh, god.

Nic: Bunnie?

Bunnie gazes Nic, who seems to be gazing at the side. Bunnie slowly approaches before gazing where Nic was looking. In the next room, 25 year-old Hershey Cat and a 7-year-old boy cub was crouched on the floor frightened out of their mind. Bunnie and Nic saw this. Especially bunnie, who was completely shocked at this.

Bunnie: (panting) Nic, let's go.

Nic: (shakes head) No, we can't leave witnesses.

Bunnie: (yanks her, peeves) Ah said "Let's go!" Come on!

Bunnie yanks her along as they both exits the house leaving the scared and strickened Hershey Cat and her son alone.



Nic: (angrily) What the fuck did you do that for?! Huh?! You left some witnesses in there!

Bunnie: (stops walking, looks at Nic, retorts) Nic! The target was unarmed. The boss targeted the wrong guy. Ah shot the wrong guy! (paused, panting) He had a fucking family, goddamn it.

Nic: I know that, bunnie. But you know the rules. If the target is acquired--

Bunnie: (cuts her off) Ah know the fucking rules, Nic!

Bunnie grasped her head in frustration and grief as Nic noticed.

Nic: Look, I know you're hurting inside. But there is nothing that we can do about it! Now, let's go back in there and finish the job.

Nic turned her back to bunnie and before she could start walking...

Bunnie: (softly) No.

Nic stopped and turned to Bunnie, who removes her hands from her head and had a look of emotional compassion on her face.

Nic: (perplexed) What?

Bunnie: (softly) Ah said No.

Nic quickly approaches til she got to Bunnie's face.

Nic: You're just gonna leave these witnesses here?

Bunnie: That's a wife and kid you're talking about. Of course.

Nic: But he won't stand for it if we leave 'em here. You know the consequences of a failed contract killing.

Bunnie: (nods) Ah know. That's why ah quit.

Nic: (long pause) Excuse me?

Bunnie: (looks ta her) You heard me.(walks passed her)

Nic: (shakes head) N-No. You can't quit!

Bunnie: Ah'm sorry, Nic. Ah truly am.

Nic kept her frown before closing her eyes.

Nic: So am I.

Nic quickly wipes out a pistol and aims at Bunnie. Noticing, Bunnie wipes her gun from her holster, turns, aims, and fired a few shots in Nic's chest. Blood surfaces from her body as she fell dead to the ground dropping her gun in the possess. Bunnie closed her eyes in shame and shed a little tear before lowering her gun.

Bunnie: (thinking) Ah'm so sorry.

(Flashback Ends)

Bunnie shakes her head in shame for what she did to her partner. But the irony of it all is that she expected something like that to happen. Soon, she realizes that sometimes you don't have to follow procedures to go for a contract. Especially if it's a family. That's the reason why Bunnie quit or retired as she put it. She continues smoking the cigarette before she heard a soft rumbling sound. Before she could react, her door was burst open by suited figures.

"Freeze! Don't Move!" The main figure shouted

About 4 to 5 figures raided the house as Bunnie stood with her hands up defenseless. Bunnie eyes the logo marked "DEA" as she chuckles.

"Since when is it a crime to smoke in ya'll own house?"