Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Marked ❯ Marked- Part 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Cut To:

Int. Building

A mob of DL Echidnas were packing sacks of narcotics, cocaines, heroin, and crack cocaine

inside briefcases. Thunderhawk, Menniker, Sgt. Simian, and Dimitri were watching the place.

Int. Lower Room

Saber was smoking a cigarette before...

(Knock on Door)

Saber went to the front door and looked through the peep hole.

Ext. Other Side of Door

Bunnie was seen by the front door as Saber opened the door for Stryker and Chaos 0. Saber got

out before bunnie grabbed him and snapped his neck. Bunnie laid the dead saber down as she

grabbed Stryker and went inside with manic following.

Int. Inside

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (to Sojourer) Where are they?

Sojourer: (panting) 3rd floor but you're wasting your time.

Bunnie: Oh, yeah? Whys that?


Bunnie and Manic heard it and before bunnie could do anything, several DL Echidnas with AK-

47s, and Miniguns, started surrounding them. Bunnie the looked at sojourer before eyeing his

pocket. She digged inside and took out a device for the alarm.

Bunnie: (surprised) Ah should've known.

Sojourer: Yeah. You should have.

It was then that 2 DL Echidnas struck Bunnie and Manic unconscious with the back of their guns.


Voice: Professional Hitman Bunnie Rabbot. Damn, it's good to see you.

Bunnie opened her eyes to see Meniker and Sgt. Simian in front of them. They were in the 3rd

floor in a factory-like room with boxes everywhere and bags and bags of narcotics, heroin, and

stuff everywhere. Many DL Echidnas were loading the drugs in order as Bunnie and Manic were

tied up. Bunnie looked around and didn't see rykor.

Menniker: (noticed) I asume that you're looking for Rykor. Well let's just say that he's

somewhere safe from harm's way.

Bunnie: (smirks) A coward's way out.

Menniker: I beg to differ. But it seems to mee that whenever a plan fails, it never go unpunished.

It soon hits bunnie like a jackhammer as she realized something.

Bunnie: You killed him, didn't you? You killed Spectre and did the same to nack, didn't you?

(Chuckles) Ah didn't think that you had a grudge against ya'll own guys, sugah.

Menniker: (approaches, kneels to bunnie) Why should you care if we killed them or not?

Bunnie: It's not that ah care. It's that they were mah target. What difference is it to you?

Menniker got up and turned his back to bunnie.

Menniker: I think the real question is here is: What difference is it whether you care about your

family...(echoes) or not. (Echoes)

The Echoing of Menniker's voice hits bunnie's head into a flashback of bunnie's killed mother and

father including her raped sister.

Bunnie: (looked at Menniker, softly) You killed them.

Menniker: (grins)

Bunnie: (with animosity) You son of a bitch.

Menniker: (laughed)

None of them realized that bunnie had an exacto knife trying to cut herself free. Manic soon

noticed but kept quiet.

Menniker: (turned around) I didn't know you cared. (Chuckles) I guess that makes you the

avenger, right? (Approaches her) Right?

Bunnie: (looks at him) No.

Menniker: No?

Bunnie: (shakes head) It makes me

Bunnie then surprised menniker at gunpoint to the head as Menniker was in utter surprise.

Bunnie: The Hunter.


Blood was coming out from Menniker's head as his body fell dead. Bunnie soon set manic free at

the same time Sgt. Simian, Sjourer, Chaos 0, Dimitri, and the DL Echidnas noticed their escape.

Sgt. Simian: Get Them!!

The DL Echidnas aimed their guns at them which are handguns, AK-47s, and such as they started

firing at them at the same time Bunnie and Manic got up and evading the ricocheting bullets.

Bunnie and Manic hid behind a drawer as bunnie took out 2 desert eagle from the drawers and

Manic took out his 2 handguns from the drawer. They soon got out of hiding before unloading on

them. Some of their bullets missed the DL Echidnas but it soon hits 3 of them and causing them to

stagger back and uncontrollably shoot out the light. Sparks were flying down to the ground as

lots of gunfire was heard and most of it was coming from bunnie's side. It was half dark in the

room as ricocheting bullets started flying and hitting the DL Echidnas.

(Slow Motion)

Bunnie and Manic started running left and right shooting bullets after bullets as some DL

Echidnas were shot dead.

Int. Back Door

(Regular Motion)

Sgt. Simian, Sojourer, Chaos 0, and Dimitri were seen exiting the back dor making their escape

with 8 briefcases of drugs inside.

Sgt. Simian: Come on! Let's go!

Sgt. Simian then closed the door behind him.

Int. 3rd Floor Room

The DL Echidnas were still firing at them as bunnie evades behind a metal pole with the bullets

ricocheting on it. Sparks were flying from the lights onto the ground.


Bunnie looked in manic's corner before nodding to him. Manic nods back before getting out his

hiding place at the same time bunnie did. The DL Echidnas started firing at them but missed with

every shot as bunnie and manic jumped and slided on the long table shooting at the DL Echidnas.

Some of them staggered back and one of them sloped on a wheeled chair and was knocked out

the window.

DL Echidna: (falling, screaming)

Bullets were flying like bullet time as they started impacting with walls and concrete. Bunnie and

Manic kept firing with some DL Echidnas staggering and falling dead. Bunnie was now on the

right landing on her feet and manic on the left as bunnie evades and released the magazines from

her 2 desert eagles and reloads. Some DL Echidnas started firing in her direction as bunnie got

out firing from 2 handguns running at them. This gives manic time to reload as bunnie gun blaze

her way through the DL Echidnas assassinating every one of them with bullets as lots of blood

was coming from thier bodies staggering them back. This kept going until they were all dead.

Manic started panting and sweating before wiping the sweat off his head. Bunnie threw her guns

down before approaching manic.

Bunnie: You okay, sugahog?

Manic: (panting) 100% of my body seems to be functional. Yeah.

(Sirens wailing)

Bunnie: (heard it, shakes head) Damn.

Ext. Outside

Police cars were parking in front of the building as some cops come out thier cars. Yanar,

Geoffrey, Amy, Griff, Julie-Su, and other DEA Agents were there too as they went inside.

Int. 3rd Floor Room

The policemens burst through the door and saw blood everywhere with dead bodies along too.

Yanar, and the others, came in and saw the mess.

Yanar: Good god. (Shakes head) Goddamn you, bunnie.

Ext. Outside

Yanar was seen heading outside before seeing bunnie and manic by their cars. Bunnie then

approached yanar not happy with the predictament.

Bunnie: Yanar, ah thought ah told you that ah don't want no backup! What the hell's the matter

with you?!

Yanar: Keeping tab's on you. It seems that I can't take the risk with you and my words aren't

good enough. (Digs in pocket) Put out your hands, now.

Bunnie: (looks at him) What, you arrestin' me?

Yanar: (takes out handcuffs) I told you that you would get arrested for this if you didn't stay off

the case. But you didn't listen.

Bunnie: Ah gave you mah reasons for wanting to be on case, yanar.

Manic: (spproaches yanar) Yanar, what are you doing?

Yanar: My job.

Manic: (retorts) Bullshit!

Yanar: (turned to manic) You listen to me, goddamnit. I warned her not to get involved in this

case twice and she disobeyed twice. (To Bunnie) Isn't that right, bunnie?

Bunnie: (long pause)

Bunnie could've figured that rykor has changed the location by computer. Manic looked at her

before bunnie spoke.

Bunnie: Yeah.

Yanar: Take her away.

The cops took her away and got bunnie in the car.

Voice: (V.O) You were a former hitman 6 years back, correct?

Int. Interrogation Room

On Bunnie

Bunnie: Yes.

Bunnie was seated in front of Caninestein as he continued.

Caninestein: (looks at paper) Your record her shows that you lived under an identity known as

"Marked", corrrect?

Bunnie: Yes.

Caninestein: An identity that's non-existence, correct?

Bunnie: No.

Caninestein: I see.

Bunnie: (leans on table) Listen, ah undastand why ah'm he-uh but you have to undastand that the-

uh are ruthless gangs, killers, and drug dealers all ova the city. And ah lived by an old saying from

mah family that sometimes you have to defeat evil by becoming it. Ah neva forgot about that.

Caninestein: (leans on table) You know, there's an old saying that I've heard of myself. "Ice of

Cold vengeance, fire of dark heart". You felt that when you spilled the blood of your evil enemies

even though you're a contract killer. I heard about what happened to your family. I would give

my greatest condolescenes.

Bunnie: (nods)

Caninestein: (sighs) Apparently, ever since that night, your grief, sorrow, hatred, and madness has

surfaced together creating a dark heart inside you. You think anything you do would bring your

family back?

Bunnie: (paused, sinister voice) No. But like an old saying goes "Revenge is sweet, best serve


Caninestein: Revenge doesn't work that way.

Bunnie: Sure it does.

Caninestein then got up knowing that there was nothing he could do to get through to her.

Caninestein: (sighs) Let's hope that you get a good lawyer. (Leaves)